Question about adding a new STATE in flex 4 - apache-flex

I have built a web page with flex 4, I want the user to click the LOGIN button and have a popup window appear to enter login info. I have set this up so that there is a login state with the login box in it, the problem is that everything else disappears (menu bar, etc). Obviously this is because not all of my objects are viewable "IN ALL STATES", but do I really have to go back and change every little thing to show up in all states for this to happen, or is there a way for the login popup to just overlay on top of everything else temporarily.

Maybe PopUpManager can solve your problem? Here is documentation about it and here are a lot of useful samples.


iframe, allowing clicking but disable scrolling

This is a duplicate question of Disable all scrolling in an iframe, but allow clicking but I'm going to risk asking it again because that question was asked in 2014 and no solution was found (except that it can't be done). I'm desperately trying to find out if this can be done now. Therefore I would like to post this question again:
I'm trying to disable all forms of scrolling in my iframe, but still allow the user to click a button that appears in the iframe. I've successfully disabled all forms of scrolling (scroll bars, mouse wheel, etc) by using scrolling="no" and style="pointer-events: none;", however the later disables all forms of clicking to. Is it possible to prevent all forms of scrolling while still allowing the use to click within the iframe to inter-act with a button?
Unfortunately I don't have control over the iframe's content.
Possibly there is a way how to do this now after so many years? If so, I'd be very happy to hear about it. I checked all kinds of similar question of clicking and scrolling iframes but I did not find a solution yet.
Hmm... Honestly, I've never tried that.
But I imagine you could put a div over the suface of the iframe (as if it was a transparent overlay), and then when the user clicks the invisible div (that is on the iframe) then triggering a click event on the iframe?
If you happen to need the click's coordinates then make sure the div has got the exact same dimensions of the iframe (but with less z-index, so you make sure it's ON it) and then pass the div's click event coords to the iframe's click event you are gonna trigger.
Let me know if this works!

Facebook Like button popup position

I have an issue regarding the popup position of facebook like button. When a user likes he will get a popup where he can type some text and confirm or decline the like. It's all perfectly clear.
Usually I put my like button plugin in the footer and I have no issue with that. User comes in, clicks like, popup appears, user scrolls a bit to see popup and all is well.
My problem arises from the fact I use parallax theme so when the user presses like page will increase its height to accommodate this popup and suddenly I can see the images from the parallax. This is ugly!
Please check the page here to see what I am talking about.
Is there a way to force this popup to open above the like button?
I didn't check it properly but why don't you try to make the position: relative where you put the fb like button and see your luck.

find key presses from layout controls (not entry field) in xamarin.forms

I need to find what key the user pressed on a keyboard using xamarin.forms, ideally inside an AbsoluteLayout. I've come up with a few ways myself, but can't get any of them working.
As there isn't an event for this on the AbsoluteLayout control, i tried a little cheat, which was putting an entry field (textbox) on the screen, but hiding it above, so it can't be seen and using the result from that, but it loses focus when someone presses the screen or a button on the screen. so i tried adding an event to each button which refocuses the textbox once i've handled the press and this seemed ok at first, however, if they press anywhere else on the screen, it also loses focus.
I also tried adding a TapGestureRecognizer to the screen, and focusing the button when they press anywhere on the screen, however, there were 2 issues with this, the first being that it appears to only fire when something inside it is touched, and secondly, when i call the focus method for the second time (if they click the screen twice) it un-focuses the entry field, even if i check "isfocused" first (think this is a bug).
I'm only concerned about windows 8 and android apps so far. iOS may come later, but for now im just trying to get it working for these OS's. so maybe i could code it in the windows and android projects (inside my shared project solution), however, i have absolutely no idea where to even begin doing that. I mean, if this is the best way, how can i pass my AbsoluteLayout to the windows project and get it to know what it is, and convert it into a control which i can then add the event to.
Any help or advice, or ideas would be much appreciated. I cant find anything in NuGet which will help me with this. Any ideas?
Many thanks

If spacebar opens dropdowns across all browsers, why is my onchange triggered menu considered inaccessible

Background: for Windows users on Chrome and IE, dropdowns that reload or change the page are no good for accessibility. As soon as a user presses the down arrow button, the page reloads. This means that the user can only access the very first menu option. Here is an example:
This is covered in the WCAG rule:
“Changing the setting of any user interface component does not automatically cause a change of context unless the user has been advised of the behavior before using the component. (Level A)”
EXCEPT the user can very easily open up the dropdown and explore all the options without triggering an onchange event. The user does this with a space bar press. This is a very commonly known keyboard trick that I've seen all tested users to already be aware of or be able to figure out quickly.
In my system, we are using a dropdown for pagination in long directories.
EG: "you are on page [1^] of 16" (with the [1^] being a browser default dropdown menu). The designers will not allow any kind of visual [go] button. This happens across thousands of pages, javascript fixes I've seen need to account for every dropdown, and this is impossible on our case.
Using space bar, the user can see all the options and make a selection from anywhere on the list using only the keyboard. So why are dropdown page menus that automatically reload onchange still considered inaccessible? And would they be considered accessible if we included screen-reader only text which said "press space bar to open this menu, making a selection will load your next page"
Well except that in Firefox, the keyboard command is actually F4, you are correct - this is not a WCAG 2 violation but rather a best practice
Here is a page where you can test this:

Navigation issue in Flex - ViewStack, states or something else?

I have a bit of doubt regarding my application which is being created using Mate framework. The first thing user has to do is to log in, so I created Login.mxml view. After a successful login I need to display the main view with applicationControlBar at the top and a workspace below. At the moment I have two separate views, so if I understand correctly it makes sense using ViewStack.
Thing is, I'd like also to display some kind of panel with buttons on top of the workspace after login - here is screenshot. After clicking on a button the panel should dissapear. To complicate things a little bit more, there is a possibility for this panel to change state. Clicking on a specific button may result in showing progress bar at the bottom of panel.
I feel I should create separate view, MenuDialog.mxml and put there buttons, progress bar and states, but how to display it on the top of the workspace? I hope my problem is clear enough :)
I would make the panel a popUp, with the main application (or the ViewStack's parent container) as the parent of the popUp. You can use the PopUpManager Class to close it based on user actions within the Panel.
Assuming that perhaps you do not want a modal login style panel (which many apps these days eschew) then you should absolutely use states rather than ViewStacks.
States are a much cleaner way to distinguish the various, uh, states that your UI can be in -LOGGED_IN, LOGGED_OUT, etc.
It may take a little to get used to working with states, but once you do, you'll never go back. :-)
