Display Word Document inside ASP.Net page - asp.net

I want to display a word Document, which is sitting on my IIS. I want to display the whole document as is, inside a iFrame on my aspx page.
I know I can use MS Word Libs, but I cannot install Word on Server where application will be hosted, (Correct me if I am wrong: I cannot use just dlls without installing MS Word on Server).
How can I display the word document in my iFrame?

Probably the easiest way would be to include the Google Docs Viewer.
Other ways could be to use Aspose.Words (commercial) to convert Word to PDF and then use Aspose.Pdf.Kit to convert PDF to images and then display the images online.

PowerTools for Open XML contains an open source, free implementation of a conversion from DOCX to HTML formatted with CSS. The module HtmlConverter.cs supports all paragraph, character, and table styles, fonts and text formatting, numbered and bulleted lists, images, and more. See http://bit.ly/1bclyg9


How to open and doc file that has spaces between folder names

I have a file that will open perfect when the link is copied to a web browser but will fail when trying to open the link from the web page in asp.net. I noticed its because of the spaces. How can I get my application to read this space in between. The app fails to read Shared Documents due to the spacing and also Microsoft Word Test.docx. What can I add in-between the words that will read those spaces in asp.net so that I can open the docx file. Thanks in advance!
http://sharepoint/Shared Documents/Microsoft Word Test.docx
You can URL-encode the space character:
To do this dynamically in ASP.NET you'd likely use either HttpUtility.UrlEncode or WebUtility.UrlEncode.

Editing ASPX page with Microsoft Word having XHTML code

I have a xml file which has all the data from my Web based application. Now I am using XSLT 1.0 file to read the data from XML and my application then displays this in aspx page in my internet explorer.
I want to edit the content in Microsoft Word and then save it in word file (doc, docx). When I use File-->"Edit with Microsoft Word" option, I see blank MS Word and no data. I dont know what to do.
Please help and advise.
Open it with notepad, then copy all the content, the paste it in a newly created word document.
That's how straightforward things tend to get with office...

A "shortcut" method for exporting an ASP.Net Page to pdf/xls

I want to export a few Pages to pdf/xls. By Pages I mean as the eye sees it - a screenshot of the Page's contents. I know how to build pdf/xls documents using 3rd party tools but is there any way to quickly export the rendered contents of say a Panel?
edit: maybe a tool that can render the page's output as a browser would, and save it as an image file?
There is an open source console program named wkhtmltopdf which you could call from asp.net to convert the page. It can convert to PDF or an image with wkhtmltoimage (JPG, PNG, etc.) using the webkit rendering engine.
Check my answer to this question to see an example of how to convert from a html to a pdf using C#:
Easiest way of porting html table data to readable document
I can recommend http://www.screengrab.org/ for firefox.

Using PDF In .Net App

Can someone point me to some code/tutorial on how to upload pdf files and store them, then moreover how to use a pdf reader to display the file as read only in an asp.net application.
Is there a PDF reader already in the visual studio toolbox?
The approach I would use in this situation is to upload the PDF as you would any other file, then use a tool like GhostScript to convert the PDF pages into image files that you can show in ASP .Net.
Here's a tutorial doing that in C# http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/GhostScriptUseWithCSharp.aspx
Adobe provides (on acrobat.com) a free service which provides you with the ability to upload pdf (and also other types like doc...) and then embed a nice flash interface for displaying the files on your page.
It's pretty helpful as you can store some 5 gigs of files here.
But if you want to let the users upload their own files then this won't help you.
PDF is a final format file, ie its is read-only for the most part and can be embedded into the page via the <object> tag, except if you mean downloadable by the user.
Displaying PDF is generally done by rasterising to an image format for display (ie as an image on the page or via a richer interface (with zooming etc) through flash/silverlight etc.
You can use [GhostScript][1] to interpret PDF files and convert them to an image.
[1]: http://www.GhostScript .com
Uploading a PDF is just like any other file. Use the ASP.NET file uploader control:
In order to view the PDF in an ASP.NET application, you could either depend on Acrobat being there or use a PDF Viewer control.
The company I work for, Atalasoft, sells a PDF Reader add-on to our web viewer controls. You can learn more here: http://www.atalasoft.com/products/dotimage/pdf-reader

adding images to openxml doc created from altchunk

I need an automated process for creating docx files from xhtml source. The xhtml files contain images (<img> elements) whose "src" attributes point to an external reference. But the docx files need to be readable without a network connection, so I need to find a way to embed the images directly into the docx package (namely, in the /media folder).
So far I've used the altChunk method (as described by Eric White) to create the .docx file. I had hoped to use the OpenXML SDK to insert the image parts into the package. But to do that I need to insert paragraphs (<p> nodes) into the document. Unfortunately the document part contains nothing but a reference to the altChunk (stored separately in the docx package). Of course, once the docx is opened, edited and saved, the altChunk part is removed and it’s contents are embedded properly in the document.xml. But I don’t know of any way to do that programatically, so that doesn't help.
Other options I’ve considered:
Partitioning the xhtml into segments, separated between each image, then adding each altChunk one at a time, with the appropriate image reference between each one. (Tedious but seems possible)
Inserting the images into the media folder, and then find way to embed WordProcessingML directly into the xhtml so that the <img> references the packaged image file. (Questionable at best)
Can anyone think of a better approach?
Well, I sorta solved my own problem: I decided to convert the document to mHtml (which can contain images embedded directly in the file) and then use the altchunk to create the final docx file. However, I still wanted to do some post-processing on the file (to insert endnotes in the Word document), but as mentioned above, this is not possible until after the altchunk has been transformed into docx, which cannot be done programmatically.
So it dawned on me that I could bypass the altchunk path altogether and simply use mHtml as the "gateway" from xHtml to docx. I just transformed the xHtml into mHtml, complete with embedded images and endnotes, then renamed the file with a .doc extension. The resulting document can be opened directly by Word (and will be converted more properly on subsequent save). So far it works great (albeit with some bugs in Mac's version of Word, as well as Word2003).
