Is it possible to emit a Qt signal from a const method? - qt

In particular, I am implementing a QWizardPage ("MyWizardPage") for a QWizard, and I want to emit a signal ("sigLog") from my override of the QWizardPage::nextId virtual method.
Like so:
class MyWizardPage
: public QWizardPage
virtual int nextId() const;
void sigLog(QString text);
int MyWizardPage::nextId() const
Q_EMIT sigLog("Something interesting happened");
But when I try this, I get the following compile error on the Q_EMIT line:
Error 1 error C2662: 'MyWizardPage::sigLog' : cannot convert 'this' pointer from 'const MyWizardPage' to 'MyWizardPage &'

It is possible to emit a signal from a const method by adding "const" to the signal declaration, like so:
void sigLog(QString text) const;
I tested this and it does compile and run, even though you don't actually implement the signal as a normal method yourself (i.e. Qt is okay with it).

You may try to create another class , declare it as friend for your wizard page and add to wizard as a mutable member. after that you may emit it's signal instead of wizard's.
class ConstEmitter: public QObject
friend class MyWizardPage;
void sigLog(QString text);
class MyWizardPage
: public QWizardPage
mutable CostEmitter m_emitter;
void sigLog(QString text);
int MyWizardPage::nextId() const
Q_EMIT m_emitter.sigLog("Something interesting happened");
or you may just use
int MyWizardPage::nextId() const
Q_EMIT const_cast<MyWizardPage*>(this)->sigLog("Something interesting happened");
that is not recommended way, because const_cast is a hack, but it's much shorter :)


No matching constructor for initialization of 'QQmlListProperty<Player>'

new bee here on QT.
I am trying to build an online example that used to work on QT5, but the compilation keeps failing on QT6. I keep getting this error and not sure why.
footballteam.cpp:55:12: No matching constructor for initialization of 'QQmlListProperty<Player>'
qqmllist.h:76:5: candidate constructor not viable:
no known conversion from 'int (*)(QQmlListProperty<Player> *)'
to 'QQmlListProperty<Player>::CountFunction'
(aka 'long long (*)(QQmlListProperty<Player> *)') for 4th argument
QQmlListProperty<Player> FootBallTeam::players()
return QQmlListProperty<Player>(this,this,&FootBallTeam::appendPlayer,
class FootBallTeam : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QString title READ title WRITE setTitle NOTIFY titleChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString coatch READ coatch WRITE setCoatch NOTIFY coatchChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(Player * captain READ captain WRITE setCaptain NOTIFY captainChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QQmlListProperty<Player> players READ players NOTIFY playersChanged)
... bunch of stuff
//Callback Methods
static void appendPlayer(QQmlListProperty<Player>*, Player*);
static int playerCount(QQmlListProperty<Player>*);
static Player* player(QQmlListProperty<Player>*, int);
static void clearPlayers(QQmlListProperty<Player>*);
class Player : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name WRITE setName NOTIFY nameChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool playing READ playing WRITE setPlaying NOTIFY playingChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString position READ position WRITE setPosition NOTIFY positionChanged)
explicit Player(QObject *parent = nullptr);
QString name() const;
bool playing() const;
QString position() const;
void setName(QString name);
void setPlaying(bool playing);
void setPosition(QString position);
void nameChanged(QString name);
void playingChanged(bool playing);
void positionChanged(QString position);
private :
QString m_name;
bool m_playing;
QString m_position;
I looked into this thread, but did not help much.
Pass QQmlListProperty from QML to C++ as parameter
Any ideas why it does not compile on QT6?
thank you.
As pointed out by absolute.madnes, the fix was to change int to qsizetype
qsizetype FootBallTeam::playerCount(QQmlListProperty<Player> * list)
return reinterpret_cast<FootBallTeam*>(list->data)->playerCountCustom();
Player *FootBallTeam::player(QQmlListProperty<Player> * list, qsizetype index)
return reinterpret_cast<FootBallTeam*>(list->data)->playerCustom(index);

using QList<T> in a connect( ) call

I am writing my first application in Qt4, basically using the books of Blanchette/Summerfield andSams 24 hours, and a lot of Qt search on internet.
my actual call is:
connect( thumbNailView,
SIGNAL(leftClicked(QListWidgetItem *)),
SLOT(openItem(QListWidgetItem *)));
which gives the following error:
"no matching function for call to DAPPMainWindowWidget::connect(DAPPListWidget*&, const char [32], DAPPKeypointList*&, const char [29])"
I also connected this signal to another object which works flawless:
connect( thumbNailView,
SIGNAL(leftClicked(QListWidgetItem *)),
SLOT(openItem(QListWidgetItem *)));
Both leftImage and leftKeypointList are pointers to objects to a standard QWidget and and a custom object DAPPKeypointList : public QList with DAPPKeypoint holding index and position
of the keypoint.
My idea is that I cannot simply pass a pointer to QList sort of object the same way as I do a pointer to a standard Qwidget.
below follow:
in my DAPP.h
DAPPKeypointList * leftKeypointList;
DAPPKeypointList * rightKeypointList;
and classes:
class DAPPKeypoint {
QPoint getKeypointPos();
void setKeypointPos(QPoint);
int getKeypointIndex();
void setKeypointIndex(int);
QPoint keypointPos;
int keypointIndex;
class DAPPKeypointList : public QList<DAPPKeypoint> {
public: DAPPKeypointList();
private slots:
void openItem(QListWidgetItem *);
in my cpp files:
#include "DAPP.h"
QPoint DAPPKeypoint::getKeypointPos(){ return keypointPos; }
void DAPPKeypoint::setKeypointPos(QPoint kpPos){ keypointPos = kpPos; }
int DAPPKeypoint::getKeypointIndex(){ return keypointIndex; }
void DAPPKeypoint::setKeypointIndex(int kpIndex){ keypointIndex = kpIndex; }
DAPPKeypointList.cpp: (for the moment just a template ...)
#include "DAPP.h"
void DAPPKeypointList:: openItem(QListWidgetItem *) {}
And DAPPMainWindowWidget.cpp :
Parts that are relevant (if you need more, let me know, but I think this is sufficient to have an idea of the problem):
leftKeypointList = new DAPPKeypointList;
rightKeypointList = new DAPPKeypointList;
leftImage = new DAPPImageWidget(leftImageLabel);
connect(thumbNailView,SIGNAL(leftClicked(QListWidgetItem *)) ,leftKeypointList ,SLOT(openItem(QListWidgetItem *)));
connect(thumbNailView,SIGNAL(leftClicked(QListWidgetItem *)) ,leftImage ,SLOT(openItem(QListWidgetItem *)));

Connection of pure virtual signal of interface class

I want to connect some object's signals derived from an interface class.
The connection is done in QWidget::listenToAnimal(AnimalInterface*).
This does not work because qt_metacall is not a member of 'AnimalInterface' and static assertion failed: No Q_OBJECT in the class with the signal.
Of course AnimalInterface does not have the Q_OBJECT macro and does not inherit QObject because it is an interface...
I want to connect through the interface class because I do not want to manually retype the same code for Cat and for Dog.
Is it possible to connect the signal the way I want to? Perhaps with templates? Is this perhaps a lambda-specific problem?
#ifndef WIDGET_H
#define WIDGET_H
#include <QWidget>
class AnimalInterface{
virtual ~AnimalInterface();
virtual void makeSound() = 0;
virtual void madeSound() = 0;
class Dog : public QObject, public AnimalInterface
void makeSound();
void madeSound();
class Cat : public QObject, public AnimalInterface
void makeSound();
void madeSound();
class Widget : public QWidget
Cat *cat_;
Dog *dog_;
Widget(QWidget *parent = 0);
void listenToAnimal(AnimalInterface *animal);
#endif // WIDGET_H
#include "widget.h"
#include <QDebug>
Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
dog_ = new Dog;
cat_ = new Cat;
void Widget::listenToAnimal(AnimalInterface *animal)
connect(animal, &AnimalInterface::madeSound,
qDebug()<<"animal made sound";
void Cat::makeSound()
qDebug()<<"Cat says miaow";
emit madeSound();
void Dog::makeSound()
qDebug()<<"Dog says wuff";
emit madeSound();
#include "widget.h"
#include <QApplication>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
Widget w;;
return a.exec();
Since you know the derived type at compile type, you can connect to the proper, statically-known QObject-derived type. No need for dynamic casting or anything of the sort. You just don't want the listenToAnimal method to be available for non-AnimalInterface-inheriting types, though, even if it they have a compatible madeSound method:
#include <type_traits>
template< class T,
typename =
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<AnimalInterface, T>::value>::type >
void listenToAnimal(T * animal) {
connect(animal, &T::madeSound, this, []{ qDebug() << "animal made sound"; });
template <class T>
void listenToAnimal(T * animal) {
connect(animal, &T::madeSound, this, &Widget::onAnimalMadeSound);
You can then use it without having to spell out the type - it's already known to the compiler:
If the derived type is not known at compile time, you have to dynamically cast to QObject and connect by name, not by method pointer. It will assert at runtime if you've passed in a wrong type - after all, it's not enough for it to be an instance of AnimalInterface, it also needs to be a QObject instance.
void listenToAnimal(AnimalInterface * animal) {
auto object = dynamic_cast<QObject*>(animal);
connect(object, SIGNAL(madeSound()), this, SLOT(onAnimalMadeSound()));
The fact that the type AnimalInterface has a virtual madeSound method is somewhat relevant - it guarantees that the derived class implements the method with such a signature. It doesn't guarantee that the method is a signal, though. So you should probably rethink your design and ask yourself: "What do I gain by using a static type system when I can't really use it for static type checking"?
Most likely you should make any methods that would nominally accept the AnimalInterface*, be parametrized and take a pointer to the concrete class. Modern code generators and linkers will deduplicate such code if type erasure leads to identical machine code.
Found a solution with templates. Did not work the first time I tried, obviously did something wrong first. Here it goes...
Just replace the corresponding parts from the example in the question (and remove definition of listenToAnimal from the source file):
template<class T>
void listenToAnimal(AnimalInterface *animal)
T *animal_derivate = dynamic_cast<T*>(animal);
if (animal_derivate){
connect(animal_derivate, &T::madeSound,
qDebug()<<"animal made sound";
After trying Kuba Ober's answer, it seems like this is working best now:
template<typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<AnimalInterface, T>::value,void>::type
listenToAnimal(T *animal)
connect(animal, &T::madeSound, this, [](){ qDebug()<<"animal made sound"; });
However, the one point still not working is how to connect if I create an animal like AnimalInterface *bird = new Bird, because it throws the same error that the base class does not have the signal.

QT signal with struct in parameter

I have the class :
class SupervisionManager : public QThread {
Q_OBJECT public:
explicit SupervisionManager(ComAds* com, ComRegEtat* comEt,
ComRegOrdonnanceur* comOrdo,
QObject *parent = 0);
virtual void run();
void actionFromPlc();
ComRegEtat::Antichoc antichoc;
void majAntichoc(ComRegEtat::Antichoc&);
and the implementation:
void SupervisionManager::run() {
void SupervisionManager::actionFromPlc() {
antichoc.SAS = false;
emit majAntichoc(antichoc);
And I connect this signal with :
connect(manager, SIGNAL(majAntichoc(ComRegEtat::Antichoc&)),
preparation, SLOT(affichageAntichoc(ComRegEtat::Antichoc&)));
How do to emit a signal with a struct in its parameter list?
I think I have to use a QSignalMapper but I don't understand how.
In absolutely same way as you emit other things..
ComRegEtat::Antichoc myStruct;
.. some initialisation code
emit majAntichoc(myStruct);
I dont know for sure about latest Qt (after they changed signals/slot be templates based), but before 'emit' was just empty define, so you should look on emit like on function call...
With my code, the slot isn't called whereas the signal is emitted.
I found the solution :
void majAntichoc(ComRegEtat::Antichoc *);
slot :
void affichageAntichoc(ComRegEtat::Antichoc *);
And I don't have to use a QSignalMapper.

Qt signal to specific object's slot

I would like to know which of the following is the proper way of doing thing with signal/slot in Qt.
I need a way to have multiple instance of a Dialog, i.e: A and B. And I need to tell A to print "A" and B to print "B" from a different thread. So I believe I need something like either:
OPTION 1) A->print("A") and B->print("B")
or is it better to do:
OPTION 2) emit print("A") and emit print("B") and use a way that I don't know so only A catch the "A" and only B catch the "B".
I got the option 1 working like this:
class myClass : public QMainWindow
myClass (QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WFlags flags = 0);
~myClass ();
void doPrint(char* text)
emit mySignal(text);
Ui::myClass ui;
public slots:
void newLog(char* msg);
void mySignal(char* msg);
myClass::myClass(QWidget *parent, Qt::WFlags flags) : QMainWindow(parent, flags)
connect(this, SIGNAL(mySignal(char*)), this, SLOT(newLog(char*)));
void myClass::newLog(char* msg)
and then all I have to do is:
myClass* instanceA = new myClass();
myClass* instanceB = new myClass();
is this right?
Since your slot is in another thread, you have to use the Meta-Object System to invoke the method asynchronously. The proper way to do this is to use QMetaObject::invokeMethod
DO NOT subclass QThread and override the run method. For details on this see:
void otherClass::printTo(myClass* instance, char* text)
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(instance, // pointer to a QObject
"doPrint", // member name (no parameters here)
Qt::QueuedConnection, // connection type
Q_ARG(char*, text)); // parameters
void myClass::doPrint(char* text)
myClass* instanceA = new myClass();
myClass* instanceB = new myClass();
printTo(instanceA, "A");
printTo(instanceB, "B");
If the char* type hasn't been registered with the Meta-Object System yet, do so with
In this simplified example, I think you are on the correct path with option 1. However, it would be even better if you didn't need the doPrint() method, which would also eliminate the need for the mySignal signal (at least in myClass). Instead, I would suggest inheriting your threads from QThread if the aren't already, and doing something like this:
class myThread : public QThread
myThread (QWidget *parent = 0 ) : QThread(parent) {}
~myThread () {}
void run(char* text)
emit mySignal(text);
void mySignal(char* msg);
Then you need to do something like this:
myClass* instanceA = new myClass();
myThread* threadA = new myThread();
connect(threadA, SIGNAL(mySignal(char*)), instanceA, SLOT(newLog(char*)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
threadA->run( "A" );
Obviously, in most non-example code, you'd not pass the string into run, but rather generate strings to be run as threadA is running. The advantage is that this keeps the thread considerations out of myClass, and you only need to think about them where they are connected. On the flip side, you introduce fewer dependencies into the threads, since they don't need to know about myClass to be able to log.
