How to export Wordpress posts to XLIFF? - wordpress

How to export WordPress posts to XLIFF? I am looking for a neat way to do it with the help of PHP. Thanks.

XLIFF is just XML, so you could modify a plugin like oxyXML, or even the built in RSS feed generator (wp-includes/feed-rss2.php) to generate the proper format.

Look at the source code of this drupal module:
You can take the function in there and convert it for you needs. they make use of the xliff2xml roundtrip tool that uses an xsl transformation for XML (or xhtml in your case) to xliff and vice versa

Related auto create html basic structure

Im using for some time now and really like it. there is just one thing im missing. I used to use brackets and sublime before and they both had a feature where you could create the basic structure of a html documents by just typing html.
this would just set the html, head and body tag. created the charset meta, title and link to css file.
I create a lot of html files a day so it would be really helpfull if I know the shortcode or the package which supports this!
You're looking for autocomplete-snippets.
Simply type html and press Enter
Here's a terrible GIF to prove it:
There is a nice Plugin, called emmet:
When you got that, you just have to type ! -> tab in an empty document. You get pretty much the same result as #hatchet GIF.
If you have disabled the autocomplete functionality mentioned in the currently accepted answer, or want more flexibility than that allows, there is a file-templates package:
Here are some basic instructions.
To install the package: edit->preferences->install->file-templates.
To save the template: packages->new template from this file.
To open a new file with that template, just hit ctrl-alt-n and
select it.
Make sure your file has .html added on the end of its name.
Then go back into Atom, type HTML, and press enter. Your boilerplate should appear. Solved my problem instantly!
If we install Emmet package we are not getting the boiler plate code. So I disabled emmet and it is working fine for me.
!tab is the command u seek. But it won't work unless you create a file and save it with the html extension...
So go create a new file in the directory u want, call it index.html and now go type !tab
It should work 100%, if not be sure u have emmet installed.

Registering an HTML-derived content type with the HTML editor without a package?

I'm trying to register a custom content type, similar to this question on MSDN forums: I want to register a custom extension that is essentially an HTML file, e.g.:
[DisplayName("My Custom Markup")]
internal static ContentTypeDefinition MyCustomContentType;
internal static FileExtensionToContentTypeDefinition MyCustomFileExtensionDefinition;
So by specifying BaseDefinition as html, I am able to get HTML highlighting in .mycustom files, unfortunately I get nothing else, in particular, the HTML intellisense. From the above link it seems that the only way to have Visual Studio recognize custom extensions as a specific editor type, but I'd have to hack the registry (or more specifically, provide this via the ProvideEditorExtension attribute, but it's only applicable on a VSPackage).
So my question is, basically, is there an alternative way to register a custom extension to an editor programmatically, but without creating a custom VSPackage for it? Other than hacking the registry, of course?
(I could be totally wrong with the approach, in which case your help is very much appreciated!)
The easiest way is to use the technique demoed here:
This is effectively "hacking the registry" but in a supported way. You're simply wrapping the needed keys in a .pkgdef file (essentially a .reg file) that can be contained in an editor extension.

Translate Plone Subjects/Keywords

Is there a way to translate Plone Subjects/Keywords?
I already tried .po translations, but this does not work?
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
You can probably use translations in a .po file (use the "plone" domain) but you need to customize all templates that display keywords (view, edit, ...) wrapping the raw text rendering into a i18n:translate="" TALES expression.
For exampple, for the display you need to customize this:
You can probably perform a lot of this stuff simply using z3c.jbot.

How does one inject variables into page templates from a custom Drupal module?

We've created a custom module for organizing and publishing our newsletter content.
The issue I'm running into now -- and I'm new to theming and Drupal module development, so it could just be a knowledge issue as opposed to a Drupal issue -- is how to get each newsletter themed.
At this point the URL structure of our newsletter will be:
/newsletters/{newsletter-name}/{edition-name}/{issue-date} which means that we can create template files in our theme using filenames like page-newsletters-{newsletter-name}-{edition-name}.tpl.php, which is great. The one issue I'm running into is that all of the content comes through in the $content variable of the theme. I'd like to have it come through as different variables (so that I can, inside the theme, place certain content in certain areas.)
Is there a proper way for doing this?
Edit: To answer some questions: The issue is a node (there are issue, edition and newsletter nodes) and the path is being set using hook_menu with wildcards and a router.
The best answer I could find was to add a check inside of phptemplate_preprocess_page to send the vars back to the module and have them be updated.
Like so:
function phptemplate_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
if (module_exists('test_module')) {
then in my test_module.module file I created this function:
function _test_module_injector(&$vars) {
$vars[] = call_to_other_functions_to_load_vars();
It seemed to work. I wish there was a way to do this without having to touch the theme's template.php file, but otherwise this works well.
If there were better documentation for template preprocess functions, Drupal would be a lot more accessible - as it is, you need to piece together the information from a lot of different explanations. One place to start is here:
but if you take the time to work through the tutorial below, you'll find you can do most things:
This is an old post, and the OP's issues seems to have been solved.
However, just for others finding this through Google (or otherwise):
Install the 'Devel' module:
Also the 'Devel Themer' module:
Use Devel Themer to go through the $content variable and find what you need to pull out.
There are a bunch of Devel/Themer docs/tuts out there, but its usage is pretty straightforward. Note, though, that some stuff in there will need to be sanitized before printing in the theme.
The suggestion to show the node as a View and then modifying the view templates sounds pretty crazy, though it'll work.

How can I modify a CSS file programmatically?

I have a legacy application that I needed to implement a configuration page for to change text colors, fonts, etc.
This applications output is also replicated with a PHP web application, where the fonts, colors, etc. are configured in a style sheet.
I've not worked with CSS previously.
Is there a programatic way to modify the CSS and save it without resorting to string parsing or regex?
The application is VB6, but I could write a .net tool that would do the css manipulation if that was the only way.
You don't need to edit the existing one. You could have a new one that overrides the other -- you include this one after the other in your HTML. That's what the "Cascading" means.
It looks like someone's already done a VB.NET CSS parser which is F/OSS, so you could probably adapt it to your needs if you're comfortable with the license.
One hack is to create a PHP script that all output is passed through, which then replaces certain parts of CSS with configurable alternatives. If you use .htaccess you can make all output go through the script.
the best way i can think of solving this problem is creating an application that will get some values ( through the URL query ) and generate the appropriate css output based on a css templates
Check this out, it uses ASP.NET and C#.
In my work with the IE control (shadocvw.dll), it has an interesting ability to let you easily manage the CSS of a page and show the effects of modified CSS on a page in realtime. I've never dealt with the details of such implementations myself, but I recommend that as a possible solution worth looking at. Seeing as pretty much everyone is on IE 6 or later nowadays, you can skip the explanations about handling those who only have IE 5,4,3 or 2 installed.
Maybe the problem's solution, which is most simple for the programmer and a user is to edit css via html form, maybe. I suppose, to create css-file, which would be "default" or "standart" for this application, and just to read it, for example, by perl script, edit in html and to write it down. Here is just the simple example.
In css-file we have string like:
border-color: #008a77;
we have to to read this string, split it up, and send to a file, which will write it down. Get something like this in Perl:
tr/ / /s;
($vari, $value) = split(/:/, _$);
# # While you read file, you can just at the time to put this into html form
echo($vari.":<input type = text name = ".$vari." value = ".$value.">");
And here it is, you've got just simple html-form-data, you just shoul overwrite your css-file with new data like this:
print $vari[i].": ".$value.";\n";
and voila - you've got programmatical way of changing css. Ofcourse, you have to make it more universal, and more close to your particular problem.
Depending on how technically oriented your CSS editors are going to be, you could do it very simply by loading the whole thing up into a TextEdit field to let them edit it - then write it back to the file.
Parsing and creating an interface for all the possibilities of CSS would be an astronomical pain. :-)
