How to display show message to user after Response.close? -

In my web application i have to convert resx file to excelfile and then i should provide an option to download the converted file. I have done the download function using response.Addheader method. Now i wanted to display statics to the user of how many keys are converted from resx file to excel file.
I have placed an label to display no of keys migrated but the code is not exceuted after response.end. Pls help me to get this done

Short answer is that you cannot send some output once the response has closed.
Now to achieve what you want to do, you have to emit statistics along with link to download the actual excel file. For example,
Convert the file and store results into file system. You should use some random key (such as guid) for generating the file name.
Output statistics that you want to show to the user.
In the same output, emit a start-up java-script that would redirect the browser to the url that will download the file generated in step1 - the file name key will useful for creating such URL.
In rare cases where JS doesn't work or re-direct takes more time, The output from #2 should also contain a link that will allow user to download the file manually (the link will be accompanied with some friendly message)


Get file path & filename with asp:FileUpload, don't want file... just path and name

I am developing a .NET intranet site which will enable the user to see a list of files (file details stored in DB) and link to the actual PDF/XML/XLS and open it... kind of like a table of contents for the network.
During data entry, the user enters various data about a document, then browses to the file on the network and selects it using the asp:FileUpload. The codebehind then saves the network path to the DB. There is alot of overhead here because i'm sending the file to the server but never use it.
Everything has been working fine until someone tries to use a large PDF file then I get the dreaded MAXIMUM REQUEST LENGTH EXCEEDED error... So I'm trying to find a solution here... I do not need the actual file.. just the path and filename.
I know not all browsers send the full path but our systems have older browsers so everything is working fine now, but will probably break soon.. which is another reason to find a different solution.
I've looked into Javascript to pull the path but that won't work...
Any other ideas? Other ways to just grab the path and filename? (besides manually typing it in to a Text field)
This may help too
How to get the full path of a file from asp: file upload?
string filename = Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.FileName);//file name
string path= Server.MapPath(filename);//path

Determining .exe file in time of upload

I have developed File Upload web page in ASP.NET. Now user can rename a .exe file to txt or some other extension and upload the same. I want to restrict that. How I can implement that in ASP.NET?
The only safe way to do this is to get the byte [] from the file that has been posted and examine it to determine if the file is indeed in one of the formats you allow the user to upload. You don't need to save the file, you can just get the byte[] from the HttpPostedFile object.
Other than examining the content (looking for magic numbers, for example) there isn't an infallible way to make sure that the user is not attempting to upload something that you don't allow.

Script in .ASP to create new page on server

I want to make an ASP script that can create a new page on the webserver and tell it what content that will be in the new .asp file.
How can i do that? :)
What you want to do is not to create a new page for each request. Instead you want to pre-create an ASP page that dynamically ouputs the a file based on the input of the user.
In your example of uploading a file to display. What you probably want to do is store the uploaded file somewhere and then create another ASP page that reads in the uploaded file and displays it using Response.binarywrite or response.write. Don't create a new ASP page for each uploaded file.
So for the sake of example, you would create an ASP script called "DisplayUploadedFile.asp" the code inside it would read in the file (wherever you are storing it on the server (for example in a DB) and then write it back out. The users would hit the same page regardless of which uploaded file they wanted to see with a parameter telling the script which to display. For example DisplayUploadedFile.asp?fileID=12
CAUTION: It is extremely dangerous security-wise to let users upload content that is displayed to other users. Don't do this unless you understand at a very high level what steps are necessary to make this functionality secure. Based on your question, I think it might be prudent to get a more senior programmer to review your solution before you publish it.

Download a file stored in database

I have file content in sql database as binary format and also saved the file with its extension .
I want to have pop up for save as ,so that client can save the file on her system in the same document format.
i.e if it .doc then it should get save in .doc format only.
Please provide the code for the same.
You need to
Set up IIS to to handle files of the types you want. For example, you need to map .pdf, .jpg, etc, to be handled by the dll. Also is important to make sure "Verify file exists" is off:
Create a HTTP Handler for the files to retrieve the binary from the database and .BinaryWrite it out to the output stream:
Set up your web.config file to map the file types required to the handler you created (this is detailed in the url provided for point 2)
You say that you want it to open as a download box, and not just open in the browser. To do this you have to use the content-disposition HTTP header. So in your custom handler you write, make sure to add a header specifiying the content-disposition as attachment. will tell you what you need.
I want to have pop up for save as ,so
that client can save the file on her
system in the same document format.
i.e if it .doc then it should get save
in .doc format only.
You take care of this when you write out the content disposition HTTP header. Refer to the MS link I provided and make sure you specify a filename with the correct extension.
Also note the comments above. If this helps you, you need to accept it as the answer. Also go back and accept some answers on your older questions. Otherwise people are not inclined to help you. I will help you again if you mark this as answer, or leave me a comment about why it does not answer your question.
Good luck

Deleting Application Temp File from ASP.Net

I have a WebPage where I am giving the option to to Export the Form data to PDF. I am creating the PDF at run time and store the PDF in a "PDF" folder which is under my application directory. After creating the PDF with the SessionID name I Call following function to show the PDF file in the new browser window:
ResponseHelper.Redirect(Response, "~/PDF/" + Session.SessionID + ".pdf", "_Blank", "");
This PDF contains the private information related to the logged in user. Therefore, I want a way to delete this PDF file once it is shown in the browser to the user. This is because the IIS server allows whole development team to view this folder which is a security risk, and we can't disallow user to view this folder on the server.
Therefore, if I could delete this file as soon as it is loaded in the browser could be a solution of this security risk.
Can anyone suggest some better ways of deleting this file as soon as possbile from the application?
what i guess is you are creating PDF file on runtime using Itext and then you save that PDF file in temp directory to show it to user... why don't you use
this will write the whole file on the stream without saving it in temp folder.
One way is to write an ashx handler which streams the pdf to the browser, then deletes it when done.
Another, and much better way, is to simply build the PDF in memory (NOT using session) and stream it as soon as it's ready.
I'm doing this with a slightly modified version of iTextSharp. Basically, iTextSharp performed all of it's operations in memory, then saved the file to disk. I changed this to return the memory stream. All the code is already there, it was really just a line or two that had to change.
Then, I used a response.binarywrite to push the stream directly to the browser. viola! no files on disk.
An ashx handler is just like an aspx page, only it has one entry point and doesn't do all of the page processing garbage. It's light weight and communicates back to the browser by response.write calls.
