How to retrieve email id of facebook? -

I'm doing a project in mailing system.
In my application I want to retrieve all my email ids of my facebook login and integrate in myapplication.
How to do this????
Anybody please give any idea......
Thanx in advance......

Does this help How do I import Facebook friends from another website

By "email ids" I assume you mean email addresses.
You need to obtain the email extended permission. After you get this permission from the user you can use FQL to retrieve the email address of the user.
You cannot obtain the email addresses of their friends. They need to be users of your app and grant you the email extended permission.


Collecting email for log in and authentication but not storing email in Firebase

I am making a social media site. I want to authenticate and verify people's accounts with their emails. I also want them to log in using their email, but I don't want to be able to see my users' email addresses because I want them to have privacy. Ideally, they should each just have a userID and their email will be associated with that userID, but I won't be able to see it.
Still, I want the ability to ban people by userID, and then for their associated email to also be banned from my social media, but I do not want to know whose email I just banned from my app. Basically, on this page, I would prefer if it did not tell me what my email was:
I'm using the very basic code to sign up users:
Auth.auth().createUser(withEmail: email, password: pass
How might I modify this code?
It sounds like you want some sort of application-specific administration console for banning users without knowing their identity.
There is no way to change the display of the list of users in the Firebase Authentication console.
The most common approach is to build the needed application administration functionality yourself using the Firebase Admin SDK, and then expose that to the application administrators.
As #Frank van Puffelen said,
You can't change the view of Firebase console. and it will show you the email,userid and some basic information always.
How do you know the UserId of people? for getting userId in some cases, you need the email id.

How do I get user's email from twitter authentication

We have an ASP.NET application where we need user's email in order to further send them transactional email. We have added Twitter Signup but not getting email address along with access_token.
We have checked twitter documentation and their FAQs for the same but have had no luck so far. The FAQ says that we need to ask for user's email in as a distinct act:
recently I came to a website which asks for email while authentication in it's scope, please refer to the image below:
I'm not sure how do I add email scope to my twitter application. Any help is highly appreciated!
It is not possible to get user's email address from twitter.
This can be made possible by filling out a form to request elevated permissions:
Go to
Select "I need access to special permissions"
Enter Application Name and ID. These can be obtained via -- the application ID is the numeric part
in the browser's address bar after you click your app.
Permissions Request: "Email address" Submit & wait for response

Facebook Graph API and friend's email

There are some question on the StackOverflow about facebook & email, but after reading them I still have a problem with retrieving users emails.
Our app implemented on Flex and uses REST API. And previously it used notifications.sendEmail.
App has publish_stream and email permissions (checked with users.hasAppPermission).
I tried users.getInfo for get proxied_email address.
But this function does not return email address of the friend..
Then I performed the following test using Graph API and web browser:
Opened the following link for authorization with extended permissions:[app_id]&scope=publish_stream,offline_access,email&redirect_uri=
It returned code for retrieving access_token
Oppened the following link for retrieving access_token[app_id]&client_secret=[secret]&code=[code]&redirect_uri=
It returned access_token. And now I can use GraphAPI.
Tested with my account[token]
Ok. It returned my emal.
Tested with my friend[friend_id]?access_token=[token]
And here is no email field!
So my questions are
Where did I go wrong?
Is it possible to get friend's email via Facebook API (GraphAPI or REST API)?
Email permission gives access to your email only.
If you look at the extended permissions page it says:
Likewise, to protect the privacy of users who have not explicitly authorized your application, your application will only be able to access the basic profile information about a user's friends, like their names and profile pictures. If your application needs to access other data about a user's friends to enable social functionality, you will need to request some of the special friends permissions listed below.
And if you look at the table below, it says "not available" for email permission for friends.
there ought to be some way else how does JanRain does it?
I think that getting friends' email ids is not permitted by Facebook; at least, that's what my research tells me.
#helloworld: Who told you that janrain gets users' friends' email ids?
Only with the extended permission you can specify via the scope attribute, when obtaining the access token

How can I get my friends from Facebook in my application?

I am developing an ASP.NET application.
I implemented Facebook API in my application now I want to access email addresses of my friends on Facebook.
I successfully connected Facebook with my application, but when I use FacebookApi.friends.GetList() it will give only friends userids then I will fire a FQL for each friend userid to access email but some time I got blank instead of email address.
Can someone help.
Which is best way facebook rest API or graph API?
The answer is almost certainly that one of the following is true:
The user hasn't shared an email address with Facebook
The user has placed you in a privacy group they deign to share their email address with
The user has set their privacy settings to not share their email address at all
If any of these are true, there's nothing you can do to resolve this short of asking your friends to change their privacy settings.
You need to ask for permission "email" to access email address of any user using your app, the reason why you are getting some email addresses is because few of Facebook users relatively have less restrictive privacy settings.

How do I access a Facebook users details with their login credentials?

I have a site where users can register an account. To do this they have to enter various details about themselves (Name, DOB, Email Address, Password, Username etc..).
However, I would like them to just have to enter their Facebook username/password, and have all this information pulled from their Facebook user account.
How is this possible using ASP.NET 2.0?
I think you're approaching this the wrong way. You should never ask a user for their facebook (or whatever 3rd party) password.
Instead, you can use Facebook Connect to redirect them to Facebook, where they can allow your application, so you will get user info relevant to your site (name, DOB, Email, but not username/password).
I suggest reading the FB docs to get a better idea about the process.
