Can I use ASP.NET Membership with SQL Server Compact Edition? -

I`m using SQL Server Compact Edition and ASP.NET DynamicData for the Admin area of a website.
I want to use ASP.NET membership using SQL Server CE. I'm aware of the fact that SQL Server CE does not supports sprocs, which are essential part of ASP.NET membership.

No you cant use SQLCE compact edition for ASP.NET Membership like #JustinStolle said You can use Sql Express for this or if you already have sql server exists use it as your backend.


How to change connection _IntrinsicData to external sql in lightswitch?

I've used Lightswitch with MVC
This example is used _IntrinsicData(.mdf) application. But I've membership database in my sql server can i used in this application?
But I don't know how to change connection _IntrinsicData to external sql in lightswitch.
I got same question here Click Here. But not getting proper answer.
In order to force Lightswitch to use another membership database you have to configure this in the web.config file of your Lightswitch server project.
Customizing LightSwitch User Management by Matt Thalman Identity class connectivity with oracle 11g via Entity framework 6

I've to use Oracle 11g with ASP.NET MVC 5 and Entity Framework 6. I'm trying to use ASP.NET Identity for user authentication and role management and i want identity class to use my user table stored in my Oracle 11g DB. I am using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess and ODP.NET in my project. What is the best way to configure Identity with Oracle using EF6 in MVC 5 project? Is it even possible?
Thanks in advance.
I think ultimately you are going to need a provider for Oracle. A quick google search revealed this one:
Another suggestion per my comment to look into
Or as previously stated you implement the identity interfaces yourself for your own implementation. mvc code first set database version

I'm using the mvc 4 code first entity framework.
If there's no database, my application creates the databases as it should.
The problem is, that they are generated in the version 706 (Sql Server 2012) but I need it as an older version, so I can run/handle it with Sql Server 2008
Is there a way to configure in which version the database is generated?
If I can remember now I think the attribute you are looking for is ProviderManifestToken.
Have a look at this article for how to change it.

does sisoDB use sql server database to store data

I'm looking for a NoSQL database to use with , and I came to sisoDB . but as I understood it uses Sql server to save data and so it can use sql server features like security and ... .
is it correct ? and what are pros and cons of this approach ?
As of now the storage is using SQL Server 2008, 2012 - Express edition and above as well as SQLCE, but not in a traditional manner:
I'm planning on other providers as well and also to bring full-text search plugins.

How do I create a sql dependency on a table in sql server 2000 and 2.0?

I need to create sql dependency on a table in sql server 2000 in my 2.0 pages.
What are the required actions and what is the best way? Thanks..
Microsoft has a great tutorial on this which basically explains that you need to enable it using the aspnet_regsql.exe utility or the SqlCacheDependencyAdmin class
