How do I protect against XSS in CSS? - css

I'm looking at allowing users of our online system to control their own .css files with us by simply including them on a user by user basis.
What is the best way to avoid any potential XSS attacks in said files?
Is it possible to completely protect ourselves at all?
It would be possible for us to host the files for them and obviously then check them ourselves but it would be more convenient for our users to be able to update them as well.

The problem with allowing CSS is that many clever attacks can occur. CSS can be very dangerous indeed.
Some CSS expressions allow executing arbitrary JavaScript. This is difficult to prevent by blacklisting, so I'd suggest whitelisting.
Additionally, someone may create a CSS file that changes the page to impersonate another site, another page, or maybe it cleverly orients other elements on the page. Imagine if someone were able to position their own login form above your real one. Then they could intercept login requests. Depending on how your site is set up, this may or may not be possible; but be forewarned! Some know this as clickjacking.

Firstly, exercise caution, as others have said. Beyond that though, try and white-list the valid inputs you'd expect in the file. See if you can locate any libraries for your chosen framework (you haven't mentioned what this is), that can validate a string for CSS structure compliance.
The other thing you might to consider is parameterising certain CSS attributes and allowing users to configure them (i.e. color, font etc). This would significantly mitigate your risk as it takes out the ability to arbitrarily create your own malicious CSS (and conversely, create your own innocent CSS!)
As for your original question "Is it possible to completely protect ourselves at all?", that's easy - no!


Custom CSS security

I'm doing work on a website, and a user can create a custom CSS stylesheet. I understand that there will always be a danger in this, but is there any way that I could make my validation more secure? I'm using this:
$customCSS = $_POST["submittedCustomCSS"]; //put user's submitted stylesheet into variable
$customCSS = htmlspecialchars($customCSS); //hopefully validate it?
file_put_contents("../custom.css", $customCSS); //save user's stylesheet
The page the custom CSS is displayed on is PHP-enabled, and the CSS is shown through <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $postID; ?>/custom.css">
Is there any way to make this more secure? Thanks in advance! :)
htmlspecialchars($customCSS); //hopefully validate it?
No, this is not sufficient. This may stop the CSS from escaping a </style> element in which it is embedded, but does nothing to prevent the CSS from styling arbitrary elements on the page, or from loading custom fonts or from abusing other problematic features of CSS whose security implications are still poorly understood.
If a custom stylesheet can be applied to any page that it's author cannot access, then you need to be significantly more strict than this. There are ways that custom stylesheets can be exploited to steal data like Credit-Card numbers or XSRF tokens that don't need to run JS.
For example, if one user can elect to use another user's custom stylesheet, then that could lead to a security vulnerability, and you should not require users to be able to read and vet a CSS file to use features of your site safely.
"Scriptless Attacks – Stealing the Pie Without Touching the Sill" explains some of the ways injected CSS can be problematic:
We show that CSS markup, which is traditionally considered to be only
used for decoration/display purposes, actually enables an
attacker to perform malicious activities.
We introduce several novel attacks that we call
scriptless attacks, as an attacker can obtain the credit card
number by injecting markup to this page without relying on
any kind of (JavaScript) code execution.
Neither of the discussed attacks depends on user interaction
on the victim’s part, but uses a mix of benign HTML, CSS
and Web Open Font Format (WOFF [23]) features combined
with a HTTP-request-based side channel to measure and ex-
filtrate almost arbitrary data displayed on the website.
Because Microsoft added CSS expressions as a proprietary extension to Internet Explorer, handling untrusted CSS securely is more complex than simply encoding it correctly. To do this properly you need to parse the CSS then only output things matching a whitelist. Unless you do this, it's trivial to inject JavaScript into the page for Internet Explorer visitors.
An alternative approach would be to only accept valid CSS, however I'd be concerned that Microsoft might try to sneak something in inside comments or something like they did with HTML.

Is a cross-domain attack via stylesheet possible?

I need to implement a flexible styling system for web pages that are created by users of my web application.
Ideally I would like to allow them to use CSS. Is linking to a style sheet at a user defined url a Bad Idea? Why? Is it possible to do this safely?
What would your approach to this be? I am trying to avoid building a style 'editor'. Though using an off the shelf one might be an option, suggestions?
Is it possible to do this safely?
Depends on how you define "safely". An external style sheet could make things look ugly, or play shenanigans with existing control elements on the site. You won't be able to prevent that as it's going to be impossible to detect. Here is a nice overview of malicious things one can do that way.
Also, obviously, CSS can trigger requests to any kind of URL by setting a background-image or similar. The browser will notice if the URL is not a valid image resource but the request will always happen. This way, one could provoke a password prompt to come up that the site's user may mistake for his own login prompt.
I'm not aware of any scripting attack vectors through CSS, although I'm pretty sure that IE's behavior could be one. I would definitely strip out those.
There is a related question on Stack Overflow but none of the vulnerabilities pointed out in the accepted answer works with pure external style sheets.
Yes. It can be a vector. This bit livejournal.
LiveJournal contains a flaw that allows a remote cross site scripting attack. This flaw exists because the application does not validate CSS style attributes in the '/cgi-bin/' script before being saved. This could allow a user to create a specially crafted URL that would execute arbitrary code in a user's browser within the trust relationship between the browser and the server, leading to a loss of integrity. Read more at
Caja's Attack Vectors Wiki explains how expression and moz-binding and similar mechanisms can allow arbitrary code execution.
Crafted CSS stylesheets can execute unsanitized javascript in the global scope on some browsers.
IE 5 and later (but not IE 8 or later in "standards mode").
Mozilla/Firefox, versions not known.
<div id='oDiv' style='left:expression(alert("hello"), 0)'>
Example DIV
</div> = 'left:expression(alert("hello"), 0)';
<input style='-moz-binding: url("");'>
div {
-moz-binding: url(data:text/xml;charset=utf-8,%3C%3Fxml%20version%3D%221.0%22%3F%3E%0A%3Cbindings%20id%3D%22xbltestBindings%22%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A//;
} = 'url("")';
<li style="behavior:url( url(">List Item</li>
Is it possible to do this safely?
Yes. You can white-list CSS properties and strip out any you don't judge to be safe.
Caja defines white-lists in JSON format that allow a large subset of CSS to be used while banning those that might execute code.

What is the benefit of writing meaningful css .class and #id names?

What is the benefit of writing meaningful css .class and #id names? Do screen readers speak to help the user understand the meaning and purpose of content inside the tags?
Generally-speaking, it's beneficial for the developer/designer only.
Again, as all your recent questions on semantics, the answer stays the same:
It all depends on the data-context of the entity in question.
If your element holds a meaningful field, it is useful to assign it a class (even if you do not want to apply CSS to it) just to easily define that particular field:
<span class="username">Andrew Moore</span>
Doing so has the following advantages:
It easily identifies the field's content in your code.
It increases maintainability.
It helps parsers and third-party applications to fetch this field's value.
Microformats are just a larger example of this. Simply put, they are a set of pre-defined elements and attributes that hold a particular set of data, meant to ease parsing by third-party tools.
Other answers are good, but I will focus on the scraping/third party tools aspect here.
Case 1 is spiders and crawling like search engines. If they parse your page and see something like id="username", they will be more likely to figure out some meaning in that than id="div-style-32". Granted, I'm not sure Google is doing this sort of thing now, but it could be if more people were better about it.
Case 2 is people writing scripts to pull down the HTML and process it in order to extract its content as data. Pretty much anyone who wants to do this can with any markup, its just a matter of how annoying it is. Cleaner and more well described markup allows the scraper script to more easily find the information it needs due to it's increased semantics.
This also includes things like browser extensions or Greasemonkey scripts that allow users to alter the behavior of the site. It will be easier to create these modifications with cleaner markup.
But if you don't want people scraping or modifying your site with client side extension, there is little you can do about from a technical standpoint. You can't stop it, you can only make it more of a pain in the ass. And the benefits of maintainability for the site developers are huge. So really, why not?
In short it makes all the different things you or others could do with your site easier to do.
You don't do it for the machines but for the humans.
If we only cared about machines we'd still be coding in assembly :)

Best practice for preventing saving malicious client script in HTML

We have an ASP.NET custom control that lets users enter HTML (similar to a Rich text box). We noticed that a user can potentially inject malicious client scripts within the <script> tag in the HTML view. I can validate HTML code on save to ensure that I remove any <script> elements.
Is this all I need to do? Are all other tags other than the <script> tag safe? If you were an attacker, what else would you attempt to do?
Any best practices I need to follow?
EDIT - How is the MS anti Xss library different from the native HtmlEncode for my purpose?
XSS (Cross Site Scripting) is a big a difficult subject to tackle correctly.
Instead of black-listing some tags (and missing some of the ways you may be attacked), it is better to decide on a set of tags that are OK for your site and only allowing them.
This in itself will not be enough, as you will have to catch all possible encodings an attacker might try and there are other things an attacker might try. There are anti-xss libraries that help - here is one from Microsoft.
For more information and guidance, see this OWASP article.
Have a look at this page:
to get an idea of different XSS attacks that somebody may try.
There's a whole lot to do when it comes to filtering out JavaScript from HTML. Here's a short list of some of the bigger points:
Multiple passes over the input is required to make sure that what you removed before doesn't create a new injection. If you're doing a single pass, things like <scr<script></script>ipt>alert("XSS!");</scr<script></script>ipt> will get past you since after your remove <script> tags from the string, you'll have created a new one.
Strip the use of the javascript: protocol in href and src attributes.
Strip embedded event handler attributes like onmouseover/out, onclick, onkeypress, etc.
White lists are safer than black lists. Only allow tags and attributes that you know are safe.
Make sure you're dealing with all the same character encoding. If you treat the input like ASCII (single byte) and the input has Unicode (multibyte) characters, you're going to get a nasty surprise.
Here's a more complete cheat sheet. Also, Oli linked to a good article at with samples to test your filtration.
Removing only the <script> tags will not be sufficient as there are lots of methods for encoding / hiding them in input. Most languages now have anti-xss and anti-csrf libraries and functions for filtering input. You should use one of these generally agreed upon libraries to filter your user input.
I'm not sure what the best options are in ASP.NET, but this might shed some light:
This is called a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attack. They can be very hard to prevent, as there are a lot of surprising ways of getting JavaScript code to execute (javascript: URLs, sometimes CSS, object and iframe tags, etc).
The best approach is to whitelist tags, attributes, and types of URLs (and keep the whitelist as small as possible to do what you need) instead of blacklisting. That means that you only allow certain tags that you know are safe, rather than banning tags that you believe to be dangerous. This way, there are fewer possible ways for people to get an attack into your system, because tags that you didn't think about won't be allowed, rather than blacklisting where if you missed something, you will still have a vulnerability. Here's an example of a whitelist approach to sanitization.

Is it safe to allow users to edit css?

I have a web application where I would like to allow end users to customise the look of the web site by uploading their own css file.
Are there any security issues with this? I can't see anything obvious but thought I'd ask in case there was anything I'd missed.
Javascript can be executed in CSS, you have to make sure that you are using some filtering.
I have also seen incidents where someone has covered the entire page on a microsoft controlled site with a transparent pixel, linking to a malicious site. Clicking anywhere triggered the attackers site to appear.
This could however be safe if the user only sees his or her own CSS, and they would have no way of someone else viewing what they have done. Otherwise some sort of whitelist or markdown would work.
Short answer: no it isn't. HTC in IE and XBL in Mozilla are both potential attack vectors. A hack of this nature was used to steal 30,000 MySpace passwords a while back.
Source: Simon Willison, Web Security Horror Stories
I wouldn't do it because CSS can show an image that could exploit some OS vulnerability in example.
Depending on your server and configurations, it may be possible to run server-side code from a CSS file (though, this isn't default behavior on servers I know).
Short answer: no. First bad things that come to mind are MSIE expressions.
If these CSS files are available to all site users, and not just the person who uploaded, then there's a possible XSRF vector - you could include links to offsite resources in the CSS which perform "undesirable" effects to the user requesting them.
You may get customer support overhead if a user with his custom CSS screws the screen to that extent that he won't find the controls to reset it back. In which case you as admin will need to do it manually.
For that case a possible solution. Arrange for a specific Url to reset the style. Something like:
And advice to the user when he's about to modify the style to remember this Url and just follow it if things have gone out of control. When hit, the custom styles will be deactivated.
