How to change cell background color on click cell in table? -

I need to change the color of the cells on сlick (only 2 colors: black and white), and then analyze the colors of cells to form an array with values​​: 1 - black, 0 - white?

Try this code to toggle the color
onClick="'black' ?'white' :'black';"
And you get the Colors using this function
var tds = document.getElementsByTagName("td");
for(var i=0; i<tds.length; i++)


Alternating row background in QTextTable

I am trying to create a printable document using QTextDocument, which also includes a table, which I am adding using QTextCursor::insertTable.
However I have the requirement to use different background colors for the table rows. The table is meant to contain all days of a month, and weekends should have grey background, while workdays shall have no background.
I have tried this code:
QTextTable* table = cursor.insertTable(1, 7, normal); // 7 columns, and first row containing header
foreach (DayItem* day, month->days)
if (day->date.dayOfWeek() == 6 || day->date.dayOfWeek() == 7)
table->setFormat(background); // grey background
table->setFormat(normal); // white background
Now the issue with this is that the table->setFormat changes the format of the whole table, and I can't seem to find any function which lets me set the format for a row or a cell. There is formatting options for cells, however those are for the text format, and thus would not color the cell background.
I have also tried using QTextDocument::insertHTML and work with HTML tables, however Qt would not render the CSS correctly which I would use for styling the borders and so on.
How can I achieve alternating row background colors in QTextTable?
You can use QTextTableCell:setFormat to change the background color of each cell:
auto edit = new QTextEdit();
auto table = edit->textCursor().insertTable(3, 2);
for(int i = 0; i < table->rows(); ++i)
for(int j = 0; j < table->columns(); ++j)
auto cell = table->cellAt(i, j);
auto cursor = cell.firstCursorPosition();
cursor.insertText(QString("cell %1, %2").arg(i).arg(j));
auto format = cell.format();
format.setBackground(i%2 == 0 ? Qt::red : Qt::green);

how to change color of the text based on background color on run time css

I have
<span [ngStyle]="{'background-color': dynamicColor}">ABC</span>
I want to set the font color of text based on the background color that is inverted color of background-color so that is easily readable. Like if background-color is white then text color should be black. And if background-color is black then text color is white.
In sass, I could do this easily using the following function
// function to return the text-color based on the passed background color
#function text-color($color) {
#if (lightness($color) > 50) {
#return #000000; // Lighter backgorund, return dark color
#else {
#return #ffffff; // Darker background, return light color
but the background-color is getting changed run time based on the dynamic content using AJAX.
Added more detail to clear the question.
When ngStyle change, color while change!
<span ngStyle="{\"backgroundColor\":\"#000\"}">ABC</span>
setTimeout(function() {
var dom = document.querySelector("[ngStyle]");
var temp = JSON.parse(dom.getAttribute("ngStyle")); = (temp.backgroundColor === "#000" ? "#fff" : "#000")
}, 16)

CSS Transparency without affecting font color

I have this style in my controller:
vm.backgroundColor = {
'background': '#' + vm.colorHex,
'filter': 'alpha(opacity = 10)',
'-moz-opacity': '0.1', 'opacity': '0.1'
How can I use this without affecting the font color? Thanks
By changing the opacity of the whole element, you're by definition fading the whole element.
If you want the background to be semi-transparent, you can achieve this very easily using rgba colours.
The first three numbers represent red, green and blue, and are rated 0-255, and the fourth is the alpha (transparency), which is rated from 0 (transparent) to 1 (no transparency).
The code below would give a transparent red background.
vm.backgroundColor = {
'background' : rgba(255,0,0,0.5)

Manipulation of color of an html image

So I thought I could do a smart manipulation of the color of a random shaped PNG image, by actually having 4 images of the same shape, but in Red, Green, Blue and Black, then set then on top of each other and manipulate their opacities.
I tried using the formula channelOpacity = channelVal / 255 / 3;
Well, it's not really that easy, it turns out. Has anyone attempted similar things and what would be a solution? Thank you.
It's an interesting idea. However, opacity alone doesn't seem to accomplish your objective, because the order in which the PNGs are defined will affect the color of their combination.
For example, if you have a red PNG, a green PNG, then a blue PNG, all with opacity 0.33, you'll get something like this:
If you rearrange their order as green, red, then blue, you'll get this:
Green, blue, then red will give you this:
There may be a way to take the order into account in your calculations, which could make your idea really useful.
Here's a snippet that sets the opacity of stacked red, green, and blue circles, based on the normalized rgb hex values from a color picker. It does a decent job for colors that are primarily red, green, or blue, but it suffers from the issue I've described:
var colorPicker= document.getElementById('colorPicker');
colorPicker.oninput= function() {
var red = document.getElementById('red');
var green= document.getElementById('green');
var blue = document.getElementById('blue');
var r= parseInt(this.value.substr(1,2),16);
var g= parseInt(this.value.substr(3,2),16);
var b= parseInt(this.value.substr(5,2),16);
var factor = 1/(r+g+b); = r * factor; g * factor; = b * factor;
img {
position: absolute;
Choose color: <input id="colorPicker" type="color" value="#ff0000">
<img id="red" src="">
<img id="green" src="">
<img id="blue" src="">
I found a way to do it through canvas, here:
Given that Firefox has also added support (v34) for the methods involved, this solution should work fine. Careful, there are a lot of mistakes in the code at the above link (I corrected them below), but the idea is awesome. Here's what it's about, roughly:
// image is an html image element
var myCanvas=document.createElement("canvas");
var myCanvasContext=myCanvas.getContext("2d");
var imgWidth=image.width;
var imgHeight=image.height;
// You'll get some string error if you fail to specify the dimensions
myCanvas.width= imgWidth;
// alert(imgWidth);
// This function cannot be called if the image is not rom the same domain.
// You'll get security error if you do.
var imageData=myCanvasContext.getImageData(0,0, imgWidth, imgHeight);
// This loop gets every pixels on the image and
for (i=0; i<imageData.height; i++)
for (j=0; j<imageData.width; j++)
var index;
// then access your data and set it like this:
//[index+0]; // red
//[index+0]; // green
//[index+0]; // ... till alpha
myCanvasContext.putImageData(imageData,0,0,0,0, imageData.width, imageData.height);
return myCanvas.toDataURL();

Change the background color of a column in a grid

I have following form and I want to change the background color of a column, based on the values of other columns;
In the orange columns, instead of displaying orange background, I want the cell color to be the RGB combo of Red, Green & Blue fields under COLOR ATTRIBUTES section.
Let's say that the control the background of which you need to change is named FirstFieldControl. Set its AutoDeclaration property to Yes and BackgroundColor to Window background.
Now you need to override the displayOption method on your datasource, e.g.:
public void displayOption(Common _record, FormRowDisplayOption _options)
YourTable yourTable = _record;
int color;
switch (yourTable.Name)
case 'Red' :
color = WINAPI::rgbCon2int([255, 0, 0]);
case 'Green' :
color = WINAPI::rgbCon2int([0, 255, 0]);
case 'Blue' :
color = WINAPI::rgbCon2int([0, 0, 255]);
if (color)
super(_record, _options);
This is just an example to give you an idea - don't copy-paste :)
It's easier to store the color value in the table, then the code will be much nicer.
P.S. If you're changing the colors run-time you might need to use the following piece of code to refresh the record:
I want to show variable color according to warehouse in on-hand form. If I override displayOption on inventdim datasource, it does get called. It does get called if I override InventSum datasource. But I cannot get the actual inventdim record. In this form, InventSum is master table, and InventDim is the joined child table.
