What's the best practice for generating spark radio buttons? - apache-flex

I have a list of radio buttons, which I want to be able to both set the value of programmatically and for the user to set the value of manually.
I have a small list of data items which I want to display as options in a list of radio buttons. The objects are stored in a model object, as is the currently selected item. The currently selected item is bound to the radiobutton group. The radio buttons are generated using a spark list.
I am having a problem setting the list programatically - whenever I set the current value on the radiobutton group to the first value in the list, all of the radio buttons are cleared, where the first one should be selected. I when checking in the debugger, I found the likely reason - there are two radiobuttons in the group that point to the same value, one of which isn't showing. My best guess is that the list control has created an extra item renderer which it is holding on to in case it needs to scroll the list.
Is there a way to create radioButtons based on an ArrayCollection without using a list? Failing that, is it possible to prevent the list from generating the extra item?

Use a DataGroup with a dataProvider (an ArrayList of objects holding data) with a custom item renderer that creates the radiobutton that you need. Add proper bindings of the data object to the radiobutton (maybe even do 2 way binding for quick saving).

In the end, I gave spark best practices the finger and used a repeater, which created the correct number of radioButtons with no extras. It may be slow, but slow iteration over a set of less than ten items is O(I don't care).


Using bindings with BrazosUI buttons

I'm used to using boolean bindings with IBM buttons to track if a button is clicked. The button in Brazos UI can be bound to any variable type but doesn't make automatic updates to booleans. How do I use bindings with Brazos UI buttons to track which was last-clicked?
The binding of a button is really only useful in tables. The acceptance of ANY variable type for the binding of a button stems from the use of determining the index of a selected row or obtaining the entire row object:
If you bind and integer to the button in a table, the binding will update with the index of the row when the button is clicked.
If you bind a variable of the same (singular) type as the table's binding, then clicking the button will update the binding with that row's data.
Both of those are handy interactions with the table control but don't work for tracking which button is clicked when used elsewhere on a coach. For that, you want to utilize the 'Button Control ID' configuration option. The most direct method is to bind the same string variable to all of the buttons you need to track. When clicked, a button will update that shared variable to match its own control ID. You can then use that unique ID in various scripting checks to take button-specific actions.
See the BP3 Help Center article for greater detail about this, including some examples: https://support.bp-3.com/hc/en-us/articles/217985767-Using-Button-Binding-with-Brazos-UI

List Component that acts as if control was permanently pressed

I have a list control and i want the user to be able to select many items at a time. Thus I want it to act that if the control key is pressed while he is clicking. Eg if he clicks on a selected row it should become unselected and if he clicks on a unselected row it should become selected.
Do you have any idea how to do this?
If you want to follow standard UI Precedent; then set allowMultipleSelection to true and teach your users to use the control and/or shift button to select multiple items.
If you want to select multiple items without having the using press the shift or control button you'll have to extend the List class. I did a sample a while ago using the DataGrid:
You can probably use the same technique with a List. But, I don't recommend this approach.

Flex Drag and Drop

I am creating an application that will allow users to model configuration information by allowing them to Drag and Drop objects from a Flex Tree into a DataGrid.
I know that both the Tree and DataGrid both support Drag and Drop quite well.
My problem is that I want users to drop items from the Tree into a particular Datagrid cell. I think standard drop events into the Datagrid try to fill the whole datagrid row by default. This is not what I want, I want to drop components into a cell only.
I was thinking that each time an object is dropped onto the datagrid you would have to:
- Get the cell location (x,y) the object was dropped into
- Get all the existing cell objects and rebuild that datagrid row from scratch(dynamically) adding the new dropped object to the row in its correct position. Thus giving the illusion that you can drop into a cell - its a bit of a fudge but I think it could work :)
Any feedback would be great.
Thanks in advance
Turn drag and drop off for the datagrid.
Write a custom renderer which listens to itself for the DragEnter / DragDrop events. In the handler for the drop event, add the item(s) to the data (at the variable referenced by that column).
If your renderer is bound to the item, it will now update.
((Note that isn't best practice, you'd want to dispatch an event containing the renderer's data item, the variable it was representing and the item(s) dropped, and then manipulate the dataprovider outside of the renderer))

Flex ComboBox user choice reset

To be more descriptive here's a live example:
In last column there's a ComboBox with some values.
When user choose an option in ComboBox from first row and then scroll down the first choice disapears (comes back to default state).
There's something more strange, earlier I've tried to apply a one more ComboBox in additional column, with highly dynamic values (completly different for different rows), but with after same action (scroll down and then scroll down) values dataProviders from different ComboBox were switch.
It looks like you're not initializing your item renderer properly--when the renderer is reused, it's keeping its old value rather than updating from your data.
You should be able to resolve this by doing one of the following:
binding the item renderer's selectedValue to some property of its data element
overriding set data() to update the control for the current data
acting on the dataChange event and updating there
See Adobe's Working with Item Renderers for more.

Advanced DataGrid Flex 3 - ItemRenderer and Tree display

I am using Advanced DataGrid of Flex 3 with hierarchical data. The itemRenderer is a TextInput which accepts numbers. When I enter data into the given field and click the corresponding expand tree icon for the row, I want the amount entered in tree node should get cascaded to its child rows. But I found the nature of advanced DataGrid erroneous.
When I enter data and click on tree icon, the data is not populated in child windows unless i wont take the focus out from the editing control.
I tried using itemEditEnd, itemFocusOut etc but of no use. I have to explicitly click on any of the other columns and then expand tree.
Am I making any mistake anywhere?
I found solution to my problem, its bit ugly but it works. I had to register two events for textinput as follows
addEventListener(FocusEvent.MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE, allocateAmount);
addEventListener(FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE, allocateAmount);
and then by using IViewCursor I could able to update data.
