fitting a GUID field into a smaller field without losing uniqueness - guid

I need to send a GUID PK field (length = 36) to a downstream system that will only accept 20-char long. It is cost-prohibitive to increase the length of the field in the downstream system.
If I truncate the field then I lose its uniqueness.
Any way to stuff a 36 characters long GUID into a varchar(20) field without losing uniqueness?
thank you

Since a Varchar(20) is 20 bytes and a GUID is 16, you should just be able to fit it in by ASCII85-encoding the binary GUID.


BLOB/TEXT column used in key specification without key length (1170)? [duplicate]

Entries in my table are uniquely identified by word that is 5-10 characters long and I use TINYTEXT(10) for the column. However, when I try to set it as PRIMARY key I get the error that size is missing.
From my limited understanding of the docs, Size for PRIMARY keys can be used to simplify a way to detect unique value i.e. when first few character (specified by Size) can be enough to consider it unique match. In my case, the size would differ from 5 to 10 (they are all latin1 so they are exact byte per character + 1 for the lenght). Two questions:
If i wanted to use TINYTEXT as PRIMARY key, which size should I specify? Maximum available - 10 in this case? Or should be the size strictly EXACT, for example, if my key is 6 character long word, but I specify Size for PK as 10 - it will try to read all 10 and will fail and throw me an exception?
How bad performance-wise would be to use [TINY]TEXT for the PK? All Google results lead me to opinions and statements "it is BAD, you are fired", but is it really true in this case, considering TINYTEXT is 255 max and I already specified max length to 10?
MySQL/MariaDB can index only the first characters of the text fields but not the whole text if it is too large. The maximum key size is 3072 bytes and any text field larger than that cannot be used as KEY. Therefore on text fields longer than 3072 bytes you must specify explicitly how much characters it will index. When using VARCHAR or CHAR it can be done directly because you explicitly set it when declaring the datatype. It's not the case with *TEXT - they do not have that option. The solution is to create the primary key like this:
PRIMARY KEY idx_name(name(255))
The same trick can be done if you need to make primary key on a VARCHAR field which is larger than 3072 bytes, on BINARY fields and BLOBs. Anyway you can imagine that if two large and different texts start with the same characters at the first 3072 bytes at the beginning, they will be treated as equal by the system. That may be a problem.
It is generally bad idea to use text field as primary key. There are two reasons for that:
2.1. It takes much more processing time than using integers to search in the table (WHERE, JOINS, etc). The link is old but still relevant;
2.2. Any foreign key in another table must have the same datatype as the primary key. When you use text, this will waste disk space;
Note: the difference between *TEXT and VARCHAR is that the contents of the *TEXT fields are not stored inside the table but in outside memory location. Usually we do that when we need to store really large text.
for TINYTEXT can not specify the size. Use VARCHAR (size)
SQL Data Types
FYI, you can't specify a size for TINYTEXT in MySQL:
mysql> create table t1 ( t tinytext(10) );
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds
to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(10) )' at line 1
You can specify a length after TEXT, but it doesn't work the way you think it does. It means it will choose one of the family of TEXT types, the smallest type that supports at least the length you requested. But once it does that, it does not limit the length of input. It still accepts any data up to the maximum length of the type it chose.
mysql> create table t1 ( t text(10) );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> show create table t1\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Table: t1
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `t1` (
`t` tinytext
mysql> insert into t1 set t = repeat('a', 255);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> select length(t) from t1;
| length(t) |
| 255 |

Records count exceeded maximum integer value

Let's say we have a table in SQL Server with primary key of integer type.
What happens if the number of rows in table exceeds maximum value for int data type?
It looks as though your database will refuse to create a new row. Your best bet if you are looking at that barrier is to switch to Bigint, Decimal or using a GUID as the datatype for the primary key:

SQL Server 2008 what DataType to store a hashpassword in

I am currently building a login process and decided to store my user password in database with a hashpassword combined with a salt. Just wondering what datatypes to store the hashpassword and salt is Varchar or NVarchar sufficient ?
EDIT : Link where I am basing this on
storing passwords in SQL Server
Microsoft use Nvarchar in when we use SQL membership, have a look the below image
The hash of your passwords should be of uniform string length and represented as either hex or base64 text (or some other, single-byte-per-character representation.)
EDIT (You just need the char type per the uniform length of hash output!)
So char will suffice.
use the varchar datatype
-- blah blah blah --
I need 30 characters to post a reply

Can I use anything other than BIGINT as Primary Key data type in SQLite?

I was psyched about the possibility of using SQLite as a database solution during development so that I could focus on writing the code first and dynamically generating the db at runtime using NHibernate's ShemaExport functionality. However, I'm running into a few issues, not the least of which is that it seems that SQLite requires me to use Int64 for my primary keys (vs, say, Int32 or Guid). Is there any way around this?
Note: I should specify that this is in the context of an app using NHibernate. It is not strictly speaking the case that one can't create a table in SQLite with an INT datatype, but the behavior when you save and retrieve the data seems to indicate that it's being stored and/or retrieved as Int64.
SQLite will let you use any field in your table as a PRIMARY KEY. Doing so will implicitly create a UNIQUE index on the field. This is then the field that you, as a developer, can consider to be the primary unique identifier for the field. It can be any supported SQLite data type (below).
SQLite will always create an implicit internal numeric identifier for every table. It will have several aliases including RowID, OID, and _ROWID_. If you create your primary key as INTEGER PRIMARY KEY then it will use the same field as your primary key and SQLite's internal numeric identifier.
SQLite doesn't have a concept of Int32 or Int64 or Guid data types. It only has four data types: INT, REAL, TEXT, and BLOB. When you run DDL against SQLite if you use anything other than these four identifiers, SQLite will use a set of rules to determine which type to use. Basically, Int32 and Int64 are treated as aliases of INT and end up doing the exact same thing.
Even once you've created the tables with the data types you mentioned for each field, all you set is the type affinity for that field. SQLite does not enforce data types. Any data can be put into any field regardless of the declared type. SQLite will use the type affinity to convert data if possible, so if you insert '123' as a text string into an INT field, it will store it as the number 123.
The only exception to the type affinity is INTEGER PRIMARY KEY FIELDS. Those must be integers.
Integers in SQLite are always stored with a variable length field. So depending on the size of the integer, you may actually get an Int32 back for some rows an Int64 for others, all within the same field. This depends on the wrapper you're using, in this case NHibernate (I guess with System.Data.SQLite).
It does not require you to use Int64, however, it is possible that it only allows that when you specify a numeric primary key. Because sqlite doesn't really have referential integrity checking (though there has been recent discussion of this and perhaps dr hipp has even implemented, i haven't checked lately), all primary key means is "Make this column unique and create an index on it". there isn't much special about it. You can certainly use varchar or text for a primary key. for example, this works:
create table t_test (
theID varchar(36) primary key,
nm varchar(50)
in the above you could use theID to store a guid in text form.
More info can be found here:
#weenet ... per your comments, the following code works just fine.
i think you need to post your code if you're still having troubles.
create table t_test2 (
theID int32 primary key,
nm varchar(50)
insert into t_test2 (theID, nm) values (1, 'don');
insert into t_test2 (theID, nm) values (2, 'weenet');
select * from t_test2;
additionally, this code works fine (varchar as a primary key):
create table t_test (
theID varchar(36) primary key,
nm varchar(50)
insert into t_test (theID, nm) values ('abcdefg', 'don');
insert into t_test (theID, nm) values ('hijklmnop', 'weenet');
select * from t_test

What is the difference between related SQLite data-types like INT, INTEGER, SMALLINT and TINYINT?

When creating a table in SQLite3, I get confused when confronted with all the possible datatypes which imply similar contents, so could anyone tell me the difference between the following data-types?
Is there some documentation somewhere which lists the min./max. capacities of the various data-types? For example, I guess smallint holds a larger maximum value than tinyint, but a smaller value than integer, but I have no idea of what these capacities are.
SQLite, technically, has no data types, there are storage classes in a manifest typing system, and yeah, it's confusing if you're used to traditional RDBMSes. Everything, internally, is stored as text. Data types are coerced/converted into various storage locations based on affinities (ala data types assigned to columns).
The best thing that I'd recommend you do is to :
Temporarily forget everything you used to know about standalone database datatypes
Read the above link from the SQLite site.
Take the types based off of your old schema, and see what they'd map to in SQLite
Migrate all the data to the SQLite database.
Note: The datatype limitations can be cumbersome, especially if you add time durations, or dates, or things of that nature in SQL. SQLite has very few built-in functions for that sort of thing. However, SQLite does provide an easy way for you to make your own built-in functions for adding time durations and things of that nature, through the sqlite3_create_function library function. You would use that facility in place of traditional stored procedures.
The difference is syntactic sugar. Only a few substrings of the type names matter as for as the type affinity is concerned.
INT, INTEGER, SMALLINT, TINYINT → INTEGER affinity, because they all contain "INT".
LONGCHAR, LONGVARCHAR → TEXT affinity, because they contain "CHAR".
DEC, DECIMAL, DATETIME, SMALLDATETIME → NUMERIC, because they don't contain any of the substrings that matter.
The rules for determining affinity are listed at the SQLite site.
If you insist on strict typing, you can implement it with CHECK constraints:
Str TEXT CHECK(TYPEOF(Str) = 'text'),
But I never bother with it.
As for the capacity of each type:
INTEGER is always signed 64-bit. Note that SQLite optimizes the storage of small integers behind-the-scenes, so TINYINT wouldn't be useful anyway.
REAL is always 64-bit (double).
TEXT and BLOB have a maximum size determined by a preprocessor macro, which defaults to 1,000,000,000 bytes.
Most of those are there for compatibility. You really only have integer, float, text, and blob. Dates can be stored as either a number (unix time is integer, microsoft time is float) or as text.
NULL. The value is a NULL value.
INTEGER. The value is a signed integer, stored in 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 bytes depending on the magnitude of the value.
REAL. The value is a floating point value, stored as an 8-byte IEEE floating point number.
TEXT. The value is a text string, stored using the database encoding (UTF-8, UTF-16BE or UTF-16LE).
BLOB. The value is a blob of data, stored exactly as it was input.
As an addition to answer from dan04, if you want to blindly insert a NUMERIC other than zero represented by a TEXT but ensure that text is convertible to a numeric:
your_numeric_col NUMERIC CHECK(abs(your_numeric_col) <> 0)
Typical use case is in a query from a program that treats all data as text (for uniformity & simplicity, since SQLite already does so). The nice thing about this is that it allows constructs like this:
INSERT INTO table (..., your_numeric_column, ...) VALUES (..., some_string, ...)
which is convenient in case you're using placeholders because you don't have to handle such non-zero numeric fields specially. An example using Python's sqlite3 module would be,
"INSERT INTO table VALUES (" + ",".join("?" * num_values) + ")",
str_value_tuple) # no need to convert some from str to int/float
In the above example, all values in str_value_tuple will be escaped and quoted as strings when passed to SQlite. However, since we're not checking explicitly the type via TYPEOF but only convertibility to type, it will still work as desired (i.e., SQLite will either store it as a numeric or fail otherwise).
