Improving RODBC-Postgres Write Performance - r

I've recently begun using RODBC to connect to PostgreSQL as I couldn't get RPostgreSQL to compile and run in Windows x64. I've found that read performance is similar between the two packages, but write performance is not. For example, using RODBC (where z is a ~6.1M row dataframe):
con <- odbcConnect("PostgreSQL84")
#autoCommit=FALSE seems to speed things up
odbcSetAutoCommit(con, autoCommit = FALSE)
system.time(sqlSave(con, z, "ERASE111", fast = TRUE))
user system elapsed
275.34 369.86 1979.59
odbcEndTran(con, commit = TRUE)
Whereas for the same ~6.1M row dataframe using RPostgreSQL (under 32-bit):
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname="gisdb", user="postgres", password="...")
system.time(dbWriteTable(con, "ERASE222", z))
user system elapsed
467.57 56.62 668.29
So, in this test, RPostgreSQL is about 3X as fast as RODBC in writing tables. This performance ratio seems to stay more-or-less constant regardless of the number of rows in the dataframe (but the number of columns has far less effect). I do notice that RPostgreSQL uses something like COPY <table> FROM STDIN while RODBC issues a bunch of INSERT INTO <table> (columns...) VALUES (...) queries. I also notice that RODBC seems to choose int8 for integers, while RPostgreSQL chooses int4 where appropriate.
I need to do this kind of dataframe copy often, so I would very sincerely appreciate any advice on speeding up RODBC. For example, is this just inherent in ODBC, or am I not calling it properly?

It seems there is no immediate answer to this, so I'll post a kludgy workaround in case it is helpful for anyone.
Sharpie is correct--COPY FROM is by far the fastest way to get data into Postgres. Based on his suggestion, I've hacked together a function that gives a significant performance boost over RODBC::sqlSave(). For example, writing a 1.1 million row (by 24 column) dataframe took 960 seconds (elapsed) via sqlSave vs 69 seconds using the function below. I wouldn't have expected this since the data are written once to disk then again to the db.
con <- odbcConnect("PostgreSQL90")
#create the table
createTab <- function(dat, datname) {
#make an empty table, saving the trouble of making it by hand
res <- sqlSave(con, dat[1, ], datname)
res <- sqlQuery(con, paste("TRUNCATE TABLE",datname))
#write the dataframe
outfile = paste(datname, ".csv", sep = "")
write.csv(dat, outfile)
gc() # don't know why, but memory is
# not released after writing large csv?
# now copy the data into the table. If this doesn't work,
# be sure that postgres has read permissions for the path
paste("COPY ", datname, " FROM '",
getwd(), "/", datname,


R: DuckDB DBconnect is very slow - Why?

I have a *.csv file containing columnar numbers and strings (13GB on disk ) which I imported into a new duckdb (or sqlite) database and saved it so I can access it later in R. But reconnecting duplicates it and is very slow, is this wrong?
From within R, I am doing the following:
#Create the DB
con <- dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), "FINAL_data.duckdb")
#Read in the csv
duckdb_read_csv(con, "data", "FINAL_data_new.csv")
I then close R and restart it to see if it has worked:
#This is super slow (about 10minutes), because it looks like it's writing the DB again somewhere. But why?
con <- dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), "FINAL_data.duckdb")
NB. I've added sqlite as a tag because I don't think this is particular to duckdb
The slowdown you experienced is due to the database checkpointing on startup. This has been fixed on the master branch already.

Speed up odbc::dbFetch

I'm trying to analyze data stored in an SQL database (MS SQL server) in R, and on a mac. Typical queries might return a few GB of data, and the entire database is a few TB. So far, I've been using the R package odbc, and it seems to work pretty well.
However, dbFetch() seems really slow. For example, a somewhat complex query returns all results in ~6 minutes in SQL server, but if I run it with odbc and then try dbFetch, it takes close to an hour to get the full 4 GB into a data.frame. I've tried fetching in chunks, which helps modestly: I'm wondering if there is another way to more quickly pipe the data to my mac, and I like the line of thinking here: Quickly reading very large tables as dataframes
What are some strategies for speeding up dbFetch when the results of queries are a few GB of data? If the issue is generating a data.frame object from larger tables, are there savings available by "fetching" in a different manner? Are there other packages that might help?
Thanks for your ideas and suggestions!
My answer includes use of a different package. I use RODBC which is found in cran at
This has saved me SO MUCH frustration and wasted time that came from my previous method of exporting each query result to .csv to load it into my R environment. I found regular ODBC to be much slower than RODBC.
I use the following functions:
sqlQuery() wraps the function that opens the connection to the SQL db with the first argument (in parentheses) and the query itself as the second argument. Put the query itself in quote marks.
odbcConnect() is itself the first argument in sqlquery(). The argument in odbcConnect() is the name of your connection to the SQL db. Put the connection name in quote marks.
odbcCloseAll() is the final function for this task set. Use this after each sqlQuery() to close the connection and save yourself from annoying warning messages.
Here is a simple example.
result <- sqlQuery(odbcConnect("ODBCConnectionName"),
FROM dbo.table
WHERE Collection_ID = 2498")
Here is the same example PLUS data manipulation directly from the query result.
result <- sqlQuery(odbcConnect("ODBCConnectionName"),
FROM dbo.table
WHERE Collection_ID = 2498") %>%
mutate(matchid = paste0(schoolID, "-", studentID)) %>%
distinct(matchid, .keep_all - TRUE)
I would suggest using the dbcooper found on github.
I have found huge improvements in speed when querying large datasets.
Firstly, Add your connection to your environment.
conn <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
Driver = "",
Server = "",
Database = "",
dbcooper::dbc_init(con = conn,
con_id = "test",
tables = c("schema.table"))
This adds the function test_schema_table() to your environment which is used to call the data. To collect into your environment use scheme_table %>% collect()
Here is a microbenchmark I did to compare the results of both DBI and dbcooper.
mbm <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
DBI = DBI::dbFetch(DBI::dbSendQuery(conn,qry)),
dbcooper = ava_qry() %>% collect() , times=5
Here are the results of a microbenchmark I did to compare DBI with dbcooper.

Analyze big data in R on EC2 server

I managed to load and merge the 6 heavy excel files I had from my RStudio instance (on EC2 server) into one single table in PostgreQSL (linked with RDS).
Now this table has 14 columns and 2,4 Million rows.
The size of the table in PostgreSQL is 1059MB.
The EC2 instance is a t2.medium.
I wanted to analyze it, so I thought I could simply load the table with DBI package and perform different operations on it.
So I did:
my_big_df <- dbReadTable(con, "my_big_table")
my_big_df <- unique(my_big_df)
and my RStudio froze, out of memory...
My questions would be:
1) Is what I have been doing (to handle big tables like this) a ok/good practice?
2) If yes to 1), is the only way to be able to perform the unique() operation or other similar operations to increase the EC2 server memory?
3) If yes to 2), how can I know to which extent should I increase the EC2 server memory?
dbReadTable convert the entire table to a data.frame, which is not what you want to do for such a big tables.
As #cory told you, you need to extract the required info using SQL queries.
You can do that with DBI using combinations of dbSendQuery,dbBind,dbFetch or dbGetQuery.
For example, you could define a function to get the required data
filterBySQLString <- function(databaseDB,sqlString){
sqlString <- as.character(sqlString)
dbResponse <- dbSendQuery(databaseDB,sqlString)
requestedData <- dbFetch(dbResponse)
# write your query to get unique values
SQLquery <- "SELECT * ...
my_big_df <- filterBySQLString(myDB,SQLquery)
my_big_df <- unique(my_big_df)
If you cannot use SQL, then you have two options:
1) stop using Rstudio and try to run your code from the terminal or via Rscript.
2) beef up your instance

How to import large Database Table into R

I'm trying to import a large Database table into R to do some global analysis.
I connect to Oracle DB with ROracle and use dbGetquery.
Make minimum selection and necessary where clauses directly in the query to reduce the scope of the dataset but still it is 40 columns for 12 million of rows.
My PC has only 8GB of RAM how can I handle this?
There is no way to store those data on the disk rather than on the RAM ? or something similar to that way?
The same things made in SAS works fine.
Any Idea?
Few ideas:
May be some aggregation could be done on server side?
You are going to do something with this data in R, right? So you can try not to load data, but to create tbl object and made manipulations and aggregations in R
my_tbl <- 'SELECT ... FROM ...' %>% sql() %>% tbl(con, .)
where con is your connection
Here are a couple ideas for you to consider.
dbconnection <- odbcDriverConnect("Driver=ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server;Server=Server_Name; Database=DB_Name;Uid=; Pwd=; trusted_connection=yes")
initdata <- sqlQuery(dbconnection,paste("select * from MyTable Where Name = 'Asher';"))
If you can export the table as a CSV file...
df <- read.csv.sql("C:\\your_path\\CSV1.csv", "select * from file where Name='Asher'")

How to write a table in PostgreSQL from R?

At present to insert data in a PostgreSQL table I have to create an empty table and then do an insert into table values ... along with a dataframe collapsed insto a single string with all the values. It doesn't work for large sized dataframes.
The dbWtriteTable() doesn't work for PostgreSQL and gives the following error...
Error in postgresqlpqExec(new.con, sql4) : RS-DBI driver: (could not Retrieve the result : ERROR: syntax error at or near "STDIN" LINE 1: COPY "table_1" FROM STDIN
I have tried the following hack as suggested in answer to a similar question asked before. Here's the link... How do I write data from R to PostgreSQL tables with an autoincrementing primary key?
body_lines <- deparse(body(RPostgreSQL::postgresqlWriteTable))
new_body_lines <- sub(
'postgresqlTableRef(name), "FROM STDIN")',
'postgresqlTableRef(name), "(", paste(shQuote(names(value)), collapse = ","), ") FROM STDIN")',
fixed = TRUE
fn <- RPostgreSQL::postgresqlWriteTable
body(fn) <- parse(text = new_body_lines)
while("RPostgreSQL" %in% search()) detach("package:RPostgreSQL")
assignInNamespace("postgresqlWriteTable", fn, "RPostgreSQL")
This hack still doesn't work for me. The postgresqlWriteTable() throws exactly the same error...
What exactly is the problem here?
As an alternative I have tried using dbWriteTable2() from caroline package. And it throws a different error...
Error in postgresqlExecStatement(conn, statement, ...) :
RS-DBI driver: (could not Retrieve the result : ERROR: column "id" does not exist in table_1
creating NAs/NULLs for for fields of table that are missing in your df
Error in postgresqlExecStatement(conn, statement, ...) :
RS-DBI driver: (could not Retrieve the result : ERROR: column "id" does not exist in table_1
Is there any other method to write a large dataframe into a table in PostgreSQL directly?
Ok, I'm not sure why dbWriteTable() would be failing; there may be some kind of version/protocol mismatch. Perhaps you could try installing the latest versions of R, the RPostgreSQL package, and upgrading the PostgreSQL server on your system, if possible.
Regarding the insert into workaround failing for large data, what is often done in the IT world when large amounts of data must be moved and a one-shot transfer is infeasible/impractical/flaky is what is sometimes referred to as batching or batch processing. Basically, you divide the data into smaller chunks and send each chunk one at a time.
As a random example, a few years ago I wrote some Java code to query for employee information from an HR LDAP server which was constrained to only provide 1000 records at a time. So basically I had to write a loop to keep sending the same request (with the query state tracked using some kind of weird cookie-based mechanism) and accumulating the records into a local database until the server reported the query complete.
Here's some code that manually constructs the SQL to create an empty table based on a given data.frame, and then insert the content of the data.frame into the table using a parameterized batch size. It's mostly built around calls to paste() to build the SQL strings, and dbSendQuery() to send the actual queries. I also use postgresqlDataType() for the table creation.
## connect to the DB
library('RPostgreSQL'); ## loads DBI automatically
drv <- dbDriver('PostgreSQL');
con <- dbConnect(drv,host=...,port=...,dbname=...,user=...,password=...);
## define helper functions
createEmptyTable <- function(con,tn,df) {
sql <- paste0("create table \"",tn,"\" (",paste0(collapse=',','"',names(df),'" ',sapply(df[0,],postgresqlDataType)),");");
insertBatch <- function(con,tn,df,size=100L) {
if (nrow(df)==0L) return(invisible());
cnt <- (nrow(df)-1L)%/%size+1L;
for (i in seq(0L,len=cnt)) {
sql <- paste0("insert into \"",tn,"\" values (",,c(sep=',',collapse='),(',lapply(df[seq(i*size+1L,min(nrow(df),(i+1L)*size)),],shQuote))),");");
## generate test data
NC <- 1e2L; NR <- 1e3L; df <-,runif(NR)));
## run it
tn <- 't1';
res <- dbReadTable(con,tn);
## [1] TRUE
Note that I didn't bother prepending a row.names column to the database table, unlike dbWriteTable(), which always seems to include such a column (and doesn't seem to provide any means of preventing it).
I had the same error while working through this example.
For me worked:
dbWriteTable(con, "cartable", value = df, overwrite = T, append = F, row.names = FALSE)
While I have configured a table "cartable" in pgAdmin. So an empty table existed and I had to overwrite that table with values.
So the answer showing batch processing given earlier is 99.99% correct. However, it doesn't work on windows because of a tiny argument required at the 'insertBatch' function.
(was not able to add a comment for the same answer)
The 'shQuote' function requires an argument type = 'cmd2' for it to work.
However, to add an argument there, you need this answer:
So, the new 'insertBatch' function becomes:
insertBatch <- function(con,tn,df,size=100L) {
if (nrow(df)==0L) return(invisible());
cnt <- (nrow(df)-1L)%/%size+1L;
for (i in seq(0L,len=cnt)) {
sql <- paste0("insert into \"",tn,"\" values (",,c(sep=',',collapse='),(',lapply(df[seq(i*size+1L,min(nrow(df),(i+1L)*size)),],shQuote,type = 'cmd2'))),");");
