What is the proper way to add optional program arguments to a plist? - plist

This command line usage statement is displayed near the bottom of the Running Cassandra wiki page.
bin/cassandra [-f] [-h] [-p pidfile]
Below it, is an example of a Cassandra plist file for Mac OS X 10.6.x. I’ve only quoted the example’s array of the program arguments for the sake of brevity and clarity.
Now, when it comes to adding the optional [-p pidfile] arguments to the program arguments’ array, is it proper to write the string nodes as?
Or as?
<string>-p /usr/local/apache/cassandra/0.7.5/runtime/pid.txt</string>

The former. The latter should work if you omit the space, if cassandra uses something compatible with POSIX getopt().


How to combine two Vim commands into one (command not keybinding)

I've found few Stack Overflow questions talking about this, but they are all regarding only the :nmap or :noremap commands.
I want a command, not just a keybinding. Is there any way to accomplish this?
When I run :make, I doesn't saves automatically. So I'd like to combine :make and :w. I'd like to create a command :Compile/:C or :Wmake to achieve this.
The general information about concatenating Ex command via | can be found at :help cmdline-lines.
You can apply this for interactive commands, in mappings, and in custom commands as well.
Note that you only need to use the special <bar> in mappings (to avoid to prematurely conclude the mapping definition and execute the remainder immediately, a frequent beginner's mistake: :nnoremap <F1> :write | echo "This causes an error during Vim startup!"<CR>). For custom commands, you can just write |, but keep in mind which commands see this as their argument themselves.
:help line-continuation will help with overly long command definitions. Moving multiple commands into a separate :help :function can help, too (but note that this subtly changes the error handling).
If you want to pass custom command-line arguments, you can add -nargs=* to your :command definition and then specify the insertion point on the right-hand side via <args>. For example, to allow commands to your :write command, you could use
:command -nargs=* C w <args> | silent make | redraw!
You can combine commands with |, see help for :bar:
command! C update | silent make | redraw!
However, there is a cleaner way to achieve what you want.
Just enable the 'autowrite' option to automatically write
modified files before a :make:
'autowrite' 'aw' 'noautowrite' 'noaw'
'autowrite' 'aw' boolean (default off)
Write the contents of the file, if it has been modified, on each
:next, :rewind, :last, :first, :previous, :stop, :suspend, :tag, :!,
:make, CTRL-] and CTRL-^ command; and when a :buffer, CTRL-O, CTRL-I,
'{A-Z0-9}, or `{A-Z0-9} command takes one to another file.
Note that for some commands the 'autowrite' option is not used, see
'autowriteall' for that.
This option is mentioned in the help for :make.
I have found a solution after a bit of trial and error.
Solution for my usecase
command C w <bar> silent make <bar> redraw!
This is for compiling using make and it prints output only if there is nonzero output.
General solution
Where COMMAND_TO_RUN can be constructed using more than one command using the following construct.
You can use this multiple times and It is very similar to pipes in shell.

How to execute a command with multiple parameters from a file in gradle?

I have below command in a .txt-file:
java -jar /path/to/something.jar --classpath="/path/to/something/other.jar" --url="something:#" --driver=some.driver update
As can be seen multiple parameters with different syntax (with -, --, and/or with and without "") are used.
I tried the following code:
task test(type: Exec) {
workingDir '/path/to/working/dir'
String commandFromFile = new File('/path/to/file/with/command' + 'filewithcommand.txt').getText('UTF-8')
commandLine commandFromFile
On windows platforms this code is working but on unix it doesn't.
As you can see in the documentation of the Exec task, you should split up your command into its parts. So doing commandLine commandFromFile.split(' ') should work if you do not have spaces in your arguments. If you have, you need a more sophisticated way to split the command that takes quotes into account.
Or you change the format of your command file so that it has one argument per line and you use .readLines('UTF-8') instead of .getText('UTF-8').
I'm not 100% sure about the following, but it could be that you also have to remove the quoting around arguments even if they contain spaces, as you give the arguments as single entities to the commandLine call and thus need no quoting for escaping spaces here. Depending on OS and tool you call it could even break the command if there are quotes that it cannot handle.
Alternatively, but that is the worse method imho, you can also do something like
if (windows) {
commandLine 'cmd', '/c', commandFromFile
} else {
commandLine 'sh', '-c', commandFromFile
where then the command processor does the splitting and so on. There you need the quotes and stuff of course. The windows variable in this example of course needs to be determined, e. g. from system properties.

Iterating through !DumpHeap output to read value at memory offset

I'm trying to come up with a WinDbg command line expression that takes the output of the !DumpHeap command and for each address, reads a 64-bit value from offset 0x08 after the address. I think this is possible (not sure about it) but every attempt I made so far fails with some error.
I searched a lot but most WinDbg articles show simple examples which I can try but my attempts fail.
I have a process dump of an ASP.NET worker process. The process has some memory growth but there's no clear offender so I'm trying to list a number of objects that appear many times in memory. I'm using sos.dll for the managed debugging WinDbg extensions.
Here's what I'm trying to do
.foreach(myaddress {!dumpheap -short -mt 000007fe998adea8})
{r #$t0=poi(myaddress+0x8);!do #$t0;.echo ************* myaddress}
Note, that the above command must be on a single line - I only added a line break for better readability here.
For the above line, WinDbg prints this error: Couldn't resolve error at 'myaddress+0x8);!do #$t0;.echo ************* 00000001003cb870'.
I'm trying to iterate through all addresses returned by !DumpHeap - each address should go into the myaddress variable. Then, for each address, I'm trying to set the $t0 user register to the value read from myaddress+0x8. The !do (!DumpObject) command would then dump the object at that address.
If I run only (again, on one line in WinDbg):
.foreach(myaddress {!dumpheap -short -mt 000007fe998adea8})
{!do myaddress;.echo ************* myaddress}
I get a list of object dumps but this is one level higher than what I need. I want to drill down one level deeper and dump a particular member of these top-level objects that I'm iterating through.
Is this possible or am I on the wrong track with this?
After further searching, I found that I was using the wrong syntax. According to question and to MSDN, variable names must be surrounded by spaces or must be enclosed in ${...} to work. After I used the ${} enclosure, my script started working.
For future reference, here's how to run the script (keep it on one line in WinDbg):
.foreach(myaddress {!dumpheap -short -mt 000007fe998adea8})
{r #$t0=poi(${myaddress}+0x8);!do #$t0;.echo ************* myaddress}
yes you need space around the aliases
.foreach ( place { .shell -ci "!DumpHeap -stat" sed 1,3d | awk "{print
$1 }" } ) { .foreach (plays { !DumpHeap -short -mt place } ) { r $t0 =
poi( plays + 8 ) ; !do #$t0 ; .echo
========================================= } }

Evaluating buffer until the cursor

I am trying to create a key binding for "Evaluate buffer till here" in Emacs & ESS, which is situated in ESS => ESS Eval menu. Most of the commands in that menu are listed in help files (http://ess.r-project.org/Manual/ess.html, and in Emacs options), but this particular one is not. If I place following code in .emacs file:
(eval-after-load "ess-mode" '(define-key ess-mode-map (kbd "C-.") 'ess-eval-buffer-till-here))
I get a following message when trying to use the binding: Symbol´s function definition is void: ess-eval-buffer-till-here. Obviously I am calling for wrong name. What is the right name for this command and how can I see all of the commands for ESS?
So it's a menu item? Type C-hk and then select that item.
(Menus are implemented as keymaps, so this is just the normal describe-key functionality.)
You can also see the non-interactive call form of the last command with C-xESCESC or C-xM-:. It's easy to figure out the command name once you have that. (thanks event_jr)
For listing all commands, most modes will list all their key bindings in their docstring, so you can use C-hm to describe the modes in use in the buffer.
As there may be commands without bindings, you could also use M-x apropos-command to list them all (most likely specifying ^ess as a pattern, if it uses that as a consistent name space).

how to use execlp to locate command in unix

In my program user will type the command and its arguments and I want to locate it. For example he prints wc -l -c. Since I don't know how many argument he will enter, how should I use execlp?
the syntax for execlp is
int execlp(const char*file,const char *arg0...,(char*)0);
Assume that I store command and its arguments in
char* arguments[].
Since feature requests to mark a comment as an answer remain declined, I copy the above solution here.
You want execvp(). – FatalError
