Any suggestions for an HTML/Text to ReST converter?
Have scoured various options but not finding any solid solutions. (Note: have found Pandoc but would prefer not to have to install Haskell).
html2rst should handle most cases (referenced from the Sphinx website).
Is it possible to define some template content cells which all new ipython notebooks include when being created?
I'd like my notebooks to include some standard CSS using this method and possibly also have a markdown cell with links I'm frequently using .
Thanks to #Jakob for the help.
To get permanent customised CSS within the notebooks, I needed to create <myprofile>/static/custom/custom.css in my .ipython user folder folder.
This worked quite ok. I used the firefox's webdev tools to find the css items and classes in the ipython notebook and managed to get a monokai-ish style:
I also learned from here that you can inject javascript which might make it possible to add default content to new notebooks. I haven't tried this one yet though.
Edit: if interested, the css file lives here. The monokai colors are based on .cm-s-ipython, which I think is similar what sublime text is using.
What KSS style generator do you guys use for Rails? I tried with NKSS but I don't quite like it (maybe because I'm not used to document CSS yet).
Anyone of you knows what Github uses?
I have found also. I never documented my CSS but you can give a try.
Do you know any tool for reading minified css?
I've tried W3C css validator, but it's hard to read if there are many errors.
Does work for you?
Try using some IDE, like WebStorm, NetBeans, etc. They may help you in finding the errors.
NetBeans has also a feature of formatting the code, so that the code comes back to original form.
Try Pretty Printer
It works for PHP, Java, C++, C, Perl, JavaScript, and CSS. There are a bunch of options for when to add new line breaks and when not to. Works pretty well. One problem is that the output code isn't in it's own box, so you can't Select All to grab it all at once easily.
Or have a look at
Format CSS Online
More full featured beautifier for CSS exclusively. Has the ability to output as a file so you don't have to worry about copying and pasting at all.
In TextMate there is this awesome option to "Format CSS" and "Format CSS Compressed". This option doesn't seem to exist in vim. Perhaps it's in a plugin I'm not aware of? Or maybe I need to integrate CSS Tidy somehow?
You can integrate CSS Tidy fairly easily. Since you're coming from TextMate I'll assume you're on a Mac. If you don't already have CSS tidy installed, I'd recommend installing it via a package manager, like the excellent Homebrew.
Once it's installed, you can allow Vim to use CSS tidy for the = command, which automatically formats code, by adding the following to your ~/.vimrc:
autocmd filetype css setlocal equalprg=csstidy\ -\ --silent=true
Now whenever you have a CSS file open, it will consult CSS Tidy to format it when you invoke the = command. Try it on an open CSS file with gg=G to format the whole document.
Consult the CSS Tidy usage guide to add any other options you like, and don't forget to escape spaces you add to the above ~/.vimrc command with \.
I want to have files with a .less extension use the CSS syntax highlighting in NetBeans, and I don't have any clue how to do this.
I found a rather time consuming way to do this (, but it hit me that it must be easier way to do this.
Anyone knows?
You just have to add a new file type in Netbeans > Tools > Options > Miscellaneous > Files. Note that Netbeans will mark as errors some less features like variables...etc
a module which adds full less highlighting support can be downloaded from the following page:
i tested the module with netbeans 7.0 and it worked flawless.
You might try out the new version of the plugin that was already mentioned:
Github repository, now gone, was available at:
For me it seems to work quite fine despite some minor bugs in coloring. It is missing some features and e.g. does not offer automatic formatting, though.
Note that basic editing support for Sassy CSS and LESS CSS preprocessor files has been added to Netbeans dev build:
The SCSS Support plugin also works with less files, just need to add the "less" file extension with text/x-scss MIME in Tools/Options/Miscellaneous/Files.
Since Netbeans 7.4 less is supported by Netbeans without the need for an additional plugin.
For older version of Netbeans there are two plugins: