Showing Editors on click of a node in Xtratreelist - devexpress

I am using the latest version of DevExpress XtratreeList and have a requirement of showing editors on click of each node on the tree. Please see this screenshot
I am wondering how i can dynamically save and render a specific editor(rather a form) per node on the treelist. Clicking on "Friends" in the screenshot should bring up a different editor as compared to clicking on "Parties". Also, if a user tries to add more objects on the editor for Parties/Friends like say a Textbox/Listbox, it should be saved and come up fine when i click the nodes. Does anyone have ideas regarding how do i dynamically bring up different editors on click of a random node on the lefT?

This can be done by handling the TreeList's FocusedNodeChanged event. All you need to do is to determine the current FocusedNode and its values and show the required editor.


How to precisely test if CSS final computed values have changed anywhere on a page?

I have a situation where I need to merge several classes manually. They contain a huge amount of overrides within an 18,000 line CSS file.
I started making some changes to the huge CSS file and I realize that CSS loads the last case of a property so I did this all very carefully. For the most part things worked well. But, I did find one icon that was wrong and one text link that was the wrong font. So I thought, is there a way that I can compare the before and after state of this work precisely. I don't mean visually. But instead like two full text output files of the results of the computed CSS for the entire current page so I can run a compare on them in notepad++
Sorry if this is an ignorant question as I am a self taught web novice.
You can use notepad ++ to compare two files. You will need a compare plugin to be installed in notepad ++. Please follow the steps below:
Install the Compare Plugin
1. Launch Notepad++.
Click the “Plugins” menu, select “Plugin Manager” and click “Show Plugin Manager.” A list of currently available plugins populates the plugin manager screen.
Check the box next to “Compare.”
Click the “Install” button at the bottom of the screen. The Compare plugin will download and install. If an administrator authentication dialog appears, click the “Allow” button.
Using the Notepad++ Compare Plugin
1. Launch Notepad++ and open the two files you wish to run a comparison check on.
Click the “Plugins” menu, select “Compare” and click “Compare.” The plugin will run a comparison check and display the two files side by side, with any differences in the text highlighted.
Reset to the original window configuration and appearance by clicking the “Plugins” menu, selecting “Compare” and clicking “Clear Results.”
For reference click here

How to implement custom design for specific views in Drupal

I am working on my application. I need to implement custome design for my specific view. I don't know how to do this.Please help
There is an option in the view. On the right side there is an option 'Advanced'. When you will click on it. it will expend and there is an option Theme. when you will click on it a popup will open and it will show various style option. Click on any specific option then it will show the code for it. Copy the code and keep it in a new file in editor, Save this file with the name that is given as option for the selected style option. Save this file under "your_project_path/sites/all/themes/your_theme/template/" and and there is an option to re-scan in the open theme popup. click on re-scan. You file will be show as bold. Hit save button ans save the view.
Now you can template your view in this file. Hope it will help you.
Happy coding.
You can also check this theming instructions:
There are a lot tutorials and documentations on theming views, just search for them.

How do I disable the "Customize Toolbar" from the Quick Access toolbar in Microsoft Access

I have an application I am developing with Access 2010. In certain circumstances I have to limit the users to a very limited subset of the application. This implies a limited Ribbon - by setting a dbProperties to "AllowAllMenus" to false, and changing the File menu (using a Custom Backstage ribbon).
This blocks most off the holes that would allow the user to get back to full menus, and then have access to data I would rather he didn't.
However, there is a hole in this process. The quick access toolbar as a little drop down arrow on the end of it with a hover of "Customise Toolbar". Using it drops down a menu with "More Commands...". Clicking on that drops you into the same dialog box you get when you chose "Options" from the File Menu (disabling of which was the prime purpose of my Backstage Ribbon change).
I can of course do the following in VBA
DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Ribbon",acToolbarNo
but that hides all the menus and Quick Access Toolbar completely. I don't want that, because I still need to allow the user to set up filters and toggle them on an off from the data they do see.
I can't find any other reference to how to block up this security hole in the applcation. Does anyone have any ideas on how?
Assuming that you already have your custom ribbon, make sure that you have assigned: startFromScratch="true".
However, this will disable not only "More Commands..", but all the other options of QAT dropdown list as well, except "Show Below the Ribbon".

Redactor JS editor, custom external toolbar solution with plugin

I'm trying to create a totally custom/external toolbar for Redactor. So far, I think the best way to do this is to actually turn off the toolbar by default, and create a plugin for it.
I was able to do this successfully wit my custom feature set, but I can't indicate the state of the text in my toolbar itself. (ie: if a user changes the fontSize, and later on clicks in the middle of the word/sentence, I wanna be able to display that on the toolbar somehow)
Has anybody else run into this?

node with multiple images attached (drupal 6.x)

I'm creating a site where user can create a node with multiple images attached. For that matter, I have installed image attach module. I also have view and view slideshow module installed so that user can see the uploaded images attached to this particular node in slideshow style.
The problem I'm facing right now is that view does not show all the images attached to this particular node. It shows one image only and that's it.
The way I set up the view is - I create it as a block, select "image attach" for Fields and choose node id for argument. Under the node id, I choose "node id from url" for default argument. The result is just only one image being shown.
I've been trying to figure out what I'm missing and, so far I found out that image_attach
table stores images attached to the same node with same nid. And the view query is returning only one. I appreciate much if anyone of you can point me to right direction.
Thanks in advance
Your approach seems okay except one major thing -- the use of Image Attach ! Consider using Imagefield ( ) with Imagecache modules ( ). They work really well with Views and Views Slideshow in particular. Imagefield+Imagecache is really the standard way images are now done in Drupal. Its also the default approach for images in Drupal 7.
There is plenty of documentation available about this approach.
