trying to create a div below a div css - css

I realize this is a a pretty basic question, and perhaps I'm taking advantage of you all while I should be sifting through some dense css books/materials. But I can't figure out why my code doesn't work.
I'm trying to create two divs on a page, one below the other and it seems like I should be able to give the lower and absolute position which is below the top div.
I've got to div box whose css layouts are all the same but they don't look anything like eachother. Why is it that the second one looks completely unlike the first, why can't I make a "copy" of the first and place it below the first?
Heres the code. the top is the desired scroller is the desired effect.

Take out the IDs on the divs and/or add the class .same and then switch the #lasteventimg styles to .same. Remove the #2 styles.

You don't have to use absolute positioning to position one div below another.
Check out this, a jsFiddle I did to demonstrate how to get one div below another.

since you are trying to achieve the exact same effect on both divs and all the contained elements - why not define a class that is applied to each div. div is a block level element, so they will stack on top of one another by default - no absolute positioning needed.
Here is your code, with the addition of the class eventimg and slightly modified CSS

Like mentioned prior if you are duplicating the same effect on two divs, change the styling to a class and use it on both. Secondly an ID cannot start with a number, otherwise the styling will not take affect. Change it to secondEventImage or similar. If you are programming websites, I would suggest using Firefox and plugin Firebug. It allows you to check if the styling is being applied and make quick edits to view how things will be prior to making changes in the code.
CODE - Example
div#two {margin-left: 10%;margin-right: 10%;overflow-x: scroll;overflow-y: hidden;}
div#two ul {list-style: none;height: 100%;width: 8000px;}
div#two ul li{float:left;}
div#two img {width: 200px;float: left;}
div.sameDivs {..........}
div.sameDivs ul {..........}
div.sameDivs ul li {..........}
div.sameDivs img {..........}
<div id="lasteventimg" class="sameDivs"> ....... </div>


Using css to change the order of HTML elements

If there is a specific name for the following thing, please tell me so I can make some proper research (so far what came up from my searches was things with the z index which is something totally different).
Alright, Consider the following situation. You have:
<div class="foo">Foo</div>
<div class="bar">bar</div>
Suppose the classes are defined in css sheets, so when you add another css sheet they change.
For the properties like font, color, bg it clear to me.
The question is how to modify their position. Consider that I want the following output:
(you can only change the css) 'Foo' to be second, 'bar' to be first. 'foo' and 'bar' to be on one row.
PS: if there is a specific name for this (changing position with css styles) please tell me.
Changing index is not possible through css you can just style them:
.foo{ position: relative; top: 20px;}
.bar{ position: relative; top: -20px;}
There is a further more you can do it with a wrapper like this example:
You have several options to position divs with css.
position is one of them.
For a more flexible solution you can also use float.
Whatever you need on the right assign float:right;
Whatever you need on the left assign float:left;
Try manipulating position css attribute with top, left, bottom, right as required. If you want them to be one after another horizontally, you can try float:left
Yes, you have to use css floats to achieve it.
A float simply pushes elements to a specified direction and stacks up according to available space.
To get the result you need to apply this,
.foo, .bar { float: right; }
Make sure you have these tags wrapped in a parent element and make it as inline-block, or else they will float to end of full block
Check this fiddle

Why does the div get misaligned if I add position:absolute (css) within a position:relative div?

I'm learning HTML/CSS and I encountered a problem. I'm currently working on as a side project.
From, I learned that the best way to structure a layout with a div is to give the inner a position:absolute, and the outer a position:relative. This works.
However, this throws the alignment off as soon as I add the position:absolute (I want the profile cards side-by-side). Without the position absolute, everything gets shifted if I want to alter the layout of the profile card. As you can see on the bottom two profile cards, they align as those aren't altered.
Can anybody point me in the right direction?
I also know that my code is pretty messy and that's what I really need to get better at... any other suggestions on how I can improve my code would also be useful.
You can throw a float: left onto your outer class and that should get them sitting side by side again. You may want to read up on using floats at some point as they can be very powerful (if a little hard to get your head around at first)
.outer {
width: 49%;
display: inline-block;
float: left;
BTW, I notice you using id="outer" multiple times. You should change this to class="outer" as an ID should be unique, whereas a class can be used multiple times. You'll see in the above CSS that I've used .outer as I'm targeting by a class name (rather than #outer which targets by ID)
Interesting problem you have found. I can't tell you exactly why it is behaving this way but it appears to be related to having text directly in the #box div or not. If you remove the "test" from the second one it aligns as you would expect. Likewise, if you put the exact same content in the second div as the first, they align.
For improvements I would start by never re-using an id (like you are doing with #outer and #box for example, these should be classes). The id attribute needs to be unique, no two DOM-elements should have the same id.
I would also suggest using a ul for #businesscards sice it represents a list of cards. This would make #outer an li. You did this in #navlist so you know what I mean.
Give just vertical-align: top; to your #outer div. The problem will be solved.
As this happens only to child elements, give something like this to solve the issue:
div > * { /* or just '*' */
vertical-align: top; /* or middle */

CSS width issue on absolute right positioned element

I have a drop down navigation that works perfectly when positioned via a left CSS property.
You can see that the dropdown adjusts to the width of the content, however I would like to position right. When I do the width of the drop down will not adjust to the content. You can see this behavior at the fiddle below.
Any help is appreciated, also any knowledge into what is causing this behavior is also appreciated.
The right: 100px in ul seems to be setting a width of 100px.
If that does not need to be positioned absolute, then use float: right; and use margin-right: 100px; instead.
Ok so basically, from what I can see, the issue was being caused by using the element (in this case ul) directly as the selector.
I believe this was interfering with the below ul elements within your CSS. Simply changing the first CSS rule from ul to your ID (Navigation_Main) fixes the issue.
Fixed example >
Have you tried using div's instead of the unorder list (ul) element. As you are using CSS to striping off all the default styling that makes a "ul" a list element why not use a div to start with. I can't guarantee it will solve the problem but it eliminates unnecessary CSS and you might beable to spot the issue more easily
And in reality shouldn't a ul only be used for bullet point items, in a text document?

CSS: width of a <a>

I'm trying to do something pretty simple: an <a> tag with a background image. The code is found here,
The problem is that for some reason I can't set the width of the <a> tag in this code. If I had just a normal background and set it with a width it works fine. However seems like if I do it this way I have no control over the width. Ideally I want all the links to have highlights of the same width.
The reason I'm doing this is that I want a different background image for each of the links, so I'm forced to define all those a.class1, a.class2 stuff.
Add display:inline-block; to your 'a' elements. By default 'a' is display:inline and so does not establish box with width/height.
yea c-smile beat me to it just put display: block in your css, however if your going to do a.class1, a.class2 and so on with new pictures put it in your ul li a instead of in the a.class1 a.class2 and so on then you only have to write the code once.

CSS margin problem

I am new to CSS, so please bear with me. I have this form which I'm trying to style. Everything works fine, except the confirmation label which is in a div. I want some space to be there between div.field, and while this works for all the input elements, it doesn't work for the label message which is at the bottom. I tried increasing margin-top, but to no avail. I would like that element to be positioned in the center.
Using the web-developer addon of Firefox, it shows me that the width and height of div.field of label tag specifically is 284px and 209px respectively. Why is this so, when I haven't set it that way?
You can view the code live at jsfiddle:
The solution is simple, really. Add a margin-top to the parent of the label element, and add overflow: hidden to the div#contact div .field selector.
However, can I just say that the code can be rewritten for much better efficiency and semantic correctness. For instance, I would contain the last massage in a p tag and not a label in a div. Also, I would have each input element placed in an unordered list ul instead of divs. You also have a lot of unnecessary floats and the br at the end of each input is wholly uneeded. Oh, and unless you are embedding Calluna somehow, don't use it - stick to web safe fonts (and if you are, you still need to suggest an alternative, in the user's browser does not support it, and also to give the browser something to display while the font loads).
Fixed the load for ya, I should be paid for this kind of stuff :) Just stick to better HTML and CSS next time.
To center you could add a parent container
<div id="parent">
<label id="label">Your Message Has Been Sent</label>
div#parent {
or add an id to your original parent div to target it with above css
with regards to the margin, you seem to have an issue with a float:left being set in the
div#contact div input[type=text] class. You need to clear this as it could be causing you margin problems. Try removing this and amending your styles. Why are you floating the inputs left?
