Hi Im writing a small android app that is closely working whit phone labels but I don't understand how I'm suposed to translate the uri values described in the Documentation.
What i want to do is to translate TYPE_HOME To Home and so on. My current solution is to have a list of all translated string but it has presented a lot of problem with languish. But i want to be able to do it like the addresbook and other apps doses it.
Android has a built in method to do this already ...
import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone;
String s = (String) Phone.getTypeLabel(context.getResources(), Phone.TYPE_HOME, "");
Looking at the source code for ContactsListActivity, it appears that the Android developers just mapped values like Phone.TYPE_MOBILE to values they defined in strings.xml, just for that app, indicating there is no universal system label to easily lookup (for example, as one might use #android:drawable to use system graphics, which is not a recommended practice, as the images change between platforms).
As far as I know there're no resources for labels. You can only have all strings as resources in your own app and convert default types to these strings.
UPDATE: There're a lot of solutions for converting label type to string. For example, you can define string-array resource:
<string-array name="labels">
Then you should define these string for all languages you support. You'll be able to convert label code to string after loading this array with getResources().getTextArray(R.array.labels). Also you have to deal with custom labels.
That's a possible solution but in fact everything depends on your app's architecture.
Yes, you can get localized phone type string with the code:
int phoneNumberType = (int)pCur.getInt(pCur.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE));
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.getTypeLabel(context.getResources(), phoneNumberType , "")
but for custom phone types you should cosider phone label, not only phone type:
String phoneLabel = pCur.getString(pCur.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.LABEL));
So, I am trying to publish my Xamarin.Ios app to the app store (really test flight but I have to get an ipa) I'm following along the Microsoft documentation and trying to register a new identifier, however, when I insert my Bundle ID (gotten from info.plist) the web service marks it as "invalid identifier". I've been looking to see if I glanced over a pre-requisite in the documentation but I haven't noticed anything. Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
It turns out that I had an underscore in my bundle id and that was the issue, ostensibly changing it to ascii code will fix the issue. However, I'm unsure of how to change it exactly, for instance, _ is 95 using ascii code but if I have blah_app and change it to blah95app that would allow me to register but I'm not sure if that is in the correct format.
First time using api-platform and Symfony 4 to create an API interface for a MySQL db.
I'm updating an old search interface for the db for which I need to replicate many of the search options. This includes being able to search on a given field using various matching operators/strategies. e.g. starts with, contains exactly equals, etc.
I've set everything up for the api using Annotations.
The #ApiFilter(SearchFilter::class, properties={"fieldname": "strategy"} annotation on my table class works as designed, but I am limited to one-and-only-one strategy per field. I need to be able to pass the strategy to the api search function in the url. something like:
would be fine.
I can't figure out how to set this up. Shockingly, to me anyway, this common requirement doesn't seem to be documented at all.
The file CustomSearchFilter.php located at the repo https://github.com/jordonedavidson/custom_search_filter solves this use-case using the
The file was written by Kévin Dunglas (the author of Api Platform) and is presented with his blessing.
once again I have to ask you for a help.
I have a problem with creating public variable and using it in formula.
The details of this issue is:
1, right after starting a Lotus Notes Application i have to create public variable EmpNum which will be contain an employee number (the number will be imported from IBM Blue Pages)
2, this EmpNum variable will be used to filter the data in a view, so I have to use it in formula in View Selection.
I'll be very grateful if you help with this issue.
Maybe there is possible any simplest solution of this problem?
Thanks in advance,
Tomasz (td2003)
Torsten, Panu, thank you.
I've decided to try write an EmpNum variable in notes.ini using #SetEnvironment and read it by #GetEnvironment, and it works.
BUT (!) there is a very strange thing:
1) when I entered formula "SELECT((form="ITForm") & (Status="Completed") & (TX_EmployeeNumber=#Environment("EmpNum")))" the view shows me all document where "TX_EmployeeNumber" is EMPTY;
2) otherwise when I entered formula "SELECT((form="ITForm") & (Status="Completed") & (TX_EmployeeNumber!=#Environment("EmpNum")))" (not equal) the view shows me all document where "TX_EmployeeNumber" is NOT EMPTY and no matter if TX_EmployeeNumber have exactly the same value as EmpNum.
For example: if EmpNum="P11" the view with 2nd formula shows the documents where TX_EmployeeNumber fields contains "P11", "P22", "A32" and so on.
I'm sure that #Environment("EmpNum") retrieves correct data from notes.ini.
I'm totally confused and completely don't know what's going on.
Do you have any idea about this?
First of all: There are NO public variables in Lotus Notes as you request it. Neither in LotusScript nor in Formula. Every variable just lives in its context, never in the complete client.
There are two places to put such a variable:
in the notes.ini, where you can set / read it using Formula (#Environment, #SetEnvironment, #getEnvironent) or LotusScript (NotesSession.GetEnvironmentString, NotesSession.SetEnvironmentVar).
In a Profile document in a database, where you can get it using #GetProfileField (Formula) or NotesDatabase.GetprofileDocument() (LotusScript)
Both of these approches will NOT help you for your number 2.
There is only ONE View- Selection- Formula for ALL Users. Putting something "userspecific" in there will let it render correctly for ONE value (the one, that the server uses when building the view- index), but not for all the others.
To solve your problem you can use:
a) An embedded View
A view that is categorized by empNum
A Form that has this view embedded and a Formula for "Show single category" for this embedded view set
b) A SPOFU view
SPOFU is "Shared, private on first use" and means, that every user has his own copy of the view. These views have some caveats and are hard to maintain. You should NOT use them, if you are not totally aware of the implications (getting the ACL right is one very important thing for these views)...
EDIT (due to change in question): SPOFU will neither work with Environment nor with Profile- documents, as the methods to read them are not supported in Views... So b) is not really an option... Sorry...
It is possible to use the #SetViewInfo formula in the QueryOpen and/or PostOpen of a view to get the view to only present data from one category. Be careful with this because you will need to touch EVERY view so that the value is cleared if the user navigates to a view which is not categorized by the employee num...
FWIW: I only have done this using #UserName not with another piece of data. I suggest you do that by having the import process add the fully qualified Notes name of the user to the documents as they are imported.
You can modify view selection formula with NotesView class. In this case you would have to use private views.
A better solution would be to use an XPage to show the view and use category filter. Or if you want to use traditional style then embed the view to a form or page and use "Show Single Category" feature.
Are there any open source/free frameworks available that take some of the pain out of building HTML e-mails in C#?
I maintain a number of standalone ASP.NET web forms whose main function is to send an e-mail. Most of these are in plain text format right now, because doing a nice HTML presentation is just too tedious.
I'd also be interested in other approaches to tackling this same problem.
EDIT: To be clear, I'm interested in taking plain text form input (name, address, phone number) and dropping it into an HTML e-mail template. That way the receipient would see a nicely formatted message instead of the primitive text output we're currently giving them.
EDIT 2: As I'm thinking more about this and about the answers the question has generated so far, I'm getting a clearer picture of what I'm looking for. Ideally I'd like a new class that would allow me to go:
HtmlMessage body = new HtmlMessage();
body.Title("Some Text That Will Display as a Header");
body.Rows.Add("First Name", FirstName.Text);
The HtmlMessage class builds out a table, drops the images in place and adds new rows for each field that I add. It doesn't seem like it would be that hard to write, so if there's nothing out there, maybe I'll go that route
Andrew Davey created Postal which lets you do templated emails using any of the ASP.NET MVC view engines. Here's a video where he talks about how to use it.
His examples:
public class HomeController : Controller {
public ActionResult Index() {
dynamic email = new Email("Example");
email.To = "webninja#example.com";
email.FunnyLink = DB.GetRandomLolcatLink();
return View();
And the template using Razor:
To: #ViewBag.To From: lolcats#website.com Subject: Important Message
Hello, You wanted important web links right? Check out this:
The C# port of StringTemplate worked well for me. I highly recommend it. The template file can have a number of named tokens like this:
Your information to login is as follows:<br />
Username: $username$<br />
Password: $password$<br />
...and you can load this template and populate it like this:
notificationTemplate.SetAttribute("username", Username);
notificationTemplate.SetAttribute("password", Password);
At the end, you get the ToString() of the template and assign it to the MailMessage.Body property.
I recently implemented what you're describing using MarkDownSharp. It was pretty much painless.
It's the same framework (minus a few tweaks) that StackOverflow uses to take plain-text-formatted posts and make them look like nice HTML.
Another option would be to use something like TinyMCE to give your users a WYWIWYG HTML editor. This would give them more power over the look and feel of their emails, but it might just overcomplicate things.
Bear in mind that there are also some security issues with user-generated HTML. Regardless of which strategy you use, you need to make sure you sanitize the user's input so they can't include scary things like script tags in their input.
Sorry, I didn't realize you were looking for an email templating solution. The simplest solution I've come up with is to enable text "macros" in user-generated content emails. So, for example, the user could input:
Dear {RecipientFirstName},
Thank you for your interest in {ClientCompanyName}. The position you applied for has the following minimum requirements:
- B.S. or greater in Computer Science or related field
- ...
And then we'd do some simple parsing to break this down to:
Dear {0},
Thank you for your interest in {1}. The position you applied for has the following minimum requirements:
- B.S. or greater in Computer Science or related field
- ...
... and ...
0 = "RecipientFirstName"
1 = "ClientCompanyName"
We store these two components in our database, and whenever we're ready to create a new instance from this template, we evaluate the values of the given property names, and use a standard format string call to generate the actual content.
string.Format(s, macroCodes.Select(c => EvaluateMacroCode(c, obj)).ToArray());
Then I use MarkdownSharp, along with some HTML sanitizing methods, to produce a nicely-formatted HTML email message:
Dear John,
Thank you for your interest in Microsoft. The position you applied for has the following minimum requirements:
B.S. or greater in Computer Science or related field
I'd be curious to know if there's something better out there, but I haven't found anything yet.
Users open files in our app through a QFileDialog. The order of the filenames is bizarre. What is determining the sorting order, and how can we make it sort by filenames, or otherwise impose our own sorting, perhaps giving it a pointer to our own comparison function?
The documentation and online forums haven't been helpful. Unless it's well hidden, there doesn't seem to be any sorting method, property, etc.
This is a primarily Linux app, but also runs on Macs. (I know nothing about Mac.)
Here is the juicy part of the source code:
QtFileDialog chooser(parent, caption, directory, filter);
/// QtFileDialog is our class derived from QFileDialog
QStringList hist = chooser.history();
/* point "x" */
if(chooser.exec()) {
QStringList files = chooser.selectedFiles();
...blah blah blah...
From one of the answers, I tried an evil experiment, adding this ill-informed guesswork code at "point x":
QSortFilterProxyModel *sorter = new QSortFilterProxyModel();
sorter->sort(1); // ???
But this crashed spectacularly at a point about 33 subroutine calls deep from this level of code. I admit, even after reading the Qt4 documentation and sample code, I have no idea of the proper usage of QSortFilterProxyModel.
Are you using QFileDialog by calling exec()? If you are, you should have a button to switch the view to Detail View. This will give you some column headers that you can click on to sort the files. It should remember that mode the next time the dialog opens but you can force it by calling setViewMode(QFileDialog::Detail) before calling exec().
An alternative is to call the static function QFileDialog::getOpenFileName() which will open a file dialog that is native to the OS on which you are running. Your users may like the familiarity of this option better.
Update 1:
About sort order in screen cap from OP:
This screen capture is actually showing a sorted list. I don't know if the listing behaviour is originating from the Qt dialog or the underlying file system but I know Windows XP and later do it this way.
When sorting filenames with embedded numbers, any runs of consecutive digits are treated as a single number. With the more classic plain string sorting, files would be sorted like this:
Going character by character, the first 1 sorts before the 9.
.. But with numerical interpretation (as in Windows 7 at least), they are sorted as:
The 9 sorts before the 10.
So, the sorting you are seeing is alphabetical with numerical interpretation and not just straight character by character. Some deep digging may be required to see if that is Qt behaviour or OS behaviour and whether or not it can be configured.
Update 2:
The QSortFilterProxyModel will sort the strings alphabetically by default so there is not much work to using it to get the behavior you are looking for. Use the following code where you have "point x" in your example.. (you almost had it :)
QSortFilterProxyModel *sorter = new QSortFilterProxyModel();
sorter->setDynamicSortFilter(true); // This ensures the proxy will resort when the model changes
I think what you need to do is create a QSortFilterProxyModel which you then set in your QFileDialog with QFileDialog::setProxyModel(QAbstractProxyModel * proxyModel)
Here are some relevant links to the Qt 4.6 docs about it.
I don't think it depends upon the implementation of Qt libraries... But upon the Native OS implementation..
For example in Windows,
if you use QFileDialog, it will display the Files and Directories by Name sorted.. It is the same when used in other applications. In the sense that, if you try to open a file through MS- Word, it indeed displays the Files and directories as Name sorted by default..
And am not sure about other environments since am not used to them...
But in Windows, you can change the sorted order by right-click in the area of Files and Directories display and can select the options you like.. For e.g like Name,size,type, modified... And also which is similar, when you use an MS-Word application...
So, I believe it does depend on the Native OS implementation and not on QFileDialog's...