Adding one point to a flex line series without everything getting redrawn - apache-flex

I have an air app that collects live data from a user's action and graphs it. It records data every second and charts it on three different line series from the same array collection.
This works out great at first, but it gets worse and worse as time goes by. When it gets close to an hour it's almost unusable.
I'd like to be able to add a point to the graph and have flex JUST draw the new point and not invalidate the whole series and redraw it. Is this possible? I'm willing to override something to make this work.
My last ditch effort is to take the average of 5 or 10 points and only adding those. This will still work poorly when the user is going for 3 hours or so, but I can't think of a better way.

First, I wouldn't use ArrayCollection, but ArrayList since it's faster than ArrayCollection. Even better would to use VectorCollection.
Second, the Flex charts are made to be easy to use, but not very good at going 'outside the specs'. What you'll need to do is override the core functionality of the chart altogether for this to work, however that is a fairly daunting task because of the sheer amount of code involved in charts.
I would recommend you either create your own very quick and dirty component that draws the lines (it's fairly easy, I've done it myself) or use another charting library out there like Flare.

I added a UIComponent that overlaid the whole graph. I then used a cartesiandatacanvas to convert the current data point to x/y coordinates on the screen and did a lineTo to draw from the last point.
This lets me keep drawing the graph without a total reload of the data.
Each point is inserted into a sqlite db. If the chart is resized I clear the and query the sqlite db and bind the data to it. If the user plays the chart from there I leave the currently drawn lines on the chart and continue using the above method.


Shinobi charts recreating every time

I am using shinobicharts ChartFragment. I have scenario that each time I have to load the chart with different data within same activity i.e I am not recreating that activity. But I am failed to do this. It not recreating and not clearing the series which I previously set to that chart.
Can anybody help, how can I remove old series in that chart and load new series each time? I tried shinobiChart().removeSeries() but it didn't work.
If you wish to dynamically load new data, you do not necessarily need to remove the series. Instead you can simply add data points to your data adapter. You will find the following methods useful:, com.shinobicontrols.charts.Data), java.util.Collection>)>)
In these api docs you will also find similar methods to remove data points.
One thing to bear in mind is that adding or removing a data point to / from a SimpleDataAdapter class instance which is set on a series will trigger a redraw of that series. If you are working with large numbers of data points, this might not be performant. In this case a more suitable approach might be to temporarily remove the data adapter from the series, perform the modification to the data and then re add the data adapter back to the series. Alternatively you might like to implement your own DataAdapter and control when you instruct the chart to redraw that series (via the fireUpdateHandler method).
You can of course remove the series itself and add a new one, but this approach is potentially inefficient. That said, if you wish to remove a series from a chart you need to use the following method:
In order for this method to be successful you will first need to obtain a reference to the correct series, which you must pass to this method as a parameter.
I hope that you find this information useful. If you need any further help please if possible post any relevant code, such as that which you use to create your fragments and set up your chart.
Thanks and kind regards,
Disclaimer - I work for ShinobiControls.

Working with google maps api

I am trying to build a map based query interface for my website and I am having difficulty finding a starting point besides I assume this is a rather simple task but I feel as though I am on a wild goose chase. Anyway the problem is the existing site places people into a category based on their address (primarily the zip code), this is not working out because of odd shapes and user density so I would like to solve the problem by creating custom zones.
I am not looking for a proprietary solution because I would really like to accomplish this on my own, I just need some better places to start or better suggestions for searches.
I understand that I will need to create a map with my predetermined polygons.
I understand how to create a map with polygons via js.
I do not understand how data will request which zone it is within and how it will return it as a hash I can store. eg. user=>####, zone=>####, section=>#####
has some JS you can add to give the ability to test whether a point is within a polygon (sample: ) using this approach:
I think as you place the markers, you'll hold them in an array (of objects)...then loop through, doing some sort of reduction of which polygons to test, testing those that remain, if inPoly, set and marker.section to whatever suits your needs

RRD basics and more!

I'm trying to use rrdtool to monitor Access Points and what I'd like is to have separate rrd file for each access point, which is something I'm not sure how to do. Anyway if I can do that then for each site I'd be able to get a graph from different rrd databases according to site location. However when I want to see a company level graph I'd like to aggregate data across multiple rrd databases and get that to show on one graph, so if bandwidth is measured for two devices in two separate rrd databases then I would like to get an "average" of these two data sources and show it in my graph for the site that has these access points. Is this possible? I'm quite new to thinking in RRD way and rrdtool so please do let me know if there are better ways of doing this.
Also how RRD uses space internally? From what I read so far, there are people saying the size of file never gets bigger for RRD database. On the other side people asking about how much of file size it would accumulate over years. So I'm kind of confused here. I thought it would be holding stuff in memory and writing to disk based on consolidated functions.
Can I generate pie charts from rrdtool as well? I need to find number of users connected to a access point and it would be good if I can show that as a pie chart for total number of users connected to an access point at any given time for a given site. For instance,
access point 1: 20
access poin 2: 40
access poin 3: 1
If I can generate a pie chart for that it would be sliced according to the number of users.
Sorry it's quite a few questions. If rrdtool doesn't make a big difference then I might as well use Mysql as I have running mysql server in production. And I can produce graphs on the fly using some funky flash stuff too. If someone can enlighten me on pros and cons of using RRD over any RDBMS for time series data that would be amazing.
Many Thanks guys!!
You can aggregate data from multiple RRDs into one graph; you'd use the CDEF command in your rrdgraph statement to combine DEFs from individual databases.
rrd files stay the same size unless you explicitly resize them by adding rows. Older data is aged out and replaced with new data. (Hence the name "round robin database".)
pie charts...I dunno. :) I've never seen it, but that certainly doesn't mean it's not possible.
Have you read the basic tutorial? That might help you decide what to do.
Cacti is what you are after I would say;
It is a web front end to rrdtool (and much more). You can create devices, add them, set up graphs and it will poll them for data into RRD files. You can have all kinds of graphs, and create aggregate ones etc. You can also query against rrd files for monthly/weekly/yearly/any-time-frame statistics you like.
Everything you have asked for can be done with Cacti except for pie charts.

Flex web application gets progressively slower and freezes

I have a Flex web application where I am visualizing data (for different countries) in the form of charts. The data is in the form of CSV files. There are individual files for individual charts i.e. one file has all data pertaining to one chart for all countries.
I have a left navigation menu that allows one to see data on a country by country basis. As I view more and more countries, the web application becomes progressively slower till it freezes completely. The problem goes away if I refresh the browser and empty the cache.
I am using the URLLoader class in flex to read the CSV data into a string and then I am parsing the string to generate the charts.
I realize this is happening because more and more data is somehow accumulating in the browser. Is there any way in Flex to rectify this? Any pointers/help would be appreciated.
- Vinayak
Like #OXMO456 said before my, I would use the profiler to check this issue.
to refine my answer I would also say please make sure that you are following all of the rules for low memory in flex like
1. clearing out (removing) event listeners
2. nulling out static variables
and more like so.
I would use the "snapshot" feature of the profiler and see what is happening in minute 1 and then minute 2, the difference between the two of these is probably the source of your leak.

Create editable shapes in Flex/Flash AS3?

I need to build a room designer, ultimately in Flex (Flash Builder 4). The part I am having trouble with is creating the room outline AND allowing the user to add/remove/move points to edit the room's shape. See this application for what I mean:
I know how to create a normal Rect, but not one with editable points, much less how to add a point where the user clicks. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?
I think the key thing here is to try using POINTS instead RECTANGLES, then draw lines to connect these points to display any arbitrary shape that the user is editing.
Maybe use an array to record the initial positions of all four points, then based on the user input, update these points, and update your line drawing and how you connect them.
Start off by looking at Object Handles, which is a pretty good project for adding the edit points.
