Nested CSS Selectors in CSS - css

Is there a way to create a css group inside of a css selector.
include: .foo;
include: .bar;
include: .baz .theta .gamma .alpha .omega .pi .phi;
Trying to see if there is a way to do this at the CSS level instead of inside of a class=".foo .bar .baz .theta .gamma .alpha .omega .pi .phi" tag. I have to use the combination of classes in a few places and want to avoid all that cut and paste.

No, you can't do this in pure CSS as things stand.
There are some moves afoot to extend CSS to allow things like this, but it's very early days Google has some demonstrated some extended syntax working in a dev version of Chrome, but it'll be a while before it goes live, and even longer before it has sufficient cross-browser support to be actually useful.
In the meanwhile though, there are a number of CSS extension products available which allow you to write stylesheets with nested rules, etc. You would then need to run your stylesheets through a parser to convert them into "real" CSS before you put them on your site, but it might be a compromise you're prepared to make.
If so, check out SASS and Less, among others.
By the way, I mentioned that Google have been demonstrating some extended CSS syntax. Here's a link to a blog post about it:

No, but as you stated you can assign multiple classes to an element:
<div class="SectionHeader foo bar"></div>


CSS Specificity Filter

This is a long shot, but is there a tool available that optimizes CSS selectors by removing unneeded specificity?
I find that when I write CSS, I deliberately make my selectors more specific than necessary to avoid conflicts and for quasi-documentation.
It would be great if there were a tool that could analyze a given group of rules, determine their "uniqueness" in terms of overlap with other rules, and then strip away any unnecessary specificity.
I can't even begin to imagine how a tool developer would approach all of the scenarios this would require, but I've been blown away by others' ingenuities in this area before and figured it was worth asking.
I've added a bounty to this question, and the more I think about it, the more I realize how valuable a CSS Specificity Filter would be.
For example, when working with Nested Rules/Selectors in Sass and LESS, excessive nesting is a common and well-known antipattern that can easily lead to overly specific selectors.
There's a good illustration of this in the excellent TutsPlus course Maintainable CSS with Sass and Compass:
body {
div.container {
p {
a {
color: purple;
Sass will follow these nesting instructions and produce the following CSS output, raising no objection to any unneeded specificity:
body div.container p a {
color: purple;
If a Specificity Filter did/does exist, however, it would create potential benefits for CSS developers:
You could organize your stylesheets as a 1:1 mapping of the DOM, similar to what you see when you examine style rules in Firebug and Chrome Dev Tools. A smart editor/IDE could auto-populate styles for DOM elements with shared styles/classes. That redundancy would then, of course, be filtered out by the Specificity Filter/Optimizer.
Stylesheets could have their structure pre-populated by a tool that scans the DOM and translates it to CSS selectors/rules. This means a developer would only need to update the HTML; the CSS "tree" would be kept in sync to reflect the current state of the DOM. A smart editor would let you jump to the CSS definition for an element/class for styling -- or even make its style rules visible in a separate panel.
In a way, this almost seems like a step backward - like a feature you'd find in Dreamweaver or WebAssist to help newbs learn CSS. But the basic idea of a CSS selector optimization tool seems like a no brainer, and the type of workflow automation I've described would be the logical next step -- and the catalyst would be the Specificity Filter.
I looked into some of the better-known CSS editors and web IDEs, but haven't found anything offering this type of functionality beyond targeting a single element and generating a selector for it.
Update 2: CSS Selector Performance
In response to Spliff's comment, here are two great articles on CSS selector performance:
Performance Impact of CSS Selectors by Steve Souders
Efficiently Rendering CSS by Chris Coyier
Both agree that micro-optimizing CSS isn't worth the effort, but that over-qualified descendant selectors are "an efficiency disaster." I haven't benchmarked yet myself, but suspect that the kind of "DOM Mapping" approach I'm suggesting would cause a performance hit without an optimization step, either manual or automated.
Related Questions, Links, and Tools:
Points in CSS Specificity
Tool to See CSS Specificity
Tool for Cleaning Up CSS
Order by CSS Specificity
Top 5 Mistakes of Massive CSS
Google: Efficient CSS Selectors
Clean CSS
CSS Tidy
You could attempt to take a different approach, try to write your selectors as small (low specificity) as possible. and only make them more specific when needed.
With that way of working you don't need a tool.
Just going to throw this out there-- it doesn't 'answer' your question,but it's a tool I like to spread the word about for people who do a lot of css programming: Firebug.
If you're not familiar with it, it's a tool for web browsers. You pull up your page once it's installed, right click and select 'Inspect Element.' It will show you all css affecting different elements on your page, and is useful for creating clean, precise css code. Also it makes it easier to see instant updates on what your page would look like with slight modifications. It will inform you of useless css code that's being overridden by other css code.
ALSO! Firebug now is available for almost all browsers. Not just Firefox. Personally, I'm partial to using it in Chrome.
We really can't do without specificity because it is the only thing that saves you when you have two or more rules colliding. Specificity brings sanity to the whole jumbled CSS rule, so it is more of a blessing than curse. Some of the stuff you talked about, like the CSS selector, can be done using Firefox/Firebug. I'm more disturbed by browser compatibility.
Actually there's a way you can do this using HTML5 and CSS3. The standard technique is to specify elements using the HTML 5 attribute "data-" and then do CSS selection for this attribute. This isn't the purpose of the attributes, but you can customly specify some elements that you can use to even switch the theme of a site.
So, for example, you can end up creating your specificity filters manually in CSS, by specifying
<b data-specificity=2>test</b>
where data-specificity only matches to parents above.
Alright, so for example, let's say you have a paragraph class, but you want to specify which parent, or how many parents the paragraph can inherit properties from. You would use rules for each potential parent that can be inherited from:
div.container > *[data-specificity="2"] {
So these rules mean that any p tag which is a direct child of the div container and has specificity 2, is allowed to inherit properties from the div container. The blue color of the div gets inherited by the p with data-specificity 2.
Here's a JSFiddle where you can see this!
The idea is that like this, using HTML5, you can control exactly which elements are allowed to inherit which properties. It's a lot of extra code to write (for both child and parent elements) but you can use this to get rid of some unnecessary specificity
I've never actually seen anyone use this method in practice, I pretty much just cooked it up for you, but I think it could be very useful, what do you think ?

How to remove CSS spaghetti in legacy web app?

After working on several large web applications, and seeing gigantic style sheets with no clear structure, I'd really love to know if people have found ways to keep their css clean for large and complicated web apps.
How do you move from a legacy, mess of css to cleaned up, nicely cascading, DRY stylesheets?
The app I'm currently working on has 12000 lines of css. It's grown to this size organically as early on there were no standards or review of the css, the only rule was to make the app match the design. Some of the problems we constantly have:
Conflicting styles: one developer adds a .header { font-weight: bold;} but .header was already used in other modules and shouldn't be bold in those.
Cascading problems: Foo widget has a .header but it also contains a list of Bar widgets with .header classes.
If we define .foo .header { ... } and .bar .header { ... } anything not explicitly overwritten in foo will show up in bar.
If we define .foo > .header and .bar > .header but later need to modify foo to wrap header in a div, our styles break.
Inheritance problems, we constantly redefine widget fonts to 11px/normal because some top container uses a 12px / 18 px line height.
Fighting against widget libraries, using libraries such as dojo/dijit or jquery ui that add tons of styles to be functional means that our code is littered with places where we have to override the library styles to get things looking just right. There are ~2000 lines of css just for tweaking the builtin dijit styles
We're at a point where we're thinking of implementing the following rules:
Namespace all new widget classes - if you have a widget foo all sub-classnames will be .foo_ so we get: .foo, .foo_header, .foo_content, .foo_footer. This makes our css essentially FLAT, but we see no other way to organize our code going forward without running into the legacy styles or the cascading problems I mentioned above.
Police generic styles - have a small handful of generic classes that are only to be applied in very specific situations. e.g. .editable - apply to portions of a sentence that should invoke an editor - should only contain text nodes.
Leverage css compiler mixins To avoid repeatedly defining the same styles in different widgets, define and use mixins. Although we worry the mixins will get out of control too.
How else can we move from css mess that constantly introduces regressions to something maintainable going forward.
We're using a style guide in the form of a simple HTML page with examples of every CSS rule in the stylesheet. It's very easy to tell if you add a new, incompatible rule since the examples are aligned on top of eachother.
An example I like: (added 2015)
The other pro you get from this method is reusability: you know what you got and you know that you want the style guide to be as small as possible - therefore: reuse.
When you make changes to styles already in use: check the style guide. If it doesn't change it's probably good (you might need to browse around a bit if you've just changed something including box model-issues, or width, height, padding, margin in general).
How do you move from a legacy, mess of
css to cleaned up, nicely cascading,
DRY stylesheets?
Use the style guide as a unit test. Once you got the essential parts in it: reduce, refactor and combine (you most probably will find some collissions between .campaign_1 span and your regular rules, inheritance can be your friend).
Conflicting styles: one developer adds
a .header { font-weight: bold;} but
.header was already used in other
modules and shouldn't be bold in
In reply to Adriano Varoli Piazza's comment and the quote above: I don't recall this as a problem fully belonging to the CSS but more to the HTML markup. No matter what you do, it will be some heavy lifting. Decide which rule you'd want to keep and take actions towards cleaning out the lesser-used-ones; for example: via inheritance: #news a .header { ... } or renaming the HTML-class a .stand_out_header { ... }.
About the following idea
Namespace all new widget classes - if
you have a widget foo all
sub-classnames will be .foo_ so we
get: .foo, .foo_header, .foo_content,
.foo_footer. This makes our css
essentially FLAT, but we see no other
way to organize our code going forward
without running into the legacy styles
or the cascading problems I mentioned
Use a containing element instead, which will be much more easy to maintain:
<div id="widget_email">
<h2>One type of h2</h2>
<div id="widget_twitter">
<h2>Another h2</h2>
I find that the method for "namespacing" and limiting conflict in CSS is separate into different includes what you want to apply, so each page calls only what it needs. Conflicting rules can then be made more specific simply by defining them in a more particular include:
general css for all pages
css for pages in section A
css for pages in section B
So if you find a .header modification you added in the general css works in A but doesn't in B, you simply move it to the lower CSS file.
Yes, this implies more files to load. There are ways around it with server-side languages, like reading all files with php and sending only one block of content.

Wrapping ID's in CSS Classes?

I am relatively new to CSS and wondering whether its possible to "Wrap" ID's so you don't have to repeat them over and over ?
some stuff
#home .header {
some stuff
#home .sub_header {
some stuff
Is it possible to "wrap" the .header and .sub_header so I don't have to keep repeating #home all the time ? i.e. something like this so the ID can collectively wrap the classes?
some stuff
##home [
.header {
some stuff
.sub_header {
some stuff
Excellent question! This is not possible with native CSS I'm afraid. There are no real short cuts to take.
If you work with a lot of CSS, there are pre-compilers that allow you to use enhanced notation, and convert it into CSS on the fly.
There's for example
xCSS it can nest child elements.
Then there's LESS, it's written in Ruby so you need that installed (as far as I understand, I haven't used it myself yet) but it's perfectly suitable for editing CSS in any environment. Check the "nested rules" section on the front page.
If you are just getting started with CSS, you may want to stick with the native notation first, though. But the moment it gets really tedious, those tools are a great help.
Unfortunately this isn't possible in just CSS, you can however achieve this using CSS generators such as LessCSS which have their own syntax and have features like nesting and variables.
If you use PHP, consider using lessphp (, or for symfony
Another great CSS framework is CSS Scaffold
CSS Scaffold is powered by PHP, is easy to use
allows deep selector nesting
custom mixins (reusable pieces of css code)
implements a grid creation framework
caching of already parsed css files for production (+minify)
If you are not coding a big site, I would still recommend plain css

Is there any way to find unused CSS in a website?

Is there any way to find unused CSS in a website?
I'm trying to clean up a project I just inherited.
Dust-me Selectors is a Firefox plugin that finds unused selectors.
I just ran into this and remembered your question:
Chrome 59 has built-in coverage display for CSS and JavaScript since 2017-04:
You can enable it by opening the dev tools, then the command menu (Cmd+Shift+P on Mac or Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows and Linux), and then type "show coverage".
There is so much that can be said about best-practice methods for CSS. I'll try to stick to the main points.
Use a CSS reset.
Try to remove really general CSS statements like h1 {} and #container em {}. You're much better off using h1.section-title and #container em.important {}, because that way if you choose to use h1 or em a different way somewhere in your document, you don't have to worry about overriding any existing code.
Don't be too specific in your CSS selectors if you don't have to. You really only need to have high degrees of specificity if being in a specific section changes how the element is going to be displayed. Otherwise, to make your code for your block class reusable, #container .content .block ... could be reduced to .block ... in many cases.
Look for commonalities in your CSS and see if you can create reusable classes. If you have similar blocks class="favorites" and class="popular", turn it into class="block block-favorites" and class="block block-popular", and put the commonalities into .block.
Get in the habit of making areas in your CSS have an auto-width (can be done implicitly) so that they grow to the width of your containers. This makes it incredibly easier to move sections from a narrow portion of your website to a wide portion of your website without having to change any code.
Commenting your code and breaking it down into sections usually helps make code more readable.
You'd be surprised how much cleaner your code looks when you implement more powerful CSS selectors. Most of them are cross-browser compatible (Internet Explorer 7 and later).
Some valuable resources: When can I use... - Quirks Mode on CSS Selectors - w3 on CSS Selectors
Answer moved from:
Best Practices for Cleaning up Existing CSS/unused styles
To add to #cweiske suggestion, Google Chrome has a no nonsense way of uncovering where your "unused" and "never will be used" selectors are.
I have posted a screen capture of how to launch the CSS Coverage tool with step by step markers.
It is a reliable way to figure out where you really are not using stuff.

CSS coding style [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
Are there any good CSS coding style/standards?
Here is a good one:
But the important thing is to pick something and stick with it for consistency.
I agree with most of the points at Andrew Hare's link, but I strongly believe
.class-name {
color: green;
is inferior to:
color: green;
on the grounds that:
.class-name, .class-name2 {
color: green;
.class-name2 {
color: green;
are considerably less obvious to grep or read than:
color: green;
There's no standard standard, as it were. There are most certainly plenty of in-house standards and conventions. And there are certainly known best practices.
I stick to the following:
Structure your CSS according to it's purpose
That may involve separating out CSS concerns into different files (layout.css, colors.css etc). This may just as well involve clearly dividing up a single CSS file into clear sections along the same lines.
Be as specific as possible
Selectors have differing weights. ID-based selectors are more specific than class-based selectors. Chained selectors (e.g. body div#container div#content p) are very specific indeed.
Start out being as specific as you can, even if it appears you're being too specific. It's quite easy, later down the line, to merge together two very specific style definitions by removing one and making the other less specific.
A style definition with loose specificity may target elements you did not intend in ways that are not immediately apparent or obvious. I think this is the most common cause of CSS frustrations ("Why on earth will this div not let me set a top margin?")
Always specify every single style you wish to apply for a given defintion
For example, if you want all your paragraphs to have pink text, set the text colour to pink and also set the margins/padding/background colour/font and so on.
Don't rely on browser defaults to be suitably consistent. Certainly for the most commonly used elements the main browsers tend to use very similar if not identical default styling.
If you set all the relevant styles yourself you know what the end result should be.
If you only set those styles that are most immediately obvious, the end result will be (most likely) a combination of the browser defaults and your styles. This will eventually catch you out at some point. I think this is the second most common cause of CSS frustrations.
Use ids for styling unique elements
It's generally a good idea to apply an id attribute to any unique element that is going to be interacted with in any way. For CSS this will let you apply suitably specific styles more easily.
Use an id on a unique page
Pages that are significantly different in style and layout to the majority (homepage, search results, 404) should have an id on the body element. This gives you the specificity you need to ensure that your careful homepage styling doesn't get affected by styles you later apply to some internal content page.
Pretty coding style VS site speed
I've been working with pretty huge CSS files, and found out some pretty interesting things that I've never read about before.
One thing is using #import. That's actually a bottleneck - by going away from using #import completely, the site got a lot more snappy.
#every .style { in one line }
When the browser reads a document, it reads line by line, so by switching from my pretty coding style to this, I accomplished 2 things;
A even more snappy site
Less scrolling, better overview. Why? Cause I first scroll down to find the style I'm going to work with, then it's all in the same line and it's not hard to scroll your eyes along the line to find what you're looking for.
The main good coding style is to actually separate css files according to their goals.
See Progressive Enhancement.
That way, whatever coding convention you will choose, you will have consistent and manageable separate css files... easier to debug.
When I code in CSS:
In first part I write the class and id
In last part I write the general element (p, font, etc) because the class and id have more importance for inheritance
I write comment if I want a particular behaviour with IE or with MoSE Browser
You can see some example in CSS Zen Garden
Generally I insert the most important elements over the other: if there's
p.important{/*features of a class*/}
p {/*features of a general element */}
Reading the CSS file I know the format rules before about the most particular elements, after the rules about the most general elements.
It's an habit in programming Java.
Put your css rules (ex: "color: red;") in alphabetical order and also put your selectors (ex: "div { color: red; }") in order they appear in your markup. Separate code for structure from skin.
Just from experience I used to write quite long CSS style sheets. Now my style sheets typically are half a page.
So keep it simple(KISS), line based (greppable) and keep it compact (use font: instead of font-size etc etc.).
Also I highly recommend using CSSlint to check your code for fluff.
Check Sass out. It's a template language for CSS that makes your source code DRY:er and mucho easy to read. Even if you're not using ruby you can use it for this task and automate the building of your css files from Sass source. And there are probably Sass implementations in other languages too.
There's probably loads. At our work we use the following:
/* =div a comment about my div */
div#mydiv {
border:1px solid #000;
The =div allows us to search against all div elements by using the search functionality. There's loads more though, I've used many different variations of this in the past.
In addition to what others said, remember that the C stands for 'Cascading', i.e. subelements inherit from top level elements. Sound simple and straight away. But I have often seen CSS files that contain redundant declarations, e.g. for font styles. This makes a CSS more complex and hard to maintain.
So before you add something to your CSS make sure that it is not redundant, i.e. check parent elements and remove redundant declarations from children.
Given this you should organize your CSS in a way so that high level elements (like declarations for the body class) are mentioned first and more specialized elements last.
This might also be helpful, a few tips to keep your CSS styles DRY - as in "Don't Repeat Yourself" link text
I will strongly recommend looking at Less:
While not really a standard, it has been gaining a lot of momentum recently. Less is css extension that runs in the browser bringing variables and functions into the language and therefore allowing templating.
