Release numbering in a git workflow - issue-tracking

I've come across the following excellent blogpost on a git workflow model that works with release, develop, feature and bugfix branches:
It sounds like an excellent workflow and I am really eager to try it in production but one paragraph caught my attention and leaves me wondering.
It is exactly at the start of a release branch that the upcoming release gets assigned a version number—not any earlier. Up until that moment, the develop branch reflected changes for the “next release”, but it is unclear whether that “next release” will eventually become 0.3 or 1.0, until the release branch is started. That decision is made on the start of the release branch and is carried out by the project’s rules on version number bumping.
I'm wondering, how does this way of working reflect in your ticketing and bugtracking system? In JIRA and BugZilla we create "versions" that a ticket can belong to. Prior to switching to a release branch, what version does a ticket belong to when in the development branch? Do you have a version in your issuetracker for every branch?
And what about feature tickets that you know you are going to implement not in the upcoming release but in the release thereafter? Am I supposed to create a version "upcoming" and "future" for this kind of tickets?
Any insight in how this branching workflow reflects in ticket/issue management is appreciated!

Am I supposed to create a version "upcoming" and "future" for this kind of tickets
This is the basic idea. The key idea is that a current development will include some features part if the next release, and some which will ultimately be too complex and/or not ready in time and/or depending on other features which won't make it in said next release.
This is a bit like branches 'pu' and 'next' in the git repo itself.
In short, a feature ticket is rarely issued to a specific release number, while a bug fix ticket can be (2.1 for fixing release 2 for instance).


What if anything, is Symfony 3

I keep hearing about Symfony 3, in particular the new directory structure, but I can find nothing about a release date. Are there plans to release a new major iteration of symfony?
Yes there are plans but nothing definite yet.
The community section of the Symfony 2 site has plenty of information on these sorts of things.
The work on a new major version of Symfony starts whenever enough
major features breaking backward compatibility are waiting on the todo-list.
The next major version will be 3.0.
The next major long term release will be S2.7 schedule for May of 2015. I would not be surprised if serious work on S3.0 starts after that release but that is just a guess. Check the development mailing list and chat rooms for more information.

Advantages of a build server?

I am attempting to convince my colleagues to start using a build server and automated building for our Silverlight application. I have justified it on the grounds that we will catch integration errors more quickly, and will also always have a working dev copy of the system with the latest changes. But some still don't get it.
What are the most significant advantages of using a Build Server for your project?
There are more advantages than just finding compile errors earlier (which is significant):
Produce a full clean build for each check-in (or daily or however it's configured)
Produce consistent builds that are less likely to have just worked due to left-over artifacts from a previous build
Provide a history of which change actually broke a build
Provide a good mechanism for automating other related processes (like deploy to test computers)
Continuous integration reveals any problems in the big picture, as different teams/developers work in different parts of the code/application/system
Unit and integration tests ran with the each build go even deeper and expose problems that would maybe not be seen on the developer's workstation
Free coffees/candy/beer. When someone breaks the build, he/she makes it up for the other team members...
I think if you can convince your team members that there WILL be errors and integration problems that are not exposed during the development time, that should be enough.
And of course, you can tell them that the team will look ancient in the modern world if you don't run continuous builds :)
See Continuous Integration: Benefits of Continuous Integration :
On the whole I think the greatest and most wide ranging benefit of Continuous Integration is reduced risk. My mind still floats back to that early software project I mentioned in my first paragraph. There they were at the end (they hoped) of a long project, yet with no real idea of how long it would be before they were done.
As a result projects with Continuous Integration tend to have dramatically less bugs, both in production and in process. However I should stress that the degree of this benefit is directly tied to how good your test suite is. You should find that it's not too difficult to build a test suite that makes a noticeable difference. Usually, however, it takes a while before a team really gets to the low level of bugs that they have the potential to reach. Getting there means constantly working on and improving your tests.
If you have continuous integration, it removes one of the biggest barriers to frequent deployment. Frequent deployment is valuable because it allows your users to get new features more rapidly, to give more rapid feedback on those features, and generally become more collaborative in the development cycle. This helps break down the barriers between customers and development - barriers which I believe are the biggest barriers to successful software development.
From my personal experience, setting up a build server and implementing CI process, really changes the way the project is conducted. The act of producing a build becomes an uneventful everyday thing, because you literally do it every day. This allows you to catch things earlier and be more agile.
Also note that setting build server is only a part of the CI process, which includes setting up tests and ultimately automating the deployment (very useful).
Another side-effect benefit that often doen't get mentioned is that CI tools like CruiseControl.NET becomes the central issuer of all version numbers for all branches, including internal RCs. You could then enforce your team to always ship a build that came out of the CI tool, even if it's a custom version of the product.
Early warning of broken or incompatible code means that all conflicts are identified asap, thereby avoiding last minute chaos on the release date.
When your boss says "I need a copy of the latest code ASAP" you can get it to them in < 5 minutes.
You can make the build available to internal testers easily, and when they report a bug they can easily tell you "it was the April 01 nightly build" so that you can work with the same version of the source code.
You'll be sure that you have an automated way to build the code that doesn't rely on libraries / environment variables / scripts / etc. that are set up in developers' environments but hard to replicate by others who want to work with the code.
We have found the automatic VCS tagging of the exact code that produce a version very helpful in going back to a specific version to replicate an issue.
Integration is a blind spot
Integration often doesn't get any respect - "we just throw the binaries into an installer thingie". If ithis doesn't work, it's the installers fault.
Stable Build Environment
Prevents excuses such as "This error sometimes occurs when built on Joe's machine". Prevents using old dependent libraries accidentally when building on Mikes machine.
True dogfooding
You inhouse testers and users have a true customer experience. Your developers have a clear reference for reproducing errors.
My manager told us we needed to set them up for two major reasons. None were really to do with the final project but to make sure what is checked in or worked on is correct.
First to clean up DLL Hell. When someone builds on their local machine they can be pointing at any reference folder. Lots of projects were getting built with the wrong versions of dlls from someone not updating their local folder. In the build server it will always be built of the same source. All you have to do is get latest to get the latest references.
The second major thing for us was a way to support projects with little knowledge of them. Any developer can go grab the source and do a minor fix if required. They don't have to mess with hours of set up or finding references. We have an overseas team that works primarily on a project but if there is a rush fix we need to do during US hours we can grab latest and be able to build not have to worry about broken source or what didn't get checked in. Gated checkins save everyone else on your team time.

Forbid developer to commit code because of making weekly build

Our development team (about 40 developers) has a formal build every two weeks. We have a process that in the "build day", every developers are forbiden to commit code into SVN. I don't think this is a good idea because:
Build will take days (even weeks in bad time) to make and BVT.
People couldn't commit code as they will, they will not work.
People will commit all codes in a huge pack, so the common is hard to write.
I want know if your team has same policy, and if not how do you take this situation.
Pick a revision.
Check out the code from that revision.
Normally, a build is made from a labeled code.
If the label is defined (and do not move), every developer can commit as much as he/she wants: the build will go on from a fixed and defined set of code.
If fixes need to be make on that set of code being built, a branch can then be defined from that label, minor fixes can be made to achieve a correct build, before being merging back to the current development branch.
A "development effort" (like a build with its tweaks) should not ever block another development effort (the daily commits).
Step 1: svn copy /trunk/your/project/goes/here /temp/build
Step 2: Massage your sources in /temp/build
Step 3: Perform the build in /temp/build. If you encounter errors, fix them in /temp/build and build again
Step 4: If successful, svn move /temp/build /builds/product/buildnumber
This way, developers can check in whenever they want and are not disturbed by the daily/weekly/monthly/yearly build
Sounds frustrating. Is there a reason you guys are not doing Continuous Integration?
If that sounds too extreme for you, then definitely invest some time in learning how branching works in SVN. I think you could convince the team to either develop on branches and merge into trunk, or else commit the "formal build" to a particular tag/branch.
We create a branch for every ticket or new feature, even if the ticket is small (eg takes only 2 hours to fix).
At the end of each the coding part of each iteration we decide what tickets to include in the next release. We then merge those tickets into trunk and release software.
There are other steps within that process where testing is performed by another developer on each ticket branch before the ticket is merged to trunk.
Developers can always code by creating their own branch from trunk at any time. Note we are a small team with only 12 developers.
Both Kevin and VonC have well pointed out that the build should be made from a specific revision of the code and should not ever block the developers from committing in new code. If this is somehow a problem, then you should consider using another version management software which uses centralized AND local repositories. For example, in mercurial, there is a central repository just like in svn, but developers also have a local repository. This means that when a developer makes a commit, he only commits to his local repository and the changes will not be seen by other developers. Once he is ready to commit the code for other developers, then the developer just pushes the changes from his local repository to the centralized repository.
The advantage with this kind of an approach is that developers can commit smaller pieces of code, even if it would break a build, because the changes are only applied to the local repository. Once the changes are stable enough, they can be pushed to the centralized repository. This way a developer can have the advatange of source control even though the centralized repository would be down.
Oh, and you'll be looking at branches in a whole new way.
If you became interested in mercurial, check out this site:
I have worked on projects with a similar policy. The reason we needed such a policy is that we were not using branches. If developers are allowed to create a branch, then they can make whatever commits they need to on that branch and not interrupt anyone else -- the policy becomes "don't merge to main" during the weekly-build period.
Another approach is to have the weekly-build split off onto a branch, so that regardless of what gets checked in (and possibly merged), the weekly build will not be affected.
Using labels, as VonC suggested, is also a good approach. However, you need to consider what happens when a labeled file needs a patch for the nightly build -- what if a developer has checked in a change to that file since it was labeled, and that developer's changes should not be included in the weekly build? In that case, you will need a branch anyway. But branching off a label can be a good approach too.
I have also worked on projects that make branches like crazy and it becomes a mess trying to figure out what's happening with any particular file. Changes may be committed to multiple branches in the same timeframe. Eventually the merge conflicts need to be resolved. This can be quite a headache. Regardless, my preference is to be able to use branches.
Wow, thats an awful way to develop.
Last time I worked in a really large team we had about 100 devs in 3 time zones: USA, UK, India, so we could effectively have 24 hour development.
Each dev would check the build tree and work on what they had to work on.
At the same time, there would be continuous builds happening. The build would make its copy from the submitted code and build it. Any failures would go back to the most recent submitter(s) for code for that build.
Lots of builds, most of which compiled OK. These builds then started automatic smoke testing scenarios to find any unexpected bugs not found during testing priot to commiting.
Build failures found early, fixed early.
Bugs found early, fixed early.
Developers only wait the minimum time to submit (they have to wait until any other dev that is submitting has finished submitting - this requirement made so that the build servers have a point at which they can grab the source tree for a new build).
Most devs had two machines so they could work on a second bug while running their tests on the other machine (the tests were very graphical and would cause all sorts of focus issues, so you really needed a different machine to do other work).
Highly productive, continuous development with no deadtime as in your scenario.
To be fair, I don't think I could work in place that you describe. It would be soul destroying to work in such an unproductive way.
I strongly believe that your organization would benefit from Continuous Integrations, where you build very often, perhaps for every checkin to your code base.
Don't know if i'll get shot for saying this, but you should really move to a decentralized solution like GIT. SVN is horrible about this and the fact that you can't commit basically stops people from working properly. At 40 people this is worth it because each can continue working on their own stuff and only push what they want. The build server can do what it wants and build without affecting everyone.
Yet another example why Linus was right when saying that in almost all cases, a decentralized solution like git works best in real life teams.

How do Microsoft (and other software companies with a large installed base) manage patch dependencies?

OS (usually security-based) patches and hotfixes that Microsoft releases to the community normally consist of, in my understanding, a series of updated DLLs or other binaries.
How does Microsoft, and other companies like it, ensure that that hotfixes don't clash with each other? Do they always go for a cumulative patch approach, where a single hotfix will includes all of the fixes in previous hotfixes? This doesn't seem to be the case, because many hotfixes seem to be focused on fixing specific problems. If they are focused hotfixes, how do they prevent one hotfix from trashing another one (e.g. incompatible DLLs being installed with each other).
I have always admired Microsoft's ability to manage this process. The company I work for is much smaller, and when I worked on the patch process a few years ago, we always went for the cumulative approach, where a single patch immediately superseded all previous patches based on that release. This meant that the patches got progressively larger in size, until the next "official" release came out.
What are some good practices for managing patch dependencies?
First off, Microsoft Windows Installer has the ability to patch binaries directly. Given known earlier states of a file, it can bring them to a known current state. We used to do this for our Large Commercial Product, but after a couple of releases, it was taking upwards of 24 hours for our four-way systems to produce a patch - which isn't good when you have (or want to have) nightly builds.
After a while, we opted for cumulative fixes where we merely allowed upgrades. We check that you're at a lower level, and then basically replace the entire product. (We also had the case whereby the second or third "delta" was basically everything anyway.)
On Unix/Linux, we can't use MSWI, obviously, so we provide another installer which basically does the same thing: move all the files out of the way, install as if brand new, and then delete the backup. The reality is, for us in our business, this is sufficient. We haven't gotten any complaints that I'm aware of (and those complaints would hit me pretty quickly based on my current job) with people unhappy enough to actually call in and complain. Mostly, they want to get the newer level with the patches so they can get on with their real business. Oddly enough, their business isn't installing patches.

Patch vs. Hotfix vs. Maintenance Release vs. Service Pack vs

When you are somewhere between version 1 and version 2, what do you do to maintain your software?
The terms Patch, Hotfix, Maintenance Release, Service Pack, and others are all blurry from my point of view, with different definitions depending on who you talk to.
What do you call your incremental maintenance efforts between releases?
When I hear those terms this is what comes to mind:
Patch - Publicly released update to
fix a known bug/issue
Hotfix - update to fix a very
specific issue, not always publicly
Maintenance Release - Incremental
update between service packs or
software versions to fix multiple
outstanding issues
Service Pack - Large Update that
fixes many outstanding issues,
normally includes all Patches,
Hotfixes, Maintenance releases that
predate the service pack
That being said that isn't how we do updates at all. We just increment the version and/or build number (which is based on the date) and just call it an "Update". For most software I find that easier, you can easily see that one computer is running 1.1.50 vs 1.2.25 and know which is newer.
A hotfix is a fix for a specific issue which is applied while the system is still active (hot). This comes from the older terms like hotswapping and hotswitching. Yes, the term is commonly misused these days by people not involved in the industry.
I'd like to point to for an attempt to define version numbers in sane manner, and the definitions given there actually fit closely to how I use version numbers (or how I wish I used them :))
As for the term definitions, I find patch and hotfix very similar, except "hotfix" is usually not broadcast if done to a service.
Maintenance Release and Service Pack fit fairly closely to the two denominations of version numbers. if you have a version number structure like X.Y.Z, Maintenance Release would be the Z, Service Pack would be the Y. I've really only heard these terms in big, corporate products, though. I'm more acquainted with the minor/mayor version terms.
Of course, every shop has their own use of the terms, and it depends on which type of user you're targeting. For end-users of MMOs, for instance, every update is a "patch" because the user has to "patch their client" to apply it, while for end-users of more common software, you often just have the term "update" and "new version" (new mayor version).
