Adding TextBocex, CheckBoxes on Request C# -

I will be starting a project soon at my company and the client would like to have the option in the portal to add textboxes or checkboxes as an administrator,,, so for instance initially I may have something like
Name [textBox]
Phone [textBox]
So the client would like to log in as an admin and be able to add
Name [textBox]
Phone [textBox]
Receive Brochure [checkBox] //added by client.
Forget about the portal and the admin part.. what I would like to know is what would be the best way to design this (the user to be able to add elements)
Any ideas would be much appreciated

You could create an additional aspx-form in which the User (or the Admin) is able to define and create his/her own forms, you supply the Variable names and they choose to add the controls, save it in a specific scheme in the Database, e.g.
UserID FormID
FormID FormName
FormID VariableName ControlType Index
Of course this could also be done by an administrator and be visible by everyone.
To view the specific forms you could add yet another aspx-page containing the following code:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//you saved the FormName or ID to Session when you accessed it
string formName = Session["FormName"].ToString();
//this handles getting the elements for this Form from DB
List<FormElement> elementList = FormElement.GetForForm(formName);
private void renderForm(List<FormElement> eList)
foreach(FormElement fe in eList)
//Labels left, Controls right, of course this is just a design decision
Label lbl = new Label();
lbl.Text = fe.Variable;
lbl.ID = fe.ControlType + fe.Variable;
dynamic ctrl = null;
switch (fe.ControlType)
case "TextBox":
ctrl = new TextBox();
case "CheckBox":
ctrl = new CheckBox();
ctrl.ID = fe.ControlType + fe.Variable;
Later on after the User hitting submit you'd be able to receive the values entered into those Controls by accessing divRight.FindControl(fe.ControlType + fe.Variable) since that should be unique per Form.
This approach assumes you're using .NET 4.0 (because of dynamic), but of course you can do this just fine without it, it'll just be more code.
Please let me know if this is what you searched for or if it was helpful.

From what I have done in the past where I had to create a dynamic survey based on a client needs. I had a database that contained the following tables:
Survey - stores list of client surveys.
Controls - listed the type of controls that would be needed. For example, textbox, checkbox etc.
Survey Controls - links all the controls required for a survey.
User values - stores the values entered in a controll based on the survey used.
I then added some logic to dynamically create the controls based on a survey selected by reading the values from my database.


Devexpress XAF (Blazor) Popup window to edit property

I have an XAF application. Most of my Business Objects are based on a baseclass "MyBaseClass" which contains Createdby, ModifiedBy, ... Comments. The Comments field is AllowEdit=false. I only want users to be able to modify the comment thru an action which would allow them to create an entry to which I would prepend their UserName and timestamp.
I don't know how to pop up a window to edit a property (string) within the current object and view.
There are plenty of examples of how to CreateListView but in this case what I wish to edit in the popup is not a separate BO but just a string. Maybe that is my problem(???)
I have the Action Controller and I am not sure how to create the DetailView when I get into the _Execute()
In Winforms XAF I add an action in a view controller.
In the action's execute event I call something like
private void actOpenDetailView_Execute(object sender, SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e)
var application = Controller.Application
var viewId = application.FindDetailViewId(typeof(MyBusinessObject));
var detailView = application.CreateDetailView(newObjectSpace, jh, true);
e.ShowViewParameters.CreatedView = detailView;
e.ShowViewParameters.TargetWindow = TargetWindow.NewWindow;
I haven't tried that in Blazor.

Switching between dynamically added user controls showing old values

Edit (more brief):
I have a control "configuration" with a tree view on the left and a list of panels on the right to which i add my controls. These elements are placed inside a table and surrounded by an ajax panel.
Let's say i have a tree node cars with two elements car1 and car2. When i click an item i save the ID and Type of the selected tree node inside hidden fields to be able to load the right user control on Page_Init
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
var type = this.Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ctl00$typeId"];
var id = this.Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ctl00$entityId"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
this.LoadUserControl(type, id);
private void LoadUserControl(string type, string id)
if (Convert.ToInt32(type) != 0)
switch (Convert.ToInt32(type))
case (int)SkTopics.Product:
this.AddUserControl("../Modules/Product.ascx", this.Product, type, id);
private void AddUserControl(string controlName, Panel panel, string type, string id)
// Init new user cotntrol
control = (BaseControl)this.LoadControl(controlName);
// Setting the user control ID
var replace = controlName.Replace("../Modules/", string.Empty);
string userControlId = replace.Split('.')[0] + id;
var targetControl = panel.FindControl(userControlId);
if (object.Equals(targetControl, null))
control.ID = userControlId;
On LoadEntityItem the data for this car are collected from the database and the values are set as Text of textboxes. When i now switch to the second car, the new values are displayed.
Problem: I change the values inside the textboxes and press the save button to call my save method of the user control. From now on, when i switch to the car 1 again, the values for car 2 are still displayed, although the data for car1 are filled. tO see the data for car1 i have to switch to a complete different type of control and then back to the car1.
Another problem is, that i have a binary image inside the user control which Data i fill on init. When i swith to the the next car, where there i no image configured, i set the image data to null, but the image from the previous car i show. Onyl if i set a different image data the new image is displayed.
There is something else i noticed:
Inside the user control i call a javascript funtion but this one is only called on clicking the the save button. It seems that there is a different between the switch of the tree node and the save button click ?
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "InitScrewPointsForDragging", "InitScrewPointsForDragging();", true);
I hope this was more brief than before.
It seems that the reason for the issue is some improper viewstate handling and after I disable the view state it is working correctly at my side. Here is the code that I updated to have it work at my side:
this.control.EnableViewState = false;
this.control.ID = userControlId;

how to change people picker value in infopath form after every form updating

I have a state machine workflow and related task. Task can be edited until it satisfy some conditions. Task formed by infopath. These task contains one people picker field. I assign 3 fields with these values:
private void createTask_Operator_MethodInvoking(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.createTask_Id = Guid.NewGuid();
this.createTask_Properties.ExtendedProperties["ows_TaskDisplayName"] = "user1";
this.createTask_Properties.ExtendedProperties["ows_TaskAccountId"] = #"SP\user1";
this.createTask_Properties.ExtendedProperties["ows_TaskAccountType"] = "User";
It is works, I can see in my form value these user. But when I change the user(for example: "user2") and submit the form, I cannot retrieve my manually changed field value, it always returns values of "user1".
private void onTaskChanged_Operator_Invoked(object sender, ExternalDataEventArgs e)
this.onTaskChanged_AfterProperties = this.onTaskChanged.AfterProperties;
this.onTaskChanged_BeforeProperties = this.onTaskChanged.BeforeProperties;
// here I cannot retrieve changed field value, always returns: SP\user1
this.workflowProperties.Item["UserName"] =
Please, if you faced such problem, help me with that...
I'm having a little trouble understanding your problem, but here are two answers. To successfully set the value of a people picker field, you have to correctly populate all three fields: DisplayName, AccountId, and AccountType. AccountType is always "User", but the other two have to align with your AD or wherever you're getting your user data from. To get data from a people picker, the best solution often includes the double eval trick: eval(eval(person, "concat(my:AccountId, ';')"), "..") This handles multiple entries correctly, if you mean that you're only getting the first in the list.

Dynamic controls(Textbox) in

I want to create dynamic text boxes during run time.
Suppose im gettng a text from a database as "# is the capital of India" now i want to replace that "#" by text box while it is rendered to user as below
<asp:TextBox runat="server" id = "someid"></asp:TextBox> is the capital of India
Im able to get the textbox and text as combination. However I cannot access the textboxes with the given id and when any event occurs on the page the textboxes are lost as they logically does not exist untill their state is stored.
I also went through the concepts of place holder and Viewstate to store the dynamically created controls and make their id's available for the methods, but as far as I tried I could not meet the textbox and text combination requirement.
Im looping over the entire text recieved from database and checking if there is any"#". Is yes then i want to replace it with a textbox on which i can call methods to take back the value entered in the text box to database and store it.
eg: text is "#" is the capital of India
for (int i = 0; i < que.Length; j++) //que holds the text
if (que[i] == '#')
//Textbox should be created
//the texts should be appended before or after the textbox/textboxes as text demands
On button click I'm passing request to database, which will send me necessary details i.e. question text, options and also saves the current checked value etc.
protected void BtnLast_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
CheckBox1.Checked = false;
CheckBox2.Checked = false;
CheckBox3.Checked = false;
CheckBox4.Checked = false;
QuestionSet q = new QuestionSet();
StudentB b = new StudentB();
q = b.GetQuestion(1, 1, qid, 'L', 0, Checked, date);
qid = Convert.ToInt32(q.Question_Id);
Checked = q.Checked;
if (q.Question_Type == 11) //indicates its objective Question
//ill bind data to checkboxes
else if (q.Question_Type == 12) // indicate its fill in the blanks question
for (int j = 0; j < que.Length; j++)
if (que[j] == '#')
string res = "<input type = 'text' runat = 'server' id ='TxtBoxFillUp" + count + "'/>";
htm = htm.Append(res);
htm = htm.Append(que[j]);
Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
Adding control in the way you do it won't create control as creates it. You do have to create controls as usual .net object.
TextBox myNewTextBox = new TextBox() {};
// Set all initial values to it
And add this cotrol to placeholder or panel, whatever you use. Keep in mind that page events fire even if you use update panel, so in order to maintain state and events of newly created controls you have take care of creating such controls long before page's Load event fires. Here is my answer to another simialiar question.
Seeing the requirements you have:
1.) You need to use JavaScript. Since the ASP.NET will not recreate controls which are dynamically added. Dynamically added controls need to be recreated after every postback. This is the reason why your TextBoxes are Lost after every postback.
2.) You can write JavaScript code to Hide and show the textboxes for blank texts since at every button click you can call Client side functions using: OnClientClick() property of buttons.
3.) Also to Get the TextBoxes using ID property, add them in Markup( .aspx ) portion itself.

How to display save confirmation message on my Web form when user saves new form by clicking Save button

I am very new to ASP.NET. I am working on some other developer's Web form. I have been asked to fix a bug which says:
No success message is displayed when user clicks Save button after
adding information to the form (first time or while updating)
There is a Label at the top of the page with ID lblMsgs
<asp:Label ID="lblMsgs" runat="server">
I have added this to the Code behind in the appropriate place:
lblMsgs.Text = "Message Text";
Now, my question is how do I modify the HTML or code behind to make sure that when Save button is clicked, the code checks that the data is saved to the database and displays save successful message on the Web form.
Can you please help by giving example of the code using my label ID above?
Thank you in advance.
That's a pretty vague question, but if your looking for data validation you should look at the built in ASP.NET Validators. This can do client/server side data validation. As for returning a message to the user based on a successful update to the DB, that is going to be solution specific depending on what type of data layer your using.
On your Save button handler, you can add validation logic if whether the data is valid or not.
protected void ValidateSave(object o, EventArgs e){
if (Page.IsValid) {
// Save to DB and notify of update status
var success = SomeDBMethod.Update...
if (success){
DoAlert("Saved Successfully!");
else { lblMsgs.Text = "Failed"; }
// Call client-side alert
private void DoAlert(string message) {
ClientScriptManager cs = Page.ClientScript;
var x = "alertScript";
if (!cs.IsStartupScriptRegistered(cstype, x))
String script = string.Format"alert('{0}', message);";
cs.RegisterStartupScript(cstype, x, script, true);
