MVC3 application flow -

I am working on an application. I need help designing the database related model and linq queries.
I have three tables ( and two lookup tables).
1)Product header (product header id as Primary key)
2) Product Detail(it has product header id as foreign key)
3) product attachment (it has product detail id as foreign key)
Now, I need to insert record in db.
a) for one Product header record there can be multiple Product detail records
b) for multiple product detail records, there can be multiple attachments.
I have created three entities for each tables. Product header also has two keys from user table and history table. but on view I need to show the user name instead of the key. Should I create a view model class which will hold all these entity classes as properties and how can I make sure that there first record is inserted in product header, then product details and then product attachment ?
Please suggest.

an easy way to do this is to use the new Code First Feature that comes with EF 4.1
you can create your "entities" like so:
public class ProductHeader
public int ID {get; set;}
public virtual ICollection<ProductDetail> ProductDetails {get; set;}
//Other properties
public class ProductDetail
public int ID {get; set;}
public virtual ICollection<ProductAttachment> ProductAttachments {get; set;}
//Other properties
public class ProductAttachment
public int ID {get; set;}
// you can have a navigation property here for the user, this allows you to access his name
public virtual User User {get; set;}
//Other properties
public class MyContext:DbContext
public DbSet<ProductHeader> ProductHeaders {get; set;}
public DbSet<ProductDetail> ProductDetails {get; set;}
public DbSet<ProductAttachment> ProductAttachment {get; set;}
for the insertion order, just add your ProductHeader (after adding the ProductDetails and ProductAttachments to it) and EF will take care of it.
here's a sample code for adding a ProductHeader:
var context=new MyContext();
var ph=new ProductHeader();
var pd=new ProductDetail();
pd.ProductAttachments.Add(new ProductAttachment());
Hope this helps.


Creating a View with two models

I current have two models that are independent from each other but want to combine them in one view based on the month they were created.
class Distance{
public int Id{get;set;}
public float DistanceRan { get; set;}
public DateTime DateTime {get; set;}
class Weight{
public int Id{get;set;}
public float CurrentWeight{ get; set;}
public DateTime DateTime {get; set;}
I want to be able to create a view with the dates of the month: 1-12, that when clicked on would then take you to a page that would have each record of Weight/Distance that corresponds to that month.
I would assume I create a model such as:
class WeightDistance{
public int Id{get;set;}
public List<Distance> Distance{ get; set;}
public List<Weight> Weight{get; set;}
The logic behind getting each month isn't an issue, the problem is combining them both into a view. How would I go about creating a way to display these together? Would I create myself a controller to pull the data?
I have created a project before that had an Announcement Model and Comment Model, where it had a ModelView that would display all the comments in the details section of the announcement but the link was:
Whereas this monthly view I want it to be:
Does that require a controller? Sorry I'm quite new and am finding it hard to find specific resources.
Upload data into each model, then
class WeightDistance{
public int Id{get;set;}
public List<Distance> Distance{ get; set;}
public List<Weight> Weight{get; set;}
Create View with that model. Then Create two partial views for 'Distance' and 'Weight' list. And then call those two partials form Parent view:
If you want to use two lists with mixed HTML, just create partials for single objects and iterate throw the lists calling the partials
foreach(var item in Distance)
foreach(var item in Weight)
Would I create myself a controller to pull the data? Yes, of course. But only parent view would need controller logic

Entity Framework making incorrect PK-FK mapping on Code First migration

I have the following 3 classes set up to be created in a SQL Server database using Entity Framework Code First migrations. The Survey object is the main table.
public class Survey
public int SurveyId {get; set;} //Primary Key
public string Description {get; set;}
public bool HasDevice {get; set;}
public bool HasProcess {get; set;}
public virtual Process Process {get; set;}
public virtual ICollection<Device> Devices {get; set;}
Each Survey can have multiple Devices (1-to-many)
public class Device
public int DeviceId {get; set;} //Primary Key
public string DeviceType {get; set;}
public int SurveyId {get; set;} //Foreign Key
public virtual Survey Survey {get; set;}
Each Survey should have only one Process (1-to-0..1)
public class Process
public int ProcessId {get; set;} //Primary Key
public string ProcessInfo {get; set;}
public int SurveyId {get; set;} //Foreign Key
public virtual Survey Survey {get; set;}
The Fluent API mapping for these classes looks like this.
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity<Survey>().HasOptional(x => x.Process).WithRequired(x => x.Survey);
modelBuilder.Entity<Survey>().HasMany(x => x.Devices).WithRequired(x => x.Survey);
The problem is that when I apply the code first migration, the ForeignKey property in the Process table (1-to-0..1) keeps getting set to the ProcessId field rather than the SurveyId. This means that every time I try to add a new Process record, I get the following error:
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_Survey.Processes_Survey.Surveys_ProcessId". The conflict occurred in database "Backflow", table "Survey.Surveys", column 'SurveyId'.
The 1-to-many mapping for Device works just fine.
I thought initially that this was due to having all my PK fields just say Id, but even after adding in the additional label part, it still makes the incorrect PK-FK link. I have also tried avoiding the Fluent API by adding the DataAnnotation [Key, ForeignKey("xyz")] instead but it has the same result. Recompiling the project, restarting Visual Studio, and even creating a new project and a new database do not help.
Is there something in the Fluent API or DataAnnotations that I am missing to get this to join correctly? Also, manually fixing the FK in the database does make it work, but that kind of defeats the purpose of doing everything in Code First with migrations.
The fluent mapping of the 1-0..1 relationship is correct:
.HasOptional(s => s.Process)
.WithRequired(p => p.Survey);
But Process shouldn't have a SurveyID property (and column). In EF6, the dependent part of a 1-0..1 relationship (here: Process) is supposed to have a primary key that also refers to its principal (here: Survey) as foreign key. So Process.ProcessID is both primary key and foreign key. Thus, one Process is uniquely tied to one Survey.
By the way, in the other mapping, I would also mention the foreign key: if configuration is chosen over convention, it better be complete.
.HasMany(s => s.Devices)
.WithRequired(d => d.Survey)
.HasForeignKey(d => d.SurveyId);

Code first from database doesn't create the primary key in the builder of the dbContext

I have a Sqlite database and I have installed Sqlite v1.0.99.0. To create my connection, I am using code first from database, but in the dbContext, in the method when it is used fluent to set the relationships between the entities, the primary key is not set, so I get an error when I try to run my application.
Is there any way that the primary key is set using code first from database to avoid to have to set the primary key in the entities?
Alas you forgot to show the class that describes your entity nor the DbContext that contains this class.
A good beginner's description can be found in "A beginner's guide to entity framework code first"
Here you can see that if you follow certain conventions you don't have to explicitly define the primary key. Entity framework does this for you.
Quite often you see the example of a database with blogs, where each blog has zero or more posts. The blog and the post will have an Id which is the primary key and the post has a foreign key to the Id of the blog.
If you don't want to specify the properties that contains the primary key, nor the ones that contain the foreign keys, define your classes as follows:
public class Blog
public int Id {get; set;}
public virtual ICollection<Post> Posts {get; set;}
public class Post
public int Id {get; set;}
public int BlogId {get; set;}
public virtual Blog Blog {get; set;}
public class MyDbContext : DbContext
public virtual DbSet<Blog> Blogs {get; set;}
public virtual DbSet<Post> Posts {get; set;}
In the code above, property Id will automatically be the primary key of Blog and Post entities. If desired you can decide to use property names Blog.BlogId and Post.PostId. Personally I don't prefer this because this would mean that all my primary keys have different identifiers.
Property Post.BlogId will automatically be the foreign key of the blog the post belongs to.

Updating related entities in an ASP.NET MVC application using Entity Framework

Let's say I have two classes, a Company class and a Customer class.
public class Company
public int Id {get; set;}
public Customer Customer {get; set;}
public class Customer
public int Id {get; set;}
public string Name {get; set;}
I want to be able to update the customer associated with the company using a drop down list. So, the edit method in my controller creates a viewmodel.
public class ViewModel
public List<Customer> AvailableCustomers {get; set;}
public Company Company {get; set;}
The view creates a form with a drop down list from which to select a customer (using Knockout).
<select data-bind="attr: {name: 'Company.Customer.Id'}, options: AvailableCustomers(), optionsText: 'Name', optionsValue: 'Id', value: Company.Customer.Id"></select>
When the form is posted back to the server, I have the Company model with the new Customer Id selected by the user. Now I want to update the database using Entity Framework.
I get the Company being updated out of the database using the id for the Company that was posted back in the form data, which is just my viewmodel from earlier. Now I want to update the Company with a new Customer. The only information I have at this point is the Id of the Company that the user selected from the drop down list. So I do something like this:
var companyBeingUpdated = repository.GetByKey<Company>(Company.Id);
companyBeingUpdated.Customer.Id = Company.Customer.Id;
As soon as I call update on my repository, I get an exception that says "The property 'Id' is part of the object's key information and cannot be modified". The update method on my repository looks like this:
public void Update<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : class
var entry = this._dbContext.Entry(entity);
if (entry.State == EntityState.Detached)
entry.State = EntityState.Modified;
I am clearly doing something wrong with Entity Framework. I could easily do this with a SQL statement, but I want to understand what I am doing wrong with EF.
How do I go about updating the Customer related entity of the Company object with EF when the only information I have is the Customer Id posted back in the form data?
I know I could probably retrieve the Customer entity from the database using the Id and assign the Company.Customer to that retrieved Customer, but this is actually a very simplified example. In reality, I have quite a bit more than just one related entity and if I have to make a trip to the database to look up each related entity in order to do the update, I can see performance quickly becoming a problem.
What you want to do with your entities is have access to the Foreign Key. however, you cannot directly access the Foreign Key through the related entity, instead you are accessing the Primary Key of that related entity.
i.e. instead of accessing the Company Customer_Id property in SQL, you are accessing the Customer Id property.
You can expose the Foreign Keys to your model in Entity Framework, allowing you to do the types of updates you are after.
public class Company
public int Id {get; set;}
public Customer Customer {get; set;}
public int CustomerId {get;set;}
now, you can do updates as companyBeingUpdated.CustomerId = Company.CustomerId; and not have to do a lookup to retrieve the full Customer Entity.

How to sort data in an gridview by properties of sub-objects?

I have a List<Role> (see below) that I am binding to an gridview. I want to sort this data using SortExpression, such that it is sorted by two properties of sub-objects of the rows. Specifically, I want to sort by the Application's Name, then the ApplicationType's ApplicationTypeName.
How can I do this?
The classes here are:
public class Application
public string Name {get; set;}
public int Status {get; set;}
public class ApplicationType
public string ApplicationTypeName {get; set;}
public int ApplicationTypeStatus {get; set;}
public class Role
public Application oApplication {get; set;}
public ApplicationType oApplicationType {get; set;}
Edit: note that I was responding to the earlier verison of the question, before it related to gridview; still, this might be useful...
Worst case: you can use the approach here to pre-sort the list before binding it to the gridview.
Various options:
implement IComparable[<T>]
implement IComparer[<T>]
use an ad-hoc sort
I'm guessing you just need the last, so perhaps:
list.Sort((x,y) => {
int delta = string.Compare(x.Application.Name, y.Application.Name);
if (delta == 0) delta = string.Compare(
x.ApplicationType.ApplicationTypeName, y.ApplicationType.ApplicationTypeName);
return delta;
Alternatively, you can perhaps do it via LINQ in the source data - note however that this is done when creating a new list - it isn't an in-place sort of an existing list:
var list = source.OrderBy(x => x.Application.Name)
.ThenBy(x => x.ApplicationType.ApplicationTypeName)
