#, [, and ] in a URL query string for partial API call - query-string

I'm looking doing partial requests from the Google Picasa API. They show this as an exmaple:
GET https://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/user/photosapi?kind=album&v=2.0&fields=entry(title,gphoto:numphotos,media:group(media:thumbnail),link[#rel='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#feed'](#href))
I understand this has to be URL encoded before it's used, but how does the server interpret symbols like #, [, and ]?
Since this API call will be requesting an XML file, do these characters help the browser navigate the XML to get the requested information (since this is partial request of the album information, not a full dump of the user's photo data)?

I found the answer. This is the syntax for Google's Partial Response API calls.
More info here: http://code.google.com/labs/faq.html#experimental


Linkedin eventSubscription API is giving a 403 error

I am using
PUT https://api.linkedin.com/v2/eventSubscriptions/(developerApplication:urn:li:developerApplication:{developer application ID},user:urn:li:user:{member ID},entity:urn:li:organization:{organization ID},eventType:ORGANIZATION_SOCIAL_ACTION_NOTIFICATIONS)
Linkedin API with all the parameters intact. Each URN is encoded as urn:li:organization:12345 is encoded to urn%3Ali%3Aorganization%3A12345 but still getting a 403 Response.
I think you forget to add this in headers :
The application id is actually a numeric field in the url when you visit your application settings, put that value instead of the client id.
So it turns out that there's a lot of missing/incorrect information in the documentation. Since I'm working in go, here's how I finally got the url formatted correctly:
url.QueryEscape(fmt.Sprintf("urn:li:developerApplication:%s", appId)),
url.QueryEscape(fmt.Sprintf("urn:li:person:%s", userId)),
url.QueryEscape(fmt.Sprintf("urn:li:organization:%s", organizationID)),
The breakdown:
The URNs, and only the URNs, need to be urlencoded.
Not the surrounding parentheses
Not the commas
Not the colons preceding the URNs (developerApplication:, user:, and entity:)
Your PUT request needs to include the X-Restli-Protocol-Version header and Authorization header
If, for some reason, you use the /rest/eventSubscriptions/ url instead of /v2/eventSubscriptions/, you also need to include the LinkedIn-Version header
The appId is not your app's client id, but instead the numeric id you see in the app settings url in the linkedin developer portal (i.e. https://www.linkedin.com/developers/apps/<appId>/auth)
The URN structure in the docs is wrong: you need to use urn:li:person:<userId>, not urn:li:user:<userId>

What is the # in this post request for?

I'm using fiddler to observe a redirect request and the request looks like this:
I'm not familiar with what the hashtag (#) is for. Could I get an explanation?
If it is an HTTP POST request to https://example.com/api/dothis#code=123456&name=abcdef, I think it is due to the backend (bad) design: The backend endpoint of /api/dothis will parse the string after # and extract the code and name parameter.
For the hashtag (#) itself, normally it is used to indicate anchor of HTML content, please refer to Fragment Identifier for more information. According to the wikipedia's description, it is unlikely that #code=123456&name=abcdef works as fragment identifier.
# is also used in Single Page Application to navigate between application UIs. But it's not the case, as the HTTP method in this question is POST.

Why does the Google Analytics API method return less data than web ui

Do the Google Analytics API methods allow to get the same amount of data, that is accessible through the web UI?
The problem is, for example, that in browser I can see more that 3000 lines in a report, but the API method returs only several hundreds.
Here is a URL for API method that I use:
The API method you are using has queries appended on it. (Everything after the '?' and seperated by the '&') These are not part of the URL but actually information that is used by the server to customize your result. By changing the URL to say: https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/data/ga?ids=ga%3A73XXXXXX&dimensions=ga%3ApagePath%2Cga%3Akeyword&metrics=ga%3Avisits%2Cga%3AvisitBounceRate&sort=-ga%3Avisits&start-date=2015-09-01&end-date=2015-09-30&start-index=1&max-results=10000 , you should get more results in your response. You may also want to change the start and end date, just make sure to keep the YYYY-MM-DD format.

Google Geocode API "REQUEST_DENIED" in JSON response - reverse geocode action

Looked everywhere — and have read dozens of other questions regarding Google APIs (Maps, Geocode, Places, Autocomplete, etc) — and nothing has worked.
I have an API key with Places, Static Maps, and Maps v3 & v2 services enabled.
I am trying to perform a reverse geocode (get street address information via JSON from lat/long coords).
Here is the URL I am passing in my JavaScript (last 5 digits of API key replaced with #####:
The JSON response is:
"results" : [],
"status" : "REQUEST_DENIED"
As you can see, there is a "sensor=true" parameter being passed - which is the problem according to the Google Document supporting this API, but that is clearly not the case here.
I also tried passing simply
which returns expected JSON response when the URL is entered into the addressbar of a browser — but when added to the JavaScript in my HTML file, I again receive:
"results" : [],
"status" : "REQUEST_DENIED"
Any assistance is welcome, and greatly appreciated.
Google don't particularly want you to use this static API in a web page. You should be using the Maps API in a web page, and its associated geocoding functionality (because you need to show the results on a map anyway). These static APIs are intended for use server-side, so it looks like they now refuse requests which come with an HTTP_REFERER header.
(Using the key server-side allows you to keep track of statistics, but an invalid key will always result in REQUEST_DENIED whether there is a referrer header or not.)
I kept struggling with the exact same problem and I believe I came up with a very practical solution, which actually works just fine with me! You just have to make a small modification to your request query's URI.
Instead of querying the
you should actually query the google maps api using the following URI:
That small modification did the work for me like a charm!
Hope this helps.

Why is request method send to web server called GET and POST?

I guessed that the name of each of the request method has a relationship with the operations they performed in some manner. But I can't get it!
GET means posted argument are showed in the url and POST means they are sent but not shown in the url. But what is that related to POST/GET? What is gotten/posted or what does the posting/getting job? Do you have any glues?
I understand what GET and POST method is. What I wanna know is why do we GET/POST, why don't we call it TYPE1/TYPE2, or another more make-sense name like ON-URL/OFF-URL
Please discuss if you know that.
This should help you:
Methods GET and POST in HTML forms - what's the difference?
The Definitive Guide to GET vs POST
get and post
From RFC 2616:
The GET method means retrieve whatever information (in the form of an entity) is identified by the Request-URI.
The POST method is used to request that the origin server accept the entity enclosed in the request as a new subordinate of the resource identified by the Request-URI in the Request-Line.
So, GET should be used to read a resource, whereas POST should be used to create, update, or delete a resource.
GET and POST are called HTTP Verbs. See the RFC for details.
GET will get a resource identified by a URL. If using GET as the action for a form the entries will be encoded in the URL (look at a google search for an example).
POST will send the data separately, to the specified URL.
The biggest difference is that if you use GET on a form submit, you can copy the URL of the page you landed at and use it directly to get the same results. All information will also be visible in the URL (don't use this method for passwords). If you POST the data the URL of the landing page will not be enough to reproduce the same results; you will have to go through the form again.
Take a look at the RFC definitions here:
But essentially, GET is used to retrieve a resource and POST is used to create a new one or make a change to a resource.
Seems to me that #Nam G. VU is asking an English-language question.
"Get" implies that the flow of data is from the server to the client. More specifically, the client is asking the server to send some data.
"Post" implies that the client is pushing data to the server. The word "post" implies that it's a one-way operation.
Of course, neither of these is 100% unidirectional: GETs can send data to the server in the
URL as path and/or query arguments, and POSTS return data to the client.
But, in the simplest sense, the English verbs imply the principal direction of data flow.
From the REST standpoint, GET METHOD signifies that it is used to GET a (list of similar) resource(s). POST is used to create (or POST) a resource.
Apart from this, GET carries all parameters in the URL in the format of ?name=value& pairs, whereas POST carries all of them in the Request Body.
