Are there any anti-XSS libraries for ASP.Net? -

I was reading some questions trying to find a good solution to preventing XSS in user provided URLs(which get turned into a link). I've found one for PHP but I can't seem to find anything for .Net.
To be clear, all I want is a library which will make user-provided text safe(including unicode gotchas?) and make user-provided URLs safe(used in a or img tags)
I noticed that StackOverflow has very good XSS protection, but sadly that part of their Markdown implementation seems to be missing from MarkdownSharp. (and I use MarkdownSharp for a lot of my content)

Microsoft has the Anti-Cross Site Scripting Library; you could start by taking a look at it and determining if it fits your needs. They also have some guidance on how to avoid XSS attacks that you could follow if you determine the tool they offer is not really what you need.

There's a few things to consider here. Firstly, you've got ASP.NET Request Validation which will catch many of the common XSS patterns. Don't rely exclusively on this, but it's a nice little value add.
Next up you want to validate the input against a white-list and in this case, your white-list is all about conforming to the expected structure of a URL. Try using Uri.IsWellFormedUriString for compliance against RFC 2396 and RFC 273:
var sourceUri = UriTextBox.Text;
if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(sourceUri, UriKind.Absolute))
// Not a valid URI - bail out here
AntiXSS has Encoder.UrlEncode which is great for encoding string to be appended to a URL, i.e. in a query string. Problem is that you want to take the original string and not escape characters such as the forward slashes otherwise ends up as and you've got a problem.
As the context you're encoding for is an HTML attribute (it's the "href" attribute you're setting), you want to use Encoder.HtmlAttributeEncode:
MyHyperlink.NavigateUrl = Encoder.HtmlAttributeEncode(sourceUri);
What this means is that a string like<script> will get escaped to<script> - but of course Request Validation would catch that one first anyway.
Also take a look at the OWASP Top 10 Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards.

i think you can do it yourself by creating an array of the charecters and another array with the code,
if you found characters from the array replace it with the code, this will help you ! [but definitely not 100%]
character array
Code Array
& lt;
& gt;

I rely on HtmlSanitizer. It is a .NET library for cleaning HTML fragments and documents from constructs that can lead to XSS attacks.
It uses AngleSharp to parse, manipulate, and render HTML and CSS.
Because HtmlSanitizer is based on a robust HTML parser it can also shield you from deliberate or accidental
"tag poisoning" where invalid HTML in one fragment can corrupt the whole document leading to broken layout or style.
var sanitizer = new HtmlSanitizer();
var html = #"<script>alert('xss')</script><div onload=""alert('xss')"""
+ #"style=""background-color: test"">Test<img src=""test.gif"""
+ #"style=""background-image: url(javascript:alert('xss')); margin: 10px""></div>";
var sanitized = sanitizer.Sanitize(html, "");
Assert.That(sanitized, Is.EqualTo(#"<div style=""background-color: test"">"
+ #"Test<img style=""margin: 10px"" src=""""></div>"));
There's an online demo, plus there's also a .NET Fiddle you can play with.
(copy/paste from their readme)


How secured is the simple use of addslashes() and stripslashes() to code contents?

Making an ad manager plugin for WordPress, so the advertisement code can be almost anything, from good code to dirty, even evil.
I'm using simple sanitization like:
$get_content = '<script>/*code to destroy the site*/</script>';
//insert into db
$sanitized_code = addslashes( $get_content );
When viewing:
$fetched_data = /*slashed code*/;
//show as it's inserted
echo stripslashes( $fetched_data );
I'm avoiding base64_encode() and base64_decode() as I learned their performance is a bit slow.
Is that enough?
if not, what else I should ensure to protect the site and/or db from evil attack using bad ad code?
I'd love to get your explanation why you are suggestion something - it'll help deciding me the right thing in future too. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
addslashes then removeslashes is a round trip. You are echoing the original string exactly as it was submitted to you, so you are not protected at all from anything. '<script>/*code to destroy the site*/</script>' will be output exactly as-is to your web page, allowing your advertisers to do whatever they like in your web page's security context.
Normally when including submitted content in a web page, you should be using htmlspecialchars so that everything comes out as plain text and < just means a less then sign.
If you want an advertiser to be able to include markup, but not dangerous constructs like <script> then you need to parse the HTML, only allowing tags and attributes you know to be safe. This is complicated and difficult. Use an existing library such as HTMLPurifier to do it.
If you want an advertiser to be able to include markup with scripts, then you should put them in an iframe served from a different domain name, so they can't touch what's in your own page. Ads are usually done this way.
I don't know what you're hoping to do with addslashes. It is not the correct form of escaping for any particular injection context and it doesn't even remove difficult characters. There is almost never any reason to use it.
If you are using it on string content to build a SQL query containing that content then STOP, this isn't the proper way to do that and you will also be mangling your strings. Use parameterised queries to put data in the database. (And if you really can't, the correct string literal escape function would be mysql_real_escape_string or other similarly-named functions for different databases.)

How to remove cross site scripting? [duplicate]

I have a website that allows to enter HTML through a TinyMCE rich editor control. It's purpose is to allow users to format text using HTML.
This user entered content is then outputted to other users of the system.
However this means someone could insert JavaScript into the HTML in order to perform a XSS attack on other users of the system.
What is the best way to filter out JavaScript code from a HTML string?
If I perform a Regular Expression check for <SCRIPT> tags it's a good start, but an evil doer could still attach JavaScript to the onclick attribute of a tag.
Is there a fool-proof way to script out all JavaScript code, whilst leaving the rest of the HTML untouched?
For my particular implementation, I'm using C#
Microsoft have produced their own anti-XSS library, Microsoft Anti-Cross Site Scripting Library V4.0:
The Microsoft Anti-Cross Site Scripting Library V4.0 (AntiXSS V4.0) is an encoding library designed to help developers protect their ASP.NET web-based applications from XSS attacks. It differs from most encoding libraries in that it uses the white-listing technique -- sometimes referred to as the principle of inclusions -- to provide protection against XSS attacks. This approach works by first defining a valid or allowable set of characters, and encodes anything outside this set (invalid characters or potential attacks). The white-listing approach provides several advantages over other encoding schemes. New features in this version of the Microsoft Anti-Cross Site Scripting Library include:- A customizable safe list for HTML and XML encoding- Performance improvements- Support for Medium Trust ASP.NET applications- HTML Named Entity Support- Invalid Unicode detection- Improved Surrogate Character Support for HTML and XML encoding- LDAP Encoding Improvements- application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding support
It uses a whitelist approach to strip out potential XSS content.
Here are some relevant links related to AntiXSS:
Anti-Cross Site Scripting Library
Microsoft Anti-Cross Site Scripting Library V4.2 (AntiXSS V4.2)
Microsoft Web Protection Library
Peter, I'd like to introduce you to two concepts in security;
Blacklisting - Disallow things you know are bad.
Whitelisting - Allow things you know are good.
While both have their uses, blacklisting is insecure by design.
What you are asking, is in fact blacklisting. If there had to be an alternative to <script> (such as <img src="bad" onerror="hack()"/>), you won't be able to avoid this issue.
Whitelisting, on the other hand, allows you to specify the exact conditions you are allowing.
For example, you would have the following rules:
allow only these tags: b, i, u, img
allow only these attributes: src, href, style
That is just the theory. In practice, you must parse the HTML accordingly, hence the need of a proper HTML parser.
If you want to allow some HTML but not all, you should use something like OWASP AntiSamy, which allows you to build a whitelisted policy over which tags and attributes you allow.
HTMLPurifier might also be an alternative.
It's of key importance that it is a whitelist approach, as new attributes and events are added to HTML5 all the time, so any blacklisting would fail within short time, and knowing all "bad" attributes is also difficult.
Edit: Oh, and regex is a bit hard to do here. HTML can have lots of different formats. Tags can be unclosed, attributes can start with or without quotes (single or double), you can have line breaks and all kinds of spaces within the tags to name a few issues. I would rely on a welltested library like the ones I mentioned above.
Regular expressions are the wrong tool for the job, you need a real HTML parser or things will turn bad. You need to parse the HTML string and then remove all elements and attributes but the allowed ones (whitelist approach, blacklists are inherently insecure). You can take the lists used by Mozilla as a starting point. There you also have a list of attributes that take URL values - you need to verify that these are either relative URLs or use an allowed protocol (typically only http:/https:/ftp:, in particular no javascript: or data:). Once you've removed everything that isn't allowed you serialize your data back to HTML - now you have something that is safe to insert on your web page.
I try to replace tag element format like this:
public class Utility
public static string PreventXSS(string sInput) {
if (sInput == null)
return string.Empty;
string sResult = string.Empty;
sResult = Regex.Replace(sInput, "<", "< ");
sResult = Regex.Replace(sResult, #"<\s*", "< ");
return sResult;
Usage before save to db:
string sResultNoXSS = Utility.PreventXSS(varName)
I have test that I have input data like :
<script>alert('hello XSS')</script>
it will be run on browser. After I add Anti XSS the code above will be:
< script>alert('hello XSS')< /script>
(There is a space after <)
And the result, the script won't be run on browser.

HtmlEncoding values that are already HtmlEncoded

We have taken over a .NET project recently and upon looking at the db we have the following in some columns:
1) Some columns have values such as
" & etc etc
2) Some have <script> tags and other non html encoded tags
This data is displayed all over the site. When trying out HtmlEncoding on point number 1 we get the following " -> &quot;
Obviously we are wanting to htmlencode when displaying as point 2 contains javascript which we don't want executed.
Is there a way to use HtmlEncoded on values that might or might not be already encoded?
Is there a way to use HtmlEncoded on values that might or might not be already encoded?
No there isn't.
What i would suggest is that you write a quick script that goes through the database and unencode the already encoded data. Then use something like the Microsoft AntiXSS library (tutorial here) to encode all output before it gets output to the web page. Remember that it is fine to store the data unencoded1, the danger is when you echo it back out to the end user.
Some controls already encode output using encode functionality built into the .Net framework - which is not bulletproof to XSS - you just have to either avoid using those controls or just not encode the data displayed by them. There is a FAQ question pertaining to the MS controls that encode at the bottom of the page for the first link which you should read. Also some third party control vendors encode the output of their controls, you would do yourself a favor if you test them to make sure they are not still susceptible to XSS.
1Don't forget to take steps to prevent SQL injection though!
Before applying HtmlEncode( "myText" ) use HtmlDecode method to the input text.
That way you will decode your string from:
& quot; & amp; etc etc < script>
" & etc etc < script>
and afterwards apply encode "from scratch".

Create XML object from poorly formatted HTML

I want to make an XML document from an HTML one so I can use the XML parsing tools. My problem is that my HTML is not guaranteed to be XHTML nor valid. How can I bypass the exceptions? In this string <p> is not terminated, nor is <br> nor <meta>.
var poorHtml:String = "<html><meta content=\"stuff\" name=\"description\"><p>Hello<br></html>";
var html:XML = new XML(poorHtml);
TypeError: Error #1085: The element type "meta" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</meta>".
I did some searching and couldn't come up with anything except this doesn't really seem possible, the major issue is how should it correct when the format is not valid.
In the case of browsers, every browser does this based upon it's own rules of what should happen in the case that the closing tag isn't found (put it in wherever it would cause the code to produce a valid XML and subsequently DOM tree, or self terminate the tag, or remove the tag, or for the case that a closing tag was found with no opening how should this be handled, what about unclosed attributes etc.).
Unfortunately I don't know of anything in the specification that explains what should be done in this case, with XHTML just like how flex treats it these are fatal errors and result in no functionality rather than how HTML4 treated it with the quirky and transitional DTD options.
To avoid the error or give better error messaging you can use this:
var poorHtml:String = "<html><meta content=\"stuff\" name=\"description\"><p>Hello<br></html>";
var html:XML = new XML(poorHtml);
trace("error caught")
but it's likely you'll be best off using some sort of server side script to validate the XML or correct the XML before passing it over to the client.
There is probably an implementation of HTML Tidy in just about any language you might happen to be working with. This looks promising for your sitation:
If you don't want to drag in a whole library (I wouldn't), you could just write your own XML parser that handles errors in whatever way suits you (I'd suggest auto-closing tags until the document makes sense again, ignoring end tags with no start tags, maybe un-closing certain special tags such as "body" and "html"). This has the added advantage that you can optimize it for whatever jobs you need it for, i.e. by storing a list of all elements with the attribute "href" as you come to them.
You could try to pass your HTML through HTML Tidy on the server before loading it. I believe that HTML Tidy does a good job at cleaning up broken HTML.

http url input parameters

Is this a valid http url
we must always have = sign for parameters.
Well, it works, and the W3C recommendations are extremely general -- only the use of ? and + are defined. So I think from the perspective of HTTP/HTML the = is optional. It's use is obviously a common convention and many client & server libraries use it, but there doesn't seem to be any reason you couldn't define a service to work on some other scheme.
Anecdotally, I like to leave out the =blah part when I'm using the query string as a flag as in
According to the ABNF in Appendix A of RFC 3986, both examples above are valid URL.
Note that if you read only the Wikipedia article on Query string, you might get the false impression that the second ne is the only valid one.
