WPF MVVM Light Exception not getting caught by Application_DispatcherUnhandledException - mvvm-light

Am using MVVM light toolkit for a WPF application. Somehow the Application_DispatcherUnhandledException method is not getting called for any exception thrown in the View/ViewModel. It gets called only if exception is thrown during load of the first Window(loaded by the app.xaml as the startup window) itself....then it simply doesn't get hit..
Anyone else facing this issue?

Sounds like the exception might not be occurring on the UI thread. I'm not sure what the framework is doing under the hood. Anyways, check this out:
Non-UI threads are going to throw exceptions that your method by itself won't catch - you'll probably want to hook the AppDomain as well.

In MVVM Light the exception from view models are not thrown in UI thread. Below code raise exception in UI thread
App.Current.RootVisual.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
throw new MyException("Exception occured.");
Credit goes to this article http://codifying.wordpress.com/2010/12/20/silverlight-unhandled-exception-and-mvvm-light/


Exception handling in class library. Is it necessary?

I have a class library project which i am referencing in my asp.net web forms project.
Whenever any exception happens, i want to log it. But, I am not doing any exception handling in any of the class library method. That is i have not used try-cath block in any of the methods in the class library.
Because, any excepyion that gets thrown from class library methods is caught in my presentation layer/business layer(wherever i call the functions of the class library) and proper logging is done here in the web forms project.
Is it correct to do this way.?
Its Ok to write that way, but in that case your Class Library will throw exception which system exception message, which might be sometime difficult to interpret and act accordingly.
Instead you can have Try-Catch-Finally block in class library, and Re-throw exception with user defined message to calling method, this will help in tracing issue.
Example :
Catch(FileNotFoundException Ex)
throw new ("File Not Found at XYZ Location, Please Check File Exist and retry ...")
Centralized Exception Logging:
There are multiple ways you can log error messages. One of the good way would be to use Enterprise Library Exception Block to Log error to file, which can be used in debugging issues.
This article can come handy for Enterprise Library:
You can log exception centrally to CSV, XML or even to windows Event Viewer.
Create Separate class / project to perform all exception logging in project.
Seems like a reasonable approach to me. Delegating the exception logging to the application keeps your class library abstract meaning it can be reused without having a dependency on the logging library/framework.
Logging should be the responsibility of the application, not the component. There may be some exceptional circumstances where trace-level debugging is required at component level, for those special cases having a log-enabled version of the lib that you could swap in might come in handy. However, I would argue that a properly tested component would reduce the need for that.

How to catch unhandled exceptions in an asp.net application?

On a .NET exam I encountered this question.
Which of the following can you use to catch unhandled exceptions in an application?
OnError event
I know its Application_Error, But what I want to know is what are the others. By some google search I found OnError can be used to catch any errors. Still I am not sure about it. Could you tell what are the other ways to catch unhandled exception
The correct point to catch your unknown errors is the Application_Error.
Avoid to capture the OnError on your page, and let the system transfer it to the Application_Error because there you have lost the control on the page, so what other you can do if not transfer it to some error page ? - if you try to just reload it you have the problem to be in a close loop that can cause stack overflow.
From my experience I have issue when I try to handle errors using the page OnError and I use it only when I have to free some global memory, or something like that if an error happens on page.
To give a summary, try to catch all your errors inside a try/catch block, and give a message to your user / or just take care of this issues, but let the unknown errors to the global catcher to log it and fix it. The unknown errors is something that make you lose the real control of your program, and actually you do not know what to do because you do not have predict it - so log it and fix it for the next time
More details about the errors :
How do I make a "generic error" page in my ASP.NET application so that it handles errors triggered when serving that page itself?

Exception handling in a three-tier Asp.Net application

1) To my understanding, in a three-tier Asp.Net application we should implement exception handling in the following way:
a - we should put try-catch block around block of code ( located in any of the three layers ) from which we expect the page to gracefully recover from ( when this code generates an exception )?
b - we shouldn’t put try-catch blocks around code ( located in either of the three layers ) from which we don’t expect the page to gracefully recover from. Instead, Asp.Net application should always manage these unhandled exceptions through global exception handler ( Application_Error/Page_Error )?
2) Is the main benefit of managing unhandled exceptions through Application_Error/Page_Error the fact that this way we centralize error handling in one location?
After all, we could achieve the same results even if these unhandled exceptions (thrown in any of the three layers ) were instead handled ( logged, user redirected to custom error page ... ) at the spot where they were thrown?!
thank you
Not necessarily.
1a - it's quite acceptable for the data layer to have no exception handling. In which case any exception would be handled further up the stack.
1b - the data layer and business layer may not be called via a website, so a particular web page isn't necessarily relevant. For example, a webservice or WPF application may also use these layers.
2 - yes the main benefit is a single location for website error handling.
The main thing you want to avoid is silently swallowing exceptions that cannot be recovered from. (In short, having a try...catch block where you display some error to the user, but don't rethrow the exception, where thereby only the end user is aware that something went awry.)
If an exception happens and you can recover from it, great!
If an exception happens and you can't recover from it, then it is important that the exception details be logged and that the developers are notified of the exception. Typically this is done by letting the exception propagate to the ASP.NET runtime layer so that ASP.NET's Error event will fire. It's a best practice to subscribe to this Error event in some manner so as to log the error details and notify developers. One such tool for logging and notifying in the face of an error is ELMAH, another is the ASP.NET Health Monitoring library.
Also, if I may, I'd suggest this article of mine, which covers the points I made in here more depth and detail: Exception Handling Advice for ASP.NET Web Applications.
Happy Programming!
1a) is correct.
1b) is sort of correct; you may let the exception go up the stack from your model/business layers to the presentation, and display an error message. It doesn't have to go all the way to the Application_Error; Page_Error may be good, but some exceptions might be (relatively) common enough that, while you can not gracefully recover, you should have specific error messages related to them in some contexts.
2) basically; and also as a 'catch all' for exceptions you have not been able to predict and catch in more specific places.

ASP.Net Page Method exceptions not bubbling up?

I can't figure out why the exception from a static ASP.Net Page method isn't bubbling up to the Application_Error event to be handled in the global.asax file. I'm not really expecting any errors, but I would like to be safe and know about them if they do happen to occur and would rather not wrap every static method in a try...catch.
Does anyone know how to catch these exceptions or at least why they aren't bubbling?
Exceptions bubble to the error handler in Application_Error if they are not being handled in the lower layers. If you already have a TRY/CATCH block where you think the exception is occurring, it will be trapped at that point.
Please post the code of your static method and your Application_Error. It will make it easier to provide you with an accurate answer instead of a generalized one.
If developing in Visual Studio, you should debug your code and then step through the source to find the exception and see what is catching it before bubbling up to your Application_Error method.

Exception Handling in .net web apps

I admit it: I don't bother with too much exception handling. I know I should do more but I can never wrap my head around where to start and where to stop. I'm not being lazy. Far from it. It's that I'm overwrought with exception handling ambivalence. It just seems that there is a seemingly infinite number of places in even the smallest app where exception handling can be applied and it can begin to feel like overkill.
I've gotten by with careful testing, validating, and silent prayer but this is a bad programming accident waiting to happen.
So, what are your exception handling best practices? In particular, where are the most obvious/critical places where exception handling should be applied and where are places where it should be considered?
Sorry for the vague the question but I really want to close the book on this once and for all.
Microsoft's Patterns & Practices team did a good job incorporating best practices of exception management into Enterprise Library Exception Handling Application Block
Event if wouldn't use Enterprise Library, I highly recommend you to read their documentation. P&P team describes common scenarios and best practices for exceptions handling.
To get you started I recommend read following articles:
Exception Handling on MSDN
Exception Management in .NET on MSDN
Exception Handling Best Practices in .NET on CodeProject
ASP.NET specific articles:
User Friendly ASP.NET Exception Handling
Global Exception Handling with
Exception handling in C# and ASP
The golden rule with exception handling is:
"Only catch what you know how to handle"
I've seen too many try-catch blocks where the catch does nothing but rethrow the exception. This adds no value. Just because you call a method that has the potential to throw an exception doesn't mean you have to deal with the possible exception in the calling code. It is often perfectly acceptable to let exceptions propagate up the call stack to some other code that does know what to do.
In some cases, it is valid to let exceptions propagate all the way up to the user interface layer then catch and display the message to the user. It might be that no code is best-placed to know how to handle the situation and the user must decide the course of action.
I recommend you start by adding a good error page that catches all exceptions and prints a slightly less unfriendly message to the user. Be sure to log all details available of the exception and revise that. Let the user know that you have done this, and give him a link back to a page that will (probably) work.
Now, use that log to detect where special exception handling should be put in place. Remember that there is no use in catching an exception unless you plan to do something with it. If you have the above page in place, there is no use in catching database exceptions individually on all db operations, unless you have some specific way to recover at that specific point.
Remember: The only thing worse than not catching exceptions, is catching them and not doing nothing. This will only hide the real problems.
Might be more about exception handling in general than ASP.NET speific but:
Try to catch exceptions as close to
the cause as possible so that you
can record (log) as much information
about the exception as possible.
Include some form of catch all, last
resort exception handler at the
entry points to your program. In
ASP.NET this could be the
Application level error handler.
If you don't know how to "correctly" handle an exception let it bubble up to the catch all handler where you can treat it as an "unexpected" exception.
Use the Try***** methods in .NET
for things like accessing a
Dictionary. This helps avoid major
performance problems (exception
handling is relatively slow) if you
throw multiple exceptions in say a
Don't use exception handling to
control normal logic of your
program, e.g. exiting from a loop via
a throw statement.
Start off with a global exception handler such as http://code.google.com/p/elmah/.
Then the question comes down to what kind of application are you writting and what kind of user experience do you need to provide. The more rich the user experience the better exception handling you'll want to provide.
As an example consider a photo hosting site which has disk quotas, filesize limits, image dimension limits, etc. For each error you could simply return "An error has occured. Please try again". Or you could get into detailed error handling:
"Your file is to large. Maximum
filesizes is 5mb."
"Your image is is
to large. Maximum dimensions are
"Your album is full.
Maximum storage capacity is 1gb".
"There was an error with your
upload. Our hampsters are unhappy.
Please come back later."
etc. etc.
There is no one size fits all for exception handling.
Well at the very basic level you should be handling the HttpApplication.Error event in the Global.asax file. This should log any exception that occurs to a single place so you can review the stack trace of the exception.
Apart from this basic level you should ideally be handling exceptions where you know you can recover from them - for example if you expect a file might be locked then handling the IOException and reporting the error back to the user would be a good idea.
