Unit Test ASP.net Page_Load - asp.net

How can create a unit test for the the Page_Load function in ASP.net?
I am using build in Visual Studio Unit test frame work. I want to create a unit test that check the Elements of the web page and their values.
I know about selenium and its abilities in unit testing.
This is the web Page to test WebPageControl.ascx.vb:
Public Class WebPageControl
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
TextBox.Visible = False
End Sub
End Class
This is the Unit test WebPageControlTest.vb:
Public Class WebPageControlTest
Public Sub PageLoadTest()
Dim target As WebPageControl_Accessor = New WebPageControl_Accessor()
End Sub
End Class
After I do this I still get an error
Test method RechargeTest.WebPageControlTest.PageLoadTest threw exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

You're probably not going to be able to new up a Page outside of the ASP.NET runtime.
You may want to google around for the MVP (Model-View-Presenter) pattern under ASP.NET. It makes testing web code a lot easier IMHO. This article is a good starting point:

If you want testable ASP.NET WebForms code, check out this project.

Web forms really wasn't built to be run through unit testing. Here's a good article on what I'm talking about. If you really want your pages to be testable I'd consider moving over to asp.net mvc or mvp.


How can I add Console dll file in web application?

By following the CHATGPT guidelines I added a Console file dll (Inboundnightlybatchfile is my console file) in the bin folder of my web application. To access the dll need to import in our application. So I write this using Inboundnightlybatchfile; But the dll file name does not appear in the IntelliSense, and it throws a compile time error.
I want to add the Console file dll to an Web application
Well, HOW do you share ANY code in your existing application, or code from "other" applications?
why of course you have/put that code in a class.
I mean in your project now, how do you use/enjoy a bunch of helper code and routines?
You wind up with a class, and then in code create a instance of that class.
So, say I have a class that holds some information about a hotel?
Then you add a class to your project, and then simple use that class in code.
So, say this class:
Public Class Hotel
Public HotelName As String
Public City As String
Public HotelDescripiton As String
Public FirstName As String
Public Lastname As String
Public ReadOnly Property FullName As String
Return FirstName & " " & Lastname
End Get
End Property
End Class
Then in code, you can use that "code"
Dim OneHotel As New Hotel
OneHotel.HotelName = "Super 8 Hotel"
OneHotel.FirstName = "John"
OneHotel.Lastname = "Smith"
John Smith
Same goes for a console application. If you want share that code, then move the console code you want to share to a class.
Say I have this console application. When I run it, it will display all my drives on the computer.
So, from command prompt I have this:
So, now lets say I want to use above in my web site - to display/list all the hard drives.
So, the code for above console application is this:
Sub Main()
Dim cMyCode As New clsSharedCode
Dim sDriveList As List(Of String)
sDriveList = cMyCode.GetDrives
For Each s As String In sDriveList
End Sub
But, the "working" code for that console been moved to a class called clsSharedCode.
That is this:
Imports System.IO
Public Class clsSharedCode
Public Function GetDrives() As List(Of String)
Dim DriveList As New List(Of String)
Dim allDrives As DriveInfo() = DriveInfo.GetDrives
For Each d As DriveInfo In allDrives
Dim s As String
s = $"Drive:{d.Name} Volume:{d.VolumeLabel} Type:{d.DriveType} Ready:{d.IsReady}"
Return DriveList
End Function
End Class
Ok, so now lets use above in our web site.
We simple set a reference to vbconsole.exe.
So, now this web page markup:
<h3>Drives on computer</h3>
<asp:ListBox ID="ListBox1" runat="server" Height="223px" Width="423px">
code behind
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not IsPostBack Then
Dim cConsoleCode As New VBConsole.clsSharedCode
Dim sDriveList As New List(Of String)
sDriveList = cConsoleCode.GetDrives
For Each sDrive As String In sDriveList
End If
End Sub
And then we get this:
So, to "share" code? How this works EVEN with a simple plain jane console application is quite much the same as you "always" done this.
This does mean/suggest that the working code in your console application should be moved out to a shared code class that BOTH the console application, and now your web application can use and enjoy.
But, be a a web site, or even a simple console application?
The why and how of sharing the code quite much is the same in .net. You share code by using a object approach, and this is quite much the WHOLE foundation as to how .net code works - including that of sharing code between systems and applications.
So, in my web application, I simple set a reference to vbconsole.exe, and now I am free to use + consume any code in that console appliation. however, as noted, like you ALWAYS done to share code? You will as a general rule move that code out to a class, and then any other application is free to consume + use that code by using the public class code you have in that application. So, that MySharedCode class in the console application can now be used by any other .net application, include that asp.net web site.
so, .net is "primarily" a object based system, and this is the main pillar and foundation of how you re-use and share .net code. You share such code by creating class(s) with that code, so then your existing application (the console application) can use those class(s), and as above shows, by a simple reference to the vbconsole.exe application, the web site can also use + enjoy + consume that code also.
So, becasue a class forces you to seperate out the UI parts from the code parts, then even adopting this approach in a simple console application means that such code can be used + consumed by any type of application. you can write another console applcation, and reference our above console application and use that code.
but, we can also create a windows desktop program, and again reference the vbconsole.exe application. And so can our web based applcation.
And even MORE amazing? You can consume the above class in c#, or vb.net, and again it don't matter!

ASP.NET XtraReports Gridview RowCellStyle

Is there any possible way to change Gridview CellStyle while printing XtraReports?
Some approach from Winforms;
Protected Sub dg_listeOzet_RowCellStyle(sender As Object, e As RowCellStyleEventArgs) Handles gv_listeOzet.RowCellStyle
e.Appearance.BackColor = Color.LightBlue
End Sub
I found a solution referring this problem.
As you know, when you create XtraReports in winforms, it is created with two codefiles which are desing file and code file.
you can copy all of codes from desing class and code class from the WinForm project and paste them into a new class created in a ASP.NET project.
This enables you to catch
Private Sub gv_ListeOzetCritical_RowCellStyle(sender As Object, e As RowCellStyleEventArgs) Handles gv_ListeOzetCritical.RowCellStyle, gv_listeOzet.RowCellStyle
this event in the code file. when you full the gridview, this code event works and colour cells whichever you want.

MapHttpRoute vs MapRoute for basic POST WebAPI

Given the following simple Web API (not part of an MVC project, just an empty ASP.NET site) which I've taken from a tutorial:
Public Class AwesomeController
Inherits ApiController
Public Function [Get]() As String
Return "Hello. The time is " & DateTime.Now.ToString
End Function
Public Function Post(<FromBody> yourName As String) As String
Return String.Format("Hi {0}, you posted here at {1}", yourName, DateTime.Now.ToString)
End Function
End Class
I am creating the Route within global.asax like this:
Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Routes.Add("default", New HttpRoute("{controller}"))
End Sub
This works fine, but I've read that WebAPI Routing should preferably be created using MapHttpRoute so that the service can exist in isolation. Is this true?
If so, can anyone post the code to replace my global.asax version?
I figured out the last bit, but would still appreciate knowing whether there is a 'correct' way?
RouteTable.Routes.MapHttpRoute("default", "{controller}")
The MapHttpRoute extension method is simply a convenient way to register HttpRoute instances in your routing table. It's perfectly okay to manually create and register an HttpRoute without making use of the shorthand method, though.
If you want to understand the inner workings of MapHttpRoute, take a look at the source code: HttpRouteCollectionExtensions.cs.

Accessing public class variables in asp.net without session

I am using this example I found to learn how to load class files and access variables through them. This is in a file called Class1.vb in the App_Code folder (this is not an app project):
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Public Class my_class
Public Shared Sub my_sub()
Dim vartest As String
vartest = 10
HttpContext.Current.Session("myvar") = vartest
End Sub
End Class
This is the codebehind on the aspx file:
Imports my_class
Partial Public Class test
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Label1.Text = HttpContext.Current.Session("myvar")
End Sub
End Class
How could I access the vartest variable without using a session, since if this is accessed by multiple functions at the same time the variable can be overwritten I assume. Is it possible to go the other way, where a variable is sent to a class file?
It sounds like you need a quick overview of some basic ASP.Net Webforms concepts. Up first I'll counter a common newbie misconception:
Your Page class does not hang around on the web server for very long
I think many new ASP.Net developers have this idea of the web server keeping a single instance of their page class for every user session that hits their site, and each postback or event uses this same page class instance. That's just not how it works. ASP.Net page class instances are nearly always created and destroyed again in well under a second, and most experienced developers see it as a big problem if it takes longer.
ASP.NET relies on the HTTP protocol
The thing to remember here is ASP.Net still relies on the HTTP protocol, and http boils down to requests and responses. When you view a web page, your browser first sends a request to a server. The server responds, usually with an html document. The browser will then parse the html; based on what it sees in the html the browser may send more requests to the server for additional resources, such as javascript, images, or css files. Each request results in a separate response, and the browser uses all these resources to render the page to the screen. However, the ASP.Net runtime normally does not have to process the additional requests (that would make things slower) — ony the initial html needs ASP.Net support; you want the other resources to be basic files that can be cached.
The ASP.Net runtime creates a new instance of your class for every request.
When the ASP.net runtime processes a request for a page, it will create a new instance of your page class. The runtime will follow the ASP.Net Page lifecycle (this should really be named the "ASP.Net Page Request Lifecycle"), and call certain methods or raise certain events in this class instance, in a specific order defined by the lifecycle.
This means every postback or event runs in a different instance of your class.
It also means every postback or event is rebuilding and transmitting all of the html the goes into your page, and not just the portions you want to change. For your server code, the consequence is the only thing class-level variables are really good for in ASP.Net is things that will be used within a single http request. For the browser, the consequence is you're working with a brand new DOM after every event.
To understand all of that, it's important here to also have a good understanding of the difference between a class and an instance of a class. A couple items in your question make me unsure whether you have this understanding yet.
The ASP.Net runtime shares one application instance among all users of your site
The web server typically only has one instance of your application for the entire web site and all it's users. Therefore, anything with a Shared/static scope is common to every user. It's rarely appropriate in ASP.Net for anything to be Shared/static.
So how do you handle data that should live with a single user or visit to your site?
This is exactly what the Session is for. A session will always be unique to an individual request at any given time. You're worried about multiple functions accessing the session at the same time, but this does not happen. The ASP.Net Page Lifecycle ensures that unless you manually spawn additional threads, only one function at a time is running for a given HttpContext and Session. If a user somehow sends two requests at about the same time that should have the same Session/HttpContext, one will be held by the ASP.Net runtime until the other is completed. If you don't want to reference the session all the time, you can build properties in your class that wrap session variables. See #Pankaj's answer for an example.
First, a Session has user-scope, so it will not be overwritten by another Request.
Is it safe to access asp.net session variables through static properties of a static object?
You could encapsulate the access into a property:
Public Shared Property MyVar() As String
If HttpContext.Current.Session("MyVar") Is Nothing Then
HttpContext.Current.Session("MyVar") = ""
End If
Return DirectCast(HttpContext.Current.Session("MyVar"), String)
End Get
Set(value As String)
HttpContext.Current.Session("MyVar") = value
End Set
End Property
Then you can get the variable by:
Label1.Text = my_class.MyVar
In addition to the "Tim Schmelter" reply....
You can create a BaseClass which will inherit from
Place the property as suggested by "Tim". The only change you need to do is to change the access modifier to Protected and you should remove Public and Shared
You can also keep other common functions, properties that can we reused in other classes also... Similarly you can create BaseControls as well for your User controls
Finally, inherit this class in the web form....
Hope this will help you...
Base Class code
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Web
Public Class BaseClass
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Property MyVar() As String
If HttpContext.Current.Session("MyVar") Is Nothing Then
HttpContext.Current.Session("MyVar") = ""
End If
Return Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Session("MyVar"))
End Get
HttpContext.Current.Session("MyVar") = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Sample Code "Behind Code" - Showing the usage of Protected member Data from Base Class
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Public Partial Class Default5
Inherits BaseClass
Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
Dim str As String = Me.MyVar
End If
End Sub
End Class
Generally you can use different places to store application state: Application (application wide, saves state into application domain), Session (there can be saved everything what will be accessed by current browser session), ViewState (variables stored in hidden input field and will be posted on every postback). Of course you can also save state to database or file. I'm not sure what you want to achieve, but looks like you looking for something like ViewState.
Read ASP.NET State Management

Using IHttpModule Over Global.asax

I've been given the thrilling task of re-writing our exception handling system. Whilst I will state that handling exceptions from an application-wide point of view isn't something we want, typically it's unavoidable when our team are understaffed for the sheer amount of work we need to push out the door, so please, no flaming the globalised solution to exception handling here :)
I've had a good hunt to see what common solutions exist. At the moment we use Global.asax with the Application_Error event to do Server.GetLastError() which is placed in Session state then a redirect is called to another page where the session data is then retrieved and output in a human readable format. The redirect also calls a sproc which will carefully audit the error information which is a) e-mailed to the developers and b) viewed from a web page only viewable by developers.
The new way I've seen of doing things is using the IHttpModule interface using a class in App_Code to do something along these lines (this is my quick implementation)
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Public Class ErrorModule : Implements IHttpModule
Public Sub Dispose() Implements System.Web.IHttpModule.Dispose
' Not used
End Sub
Public Sub Init(ByVal context As System.Web.HttpApplication) Implements System.Web.IHttpModule.Init
AddHandler context.Error, AddressOf context_Error
End Sub
Public Sub context_Error(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim ex As Exception = HttpContext.Current.Server.GetLastError
' do something with the error
' call the stored procedure
' redirect the user to the error page
End Sub
End Class
My question is, what is the benefit of this solution over using Global.asax events? Additionally, what is the best way to hand the data to an error page?
EDIT: The code above does work by the way ;)
EDIT: Also, how does the HttpModule work behind the scenes? Does it just register the Error event to that particular function on application start?
Upon much further investigation it seems grabbing session data is really, really messy when it comes to using IHttpModule interface. I don't think MS have matured HttpModule enough for it to be used in our particular scenario - until there are events specific to session data it's too dangerous for us to use.
Using a module has the advantage of being easily removable, all you need to do to disable it is to remove it from <httpModules> in your config.
As far as your data goes, try going with Server.Transfer or Server.RewritePath - that will keep all the current data (including the last server error).
If for some reason it clears the last error, you can save the error to HttpContext.Items before the transfer/rewrite and then retrieve it afterwards.
Edit: In response to your edit, an IHttpModule attaches to any appropriate events in it's IHttpModule.Init implementation.
HttpModule basically does the same thing as Global.asax. It's designed as a more reusable and self-contained module for event handling.
