User does not have permission to perform this action -

I have a Website and it works fine locally (when I run it using MS Visual Studio 2010), but When I uploaded it on the Web, it gives me this error message!
So, please what should I do to fix this problem?
Many thanks.

Look at the authentication information in your connection string. Whatever user is trying to access the database, make sure they have permission.
Posting the connection string stored in ATRProDBConnStr might give more insight as well.

So, please what should I do to fix this problem?
You should check the permissions between the web application and the SQL server.
Is the connection string correct (providing the correct user credentials for the application)?
Does the production database have grant the same permissions to the application's database user as the local database?
If the application doesn't use credentials, does the database grant the same permissions to the server's web application user as it does the local application user?
The error is basically SQL server telling you that your application isn't allowed to perform an action on the database. The application works fine (except for the lack of error handling which generated this page), it just needs permissions on the SQL server.


Granting sql server database access to IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool

I have an ASP NET APP that's trying to access a sql server database, when I run it, I get an error saying
"Login Failed for user IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool"
Searching the web I found that I should grant access to this user, so I executed the following script:
grant execute on schema :: dbo to [IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool]
It executed succesfully as a script for my database, but I still get the "Login Failed" error.
What's missing?
Check the user your DefaultAppPool is using to connect.
On your IIS manager check DefaultAppPool advanced properties and look for Identity. You need to give it a user with enough privileges, depending on what your site is going to do.
I usually create different AppPools for different sites depending on what they will do, for example, if your app will write documents to a folder on your server, the user of the AppPool will need writing access to that folder.
Also is not a good idea to use an administrator user, as it could lead to potential security breaches. However it could be a good way to check if your problem comes from there.
I think I already know what it is. When I upgraded SQL Server Express, it installed a new server .\SQLEXPRESS (because I used "new sql instance"), remote connections where configured in this server and not LocalDB, my database was still in LocalDB. But now I get other error, maybe related to WCF Data Services...

Login failed for user 'IIS APPPOOL\myAppPool

I having the following error message:
Cannot open database "SmallBakery" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'IIS APPPOOL\MyAppPool'
How can correct this? I am using windows 7 Enterprise Edition and Sql server 2012.
If you don't change, each app pool has it's own identity. In your case, just add a new user to your database SmallBakery with the name IIS APPPOOL\MyAppPool using SQL Management Studio. You find the users list in the "Security/Users" subnode of your database. This should look something like that:
For testing, let the user be member of the db_owner role. If that works, remove this role and just let it be member of db_datareader and db_datawriter.
This way, each app pool (perhaps each website, if they all use their own app pool) only has access to the corresponding database.
It depends on how you want to authenticate in your app. Are you trying to use impersonation in your app?
What's happening right now is the identity of your app pool in IIS is getting passed when trying to access the database. You can change the identity of your app pool to be something that has access to the database or you could change your connection string to use a specific login instead of integrated security.
Check this post out. Your problem sounds similar to one I was running into, with the same exact error message.
Like others said so far you need to take your app pool system user (IIS AppPool\myapppool) and add it as database user for that database with appropriate permissions.
Note that this will work just find on your IIS/Server but if you plan on migrating application to a different IIS/Sql server it will require changes in both SQL Server and IIS. I’d suggest you also consider sql server authentication – it may be more convenient for your specific case.
In my case these steps lead me to successfully handle this error.Hope it will help you also

Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.) when bulk insert

I have an ASP.NET application on Server A and a SQL Server on Server B.
When running the appliction it calls a stored procedure. This procedure try to bulk insert from a file from a shared folder on Server A, but the following error occured:
Cannot bulk load because the file "\serverA_address\sharedFolder\test.txt" could not be opened. Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.).
The strange is that when I execute the bulk insert from the sql management studio directly, it runs without any exeptions.
Another observation: if I change the shared folder address to a local folder where the sql server runs (Server B) without shareing, no access denied error...
I tried to set bulkadmin permission to all the users, including the technical users: sql_serviceusr who runs the sql service, another technical user who runs the application and make the call to sql server and to the user who logged in to the application. All users are domain accounts and all servers using Kerberos authentication.
Server A: Windows Server 2008R2
Server B: Windows Server 2008R2, SQL Server 2008R2
Appreciate any help or guidance.
You are doing a double hop, so you need to enable Kerberos delegation.
You could create a connect account and use SQL authentication.
In my experience, getting our network folks to properly set up Kerberos is like pulling teeth. We had it working for one glorious week once and then it suddenly stopped working. It just wasn't worth the hassle after that.
This might not be the exact answer you're looking for, but could be an interim solution for you.
By your description of the error, I assume the problem is in sharing the folder.
When sharing a folder, you should give access to the user who will be accessing the folder from remote computer in two places in folder's properties: under the Share tab and under Security tab.
Did you give access in both of them?

Can't connect to database on server

I cannot connect to my SQL Server database when running app on server.
Everything runs fine when debugging but when I run on the server as ASPNET the user is unable to login.
I created the dataabse in a test project then simply connected to this db. My connection string is
Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:\Temp\Barry\fsr\FSR.mdf;
Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True
So this asp app runs on IIS 5 and when deployed the initial select works fine as my gridview that I have a binding to shows data but when I run the program (update the db) I hit the following:
[SqlException (0x80131904): Cannot open user default database.
Login failed.
Login failed for user 'hostxxxxx\ASPNET'.]
I am not creating this database programmatically as mentioned previously, simply connecting to an existing database.
The database is located on my c: - but I have added user ASPNET. How can I add this db to the program as a resource rather than reference a copy on c:?
My first question is this: If you have control of the server, why are you using an attached database. From:
There is no reason to attach if you can control the server. Attach the database to the actual instance in SQL Server, not with the bastardized version you have above. The bastardized version is useful on an ISP that does not give you access to SQL tools. Beyond that, it is more work than it is worth.
The second problem you have is authentication. There are a couple of ways to handle this. The easiest is set up a SQL user to access the database. If every user will have login credentials, you can keep the Windows Authentication method, but you have to turn off anonymous access, so every user GETS authenticated. As long as anon is a choice in IIS, it will default to anon and you will have issues. The third way is to impersonate a user for database access. I guess the fourth is open your database wide open, but I don't suggest destruction of security to make something "work".
If you have your database on a server, you need to use a server-based connection string - something like:
Data Source=servername\SQLEXPRESS;database=FSR;
Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;
Your user needs to have a login on the server, and a user in the appropriate database, in order to connect successfully.
See the web site for a huge list of possible connection strings - and what their settings mean and how you can change those.
You need to get into your database and assign the proper privileges to the account that is trying to access the database, which in this case looks like the built-in ASPNET account. Instead of the ASPNET account, you should use the NETWORK SERVICE account. You can change this through IIS.

Attaching mdf file into sql server

Earlier mdf file was in app_Data folder, and application was working fine.
When I attached mdf file into sql server. I can execute queries. But when I try to use it from application it give following exception.
Cannot open user default database. Login failed.
Login failed for user 'domain\username'
So if I understand correctly you no longer specify the AttachDBFilename but instead you have attached the database 'for real' to an existing SQL Server instance.
since you are no longer conencting to your own personal RANU instance, your application must have proper credentials to connect to the SQL Server instance where you attached the database. The correct solution depends on a number of factors, but possible answers are:
create a SQL Server login for the ASP app pool identity and grant this loggin proper access to the required database. Use CREATE LOGIN [domain\user] FROM WINDOWS and CREATE USER [domain\user]. Better still, for extra credit, add the app pool identity to a security group and grant this security group the needed permission.
change the app pool identity to an indetity that has the proper permissions already granted
if the ASP application uses impersonation and the SQL Server instance is on a different machine from the ASP application, make sure your ASP app pool is allowed to do constrained delegation.
That error indicates that you are trying to use Intergrated Security. Depending on your version of IIS and your configuration, you are probably trying to connect to the database with the IUSR or NETWORK SERVICE accounts.
The simplest fix is to use SQL Authentication. Include a SQL account username/password in your connection string.
