Left floated li elements won't stretch full width except in Firefox - css

I'm currently developing my site with a new layout and stuff, and after hours of fiddling around in Chromiums inspector, can't seem to pinpoint why the the content tabs won't fully stretch like in Firefox or IE9. There seems to be a small gap on the right side.
I'm still in the process of tidying the whole css so there are less conflicts, but whatever I do the tabs won't fully stretch in webkit.
Here's a testing page I've set up with the jquery tabs
Any ideas or workarounds? Looking forward to learning something. Cheers

You've set the ul to width:100% which renders to 975px.
The li are set to width:25% which in theory should be 243,75px... Chrome makes a floor approximation for the decimals (truncates them, so 243,75 is 243), like mentioned here.
I'd recommend changing the site's width (for example 960px) or working with fixed widths in opposition to percentages.


How to use CSS to horizontally fill the width of page with HTML menu headers?

I am new to web design and development and started to create a website on here using Content Management System called Joomla.
However, I am currently experiencing an issue where menu section cannot stretch out long enough to fit the entire width of the page (if that makes sense, forgive me for my poor grammar skills).
Previously I had an issue with the positioning of the elements moving around the page whenever I zoomed in and out of the page, thankfully I used the solution from here by positioning the min and max width of the page body, however this does not solve the menu section issue that I am experiencing (it's a bit worst when viewing on mobile phones).
I would like all my menu headers to fill the entire page width horizontally, without leaving a gap. I tried using a combination of float and width CSS attributes from here but unfortunately no lucky
Any bit of help or solution on tackling this issue would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
If ancient browser support is not a problem, you can make use of css3 Flex property.
display:flex; justify-content: space-around for the <ul> and remove float:left
Here's a screenshot of your website after doing so
Read more about css Flex # css-tricks
Min-width: 100% is going to be the solution.
What you have to consider, though, is "nesting", that is, the menu header being "inside" another element that already is not wide enough. In that case, you would have to set ALL the elements you menu header is nested inside to min-width: 100% (or just width: 100%) as well
move the menu header to another position where it isn't nested. Having never used joomla myself, I can't tell you which solution is easier.

Why do floated items in an li wrap in chrome at other zoom levels?

I have a ul with lis inside that I'm using as a tab list. The lis have an image and some text inside of them. For some reason, in chrome, the text doesn't appear on the same line as the image, but wraps to the next line.
I can't understand why this would happen, shouldn't the li expand to give enough space to fit both the image and the text? This problem doesn't happen on Firefox or IE. Testing with Chrome 22, Firefox 16 and IE 9 on Windows 7.
See this fiddle to see the markup (extracted from a longer page - also not the real icons).
It sounds similar to this problem, but the nowrap trick didn't work for me.
Update: I just realized I had a different zoom level set, 144%. At some zoom levels the issue happens, and others it does not. I guess it might have something to do with the ems for some sizes, and px for others? I still don't get why this would happen though, shouldn't it still get the proper amount of room?
Set a minimum width on the header. You also have the issue if you reduce the browser size. Figure out how small it can go before it starts to stack and set the min-width on the header to that size, that fixes it if the browser is zoomed too.

I can't figure out why a scroll bar appears

In my first attempt at a responsive web design I have run into a curious problem. When I resize my browser down to 615px width or less, a horizontal scroll bar appears. I'm not sure what element is causing this. I tried putting a border around each element using
* {
border:1px solid #FFF;
to help me visualize where the edges of the elements were but I don't see any borders extending beyond the window boundaries.
Can someone take a look at my site and give me some insight? http://www.ritualbliss.ca
Edit: So I only get the scroll bar in Firefox. Chrome works fine and the desktop version of Safari but on my iPhone it scrolls horizontally.
Edit: the site is for a legitimate massage business but some may consider the picture NSFW
Try using a tool like Firebug for Firefox, IE Developer Tools, or the Chrome Developer tools. I'm sure Safari and Opera have similar tools, as well. These things will give you the ability to highlight and view the various properties of every visible HTML element on the page, including Javascript and CSS information.
One other thing to think about is not using the * selector in your CSS. I am not sure why you would want to put a border around every single element on your page because to me, that would not look visually appealing. The border style attribute adds the thickness of the border to whichever dimensions it is applied to. So, in your case, every element in your page has 2px added to both its height and width, even the "html" element. This could be why you have the scroll bar but can't tell where the extra pixels are.
Also, do you have any CSS styles that set a width or min-width to 617 pixels? Or a combination of elements that share the same area and add up to 617 pixels? Maybe a table with columns that are not shrinkable?
There is a lot to look at and your URL looks like it's probably porno or something so I cannot go there at work and check it out...
Good Luck,
I fooled around with firebug for a few minutes and agree with Ruben that handling the overflow would be a good idea. Although I think the setting should be on the body instead of #content.
Try this:
body { overflow-x: hidden; }
Like Ruben's answer it is hiding overflow, but you can still get the vertical scrollbar if people REALLY narrow down their browser.
can you please warn us when it's nsfw :s
use this css:
#content { overflow: hidden }
not the best solution but you have to use firebug to find out what's sticking out
padding and borders increase the width of your element too
css3 box-sizing:border-box solved this one.

Website layout "breaks apart" when zooming in or out in browsers + a few other basic css questions

I'm pretty much as new to CSS as it gets and what I'm trying to do right now is just design a very simple/basic splash or landing page for a small business.
Here is the url for the site: My site
Now if you go on any browser, lets say google chrome and you zoom out or in (ctrl -/+) you will notice that the website layout starts to "break apart" in that all my divs just start shifting around. I obviously dont want this, and just want the site to remain the same when people zoom in or out, pretty much like all good sites haha.
I know it must have something to do with positioning, but I can't figure it our for the life or me. Last night I spent hours browsing similar questions but I can figure it out.
I'm not posting the code as to take up more space, I'm assuming since I gave you the URL you'll be able to retrieve the code from there.
I also have a few more, smaller questions:
1) if you open my site on chrome, or ie you'll notice that after the "terms and conditions" on the bottom of the page, the site ends, like it should. however, if you go on firefox, you'll notice that after the "terms and conditions" the background so to speak continues for a while. why is this and how can i fix it?
2) you'll notice that on different browsers positioning of elements is slightly different.
most noticeably if you look or chrome/firefox and then internet explorer 9 you'll notice that the "terms and conditions" are slightly higher than in chrome or ff and thus slightly touching the main content area. is there a way to fix this?
3) what is an efficient, effective way to center divs? For example, I want to center the "sign up" button perfectly centered relative in the main content area. ive pretty much just been eyeing it out and using relative positioning to center it. what is a more accurate way to center it?
Thanks, and sorry if these questions seem a little redundant. if you need any clarification on anything I'll be monitoring this question like a hawk.
When you zoom in or out, you will encounter issues because of rounding and text rendering. It is a good idea to make sure the layout can survive a bit of stretching without breaking down.
Relative positioning is affected by issues mentioned in #1, and therefore unreliable.
Look into using something to remove the properties that the various browsers will apply. You could use a reset to give you something more workable or try to normalize the values to make them more even between browers.
For (horizontal) centering you have some options:
If you have a container with "text-align:center" it will center all child elements that are inline-blocks or inline.
If you want to center a block element, you can use "margin: 0 auto" to center it horizontally and remove vertical margins.
If you want to center an absolutely positioned element, you can use "left: 50%, margin-left: -(width of element/2)".
In addition to attempting to get rid of relative positioning, I would recommend that you do not explicitly set the height of the body element. Generally you want the elements to manage their own size, that way they will be more robust.
If you use "position: relative" now because that is what you know how to use, I would suggest you try using "float: left" (or right), or changing the display type (display: inline-block). That may help you get started in the right direction.
not sure for your points 1 & 2, but as for 3 what i've come to use is the following have the div i want to center and then use width : some-percentage; margin-left : 100-(some_percentage)*0.5 ;, where some percentage is the width I want to use.
a couple suggestions before go into fixing the zoom in and zoom out issue.
Don't use <div> to wrap around text.
Use <h1> tags for header
Store your CSS in a separate css file.
You defined the header section that's great, but do that for container and footer as well.
Comments! That would make the job much easier for people who try to help you.

CSS problems, misalignment, and 100% is not 100%?

I am working on a small project, and am having two tiny problems with CSS.
I have played around with everything to no avail.
1) In IE6 the content and logo is not lining up correctly.
2) In Firefox, the tooltip box fixed at the bottom of the page (which degrades in IE6) although styled as width:100%; is not spanning the whole screen. There is a gap on the left hand side.
These problems can be seen by viewing http://gua.com/wd/ in the respective browsers.
If anyone could advise as to what has gone wrong, and why, it would be greatly appreciated.
for firefox: Yyou can add left:0; for #bottom
for internet explorer: I see your menu to be wrong not the logo. To solve this just add margin:0 for #top-nav
You should ideally be using some sort of css reset stylesheet to overcome specific browser idiosyncrasies.
In your case appending a margin: 0px; to your body should do the trick (For Firefox). IE6, well, its usually best left to a IE6 specific conditional stylesheet.
"100%" means "100% of the parent box's client space". Not "100% of the entire viewport".
And IE6's CSS support is f*cked beyond sanity. If it doesn't work, use absolute positioning or whatever else it takes in a special stylesheet and include it with conditional comments.
