Plone and - plone

I am trying to use plone 4 with deco, using this buildout:
It seems to work, but when I add the new page element nothing special happens. (No
Anyone knows what is happening? or know a way of making it work with plone 4?

Deco is still experimental as of this writing, and shouldn't be used in production just yet.
Steps to get it working (what's currently working, that is) can be found in the install docs:

As far as i am aware, there has recently been a refactoring leaving the Deco UI editor not in a workable state. It shouldn't be a lot of work to repair, but it would be best if one of the core developers would do it.
Your best bet is probably asking on the list to make someone do a small development push.


Trying to Get Started with Bourbon/SASS (& How to Compile in Adobe Brackets)

Apologies for my daftness here, but trying to start a new design workflow and having a hard time wrapping my head around a few basic concepts.
I know that I want to join the party late and begin utilizing preprocessing in my development. After a lot of deliberation, I've also decided that I want to use Bourbon/Neat as the basic framework (as opposed to Bootstrap, etc.). Lastly, I've also decided to move over to Adobe Brackets after years of using Komodo Edit as my basic editor.
That said, I'm struggling to figure out how to get the damn thing to work. I've installed the SASS plugin for Brackets, but how exactly do I get Bourbon installed, get to work and start compiling. I've been reading articles, but feel like there's something about the process that I'm just not comprehending. If anyone can lend some thoughtful advice, it would be MUCH appreciated!
Do not bother with plugin, just follow framework guide (1. install it using ruby/node/whatever 2. run framework file watcher, it will compile sass css on save).
If you want to stick with plugin, then explore author's repo, it contains an example.

Should we still use the media_upload_tabs filter to add tabs in the Media Manager after WordPress 3.5?

Since WordPress 3.5, the old media manager filter (media_upload_tabs) is still working, however the UI has moved away from the ThickBox used before.
I haven't been able to find any information that suggests a new approach to add tabs and I wonder if WordPress is going to stick to the old way of adding tabs, or switch to the new way in future.
Does anyone have any insight into the best way to add tabs to the Media Manager?
Unfortunately it's very difficult to predict whether or not someone will make changes in WordPress, as an Open Source project you yourself could make that decision, contribute code and have the outcome you desire to some extent.
Fundamentally however the old adage 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' applies here.
It is hard to know from your question exactly what you are trying to do but there is a lot of criticism by the community as the Media Manager is now very dependent on jQuery and JavaScript and so you may have trouble implementing your functionality in the old way.

Flex UI testing automation

We have a flex based UI whose functionality (eg: login, logout) needs to be tested periodically in IE 7. Manual testing takes a lot of time and hence we want to automate it.
EDIT: We dont have the source code of this app uder test so cannot use something like FlexUnit. Is there a way to automate this testing?
I have heard of FleXmonkey, but have read negative reviews of it and hence wary of trying it.
EDIT: source of negative review:
Automated testing of FLEX based applications
(Comment by Ryan H)
Please suggest if theres a way to go about it.
EDIT: An open-source solution is preferred.
Thank you.
You won't get very far in your development adventures if you avoid reviewing things just because you read negative reviews. ( Please provide a source for said negative reviews ). I've also read bad things about Flex and Flash Builder and the Flash Player. Yet, you still ended up using Flex?
That said, I strongly suggest checking out Flex Monkey.
RIATest is another option.
I believe you can also do this sort of testing with QTP. I couldn't find a specific source for QTP info, but there are a few links if you google.
Without recompiling the source code, it is not possible to test Flex in all cases. Saucelabs IDE claims that it can test Flex without recompiling the code. You may check that.
I think FlexMonkey is pretty cool and worth judging on your own. Most of these tools use the same underlying automation framework provided by Adobe, and thus have many of the same pains and challenges. We've actually done a lot the last few months to make it easier to work with and have been working to provide more documentation on dealing with common challenges.
If you do have problem, you will find that our Forums are very active with questions and answers:
-Jon Rose -
Gorilla Logic, Inc
Some Flex automation tools support testing of Flex applications without requiring to recompile it.
RIATest definitely supports it (called runtime loading) and if I am not wrong QTP does it as well. AFAIK there are no open source tools that support it.
Beware though that runtime loading is not for every application. If for example you are using custom html wrapper you cannot use it with runtime loading.

Does anyone use Silverlight.FX with Silverlight 3?

I started looking at Silverlight.FX by Nikhil Kothari to replace Prism/Unity with our Silverlight 3 project.
So far I like the code layout and structure. It looks well thought out.
But I can't get a lot of the samples working due to a System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException. Anyone else seeing this? Should I not be using this framework with Silverlight 3?
I'm using the framework with Silverlight 3 without issue. Referencing the pre-built dlls works for my project but I haven't tried compiling the source myself. Have you tried using the dlls?
After some heavy debugging this error is coming because some of the class names that Nikhil used I believe are now in Silverlight 3 beta 1. In the TaskList example the ListView's DataTemplate has a HoverEffect
<fxeffects:ColorFill FillColor="#406795D1" Duration="0:0:0.25"/>
This is the one causing all the problems I saw. Removing this took away the AmbiguousMatchException.
Well, that is avoiding the problem, not solving it. It looks like the problem is much deeper, and anything that uses classes that derive from the Effect base class is broken. That makes the use of Silverlight FX pretty boring.
I have tried to use the lib in the past, and had issues with it. While Nikhil Kothari is amazing in the things he has worked on, and his technical abilities, I find that he is not so responsive to solving issues (BTW, someone already posted this problem on his blog, without his response). I do not want this to sound like a knock on Nikhil, it is just something you need to consider when using open source for real-world projects.
I sure hope someone can figure out what the deal is with those classes, I have spent many hours debugging, without solving the issue.
I tried the Amazon Store sample and the TaskList sample using the latest version of the library (3.1 built against SL3), and samples seem to work fine, including the ColorFill effect.
I did rename the Effect class to AnimationEffect which you'd need to avoid the ambiguous API compile error you'd see if you tried to recompile the sources... but precompiled binaries would have been fine. Not sure I see why you'd get a runtime reflection issue however.
Sorry, I know it can be frustrating to not see a response/fix immediately, but theres just too many things going on esp. before a release. My hope is having the source around at least enables you to debug into/break into so at least one is not completely blocked. Yes, I realize its suboptimal, but at the same time it is the reality, as Noam pointed out... :-(

Flex Text Control Undo

I'm having trouble finding any resource for adding ctrl-z undo capability to a Flex RichTextEditor control (a lack it apparently shares with other Flex text controls). I'm baffled that it's not in the native forms because it's such a fundamental capability, available in even standard browser text controls I believe.
Any mention of this issue on the Flex sites (there are several) conflict; one says the issue is "Closed" and the resolution is "External" (whatever that means).
Does anyone have any insight to offer? I've got an app the heavily requires extensive text editing. Flex in general works nicely, but this trivial lack is just about fatal, as anyone would imagine.
An example using the Flight Framework to easily implement undo/redo can be found here:
I've read elsewhere -- in fact, in the answers to one of my questions on SO -- that the issue is not going to be resolved in Flex 3. Which seems to be correct since we are in 3.2 or maybe even beyond that, and there's no undo in sight.
I was brave/stupid enough to implement an undo-redo in this component myself. At that time I was working on Windows. Now I'm on OSX and I realize just how non-cross-platform my solution is. The very statement of the problem (adding ctrl-z undo capability) is a large part of the problem (OSX has control AND this Apple key thing). Now I have to check how much work it would be to make the thing cross-platform... could be trivial.
By amazing coincidence, just today I've been thinking about NOT using the RichTextEditor but rather something external (FckEditor comes to mind) because the RTE leaves so much to be desired (hence I arrived at your question). I've worked with the RTE a ton and gotten it to do a lot of what I want, but I still wonder why they didn't "finish" this component...
Flex 3 controls do not natively support undo/redo. Here are a couple of libraries that may be of interest to you:
