Allow single page to be viewed without authorisation -

Possibly a stupid question:
I have a site, developed by an outside company, which requires logon for all pages.
We'd like to add a single page to the site that DOESN'T require the user to be logged they can click the link on the logon page to view "T&C's" type info.
Is this possible?
(ASP.Net 4.0 on IIS)

If you're using the ASP.Net membership providers you can specify this in the web.config file. Where for blocked pages you would expect:
<allow roles="granted"/>
<deny users ="*"/>
you can specify this per folder (or per page):
<location path="terms.aspx">
<allow users ="*"/>
to allow everyone access to this specific page.
Note that you can create a specific web.config in a folder in your website, these settings override the general web.config. This allows you to customize these settings per folder level.

Thanks to oɔɯǝɹ for pointing me in the right direction:
Added this after my node
<location path="terms.aspx">
<allow users="*"/>

Will this only have static content? Is it the application dealing with authentication?
If so you can just upload a .html file containing simple HTML (and your T&C) which will be served no problem to anyone requesting it.

Related and security

I have an 3.5 website with using forms authentication and roles and membership. I have an image in folder images. In my web.config i give access to this folder
<location path="images">
<!-- Order and case are important below -->
<allow roles="*"/>
<allow users="*"/>
I can see the image from a page in my root. When i traverse to a page(Page.aspx) one folder down, the image is not visible, i.e /Operational/Page.aspx.
How should i setup authorisation with regards to subfolders?
It can be a path issue. As I guess you settings are good you don't need to change it.
You can view the path in the browser and see if there path are correct or not.
You can use firebug or Firefox to check the path.

Manage user access to pages in ASP.NET

I am using MembershipProvider and currently a have 3 roles:
User, Super User, Admin.
Also I have pages that can be seen only by Admin and Super User.
For these pages a I use configuration in web config:
<location path="Users.aspx">
<allow roles="Admin, Super User"/>
<deny users="*" />
And this works perfectly fine.
But I have bunch of pages
to which a I want separate access. I want grant access to each page individually.
Is there better way to do it than create roles for each page and than assign to these roles?
I am using ASP.NET, not MVC
Yes, modify your folder structure to be something like this:
- Super User
- Admin
- All
And then you can do stuff like this:
<location path="Super User">
<allow roles="Super User"/>
<deny users="*" />
<location path="Super User/Admin">
<allow roles="Admin"/>
<deny users="*" />
<location path="Super User/Admin/All">
<allow users="*" />
And now simply place the pages in the appropriate folders. Per the MSDN Documentation the location element applies to all sub-directories:
Specifies the resource that the contained configuration settings apply to. Using location with a missing path attribute applies the configuration settings to the current directory and all child directories. If location is used with no path attribute and allowOverride is False, configuration settings cannot be altered by Web.config files that are in child directories.
so Super User by definition will have access to all other pages below and so on.
Yes, there is a better a simpler way. Put all your restricted pages in a separate folder and create an additional web.config in this folder. This additional web.config should contain the authorization section only.
The runtime will evaluate your web.configs from the request folder up to the application root. Because the authorization section exists in this additional web.config it will overwrite your root authorization section.
This way a single setting (single web.config) can guard arbitrary number of files (all files in the directory).
You can also assign permissions to a folder instead using the <location> element. This way, you can group a bunch of pages into one permission set. Also, you could validate permissions in code; in global.asax, the application_postauthenticaterequest runs for each request to the server (so for each aspx page), and you can write code here to do the validation, and redirect away if the user doesn't have the permissions.

How to restrict unlogged/unauthorized users from viewing web pages in ASP.NET

I have some created web forms and I need to check whether the user is authenticated or not, before displaying the other web forms. All the users can access Default.aspx and About.aspx pages.
And I have three types of users namely- Admin,User and Super User. Also, I keep the authentication details in my own SQL server db.
How can I do this?
Thanks in advance!
First establish membership and role provider. There is whole story about it. I will give a help here.
Here is link to SqlMembershipProvider (one of the options you can take):
Here is link to SqlRoleProvider (again only one of the options you can take)::
After you have established this you can limit user/role access on folder level. Put this code to web.config (inside configuration tag):
<location path="AdminPages">
<allow roles="Administrator"/>
<deny users="*"/>
<location path="UserPages">
<allow roles="Administrator,User"/>
<deny users="*"/>
Here is little explaination. Root folder "AdminPages" will be alowed only to users in role "Administrators". Root folder "UserPages" to users in role "Administrator" and "User". In both cases unknown users will not be allowed to access folders. This is all you need. Alternative to this is to create class that inherits from Page and then there handle page access... however I would not go that way.

how to access server resource for login page and home page when authentication mode is set to forms and protection is set to All

In my application ,in web.config file i have set authentication mode="forms" and protection="All".But after doing this i get access to login page without any image and css resources .I also need to access my home page without login.How can i do this kindly help.
In the web.config, you will need to add a location that allows all user to access the images and CSS files. Something like:
<location path="images">
<allow users="*" />
<allow users="?" />
That should sit under the root node of the config file.
You can do the same for the homepage, adjusting the value of path to the correct location.

web.config location tag

I'm looking to deploy a web app and I have a simple question about the <location> tag of the web.config file. For the moment, I want all the pages to be password protected and I've created a simple login page with the login object. I've put all my .aspx file in a directory called AppMyPages and I've put this in the config file:
<location path="AppMyPages">
<allow roles="tester" />
<deny users="*" />
If I want to fully protect my site, do I need to do the same thing for all the other folders (AppCode, AppData, MyJavascripts, MyStylesheets, MyImages....)?
You don't have to do AppCode/AppData, but you need to be careful restricting the MyJavascripts/Stylesheets/Images if any of those resources are used on unauthenticated pages (e.g. Login page).
