Programmatically created CheckBoxList not firing when "unchecked" -

I'm using ASP.NET and C#. I'm programmtically creating a checkboxlist. When I check an item, the SelectedIndexChanged event is firing. But, when I uncheck the item, the event is not fired. I'm binding the items on every postback and autopostback is set to true. Where am I going wrong? Here's the code -
var cblUser = new CheckBoxList();
cblUser.AutoPostBack = true;
cblUser.SelectedIndexChanged += cblUser_SelectedIndexChanged;
var list = DAL.GetUsers();
foreach (var user in list)
cblUser.Items.Add(new ListItem(user.Name, user.Id));
Thank you.
Update #1: Actual code -
public partial class CategoriesAccordion : UserControl
public List<Community> AllCommunities
if (Session["AllCommunities"] == null)
var db = new CommunityGuideDB();
Session["AllCommunities"] = db.Communities.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList();
return (List<Community>) Session["AllCommunities"];
public List<Category> Categories
if (Session["Categories"] == null)
var db = new CommunityGuideDB();
Session["Categories"] = db.Categories.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList();
return (List<Category>) Session["Categories"];
public event EventHandler Categories_Selected = delegate { };
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack) Session.Remove("Categories");
private void LoadCategories()
foreach (var parent in Categories.Where(item => item.ParentId == null && item.ShowAsPivot == true).OrderBy(x => x.DisplayOrder))
var pane = new AccordionPane {ID = parent.Name};
pane.HeaderContainer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(parent.Name));
var cblValues = new CheckBoxList();
cblValues.AutoPostBack = true;
cblValues.SelectedIndexChanged += cblValues_SelectedIndexChanged;
foreach (var child in Categories.Where(child => child.ParentId == parent.Id))
var communityCount = child.CommunityCategory.Where(x => x.Categories_Id == child.Id).Count();
cblValues.Items.Add(new ListItem(string.Format("{0} ({1})", child.Name, communityCount), child.Id.ToString()));
protected void cblValues_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var cblValues = ((CheckBoxList) sender);
var selectedCategories = (from ListItem item in cblValues.Items where item.Selected select Categories.Find(c => c.Id == new Guid(item.Value))).ToList();
Categories_Selected(this, new CommandEventArgs("SelectedCategories", selectedCategories));

I don't get how do you add the control to a container?
I've just checked and I've got the event fired both on checking & unchecking.
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
CheckBoxList cbList = new CheckBoxList();
cbList.AutoPostBack = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cbList.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(cbList_SelectedIndexChanged);
void cbList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//fires both on check & uncheck of an item

The SelectedIndexChanged event you are bounding is fired upon selecting different item on your list, not when you check an item. CheckBoxList does not have an event for changing the status of its items.
Try a to use list control like Repeater ...


how to data bind to dropdownlist when checkbox is checked in

I have a project that using dropdownlist for choices.When check checkbox1 dropdown automatically bind data from database using table1 and when I check checkbox2 dropdown automatically binding data from database using table2.I do not want to use get data by using any button .How can I do that .Please help me.
here is code by using button:
public void LokasyonDoldur()
birimBUS = new BirimBUSV1();
List<BirimVO> birimVO = new List<BirimVO>();
List<ListItem> items = new List<ListItem>();
birimVO = birimBUS.LokasyonlariGetir();
foreach (var item in birimVO)
items.Add(new ListItem(item.BirimAdi, item.ID.ToString()));
public void BirimleriDoldur()
PoliklinikBUS poliklinikBUS = new PoliklinikBUS();
List<PoliklinikVO> poliklinikVO = new List<PoliklinikVO>();
List<ListItem> items = new List<ListItem>();
poliklinikVO = poliklinikBUS.Poliklinikler();
foreach (var item in poliklinikVO)
items.Add(new ListItem(item.PoliklinikAdi, item.ID.ToString()));
protected void BtnLokasyon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ChckLctn.Checked == true && ChckBrm.Checked==false)
else if (ChckLctn.Checked == false && ChckBrm.Checked == true)
Button1.Visible = true;
BtnLokasyon.Visible = false;
protected void DrpChcs_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
KirilimId = Int32.Parse(DrpChcs.SelectedValue);
BPolikilinikID= KirilimId;
but I do not want to use this one.
ohh its another language. its hard to read. but what you basicly have to do is check which checkbox is checked in the page load and then load the dropdown based on what is loaded.
something like this. (I have typed it from my head so its not like copy-paste but you get the idea)
dropdown.dataitems = items1;
dropdown.dataitems = items2;
YOu can call the Button1_click event from the Dropdown list selected index changed event like this
Button1_Click(Button1,new EventArgs());
and in this you can hide that button from the page and in code behind you are calling the same function
You can refactor the code in a seperate function from the button click event and call that function in the selected index changed event.
Please let me knwo if I misunderstood your question

crystal report viewer next page not working

I am using visual studio 2010 and crystal report 13.0
The report viewer displays the first page properly. But the next page button is not working. If i click on next page button then it shows loading message and stays there only.None of the report viewer controls are working.
please help me out
I found the solution.
Manually add the Page_Init() event and wire it up in the InitializeCompnent() with
this.Init += new System.EventHandler(this.Page_Init).
Move the contents of Page_Load to Page_Init().
Add if (!IsPostBack) condition in PageInIt.
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
ReportDocument crystalReportDocument = new ReportDocumment();
_reportViewer.ReportSource = crystalReportDocument;
Session["ReportDocument"] = crystalReportDocument;
ReportDocument doc = (ReportDocument)Session["ReportDocument"];
_reportViewer.ReportSource = doc;
Instead of manually identifying the moment to bind, you could use the CrystalReportViewer AutoDataBind property in combination with the DataBinding event.
Autobind definition:
// Summary:
// Boolean. Gets or sets whether automatic data binding to a report source is
// used. If the value is set to True, the DataBind() method is called after
// OnInit() or Page_Init().
public bool AutoDataBind { get; set; }
You could use this property in the following manner:
In the ASPX:
<CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="_reportViewer" runat="server" AutoDataBind="true" OnDataBinding="_reportViewer_DataBinding" />
And in the ASPX.CS:
protected void _reportViewer_DataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
ReportDocument crystalReportDocument = new ReportDocumment();
_reportViewer.ReportSource = crystalReportDocument;
Session["ReportDocument"] = crystalReportDocument;
ReportDocument doc = (ReportDocument)Session["ReportDocument"];
_reportViewer.ReportSource = doc;
Done! Shift your Page load Event to Page Init Event.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (IsPostBack)
int pageIndex =((CrystalDecisions.Shared.PageRequestContext)
//Bind Report with filter and datasource
string ControID = GetPostBackControlName(this);
//get and check Crystal Report Navigation button event after Bind Report
if (ControID == null)
CrystalReportViewer1.RequestContext).PageNumber = pageIndex;
public string GetPostBackControlName(Page Page)
Control control = null;
string ctrlname = Page.Request.Params["__EVENTTARGET"];
if (ctrlname != null && ctrlname != String.Empty)
control = Page.FindControl(ctrlname);
string ctrlStr = String.Empty;
Control c = null;
foreach (string ctl in Page.Request.Form)
if (ctl.EndsWith(".x") || ctl.EndsWith(".y"))
ctrlStr = ctl.Substring(0, ctl.Length - 2);
c = Page.FindControl(ctrlStr);
c = Page.FindControl(ctl);
if (c is System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button ||
c is System.Web.UI.WebControls.ImageButton)
control = c;
if (control == null)
return null;
return control.ID;

how to use updatepanel with AsyncRefresh event

I developing an web application.In that application i am using asyncRefresh event
for continuously updating the value.If i am using updatepanel the asyncRefresh event won't get the focus.Without updatepanel evet getting the focus.I want to use asynRefresh event with updatepanel.Any one Please help for this problem.
Lijo Thomas
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
object et = Request.Form["__EVENTTARGET"] as object;
if (et != null)
Control c = Page.FindControl(et.ToString());
if (c != null)
protected static string GetUniqueIdSmart(Control control)
string id = control.UniqueID.Replace('$', '_');
string controlIDSuffix = "";
RadioButtonList rbl = control as RadioButtonList;
if (rbl != null)
controlIDSuffix = "_0";
int t = 0;
foreach (ListItem li in rbl.Items)
if (li.Selected)
controlIDSuffix = "_" + t.ToString();
else if (control is CheckBoxList)
controlIDSuffix = "_0";
id += controlIDSuffix;
return id;

Saving State Dynamic UserControls...Help!

I have page with a LinkButton on it that when clicked, I'd like to add a Usercontrol to the page. I need to be able to add/remove as many controls as the user would like. The Usercontrol consists of three dropdownlists. The first dropdownlist has it's auotpostback property set to true and hooks up the OnSelectedIndexChanged event that when fired will load the remaining two dropdownlists with the appropriate values.
My problem is that no matter where I put the code in the host page, the usercontrol is not being loaded properly. I know I have to recreate the usercontrols on every postback and I've created a method that is being executed in the hosting pages OnPreInit method. I'm still getting the following error:
The control collection cannot be modified during DataBind, Init, Load, PreRender or Unload phases.
Here is my code:
Thank you!!!!
bool createAgain = false;
IList<FilterOptionsCollectionView> OptionControls
if (SessionManager.Current["controls"] != null)
return (IList<FilterOptionsCollectionView>)SessionManager.Current["controls"];
SessionManager.Current["controls"] = new List<FilterOptionsCollectionView>();
return (IList<FilterOptionsCollectionView>)SessionManager.Current["controls"];
SessionManager.Current["controls"] = value;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Master.Page.Title = Title;
LoadViewControls(Master.MainContent, Master.SideBar, Master.ToolBarContainer);
protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e)
System.Web.UI.MasterPage m = Master;
Control control = GetPostBackControl(this);
if ((control != null && control.ClientID ==
(lbAddAndCondtion.ClientID) || createAgain))
createAgain = true;
protected void AddAndConditionClicked(object o, EventArgs e)
var control = LoadControl("~/Views/FilterOptionsCollectionView.ascx");
control.ID = "options" + OptionControls.Count.ToString();
public event EventHandler<Insight.Presenters.PageViewArg> OnLoadData;
private Control FindControlRecursive(Control root, string id)
if (root.ID == id)
return root;
foreach (Control c in root.Controls)
Control t = FindControlRecursive(c, id);
if (t != null)
return t;
return null;
protected Control GetPostBackControl(System.Web.UI.Page page)
Control control = null;
string ctrlname = Page.Request.Params["__EVENTTARGET"];
if (ctrlname != null && ctrlname != String.Empty)
control = FindControlRecursive(page, ctrlname.Split('$')[2]);
string ctrlStr = String.Empty;
Control c = null;
foreach (string ctl in Page.Request.Form)
if (ctl.EndsWith(".x") || ctl.EndsWith(".y"))
ctrlStr = ctl.Substring(0, ctl.Length - 2);
c = page.FindControl(ctrlStr);
c = page.FindControl(ctl);
if (c is System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox ||
c is System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBoxList)
control = c;
return control;
protected void CreateUserControl(string controlID)
if (createAgain && phConditions != null)
if (OptionControls.Count > 0)
foreach (var c in OptionControls)
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
Here is the usercontrol's code:
<%# Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="FilterOptionsCollectionView.ascx.cs" Inherits="Insight.Website.Views.FilterOptionsCollectionView" %>
namespace Insight.Website.Views
public partial class FilterOptionsCollectionView : System.Web.UI.UserControl
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
ddlColumns.SelectedIndexChanged += new RadComboBoxSelectedIndexChangedEventHandler(ColumnsSelectedIndexChanged);
protected void ColumnsSelectedIndexChanged(object o, EventArgs e)
public void LoadColumns()
ddlColumns.DataSource = User.GetItemSearchProperties();
ddlColumns.DataTextField = "SearchColumn";
ddlColumns.DataValueField = "CriteriaSearchControlType";
private void LoadCriteria()
var controlType = User.GetItemSearchProperties()[ddlColumns.SelectedIndex].CriteriaSearchControlType;
var ops = User.GetItemSearchProperties()[ddlColumns.SelectedIndex].ValidOperators;
ddlOperators.DataSource = ops;
ddlOperators.DataTextField = "key";
ddlOperators.DataValueField = "value";
switch (controlType)
case ResourceStrings.ViewFilter_ControlTypes_DDL:
criteriaDDL.Visible = true;
criteriaText.Visible = false;
var crit = User.GetItemSearchProperties()[ddlColumns.SelectedIndex].SearchCriteria;
ddlCriteria.DataSource = crit;
case ResourceStrings.ViewFilter_ControlTypes_Text:
criteriaDDL.Visible = false;
criteriaText.Visible = true;
public event EventHandler OnColumnChanged;
public ISearchCriterion FilterOptionsValues { get; set; }
I figured it out. Here is my solution:
I modified the GetPostBackControl to look for not only the linkbutton that inserts the user control, but for controls that contain the id of child controls of the inserted user control(as to capture the OnSelectedIndexChanged that gets fired from inside my user control).
protected Control GetPostBackControl(System.Web.UI.Page page)
Control control = null;
string ctrlname = Page.Request.Params["__EVENTTARGET"];
if (ctrlname != null && ctrlname != String.Empty)
//if it contains options then it's a control inside my usercontrol
if (ctrlname.Split('$')[2].Contains("options"))
var c = new Control();
c.ID = ctrlname;
return c;
control = FindControlRecursive(page, ctrlname.Split('$')[2]);
string ctrlStr = String.Empty;
Control c = null;
foreach (string ctl in Page.Request.Form)
if (ctl.EndsWith(".x") || ctl.EndsWith(".y"))
ctrlStr = ctl.Substring(0, ctl.Length - 2);
c = page.FindControl(ctrlStr);
c = page.FindControl(ctl);
if (c is System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox ||
c is System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBoxList)
control = c;
return control;
Then I modify the OnPreInit event to look for controls with an id of the linkbutton or an id that contains "options" :
protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e)
System.Web.UI.MasterPage m = Master;
Control control = GetPostBackControl(this);
if (control != null)
if ((control.ClientID == (lbAddAndCondtion.ClientID) || createAgain) || control.ID.Contains("options"))
createAgain = true;
The critical fix was in the CreateUserControl method. In my original code I was trying to directly load the user control from my generic list that was stored in Session. I changed that to actually create a new instance of the user control, assign that new instance an id that matches the one stored in Session, and then add it to the placeholder:
protected void CreateUserControl(string controlID)
if (createAgain && phConditions != null)
if (OptionControls.Count > 0)
foreach (var c in OptionControls)
FilterOptionsCollectionView foc = new FilterOptionsCollectionView();
foc = Page.LoadControl("~/Views/FilterOptionsCollectionView.ascx") as FilterOptionsCollectionView;
foc.ID = c.ID;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
The only thing I changed in the user control was moving the method that loads my drop down lists's and wiring up the OnSelectedIndexChanged event into the OnInit event. Now I can dynamically load as many instances of the user control I want and all of the event's inside the user control fire correctly and state is persisted across postbacks!!
Hope this helps someone else!!

Disable a checkbox created at runtime

In my application i have created checkboxes at runtime. I want to disable the checked checkbox when i click on a button. How do I achieve this? Here is my code:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
tr = new TableRow();
tr.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Groove;
for (int j = 0; j < 18; j++)
tc = new TableCell();
tc.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Groove;
ch = new CheckBox();
mRoleCheckBoxList.Add("RoleName", ch);
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
IDictionaryEnumerator RoleCheckBoxEnumerator = mRoleCheckBoxList.GetEnumerator();
while (RoleCheckBoxEnumerator.MoveNext())
CheckBox RoleCheckBox = (CheckBox)RoleCheckBoxEnumerator.Value;
string BoxRoleName = (string)RoleCheckBox.Text;
if (RoleCheckBox.Checked == true)
RoleCheckBox.Enabled = false;
One rule-of-thumb while dealing with dynamically generated user controls is that you have to add them to the container on EVERY POSTBACK.
Just modify your code to generate the controls on every postback, and your code will start working like a charm!
I am unsure what the ch variable is. I have assumed that its a checkbox. If I am correct, then all you have to do is to modify these lines
mRoleCheckBoxList.Add("RoleName", ch);
to this
mRoleCheckBoxList.Add("RoleName", ch);
This is the code for generating 10 checkboxes dynamically -
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
CheckBox c = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
c = new CheckBox();
c.ID = "chk" + i.ToString();
c.Text = "Checkbox " + (i + 1).ToString();
Check the checkboxes when the page renders on the client side, click the button. This will cause a postback and the checkboxes will be generated again. In the click event of the button, you'll be able to find the checkboxes like this -
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
CheckBox c = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
c = container.FindControl("chk" + i.ToString()) as CheckBox;
//Perform your relevant checks here, and disable the checkbox.
I hope this is clear.
You are not getting a proper reference to your checkboxes - mRoleCheckBoxList is not mentioned as part of your checkbox creation.
Try the following in your button event handler:
foreach (TableRow row in Table1.Rows)
foreach (TableCell cell in row.Cells)
CheckBox check = (CheckBox)cell.Controls[0];
if (check.Checked) check.Enabled = false;
Always when creating dynamic controls in .Net create them here:
protected override void CreateChildControls()
} //eof method
and in the PostBack find the them either from the event trigger or from a non-dynamic control:
/// <summary>
/// Search for a control within the passed root control by the control id passed as string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="root">the upper control to start to search for</param>
/// <param name="id">the id of the control as string</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual Control FindControlRecursively(Control root, string id)
if (root.ID == id)
return root;
} //eof if
foreach (Control c in root.Controls)
Control t = this.FindControlRecursively( c, id);
if (t != null)
return t;
} //eof if
} //eof foreach
} //eof try
catch (Exception e)
return null;
} //eof catch
return null;
} //eof method
