Understanding how the device list is read - r

I ran into a rather annoying issue with the list of open devices, trying to construct a function that saves a number of graphs for a list. Say we have following data :
Alist <- list(
X1 = data.frame(X=rnorm(10),Y=1:10),
X2 = data.frame(X=rnorm(10),Y=1:10),
X3 = data.frame(X=rnorm(10),Y=1:10)
and following function :
myPlotFunc <- function(x,save=F){
fnames <- paste(names(x),"pdf",sep=".")
for(i in 1:length(x)){
If I run fnames <- myPlotFunc(Alist,save=T), everything behaves normally and I get 3 pdf files names X1.pdf to X3.pdf. That is, if there's no graphics window open. If there is, then one of the pdfs is not closed, and all subsequent plots are added to the pdf until I explicitly call dev.off() in the console. Like this :
fnames <- myPlotFunc(Alist,save=T)
> dev.list()
If I add on.exit({print(dev.cur());dev.off()},add=T) , I get following output :
> fnames <- myPlotFunc(Alist,save=T)
So apparently it takes the list from the bottom up again to close everything it meets. So if there is a graphics window open, that is the next "current" device. Meaning that the second-last opened pdf-connection will not be closed by dev.off() any more, as there will be one short in the on.exit call.
I got around it by changing my function to :
myPlotFunc <- function(x,save=F){
fnames <- paste(names(x),"pdf",sep=".")
devs <- NULL
on.exit(for(i in devs) dev.off(i), add=T)
for(i in 1:length(x)){
devs <- c(devs,dev.cur())
but this feels rather awkward. Is there something I'm missing here, or a better way of getting around this?
disclaimer :
In case you're not aware, run dev.off() after running the third code block. You can clean up easily by running unlink(fnames) when you're done.

How about making help function to do one plot:
myPlotFunc <- function(x, save=FALSE) {
fnames <- paste(names(x), "pdf", sep=".")
plot_one <- function(xx, fname, save=save) {
if (save) {
for (i in 1:length(x)) plot_one(x[[i]], fnames[i], save)

One drastic solution might be to use graphics.off() instead of trying to close devices your script opens. If this is just user code, then perhaps it doesn't matter if all graphics devics are closed upon exit?
Using this brutal approach seems to work:
myPlotFunc <- function(x,save = FALSE) {
fnames <- paste(names(x),"pdf",sep=".")
on.exit(graphics.off(),add = TRUE)
for(i in 1:length(x)) {
if(save) {
An alternative is just to list all devices when on.exit() gets called, select out the pdf ones and close them. This function implements this and seems to have the desired behaviour.
myPlotFunc2 <- function(x,save = FALSE) {
fnames <- paste(names(x), "pdf", sep=".")
if(save) {
on.exit(foo <- lapply(dev.list()[grepl("pdf", names(dev.list()))],
add = TRUE)
for(i in 1:length(x)) {
if(save) {
It seems the lowest numbered device is the one that R activates after a call to dev.off(), and that will be the on-screen device in the setting you describe, and hence the behaviour your report.


How to use indentation with `rstudioapi::insertText`

I have a string that I want to paste with indentation into RStudio using the {rstudioapi}. Here is a simple test string:
test_str <- "for (i in seq_along(x)) {\nout[[i]] <- sum(x[[i]])\n}"
#> for (i in seq_along(x)) {
#> out[[i]] <- sum(x[[i]])
#> }
When copying the console output and pasting it manually into an R script in RStudio the output has the correct indentation of one tab equalling two spaces (my default setting):
# this is my desired output (directly in a script, not the console):
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
out[[i]] <- sum(x[[i]])
When using rstudioapi::insertText the string is inserted in the script without indentation:
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
out[[i]] <- sum(x[[i]]) # one tab (equalling two spaces) is missing
How can I add indentation when using rstudioapi::insertText or any other function from the {rstudioapi} package?
Reading the documentation I found how to read the system preference for indentation:
#> 2
However, I can't figure out how to make insertText use this information.
More context:
I'm looking for a way to add indentation programmatically to string outputs. That means, I don't want to add manually \t to lines which should have indentation. I'm in a package and have to deal with user input, which makes it probably pretty tough to calculate the correct amount of indentation which is needed. In the example above line 1 and 3 would need no indentation, while line 2 would need one tab or two spaces.
Ideally, I'd like to use no other package than the {rstudioapi} or base R. Looking at the documentation insertText also has a location argument which works with positions or ranges in scripts. I'm not sure whether this can be somehow used to include indentation.
I'm also looking at the {datapasta} package which also uses the {rstudioapi} and here the "num_spaces_for_tab"option is used in the output_context (in the script called oc$nspc), but I'm not sure how to apply it to my problem.
You could use rstudioapi::executeCommand to launch reindent or reformatCode commands:
If you run following commands together in editor (for example with ctrl+A Ctrl+Enter):
test_str <- "for (i in seq_along(x)) {\nout[[i]] <- sum(x[[i]])\n}"
# Should be adapted to the range you want to reformat (here : all lines)
ranges <- rstudioapi::document_range(c(1, 0), c(Inf, Inf))
You get:
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
out[[i]] <- sum(x[[i]])
List of available command IDs is available here.
I didn't hear about an indentation feature in rstudioapi library.
But I know, that the styler has this possibility.
Maybe, it will be also helpful for you.
An example:
test_str <- "for (i in seq_along(x)) {\nout[[i]] <- sum(x[[i]])\n}" #your code
style_text(test_str, indent_by = 3)
An output:
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
out[[i]] <- sum(x[[i]])
Let's add this into insertText
> rstudioapi::insertText(style_text(test_str, indent_by = 3))
named list()
> for (i in seq_along(x)) {
+ out[[i]] <- sum(x[[i]])
+ }
It works?
An addition
Maybe this?
Add \t to our string.
test_str <- "for (i in seq_along(x)) {\n\tout[[i]] <- sum(x[[i]])\n}"
Because you want to see two spaces, let's do this:
> insertText(gsub('\\t',' ', test_str))
named list()
> for (i in seq_along(x)) {
+ out[[i]] <- sum(x[[i]])
+ }

how to properly close connection so I won't get "Error in file(con, "r") : all connections are in use" when using "readlines" and "tryCatch"

I have a list of URLs (more than 4000) from a specific domain (pixilink.com) and what I want to do is to figure out if the provided domain is a picture or a video. To do this, I used the solutions provided here: How to write trycatch in R and Check whether a website provides photo or video based on a pattern in its URL and wrote the code shown below:
#Function to get the value of initial_mode from the URL
urlmode <- function(x){
mycontent <- readLines(x)
mypos <- grep("initial_mode = ", mycontent)
if(grepl("0", mycontent[mypos])){
} else if(grepl("tour", mycontent[mypos])){
} else{
Also, in order to prevent having error for URLs that don't exist, I used the code below:
readUrl <- function(url) {
out <- tryCatch(
readLines(con=url, warn=FALSE)
error=function(cond) {
warning=function(cond) {
message( url)
Finally, I separated the list of URLs and pass it into the functions (here for instance, I used 1000 values from URL list) described above:
a <- subset(new_df, new_df$host=="www.pixilink.com")
vec <- a[['V']]
vec <- vec[1:1000] # only chose first 1000 rows
tt <- numeric(length(vec)) # checking validity of url
for (i in 1:length(vec)){
tt[i] <- readUrl(vec[i])
g <- data.frame(vec,tt)
g2 <- g[which(!is.na(g$tt)),] #only valid url
dd <- numeric(nrow(g2))
for (j in 1:nrow(g2)){
dd[j] <- urlmode(g2[j,1])
Final <- cbind(g2,dd)
Final <- left_join(g, Final, by = c("vec" = "vec"))
I ran this code on a sample list of URLs with 100, URLs and it worked; however, after I ran it on whole list of URLs, it returned an error. Here is the error : Error in textConnection("rval", "w", local = TRUE) : all connections are in use Error in textConnection("rval", "w", local = TRUE) : all connections are in use
And after this even for sample URLs (100 samples that I tested before) I ran the code and got this error message : Error in file(con, "r") : all connections are in use
I also tried closeAllConnection after each recalling each function in the loop, but it didn't work.
Can anyone explain what this error is about? is it related to the number of requests we can have from the website? what's the solution?
So, my guess as to why this is happening is because you're not closing the connections that you're opening via tryCatch() and via urlmode() through the use of readLines(). I was unsure of how urlmode() was going to be used in your previous post so it had made it as simple as I could (and in hindsight, that was badly done, my apologies). So I took the liberty of rewriting urlmode() to try and make it a little bit more robust for what appears to be a more expansive task at hand.
I think the comments in the code should help, so take a look below:
#Updated URL mode function with better
#URL checking, connection handling,
#and "mode" investigation
urlmode <- function(x){
#Check if URL is good to go
#Test cases
#x <- "www.pixilink.com/3"
#x <- "https://www.pixilink.com/93320"
#x <- "https://www.pixilink.com/93313"
#Then since there are redirect shenanigans
#Get the actual URL the input points to
#It should just be the input URL if there is
#no redirection
#This is important as this also takes care of
#checking whether http or https need to be prefixed
#in case the input URL is supplied without those
#(this can cause problems for url() below)
myx <- httr::HEAD(x)$url
#Then check for what the default mode is
mycon <- url(myx)
open(mycon, "r")
mycontent <- readLines(mycon)
mypos <- grep("initial_mode = ", mycontent)
#Close the connection since it's no longer
#Some URLs with weird formats can return
#empty on this one since they don't
#follow the expected format.
#See for example: "https://www.pixilink.com/clients/899/#3"
#which is actually
#redirected from "https://www.pixilink.com/3"
#After that, evaluate what's at mypos, and always
#return the actual URL
#along with the result
#mystr<- stringr::str_extract(mycontent[mypos], "(?<=initial_mode\\s\\=).*")
mystr <- stringr::str_extract(mycontent[mypos], "(?<=\').*(?=\')")
return(c(myx, mystr))
#So once all that is done, check if the line at mypos
#contains a 0 (picture), tour (video)
#if(grepl("0", mycontent[mypos])){
# return(c(myx, "picture"))
#} else if(grepl("tour", mycontent[mypos])){
# return(c(myx, "video"))
} else{
#Valid URL but not interpretable
return(c(myx, "uninterpretable"))
} else{
#Straight up invalid URL
#No myx variable to return here
#Just x
return(c(x, "invalid"))
#Sample code execution
#All future + progressr related stuff
#learned courtesy
#Setting up parallelized execution
no_cores <- parallel::detectCores()
#The above setup will ensure ALL cores
#are put to use
clust <- parallel::makeCluster(no_cores)
future::plan(cluster, workers = clust)
#Progress bar for sanity checking
progressr::handlers(progressr::handler_progress(format="[:bar] :percent :eta :message"))
#Website's base URL
baseurl <- "https://www.pixilink.com"
#Using future_lapply() to recursively apply urlmode()
#to a sequence of the URLs on pixilink in parallel
#and storing the results in sitetype
#Using a future chunk size of 10
#Everything is wrapped in with_progress() to enable the
#progress bar
range <- 93310:93350
#range <- 1:10000
myprog <- progressr::progressor(along = range)
sitetype <- do.call(rbind, future_lapply(range, function(b, x){
myprog() ##Progress bar signaller
myurl <- paste0(b, "/", x)
cat("\n", myurl, " ")
myret <- urlmode(myurl)
cat(myret, "\n")
return(c(myurl, myret))
}, b = baseurl, future.chunk.size = 10))
#Converting into a proper data.frame
#and assigning column names
sitetype <- data.frame(sitetype)
names(sitetype) <- c("given_url", "actual_url", "mode")
#A bit of wrangling to tidy up the mode column
sitetype$mode <- stringr::str_replace(sitetype$mode, "0", "picture")
# given_url actual_url mode
# 1 https://www.pixilink.com/93310 https://www.pixilink.com/93310 invalid
# 2 https://www.pixilink.com/93311 https://www.pixilink.com/93311 invalid
# 3 https://www.pixilink.com/93312 https://www.pixilink.com/93312 floorplan2d
# 4 https://www.pixilink.com/93313 https://www.pixilink.com/93313 picture
# 5 https://www.pixilink.com/93314 https://www.pixilink.com/93314 floorplan2d
# 6 https://www.pixilink.com/93315 https://www.pixilink.com/93315 tour
# [1] "invalid" "floorplan2d" "picture" "tour"
Basically, urlmode() now opens and closes connections only when necessary, checks for URL validity, URL redirection, and also "intelligently" extracts the value assigned to initial_mode. With the help of future.lapply(), and the progress bar from the progressr package, this can now be applied quite conveniently in parallel to as many pixilink.com/<integer> URLs as desired. With a bit of wrangling thereafter, the results can be presented very tidily as a data.frame as shown.
As an example, I've demonstrated this for a small range in the code above. Note the commented out 1:10000 range in the code in this context: I let this code run the last couple of hours over this (hopefully sufficiently) large range of URLs to check for errors and problems. I can attest that I encountered no errors (only the regular warnings In readLines(mycon) : incomplete final line found on 'https://www.pixilink.com/93334'). For proof, I have the data from all 10000 URLs written to a CSV file that I can provide upon request (I don't fancy uploading that to pastebin or elsewhere unnecessarily). Due to oversight on my part, I forgot to benchmark that run, but I suppose I could do that later if performance metrics are desired/would be considered interesting.
For your purposes, I believe you can simply take the entire code snippet below and run it verbatim (or with modifications) by just changing the range assignment right before the with_progress(do.call(...)) step to a range of your liking. I believe this approach is simpler and does away with having to deal with multiple functions and such (and no tryCatch() messes to deal with).

Loop in R with a function included

I'm very new at R and I would like to do a loop in order to return search volume (through an API call) for a list of keywords.
Here the code that I used :
mes_keywords_to_check <- readLines("voyage.txt") # List of keywords to check
mes_keywords_to_check <- as.character(mes_keywords_to_check)
for (i in 1:length(mes_keywords_to_check)) {
test_keyword <- as.character(mes_keywords_to_check[i])
df_test_2 <- keyword_overview_all(test_keyword, "fr","API KEY NUMBER") ##keyword_overview_all is the function from the Semrush package
By doing this, I only get the Search Volume for the first keyword in the list. My purpose if of course to get the date required for the full list of keywords.
Here is the table that I get:
enter image description here
Do you have any idea how I could solve this issue?
Well, you need to add your results to some kind of container. for example to a list. As of now, you have just one object that gets filled with data from the most recent iteration of your loop.
results = list()
for (i in 1:length(mes_keywords_to_check)) {
test_keyword <- as.character(mes_keywords_to_check[i])
df_test_2 <- keyword_overview_all(test_keyword, "fr","API KEY NUMBER") ##keyword_overview_all is the function from the Semrush package
results[[i]] <- df_test_2
But, most R experts would suggest to refrain from using a loop
result <- plyr::ldply(mes_keywords_to_check, function(x) keyword_overview_all(as.character(x), "fr","API KEY NUMBER"))
I did not test this, and it probably needs some tweaking, but it should point you in the right direction.
It looks like you're reading in the text file with readLines("voyage.txt") which will return a list of each line. These lines are then being passed to the for loop. The below will convert the lines to words. There are various approaches, but below uses a loop within a loop to keep using for() and in case you prefer to search line-by-line-word-by-word. It also uses a regex to split on non-alpha-numeric so that you omit words bounded by punctuation.
mes_lines <- readLines("voyage.txt") # List of keywords to check
mes_lines <- as.character(mes_lines)
search_results <- list()
for (i in 1:length(mes_lines)) {
mes_keywords_to_check <- unlist(strsplit(mes_lines,"[^[:alnum:]]"))
mes_keywords_to_check <- mes_keywords_to_check[nchar(mes_keywords_to_check)>0]
if (length(mes_keywords_to_check)==0) next
for (w in 1:length(mes_keywords_to_check))
test_keyword <- as.character(mes_keywords_to_check[w])
print(paste0("Checking word=",test_keyword))
df_test_2 <- keyword_overview_all(test_keyword, "fr","API KEY NUMBER") ##keyword_overview_all is the function from the Semrush package
search_results <- append(search_results,df_test_2)
Thanks for pointing to the right direction.
Here is what I did, and this is working:
final_result <- data.frame()
mes_keywords_to_check <- readLines("voyage.txt")
mes_keywords_to_check <- as.character(mes_keywords_to_check)
for (i in 1:length(mes_keywords_to_check)) {
test_keyword <- as.character(mes_keywords_to_check[i])
df_test_2 <- keyword_overview_all(test_keyword, "fr","API KEY")
final_result <- rbind(final_result,df_test_2)

R: Source function by name/Import subset of functions

I have a question with importing functions.
Say I have a R script named "functions" which looks like this:
mult <- function(x,y){
divide <- function(x,y){
Currently I am importing all functions in the script:
The problem is that the (actual) R script is getting very large.
Is there a way to import the "mult" function only?
I was looking at evalSource/insertSource but my code was not working:
insertSource("C:\\functions.R", functions="mult")
It looks like your code will work with a slight change: define an empty object for the function you want to load first, then use insertSource.
mult <- function(x) {0}
insertSource("C:\\functions.R", functions="mult")
Which gives:
Object of class "functionWithTrace", from source
function (x, y)
return(x * y)
## (to see original from package, look at object#original)
The mult object has some additional information that I suppose is related to the original application for insertSource, but you could get rid of them with mult <- mult#.Data, which will set mult to the actual function body only.
Also, you might be interested in the modules project on github, which is trying to implement a lightweight version of R's package system to facilitate code reuse. Seems like that might be relevant, although I think you would have to split your functions into separate files in different subdirectories.
I ended up creating functions to do what you recommended.
This first group allows for multiple functions in one call:
LoadFunction <- function(file,...) {
dots <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
dots <- sapply(dots, as.character)
output <- lapply(dots, function(x,file){eval(parse(text=paste(x," <- function(x) {0}",sep="")),envir = .GlobalEnv)
suppressMessages(insertSource(file, functions=x))
eval(parse(text=paste(x," <- ",x,"#.Data",sep="")),envir = .GlobalEnv) },file=file)
UnloadFunction <- function(...) {
dots <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
dots <- sapply(dots, as.character)
output <- lapply(dots, function(x,file){eval(parse(text=paste("rm(",x,",envir = .GlobalEnv)",sep="")))},file=file)
They are called like this:
The second is only one function per call:
LoadFunction2 <- function(file,function_name) {
eval(parse(text=paste(function_name," <- function(x) {0}",sep="")),envir = .GlobalEnv)
suppressMessages(insertSource(file, functions=function_name))
eval(parse(text=paste(function_name," <- ",function_name,"#.Data",sep="")),envir = .GlobalEnv)
UnloadFunction2 <- function(function_name) {
eval(parse(text=paste("rm(",function_name,",envir = .GlobalEnv)",sep="")))
They are called like this:

Customizing R profile [duplicate]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
I have always found startup profile files of other people both useful and instructive about the language. Moreover, while I have some customization for Bash and Vim, I have nothing for R.
For example, one thing I always wanted is different colors for input and output text in a window terminal, and maybe even syntax highlighting.
Here is mine. It won't help you with the coloring but I get that from ESS and Emacs...
options("width"=160) # wide display with multiple monitors
options("digits.secs"=3) # show sub-second time stamps
r <- getOption("repos") # hard code the US repo for CRAN
r["CRAN"] <- "http://cran.us.r-project.org"
options(repos = r)
## put something this is your .Rprofile to customize the defaults
setHook(packageEvent("grDevices", "onLoad"),
function(...) grDevices::X11.options(width=8, height=8,
xpos=0, pointsize=10,
#type="nbcairo")) # Cairo device
#type="cairo")) # other Cairo dev
type="xlib")) # old default
## from the AER book by Zeileis and Kleiber
options(prompt="R> ", digits=4, show.signif.stars=FALSE)
options("pdfviewer"="okular") # on Linux, use okular as the pdf viewer
I hate to type the full words 'head', 'summary', 'names' every time, so I use aliases.
You can put aliases into your .Rprofile file, but you have to use the full path to the function (e.g. utils::head) otherwise it won't work.
# aliases
s <- base::summary
h <- utils::head
n <- base::names
EDIT: to answer your question, you can use the colorout package to have different colors in the terminal. Cool! :-)
Although I don't actually have that in my .Rprofile, because it might breaks my coauthors' code, I wish it was the default. Why?
1) Character vectors use less memory (but only barely);
2) More importantly, we would avoid problems such as:
> x <- factor(c("a","b","c"))
> x
[1] a b c
Levels: a b c
> x <- c(x, "d")
> x
[1] "1" "2" "3" "d"
> x <- factor(c("a","b","c"))
> x[1:2] <- c("c", "d")
Warning message:
In `[<-.factor`(`*tmp*`, 1:2, value = c("c", "d")) :
invalid factor level, NAs generated
Factors are great when you need them (e.g. implementing ordering in graphs) but a nuisance most of the time.
I like saving my R command history and having it available each time I run R:
In the shell or .bashrc:
export R_HISTFILE=~/.Rhistory
in .Rprofile:
.Last <- function() {
if (!any(commandArgs()=='--no-readline') && interactive()){
Here are two functions I find handy for working with windows.
The first converts the \s to /.
.repath <- function() {
cat('Paste windows file path and hit RETURN twice')
x <- scan(what = "")
xa <- gsub('\\\\', '/', x)
writeClipboard(paste(xa, collapse=" "))
cat('Here\'s your de-windowsified path. (It\'s also on the clipboard.)\n', xa, '\n')
The second opens the working directory in a new explorer window.
getw <- function() {
suppressWarnings(shell(paste("explorer", gsub('/', '\\\\', getwd()))))
Here's mine. I always use the main cran repository, and have code to make it easy to source in-development package code.
.First <- function() {
options("repos" = c(CRAN = "http://cran.r-project.org/"))
options("device" = "quartz")
packages <- list(
"describedisplay" = "~/ggobi/describedisplay",
"linval" = "~/ggobi/linval",
"ggplot2" = "~/documents/ggplot/ggplot",
"qtpaint" = "~/documents/cranvas/qtpaint",
"tourr" = "~/documents/tour/tourr",
"tourrgui" = "~/documents/tour/tourr-gui",
"prodplot" = "~/documents/categorical-grammar"
l <- function(pkg) {
pkg <- tolower(deparse(substitute(pkg)))
if (is.null(packages[[pkg]])) {
path <- file.path("~/documents", pkg, pkg)
} else {
path <- packages[pkg]
source(file.path(path, "load.r"))
test <- function(path) {
path <- deparse(substitute(path))
source(file.path("~/documents", path, path, "test.r"))
I've got this, more dynamic trick to use full terminal width, which tries to read from the COLUMNS environment variable (on Linux):
width = as.integer(Sys.getenv("COLUMNS")))},
error = function(err) {
write("Can't get your terminal width. Put ``export COLUMNS'' in your \
.bashrc. Or something. Setting width to 120 chars",
This way R will use the full width even as you resize your terminal window.
Most of my personal functions and loaded libraries are in the Rfunctions.r script
.First <- function(){
cat("\n Rrrr! The statistics program for Pirates !\n\n")
.Last <- function(){
cat("\n Rrrr! Avast Ye, YO HO!\n\n")
# Tinn-R: necessary packages
necessary = c('svIDE', 'svIO', 'svSocket', 'R2HTML')
if(!all(necessary %in% installed.packages()[, 'Package']))
install.packages(c('SciViews', 'R2HTML'), dep = T)
options(IDE = 'C:/Tinn-R/bin/Tinn-R.exe')
options(use.DDE = T)
shell(paste("mkdir C:\\data\\rplots\\plottemp", gsub('-','',Sys.Date()), sep=""))
pldir <- paste("C:\\data\\rplots\\plottemp", gsub('-','',Sys.Date()), sep="")
plot.str <-c('savePlot(paste(pldir,script,"\\BeachSurveyFreq.pdf",sep=""),type="pdf")')
Here's from my ~/.Rprofile, designed for Mac and Linux.
These make errors easier to see.
options(showWarnCalls=T, showErrorCalls=T)
I hate the CRAN menu choice, so set to a good one.
More history!
The following is for running on Mac OSX from the terminal (which I greatly prefer to R.app because it's more stable, and you can organize your work by directory; also make sure to get a good ~/.inputrc). By default, you get an X11 display, which doesn't look as nice; this instead gives a quartz display same as the GUI. The if statement is supposed to catch the case when you're running R from the terminal on Mac.
f = pipe("uname")
if (.Platform$GUI == "X11" && readLines(f)=="Darwin") {
# http://www.rforge.net/CarbonEL/
close(f); rm(f)
And preload a few libraries,
if (file.exists("~/util.r")) {
where util.r is a random bag of stuff I use, under flux.
Also, since other people were mentioning console width, here's how I do it.
if ( (numcol <-Sys.getenv("COLUMNS")) != "") {
numcol = as.integer(numcol)
options(width= numcol - 1)
} else if (system("stty -a &>/dev/null") == 0) {
# mac specific? probably bad in the R GUI too.
numcol = as.integer(sub(".* ([0-9]+) column.*", "\\1", system("stty -a", intern=T)[1]))
if (numcol > 0)
options(width= numcol - 1 )
This actually isn't in .Rprofile because you have to re-run it every time you resize the terminal window. I have it in util.r then I just source it as necessary.
Here are mine:
.First <- function () {
.Last <- function () {
if (!any(commandArgs() == '--no-readline') && interactive()) {
# Slightly more flexible than as.Date
# my.as.Date("2009-01-01") == my.as.Date(2009, 1, 1) == as.Date("2009-01-01")
my.as.Date <- function (a, b=NULL, c=NULL, ...) {
if (class(a) != "character")
return (as.Date(sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d", a, b, c)))
return (as.Date(a))
# Some useful aliases
cd <- setwd
pwd <- getwd
lss <- dir
asd <- my.as.Date # examples: asd("2009-01-01") == asd(2009, 1, 1) == as.Date("2009-01-01")
last <- function (x, n=1, ...) tail(x, n=n, ...)
# Set proxy for all web requests
# Search RPATH for file <fn>. If found, return full path to it
search.path <- function(fn,
paths = strsplit(chartr("\\", "/", Sys.getenv("RPATH")), split =
switch(.Platform$OS.type, windows = ";", ":"))[[1]]) {
for(d in paths)
if (file.exists(f <- file.path(d, fn)))
# If loading in an environment that doesn't respect my RPATH environment
# variable, set it here
if (Sys.getenv("RPATH") == "") {
Sys.setenv(RPATH=file.path(path.expand("~"), "Library", "R", "source"))
# Load commonly used functions
if (interactive())
# If no R_HISTFILE environment variable, set default
if (Sys.getenv("R_HISTFILE") == "") {
Sys.setenv(R_HISTFILE=file.path("~", ".Rhistory"))
# Override q() to not save by default.
# Same as saying q("no")
q <- function (save="no", ...) {
quit(save=save, ...)
# ---------- My Environments ----------
# Rather than starting R from within different directories, I prefer to
# switch my "environment" easily with these functions. An "environment" is
# simply a directory that contains analysis of a particular topic.
# Example usage:
# > load.env("markets") # Load US equity markets analysis environment
# > # ... edit some .r files in my environment
# > reload() # Re-source .r/.R files in my environment
# On next startup of R, I will automatically be placed into the last
# environment I entered
# My current environment
.curr.env = NULL
# File contains name of the last environment I entered
.last.env.file = file.path(path.expand("~"), ".Rlastenv")
# Parent directory where all of my "environment"s are contained
.parent.env.dir = file.path(path.expand("~"), "Analysis")
# Create parent directory if it doesn't already exist
if (!file.exists(.parent.env.dir))
load.env <- function (string, save=TRUE) {
# Load all .r/.R files in <.parent.env.dir>/<string>/
cd(file.path(.parent.env.dir, string))
for (file in lss()) {
if (substr(file, nchar(file)-1, nchar(file)+1) %in% c(".r", ".R"))
.curr.env <<- string
# Save current environment name to file
if (save == TRUE) writeLines(.curr.env, .last.env.file)
# Let user know environment switch was successful
print (paste(" -- in ", string, " environment -- "))
# "reload" current environment.
reload <- resource <- function () {
if (!is.null(.curr.env))
load.env(.curr.env, save=FALSE)
print (" -- not in environment -- ")
# On startup, go straight to the environment I was last working in
if (interactive() && file.exists(.last.env.file)) {
sink(file = 'R.log', split=T)
.ls.objects <- function (pos = 1, pattern, order.by = "Size", decreasing=TRUE, head = TRUE, n = 10) {
# based on postings by Petr Pikal and David Hinds to the r-help list in 2004
# modified by: Dirk Eddelbuettel (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1358003/tricks-to- manage-the-available-memory-in-an-r-session)
# I then gave it a few tweaks (show size as megabytes and use defaults that I like)
# a data frame of the objects and their associated storage needs.
napply <- function(names, fn) sapply(names, function(x)
fn(get(x, pos = pos)))
names <- ls(pos = pos, pattern = pattern)
obj.class <- napply(names, function(x) as.character(class(x))[1])
obj.mode <- napply(names, mode)
obj.type <- ifelse(is.na(obj.class), obj.mode, obj.class)
obj.size <- napply(names, object.size) / 10^6 # megabytes
obj.dim <- t(napply(names, function(x)
vec <- is.na(obj.dim)[, 1] & (obj.type != "function")
obj.dim[vec, 1] <- napply(names, length)[vec]
out <- data.frame(obj.type, obj.size, obj.dim)
names(out) <- c("Type", "Size", "Rows", "Columns")
out <- out[order(out[[order.by]], decreasing=decreasing), ]
if (head)
out <- head(out, n)
Make data.frames display somewhat like 'head', only without having to type 'head'
print.data.frame <- function(df) {
if (nrow(df) > 10) {
base::print.data.frame(head(df, 5))
base::print.data.frame(tail(df, 5))
} else {
(From How to make 'head' be applied automatically to output? )
I often have a chain of debug calls I need to call and uncommenting them can be very tedious. With the help of the SO community, I went for the following solution and inserted this into my .Rprofile.site. # BROWSER is there for my Eclipse Tasks so that I have an overview of browser calls in the Task View window.
# turn debugging on or off
# place "browser(expr = isTRUE(getOption("debug"))) # BROWSER" in your function
# and turn debugging on or off by bugon() or bugoff()
bugon <- function() options("debug" = TRUE)
bugoff <- function() options("debug" = FALSE) #pun intended
Mine is not too fancy:
# So the mac gui can find latex
Sys.setenv("PATH" = paste(Sys.getenv("PATH"),"/usr/texbin",sep=":"))
#Use last(x) instead of x[length(x)], works on matrices too
last <- function(x) { tail(x, n = 1) }
#For tikzDevice caching
options( tikzMetricsDictionary='/Users/cameron/.tikzMetricsDictionary' )
answer <- readline("What database would you like to connect to? ")
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),user="root",password="mypass", dbname=answer)
I do a lot of work from mysql databases, so connecting right away is a godsend. I only wish there was a way of listing the avaialble databases so I wouldn't have to remember all the different names.
Stephen Turner's post on .Rprofiles has several useful aliases and starter functions.
I find myself using his ht and hh often.
#ht==headtail, i.e., show the first and last 10 items of an object
ht <- function(d) rbind(head(d,10),tail(d,10))
# Show the first 5 rows and first 5 columns of a data frame or matrix
hh <- function(d) d[1:5,1:5]
Here's mine, including some of the mentioned ideas.
Two things you might want to look at:
.set.width() / w() update your print width to the one of the terminal. Unfortunately I did not find a way to do this automatically on terminal resize - R documentation mentions this is done by some R interpreters.
history is saved every time together with a timestamp and the working directory
.set.width <- function() {
cols <- as.integer(Sys.getenv("COLUMNS"))
if (is.na(cols) || cols > 10000 || cols < 10)
.First <- function() {
options(digits.secs=3) # show sub-second time stamps
options(max.print=1000) # do not print more than 1000 lines
options("report" = c(CRAN="http://cran.at.r-project.org"))
options(prompt="R> ", digits=4, show.signif.stars=FALSE)
# aliases
w <- .set.width
.Last <- function() {
if (!any(commandArgs()=='--no-readline') && interactive()){
timestamp(,prefix=paste("##------ [",getwd(),"] ",sep=""))
I use the following to get cacheSweave (or pgfSweave) to work with the "Compile PDF" button in RStudio:
assignInNamespace("RweaveLatex", cacheSweave::cacheSweaveDriver, "utils")
Mine includes options(menu.graphics=FALSE) because I like to Disable/suppress tcltk popup for CRAN mirror selection in R.
Here's mine. Nothing too innovative. Thoughts on why particular choices:
I went with setting a default for stringsAsFactors because I find
it extremely draining to pass it as an argument each time I read a CSV in. That said, it has already caused me some minor vexation when using code written on my usual computer on a computer which did not have my .Rprofile. I'm keeping it, though, as the troubles it has caused pale in comparison to the troubles not having it set everyday used to cause.
If you don't load the utils package before options(error=recover), it cannot find recover when placed inside an interactive() block.
I used .db for my dropbox setting rather than options(dropbox=...) because I use it all the time inside file.path and it saves much typing. The leading . keeps it from appearing with ls().
Without further ado:
if(interactive()) {
.db <- "~/Dropbox"
# `=` <- function(...) stop("Assignment by = disabled, use <- instead")
options(BingMapsKey="blahblahblah") # Used by taRifx.geo::geocode()
.First <- function() {
if(interactive()) {
Here's a little snippet for use exporting tables to LaTeX. It changes all the column names to math mode for the many reports I write. The rest of my .Rprofile is pretty standard and mostly covered above.
# Puts $dollar signs in front and behind all column names col_{sub} -> $col_{sub}$
colnames(x) <- paste("$", colnames(x), "$", sep = "")
I set my lattice color theme in my profile. Here are two other tweaks I use:
# Display working directory in the titlebar
# Note: This causes demo(graphics) to fail
utils::assignInNamespace("setwd",function(dir) {.Internal(setwd(dir));setWindowTitle(base::getwd())},"base")
# Don't print more than 1000 lines
I have an environment variable R_USER_WORKSPACE which points to the top directory of my packages. In .Rprofile I define a function devlib which sets the working directory (so that data() works) and sources all .R files in the R subdirectory. It is quite similar to Hadley's l() function above.
devlib <- function(pkg) {
setwd(file.path(Sys.getenv("R_USER_WORKSPACE", "."), deparse(substitute(pkg)), "dev"))
sapply(list.files("R", pattern=".r$", ignore.case=TRUE, full.names=TRUE), source)
.First <- function() {
setwd(Sys.getenv("R_USER_WORKSPACE", "."))
options("repos" = c(CRAN = "http://mirrors.softliste.de/cran/", CRANextra="http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/RWin"))
.Last <- function() update.packages(ask="graphics")
I found two functions really necessary: First when I have set debug() on several functions and I have resolved the bug, so I want to undebug() all functions - not one by one. The undebug_all() function added as the accepted answer here is the best.
Second, when I have defined many functions and I am looking for a specific variable name, it's hard to find it within all results of the the ls(), including the function names. The lsnofun() function posted here is really good.
