Wordpress theme not displaying (after updating to 3.1.3) - wordpress

I'm building a custom Wordpress theme that was working but at some point the theme stopped loading in Wordpress and Wordpress switched back to the default TwentyTen.
I think it may have had to do with upgrading to 3.1.3. Any pointers on how to debug this?

Turn on WP_DEBUG in config file

Aslo except for WP_DEBUG when themes are not showing up and just displays blank pages there is usually a quick fix:
Change to another theme in the admin panel
Change back to the theme that was not working
If the theme has a hyphen in the name, remove it.
Check so that all the files are in their proper place
Check so that all the files are named right
When the theme doesn't have a screenshot it's hard to spot, even though it's in the list. Check again carefully.


Classic editor, incomplete at that, after WordPress 5.9.3 update. For Posts only it seems

I cannot edit my posts after an update to WordPress 5.9.3. They show up in classic editor format with no visual/text editor section. The same is not happening with my Pages though (they appear in block editor). I am using the blocksy theme but the issue does not go away with the Twenty Twenty-Two theme as well. Just to clarify, I want the block editor.
Make a backup.
Deactivate all plugins and test if it works. Change the theme and test if it works.

Wordpress theme core files not reflecting changes when edited as child theme

I concluded to use a theme called MagazineNP for a site project, created the child theme with necessary files and could edit safely and the result pops up.
For the past 4days I've had an issue with the theme core files, when I copy it to my child theme to get it edited and saved, It wont show up on site but It shows if I edited it via the parent theme...
Please help, I'm still a beginner.
I can recommend you a little list of tips first they are pretty basic but always help when nothing else does:
Clean your browser cache
If you have included some cache plugins flush the website cache
Review if the theme has any function to disallow changes in child-theme
Review if the theme has any optimization function enable and turn it off
One you have tried all this and nothing works enable the child theme again and do a simple edit put some echo code in the PHP file or an HTML tag and see if this works or don't

Modifying a template part don't do anything

I try to modify a theme in WP and I just noticed that modifying a template part doesn't do anything. How is that possible? Tried on different browser to check if its cached and its not, how do I modify a theme part?
I'm using Academia Theme with LearnPress Plugin. I've made a Child theme and I'm trying to modify a file that is a theme part called content-course_list.php which is exactly the html that appears in the segment I want to modify. I just try to change a simple text that is "Read more". I found it, changed it and it doesn't update. I even put it in the child theme folder to make sure it gets it from there and nothing..
I don't use any cache plugins and the host is local (xampp).
It seems the theme has a "core" plugin (academia-core) as well, where its using some shortcode templates for parts of the website. I managed to find the text by its css class (found with chrome inspect in the page) while I searched in all the php files from theme and plugins. I hope this answer helps someone in the future.

Wordpress Edit Page not working

I am running on the latest version of wordpress.
I am clicking on edit page of a Home Page, however, wordpress is not allowing me to edit the page.
also when clicking on edit post, the font is white on the visual editor and this is very frustrating.
So kindly please help.
Step to perform
Deactivate all plugins. Yes... ALL plugins.
Switch to the default 2014 theme.
Manually empty and refresh your browser cache.
Only after you perform all three steps.. will you see the content editor load properly.
Why need to do this step
You have to deactivate all plugins to rule out possible interference from a plugin.
You have to switch to the default theme because... well... we know it works.
You have to manually empty your browser cache because the tinymce editor is notorious for holding onto and serving cached files from the server.
Now, after your editor is working properly again... reactivate your theme.
If it continues working... it's not your theme. Begin reactivating plugins (one at a time) going back to check the editor.
You will eventually find the faulty plugin (or theme) that is preventing the editor from displaying properly.
"Edit Page" - all of the text in the edit box is in white font
Try adding define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false ); to the bottom of your wp-config.php file (just before the require_once line).

Fishpig Magento Extension: Homepage and sidebar widgets not working

When I add widgets to my "First Front Page Widget Area" nothing appears on my homepage.
I am using WordPress template Twenty Twelve. I created a "home" page and assigned it to be a "Front Page Template". I also customized the template to show the static page "home". I assigned the recent posts to show on homepage as a tests and nothing shows, just the page title (Home).
I tried changing my file Fishpig_Wordpress.xml (under app/etc/modules/) to Fishpig_Wordpress.xml.old, but this made WordPress inaccessible (404 error), so I changed the name back to Fishpig_Wordpress.xml.
Lastly, I tried updating the the extension to the latest version (stable) and still the widgets are not showing.
Anybody knows what else I can do or what might be preventing my widgets from working?
Thank you!
Firstly, the app/etc/modules/Fishpig_Wordpress.xml file is the bootstrap file for this extension. This file instructs Magento where the code lives for this file. Deleting - or renaming - this file will not fix any issues but will disable the module (you may need a cache refresh for this change to be acted on).
With the latest version of the extension, widgets should work in the left or right columns of your Magento template. To ensure this, happens, enable the Twenty Twelve theme (which you have done) and ensure you are using the latest version of wordpress.xml. Check your custom theme's layout folder for wordpress.xml and rename it wordpress.xml.old, as this will force Magento to use the latest version of the file in base/default. After doing this, you will need to refresh your layout XML cache.
Next, ensure that you actually have some widgets enabled. To test this, enable a default widget like the Search widget or the Recent Posts.
The above is generic advice for people who can't get widgets to display. Your situation is slightly different as it sounds like widgets work for you, just not on your custom homepage. If this is correct, check that your custom WP page is using a template that has a sidebar column. You can do this by checking the HTML source. Alternatively, reply to this answer with your URL and I'll take a look.
