biztalk wcf adapter pack - biztalk

Ive installed the wcf adapters for biztalk 2006 R2, but when I try to create a new adapter the new adapters are not showing in the dropdown list.
After a bit of digging about online I installed both x64 and x86 packs but still no sign of them.
Am I missing something else?

Make sure you follow the complete installation instructions
Don't these adapters (SAP, Siebel, Oracle and SQL) show up as bindings for the WCF-Custom adapter? If so, you won't have an adapter handler to add.

Have you created a handler for the adapters?
How to Create an Adapter Handler


not able to see oracle services in windows services after upgrading to win 8.1

I had oracle 11g database installed on my machine (OS win8). It was working fine. This week I upgraded my laptop from win 8 to 8.1. Now I am not able see oracle database services in windows services. Consequently I am not able to start oracle and connect to DB.
Tried couple of things like
DIM-00011: The specified service does not exist.
O/S-Error: (OS 1060) The specified service does not exist as an installed servic
Is there any way to start the oracle ? or Do I need to re-install the database ?
Kindly let me know if you have some idea about this.
Thanks in advance for your help
Hello we were having the same issues after the 8.1 upgrade & Managed to resolve (Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release
The procedures we listed below with the post should help you as well.
Registry cleaner (System Mechanic 14.5) did it to me (caused the Oracle listener service to be removed from Windows 7). Still had the listener.ora read somewhere else that using lsntrctl start will fix the problem in this circumstance (where there is a valid listener.ora but no service) by adding the service back in.

How to connect to an Informix Database from an ASP.NET script?

I've never coded in ASP.NET, but I've been a web (PHP) developer for almost 3years now,
Problem is I've never coded in anything .NET after I completed my studies and I've never worked with IIS and MS Servers either.
I need to create a connection from an ASP.NET (VB) script to an Informix database.
google took me to this; IBM Informix connection example but I haven't a clue how to add these drivers to IIS, the IBM Informix Client SDK is installed on the server, but when I open the dialogs in IIS to add them as Handlers, I'm prompted for things I don't know the meaning of, I haven't found anything that says tutorial that is of any help and nor have I found anything on stack overflow.
I feel like an African stuck in China, what the hell do I do first and where do I go?
I have used ODBC in the past to connect to Informix, like this. If you have an Informix DBA, he will provide the values for host, server, and service. host is the name of the host machine where the database server resides. service is the service name in the services file but it actually maps to the port Informix listens. Server is the actual server.
string connectionString = "Driver={INFORMIX};host=myhost;server=myserver;service=23300;protocol=onsoctcp;database=dbase;uid=user;pwd=pass;client_locale=en_US.CP1252;db_locale=en_US.8859-1;"
OdbcConnection conn = new OdbcConnection(connectionString);
For more connection string samples, see here.
To test, you can create an ODBC data source and test the connection without writing any code.
Okay, so as it turns out, I didn't find anything solid, so I went to find help in a clients office from an experienced .NET developer.
I was told to create a DSN on the server machine using ODBC, in the steps explained here
after that I referred to the DSN connection in the connection string, like this;
And I had to add impersonation to my scripts, as is done here using the same user I was logged in as when creating the DSN connections in ODBC
I had similar issues when trying to connect to an Informix DB from ASP.NET Console Application, but eventually found a way to connect! Here is the connection string i used that did the trick:
Notes: The DB_LOCALE and CLIENT_LOCALE were the missing puzzle pieces for me. Also, "Service" means "Port" and "Server" is Informix instance name - defined in the database configuration (see: Finding Informix DB Server )
I downloaded and installed the Informix Client SDK provided by IBM and found that it comes with sample code (for both C# and VB). The path to the samples are C:\Program Files\IBM Informix Client SDK\demo\dotnetdemo\quickstart\cs
Add your connection string to the conninfo.xml file and run the file named helloworldconnect.cs as a console app to test connection. Your results will spit out into a file named "log.txt" (found in the bin/Debug folder).
BTW - I downloaded the 64 bit version of the "IBM Informix Client SDK". Trying to run it gave me "BadImageFormatException" so i had to switch my Platform Target to x64.
The SDK readme docs say it is IBM Informix .NET Provider Version 4.10.FC5 released on March 26, 2015. This link should give you a list of Windows 64 bit drivers (you will need to create an IBM account to download). On this page you can change the filter settings (top of page) to get other operating systems.
Whew.. now onto pulling data!
One more thing.. this book "IBM Informix Developer's Handbook" ( ) is a great resource and its free!

Coldfusion 9.0.1 Standard 64bit and Oracle 11g 64bit ODBC connection results in "architecture mismatch"

I have a freshly built 64-bit Windows Server 2008 R2 box that I have installed 64-bit Coldfusion 9 Standard on. I've upgraded and hotfixed it up to the most current version of CF. I also had 64-bit Oracle 11g ( Client installed on the box. I've created a System DSN using the 64-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator in Windows and can successfully test the connection of the data source.
All of these installations went smoothly, however, when I went to add a datasource in the Coldfusion Administrator I receive the error:
Connection verification failed for data source: myDatabaseName
java.sql.SQLException: [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket]internal error: The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application
The root cause was that: java.sql.SQLException: [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket]internal error: The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application
I am having a hard time understanding exactly where this architecture mismatch is coming from since the box is entirely 64-bit. I see while looking at all the processes that are running, some related CF processes are running in 32-bit (Verity related processes, SOLR and CFDotNetSVC). I am not sure if those could cause this issue but I am at a loss to explain were this mismatch would come from otherwise.
Anyone have any ideas?
Using Dan's advice I grabbed a JDBC Driver from Oracle here:
I then moved the JAR (ojdbc6.jar in my case) and added it to my Coldfusion Class Path.
Determining the correct settings for using the datasource to Coldfusion was slightly harder but here are the settings I ended up going with:
JDBC URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:#//
Driver Class: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
Driver Name: Oracle Thin Driver
Then the username and password for the DB.
Sure enough it worked like a charm.
Dan, I want to give you a check mark because you definitely put me in the right direction, but I can only mark one correct.
I believe you need to either step down to the 32-bit drivers, or use native JDBC drivers to connect to Oracle successfully. My suggestion would be to go the JDBC route, and connect directly through a native Oracle JDBC driver by using the "other" selection on the Datasource screen. You'll get better performance that way, and have more control over your connection via ColdFusion.
Connecting to Oracle information in ColdFusion Livedocs.
i found an alternate way to do this
install the ODBC drivers for 64bit and 32bit (in that order) on your win2008 64bit OS
thereafter create the DSNs on both the System32 folder and SysWow64 folder by running the odbc32ad32.exe
ensure your tnsnames are setup fine in the respective network/admin folder (if you use tnsnames to maintain your sids)
now on the CF admin you creaet a new ODBC source with aODBC Socket and name. the next page should show you a drop down of all DSNs that exists in the 64bit DSN setup. When you go and test it in CF, it will strangely use the config of the 32bit DSN setup for validationb
voila....your connections should work. No worries of those architectural failures etc
We needed to setup 64 bit ODBC connections for a ColdFusion 11 server to query against 2012 SQL Server instance on Windows 2008 R2 Server. The ODBC connections would show up but would never work. We received so many various messages when verifying such as "needing SSL connections to work" and also timeout messages as it was having problems logging into SQL Server.
I stumbled across this post and we decided to follow setting up 64bit ODBC connections and then effectively overwriting them--preserving the name using the 32bit ODBC. Thank you again fellow developers, especially Souzam! My instructions are below:
For Windows 2008R2 Server you must disguise 64bit ODBC socket configurations for 32 bit in order for them to appear in CF Admin as datasources (obvious bug in CF 11):
Creating 64bit ODBC connections via 2008 R2 ODBC application, follow a naming convention that will allow you to recall in 32 bit configuration.
Configure ODBC 32bit connection in SYSWOW64 (C:\Windows\SysWOW64) using the odbcad32.exe using the previous 64bit names in Step #1.
Create data sources in CF Admin as these should appear in a dropdown when creating ODBC Socket Type connections.

Connecting to Oracle database

Today is my first day trying to use Oracle databases in Asp.NET so I have no idea of what I need to do.
I have added this code
Dim oOracleConn As OracleConnection = New OracleConnection()
oOracleConn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=xxxxx;User Id=yyy;Password=psw;"
Response.write("Connected to Oracle.")
End Sub
But it gives me the error
Type 'OracleConnection' is not defined.
Now i've had a look on the internet and it says that it may be the reference to the DLL that is missing?
I know I have got a DLL reference in my page and I don't think I even have the DLL anywhere on my server.
Where do I get this DLL from?
I've downloaded the ODBC .NET data provider but this didn't seem to help.
I've tried to add a reference in Visual Studio but I can't find the Oracle client reference in the list.
Any ideas?
The Oracle recommended method is to use the Oracle Data Provider for .NET
You'll need an Oracle Client that is compatible with the version of the database you are using installed on your dev machine and the web sever machine.
There are some quirks with how you have to specify the database connection string. Some kind internet soul has documented the database connection strings for the oracle providers.
The oracle client has a file, called TNSNAMES.ORA, which is typically located in the /NETWORK/ADMIN folder under the oracle home where the client was installed (the installation location varies by version and installation settings).
This file contains a list of databases with the Port Number, Hostname, and Oracle SID which allows the oracle client to make a connection to a server.
Once all of this is configured (or you decide to use the "TNS-less" connection string), you should be able to make database connections to oracle.
The ODP.NET provider documentation also provides some sample code which is very helpful when getting started with it.
Per this, this OracleConnection is an obsolete API, however the DLL being used is:
EDIT: This article provides some data on different API's to connect to Oracle with .NET
The real problem is data type mapping,but not connection or provider .

Using SQL server 2008 for 2.0 Membership provider

I tried to set-up the SQL tables for ASP .net 2.0 membership provider by clicking on Configuration under Project.
I have completely uninstalled SQL 2005 Express and installed SQL 2008 Express instead.
It seems like that it can not connect to the database.
Does anybody know how to get this fixed so I can use 2008 instead ?
Try to configuring the database typing "aspnet_regsql" on the VS command prompt.
Then setup the database and finally change de connection string on the web.config file.
ASP.NET SQL Server Registration Tool (Aspnet_regsql.exe)
What is your SQL 2008 installation instance called? What does your connection string for the membership provider look like?
As far as I know, there is (or was) a glitch in the SQL Server 2008 Express installation that even if you chose to install as "default" instance, it would still make it a "named instance" called ".\SQLExpress" instead. Could that be the problem?
As Marc already has pointed out, it could be the problem with the instance name. This is fixed in service pack 1 for SQL Server 2008 Express. For more information and a workaround, see this Microsoft KB article.
SQL 2005 and 2008 are both configured in a fairly locked down state by default - and this means that SQL won't accept access the database other than through Shared Memory, even with Integrated Security.
You need to enable TCP/IP or Named Pipes for the Client Protocols for the server (as this is how ASP.NET talks to SQL if you've not configured a DSN to use Shared Memory.
I can't remember the exact steps in 2k8, as I've only had to do it once, but in 2k5 you had to open the SQL Server Configuration Manager, select SQL Native Client Configuration, Client Protocols, and enable TCP/IP and Named Pipes - it's a similar process for 2k8 as I recall.
The connectionStringName used in the membership Tag should be changed to the present connection string where you have the membership tables created.
If the connectionStringName is not pointing to a valid connection String name in the connectionStrings tag, the membership tables can not be used by the application.
