How can I access session variables when the page is loaded using a SimpleWorkerRequest? -

I'm reading an ASPX file as a string and using the returned HTML as the source for an email message. This is the code:
public string GetEmailHTML(int itemId)
string pageUrl = "HTMLEmail.aspx";
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
HttpRuntime.ProcessRequest(new SimpleWorkerRequest(pageUrl, "ItemId=" + itemId.ToString(), stringWriter));
return stringWriter.ToString();
HTMLEmail.aspx uses the ItemId query string variable to load data from a DB and populate the page with results. I need to secure the HTMLEmail.aspx page so a manipulated query string isn't going to allow just anybody to see the results.
I store the current user like this:
public User AuthenticatedUser
get { return Session["User"] as User; }
set { Session["User"] = value; }
Because the page request isn't made directly by the browser, but rather the SimpleWorkerRequest, there is no posted SessionId and therefore HTMLEmail.aspx cannot access any session variables. At least, I think that's the problem.
I've read the overview on session variables here:
I'm wondering if I need to implement a custom session identifier. I can get the current SessionId inside the GetEmailHTML method and pass it as a query string param into HTMLEmail.aspx. If I have the SessionId inside HTMLEmail.aspx I could maybe use the custom session identifier to get access to the session variables.
That fix sounds messy. It also removes the encryption layer ASP automatically applies to the SessionId.
Anyone have a better idea?

As far as I can see, your best bet is to pass on all the values you need inside HTMLEmail.aspx to it via the query parameters, just like you do with ItemId.
Apart from that, you can probably get away with just sending in the UserId of the user to that page and make it hit the DB (or wherever you are storing your users) to the User object, instead of trying to read it off the Session variables.
Why don't you use:
public string GetEmailHTML(int itemId)
string pageUrl = "HTMLEmail.aspx";
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
Server.Execute(pageUrl, stringWriter);
return stringWriter.ToString();
instead? As far as I can see Server.Execute inherits the same http request.


Restrict access to all pages

I am mainlining one Project, this project is configured in IIS. The website is open for everyone, when i review the code in page, its checking window login "enterprise id" and allowing all users to view the all the aspx pages.
Now, my management team requested us to restrict those who are under junior level employees.(Junior engg, Developer, software engg).
I have written the query, passing enterprise id and validate grade, if its junior level , returning "0" values,else returning "1" values.
My questions is, I do not want go and edit each page and check this query and restrict each page.
can you please suggest , how can i implement simplest and best way to restric the users.
--------------------------------------- Update on 09/24/2015
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string UserStatus = UtilFunctions.ValidateUser();
if (UserStatus == "0")
Response.Write("<div><font color=red><h1>You are not authorized to view this page</h1></font></div>");
public static String ValidateUser()
string CurrentUser = getLoggedOnUser();
using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TestDB"].ConnectionString))
using (SqlCommand myCommand = myConnection.CreateCommand())
myConnection.Open();//Opens the Connection
myCommand.CommandText = "Select Permission From Temp_Validate Where EnterpriseId='" + CurrentUser + "'";
SqlDataReader IDReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); //Gets the ID
string UserStatus = IDReader["Permission"].ToString();
return UserStatus;
I implemented the above functionalite in my index.aspx page, if the userstatus equal to "0" , it will display the "You are not authrized to view this message" and it will end.
I have around 30 aspx page,its currently running in Production. I do not want go include the same code (index.aspx) in every page load to stop the user validation.
could you please suggest how can i implement without editing all pages.
Updated on 09/28 : Utilifunction.cs
public static String getLoggedOnUser()
String user = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.Substring(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.IndexOf("\\") + 1);
if (user == "") user = "anonymous";
string UserStatus = IsValidUser(user);
if (UserStatus == "0")
HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("PSF_Error.aspx", true);
return user;
public static String IsValidUser(string currentUser)
using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Test"].ConnectionString))
using (SqlCommand myCommand = myConnection.CreateCommand())
//Gets email of the creator of current user
myConnection.Open();//Opens the Connection
myCommand.CommandText = "Select Permission From Temp_Validate Where EnterpriseId='" + currentUser + "'";
SqlDataReader IDReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); //Gets the ID
string UserStatus = IDReader["Permission"].ToString();
return UserStatus;
string CurrentUser = UtilFunctions.getLoggedOnUser();
You have a few options, here:
1) Set up role-based access with Owin or AspNet.Identity. This is probably your best option, but I couldn't find a good tutorial for you. Those packages are well-documented, however, and I'm sure you can figure them out with some effort.
2) Build a Roles table, and customize access yourself. The best example I found was here:
3) Redirect unauthorized users without the use of roles. So something like:
public ActionResult SecurePage(User u)
if(u.level == "junior"){
return RedirectToAction("CustomErrorPage");
} else {
return View();
I'm not sure that that option is terribly secure, but it should work.
Hope that helps!
after setting up roles you can use a web.config file in every directory specifying authorization and/or use the 'location' element in the web.config file.
First off, sorry about the confusing code. I've been using MVC, and you've clearly posted your code behind.
I don't think that you can achieve what you are trying to do, without adding your code to each page, or learning about roles. You could reduce some code duplication in a number of clever ways, but I can't think of anything that doesn't seem like a total hack.
If you want to, say, put all of your secure pages in the same directory, and restrict low-level access to that directory, you are going to have to filter by specific users or, if you can implement them, roles. As I understand it, the deny and allow nodes in your web.config file are setting server side (so IIS, probably) authorization rules, so the keywords and rules you can use are limited. Check this page out, for some basics:
While it is likely POSSIBLE to build a rule based on values in your DB, doing so would probably be far more work than it would be worth.
Sorry that I can't offer a more satisfactory answer, but I would recommend: 1) Get to work, and add a check to the code behind for each page, or 2) (and I highly suggest this option) close this question, and post another, about implementing roles in .net, and assigning roles to users, in code. If, say, you can use your login page to assign every junior-level user the custom role of Junior, and place all of your secure pages in a directory named SecurePages you could add the following code to your web.config, and achieve exactly what you are trying to do:
<location path="SecurePages">
<deny roles="Junior">
<deny users="*">
Good luck! any way to cache things like this?

I have a function called on every single page:
/// <summary>
/// Gets the date of the latest blog entry
/// </summary>
public static DateTime GetNewestBlogDate()
DateTime ReturnDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30);
using (var db = new DataClassesDataContext())
var q = (from d in db.tblBlogEntries orderby descending select new {}).FirstOrDefault();
if (q != null)
ReturnDate =;
return ReturnDate;
It works like this website, it gets the latest blog entry date and if it's greater than the users cookie value it displays a new icon next to the blog link.
It seems rather wasteful to keep calling this function per page request, called 1:1 on the number of page requests you have. Say you have 30,000 page views per day, that's 1,250 database queries per hour.
Is there any way I can cache this results, and have it expire say every hour?
I'm aware it's a bit of a micro optimisation, but given 10 or so similar functions per page it might add up to something worthwhile. You could denormalise it into a single table and return them all in one go, but I'd rather cache if possible as it's easier to manage.
Since it's not based on the user (the cookie is, but the query doesn't seem to be) - you can just use the standard ASP.NET Cache.
Just insert the result with an expiration of 1 hour. If you like, you can even use the callback to automatically refresh the cache.
Assuming you've stored it into MS-SQL, you could even use a SqlCacheDependency to invalidate when new data is inserted. Or, if your inserting code is well-factored, you could manually invalidate the cache then.
Just use the ASP.NET Cache object with an absolute expiration of 1 hour. Here's an example of how you might implement this:
public static DateTime GetNewestBlogDate()
HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
DateTime returnDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30)
string key = "SomeUniqueKey"; // You can use something like "[UserName]_NewestBlogDate"
object cacheObj = context.Cache[key];
if (cacheObj == null)
using (var db = new DataClassesDataContext())
var q = (from d in db.tblBlogEntries orderby descending select new { }).FirstOrDefault();
if (q != null)
returnDate =;
context.Cache.Insert(key, returnDate, null, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);
returnDate = (DateTime)cacheObj;
return returnDate;
You haven't indicated what is done with the returned value. If the returned value is displayed the same way on each page, why not just place the code along with the markup to display the result in a user control (ASCX) file? You can then cache the control.
Make it a webmethod with a CacheDuration?
public static DateTime GetNewestBlogDate()

cookie isn't updated until page refresh... how to avoid that?

I have some pages that read and write cookie values. During the life cycle of a page it may update the cookie value and then need to read it again further in the code. What I've found is that it's not getting the latest value of the cookie until a page refresh. Is there a way around this? Here's the code I'm using to set and get the values.
public static string GetValue(SessionKey sessionKey)
HttpCookie cookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[cookiePrefix];
if (cookie == null)
return string.Empty;
return cookie[sessionKey.SessionKeyName] ?? string.Empty;
public static void SetValue(SessionKey sessionKey, string sessionValue)
HttpCookie cookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[cookiePrefix];
if (cookie == null)
cookie = new HttpCookie(cookiePrefix);
cookie.Values[sessionKey.SessionKeyName] = sessionValue;
cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1);
What you're missing is that when you update the cookie with SetValue you're writing to the Response.Cookies collection.
When you call GetValue you're reading from the Request.Cookies collection.
You need to store the transient information in a way that you access the current information, not just directly the request cookie.
One potential way to do this would be to writer a wrapper class that with rough psuedo code would be similar to
public CookieContainer(HttpContext context)
_bobValue = context.Request.Cookies["bob"];
public Value
get { return _bobValue; }
set {
_bobValue = value;
_context.Response.Cookies.Add(new Cookie("bob", value) { Expires = ? });
I ran into needing to do similar code just this week. The cookie handling model is very strange.
Start using Sessions to store your information, even if it's only temporary.
Cookies rely on a header being sent to the browser before the page has rendered. If you've already sent information to the client then proceed to set a cookie, you're going to see this "page refresh delay" you've described.
If it's necessary to have this value, use a session variable between the time you set the cookie and when you refresh the page. But, even then I would just recommend avoiding settings cookies so late in the processing step and try to set it as early as possible.

How to programmatically clear outputcache for controller action method

If the controller action has the OutputCache attribute specified on an action, is there any way to clear the output cache without having to restart IIS?
[OutputCache (Duration=3600,VaryByParam="param1;param2")]
public string AjaxHtmlOutputMethod(string param1, string param2)
var someModel = SomeModel.Find( param1, param2 );
//set up ViewData
return RenderToString( "ViewName", someModel );
I'm looking at using HttpResponse.RemoveOutputCacheItem(string path) to clear it, but I'm having trouble figuring out what the path should be to map it to the action method. I'm going to try again with the aspx page that is rendered by ViewName.
Possibly I'll just manually insert the output of RenderToString into the HttpContext.Cache instead if I can't figure this one out.
Please note that the OutputCache is VaryByParam, and testing out a hardcoded path "/controller/action" does not actually clear the outputcache, so it looks like it has to match "/controller/action/param1/param2".
That means I'll probably have to revert to object level caching and manually cache the output for RenderToString() :(
Try this
var urlToRemove = Url.Action("AjaxHtmlOutputMethod", "Controller");
var requestContext = new System.Web.Routing.RequestContext(
new HttpContextWrapper(System.Web.HttpContext.Current),
new System.Web.Routing.RouteData());
var Url = new System.Web.Mvc.UrlHelper(requestContext);
Try this:
[OutputCache(Location= System.Web.UI.OutputCacheLocation.Server, Duration=3600,VaryByParam="param1;param2")]
Otherwise the cache deletion won't work because you've
cached the HTML output on the user's machine
Further to the accepted answer, to support VaryByParam parameters:
[OutputCache (Duration=3600, VaryByParam="param1;param2", Location = OutputCacheLocation.Server)]
public string AjaxHtmlOutputMethod(string param1, string param2)
object routeValues = new { param1 = param1, param2 = param2 };
string url = Url.Action("AjaxHtmlOutputMethod", "Controller", routeValues);
However Egor's answer is much better, because it supports all OutputCacheLocation values:
[OutputCache (Duration=3600, VaryByParam="param1;param2")]
public string AjaxHtmlOutputMethod(string param1, string param2)
if (error)
When SetNoStore() and SetNoServerCaching() are called, they prevent the current Request being cached. Further requests will be cached, unless the functions are called for those requests as well.
This is ideal for handling error situations - when normally you want to cache responses, but not if they contain error messages.
I think correct flow is:
Add code to AjaxHtmlOutputMethod
HttpContext.Cache.Insert("Page", 1);
To clear output cache you can now use
Another option is to use VaryByCustom for the OutputCache and handle the invalidation of certain cache elements there.
Maybe it works for you, but it's not a general solution to your problem

ASP.NET Cache - circumstances in which Remove("key") doesn't work?

I have an ASP.NET application that caches some business objects. When a new object is saved, I call remove on the key to clear the objects. The new list should be lazy loaded the next time a user requests the data.
Except there is a problem with different views of the cache in different clients.
Two users are browsing the site
A new object is saved by user 1 and the cache is removed
User 1 sees the up to date view of the data
User 2 is also using the site but does not for some reason see the new cached data after user 1 has saved a new object - they continue to see the old list
This is a shortened version of the code:
public static JobCollection JobList
if (HttpRuntime.Cache["JobList"] == null)
return (JobCollection)HttpRuntime.Cache["JobList"];
private static void GetAndCacheJobList()
using (DataContext context = new DataContext(ConnectionUtil.ConnectionString))
var query = from j in context.JobEntities
select j;
JobCollection c = new JobCollection();
foreach (JobEntity i in query)
Job newJob = new Job();
HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert("JobList", c, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.Default, null);
public static void SaveJob(Job job, IDbConnection connection)
using (DataContext context = new DataContext(connection))
JobEntity ent = new JobEntity();
Does anyone have any ideas why this might be happening?
Edit: I am using Linq2SQL to retreive the objects, though I am disposing of the context.
I would ask you to make sure you do not have multiple production servers for load balancing purpose. In that case you will have to user some external dependency architecture for invalidating/removing the cache items.
That's because you don't synchronize cache operations. You should lock on writing your List to the cache (possibly even get the list inside the lock) and on removing it from the cache also. Otherwise, even if reading and writing are synchronized, there's nothing to prevent storing the old List right after your call to Remove. Let me know if you need some code example.
I would also check, if you haven't already, that the old data they're seeing hasn't been somehow cached in ViewState.
You have to make sure that User 2 sent a new request. Maybe the content it saws is from it's browser's cache, not the cache from your server
