what happens when you invoke malloc() on a unix system - unix

malloc() library function internally calls brk() or sbrk() system call,which allocates memory fo data region,so local static variables and global variables will have allocation of memory from heap increasing the effective size of data region.now my question is what exactly is happening when i allocate memory to int *a?which is local variable.
i might have misconception please let me know if any.thanks

int *p itself is a local variable, which is a pointer (these days: usually four or eight bytes, usually on the stack or in a register). When you do p = malloc(...), you are allocating memory (on the heap - or what is these days conventionally called 'the heap' even if a heap is not the structure used to manage free memory) and assigning a pointer to that memory into p.

When you call malloc() you get access to the amount of memory requested, or NULL is returned. That is all that is guaranteed. Everything else is implementation dependent. The mechanism by which you get access to that memory can be quite varied.


What type of memory is pointer pointing to in c?

I am trying to understand pointers more deeply and I got to a situation where I don't know to what type of memory do the pointers point to. Do I understand it correctly that if the pointers point to dynamically allocated variables through malloc() or calloc() then the pointer points to RAM and if there are static arrays or some variables then the pointer points to the memory (SSD/HDD)?
No. Conceptually, all memory is RAM, borrowed from the OS which manages it (if there is an OS). The difference between statics/globals and dynamic memory is that statics/globals are designed to never be returned to the OS until the program exits/dies whereas dynamically allocated memory (malloc/calloc/mmap) is conceptually returnable, which is what free/munmap is for.
(Note that when you free malloc'd/calloc'd memory, you only return in to your C standard library, which returns it to the OS at its own discretion (if it does at all).)

Allocate a constant memory variable in local memory, only once, shared within its workgroup

I have an OpenCL application whose kernels all share two big chunks of constant memory. One of them is used to generate passwords, the other to test it.
The two subprograms are very fast when operating separately, but things slow to a halt when I run both of them one after the other (I have one quarter of the performances I would usually get).
I believe this is because the subroutine testing the passwords has a huge (10k) lookup table for AES decryption, and this isn't shared between multiple kernels running at the same time within the same workgroup.
I know it isn't shared because the AES lookup table is allocated as __local inside every single kernel and then initialised copying the values from an external library (as in, the kernel creates a local copy of the static memory and uses that).
I've tried changing the __local allocation/initialization to a __constant variable, a pointer pointing to the library's constant memory, but this gets me a 10x performance reduction.
I can't make any sense of this. What should I do to make sure my constant memory is allocated only once per work group, and every kernel working in the same workgroup can share read operations there?
__constant memory by definition is shared by all work groups, so I would expect that in any reasonable implementation it is only allocated on the compute device once per kernel already.
On the other hand if you have two separate kernels that you are enqueueing back-to-back, I can't think of a reasonable way to guarantee that some __constant memory is shared or preserved on the device for both. If you want to be reasonably sure that some buffer is copied once to the compute device for use by both subroutines, then the subroutines should be a part of the same kernel.
In general, performance will depend on the underlying hardware & OpenCL implementation, and it will not be portable across different devices. You should see if there's an OpenCL performance guide for the hardware you are using.
As for why __constant memory may be slower than __local memory, again it depends on the hardware and how the OpenCL implementation maps address spaces to memory locations on the hardware. Your mistake is in assuming that __constant memory will be faster since it is by definition consistent. Where the memory is on the device will dictate how fast it is (i.e. a fast per-work-group buffer, vs a slower buffer shared by all work groups on the device) and the OpenCL address space is only one factor in how/where the OpenCL implementation will allocate memory. (Size matters also, and it's conceivable that if your __constant memory is small enough it will be "promoted" to faster per-work-group memory, but that totally depends on the implementation.)
If __local memory is faster as you say, then you might consider splitting up your work into work-group-sized chunks and passing in only that part of the table required by a work group to a __local buffer as a kernel parameter.

reduce register pressure by passing fixed values as kernel args

I am trying to reduce register pressure in my kernel. There are certain fixed values that I am currently calculating, such as the dimensions of the image I am processing; does it make sense to pass these dimensions in as kernel arguments? They are fixed for all work groups. I read somewhere that kernel arguments get special treatment and are not assigned to registers.
The OpenCL spec mandates that kernel arguments be in the __private address space, so in theory kernel arguments may be stored in registers, constant memory, dedicated register file or anything else. In practice, implementations will often put kernel arguments in constant memory (constant memory, not __constant address space). Constant memory is a read only small memory that GPUs use for broadcasting general data (like camera matrices). They are very fast, much faster than global memory. Similar speed to local memory.
If you pass a value to the kernel, then it will reside in the constant memory. There will be no fetch to global.
However, that data will eventually reside in registers(like any other data) in order to operate with it. You will not save any registers. But at least it will make your kernel run faster.

How malloc() and sbrk() works in unix?

I am new to UNIX, and I am studying some of UNIX system calls such as brk(), sbrk(), and so on....
Last day I have read about malloc() function, and I was confused a little bit!
Can anybody tell me why malloc reduces the number of sbrk() system calls that the program must perform?
And another question, do brk(0), sbrk(0) and malloc(0) return the same value?
Syscalls are expensive to process because of the additional overhead that a syscall places: you have to switch to kernel mode. A system call gets into the kernel by issuing a "trap" or interrupt. It's a call to the kernel for a service, and because it executes in the kernel address space, it has a high overhead switch to kernel (and then switching back).
This is why malloc reduces the number of calls to sbrk() and brk(). It does so by requesting more memory than you asked it to, so that it doesn't have to issue a syscall everytime you need more memory.
brk() and sbrk() are different.
brk is used to set the end of the data segment to the value you specify. It says "set the end of my data segment to this address". Of course, the address you specify must be reasonable, the operating system must have enough memory, and you can't make it point to somewhere that would otherwise exceed the process maximum data size. Thus, brk(0) is invalid, since you'd be trying to set the end of the data segment to address 0, which is nonsense.
On the other hand, sbrk increments the data segment size by the amount you specify, and returns a pointer to the previous break value. Calling sbrk with 0 is valid; it is a way to get a pointer to the current data segment break address.
malloc is not a system call, it's a C library function that manages memory using sbrk. According to the manpage, malloc(0) is valid, but not of much use:
If size is 0, then malloc() returns either NULL, or a unique pointer
value that can later be successfully passed to free().
So, no, brk(0), sbrk(0) and malloc(0) are not equivalent: the first of them is invalid, the second is used to obtain the address of the program's break, and the latter is useless.
Keep in mind that you should never use both malloc and brk or sbrk throughout your program. malloc assumes it's got full control of brk and sbrk, if you interchange calls to malloc and brk, very weird things can happen.
why malloc reduces the number of sbrk() system calls that the program
must perform?
say, if you call malloc() to request 10 bytes memory, the implementation may use sbrk (or other system call like mmap) to request 4K bytes from OS. Then when you call malloc() next time to request another 10 bytes, it doesn't have to issue system call; it may just return some memory allocated by system call of the last time 4K.
malloc() function is used to call the sbrk system call to create a memory dynamically during the process.
malloc() function is already assigned in stdlib.h header file so the as per the required function is recursively call by the malloc function using the library function.
with the help of sbrk we need to explicitly declare some thing to call the system call.
According to the size given in function or through system call it return to the variable and store.
sbrk() function increases the programs data segment allocation by specified bytes.
malloc(4096); // sbrk += 4096 Bytes
free(); // freeing memory will not bring down the sbrk by 4096 Bytes
malloc(4096); // malloc'ing again will not increase the sbrk and it will use
the existing space which not result in sbrk() call.

how does clEnqueueMapBuffer work

Could anybody talk about the function clEnqueueMapBuffer work mechanism. Actually I mainly concern what benefits on speed I can get from this function over clEnqueueRead/WriteBuffer.
Does clEnqueueMapBuffer/clEnqueueMapImage also alloc a buffer from the CPU automatically?
If yes.
I want to manage my CPU buffer. I mean I malloc a big buffer first. Then if I need buffer. I can allocate it from the big buffer which I allocate first. How to make the clEnqueueMapBuffer/clEnqueueMapImage allocate buffer from the big buffer.
OpenCL mechanism for accessing memory objects instead of using clEnqueueRead/Write. we can map a memory object on a device to a memory region on host. Once we have mapped the object we can read/write or modify anyway we like.
One more difference between Read/Write buffer and clEnqueueMapBuffer is the map_flags argument. If map_flags is set to CL_MAP_READ, the mapped memory will be read only, and if it is set as CL_MAP_WRITE the mapped memory will be write only, if you want both read + write then make the flag CL_MAP_READ | CL_MAP_WRITE.
Compared to read/write fns, memory mapping requires three step process>
Map the memory using clEnqueueMapBuffer.
transfer the memory from device to/from host via memcpy.
Unmap using clEnqueueUnmapObject.
It is common consensus that memory mapping gives significant improvement in performance compared to regular read/write, see here: what's faster - AMD devgurus forum link
If you want to copy a image or rectangular region of image then you can make use of clEnqueueMapImage call as well.
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No, the map functions don't allocate memory. You'd do that in your call to clCreateBuffer.
If you allocate memory on the CPU and then try to use it, it will need to be copied to GPU accessible memory. To get memory accessible by both it's best to use CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR
clCreateBuffer(context, flags, size, host_ptr, &error);
context - Context for the device you're using.
size - Size of the buffer in bytes, usually N * sizeof(data type)
host_ptr - Can be NULL or 0 meaning we have no existing data. You could add CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR to flags and pass in a pointer to the values you want copied to the buffer. This would save you having to copy via the mapped pointer. Beneficial if the values won't change.
