creating arbitrary page layouts in wordpress - wordpress

I want to add a theme or plugin to my wordpress install such that I can quickly build pages with arbitrary layouts, mixing bars of 2, 3, and 4 columns, containing widgets, HTML, etc.
I've been looking at carrington build but it doesn't let me reuse bars across different pages, and it seems to be limited in the bar layouts (no 4 column bar for example).
i've also looked at plugins like widgets on pages but in that case I have to do a lot of CSS hacking to create a 4 column bar, for example.
is there a recommended plugin or theme or way to solve this problem? i'm not a design guru, i'm looking for a simple solution that just works. I love the editor of pages, why isn't there something like that for wordpress???

You can make different template files for different pages/categories/etc. There is more than one way to get there, the easiest is with naming.
If you like to have a page with different layouts, just create a page-<my-pagename>.php and copy the content of page.php in it.
Now to make your own markup. Go to the Wordpress backend and edit your page. At the right-hand side, select the template you wish to use for this page, select page-<my-pagename>. Other ways are described here.


What is the best way to create a modular Wordpress theme?

I'm going to create a theme and I would like to create a functionality that I have seen in other themes that I have used: for example every page can be created with different modules in different order (videos, images, texts, etc...) so its up to the person creating the page to decide which elements are going to be used.
What is the best way to achieve this? I have created custom templates but I have never tried to separate the content with modules, my first guess is that it can be done using WPBakery or a similar plugin because that is what I have seen in the themes I have bought but I'm wondering if that's the best option. Do you have any recommendations or maybe a tutorial where I can see how I can accomplish this?
Thank you.
Use Advanced Custom Fields plugin and create a field with multiple possible elements. So you decide how elements will look like and the client can build his own site with that modules. The chance the client will break the layout because of superfancy layout builder is nearly zero.

drupal panel or regions?

I want to make my Drupal 7 site look like exactly like
what should I do?
the difference is that I want to add three views of latest content types instead of that three columns below the biggest image... and I want to change the pictures.
what should I do? should I user panels or customize drupal regions? It looks like simple.
if the answer is panels,my site has some ajax problems with panels,that I don't know how to fix this at the moment.[issue is here and here ]
and which theme should I use? the only thing is to add border-bottom to the h1 tags! I think....
is there any theme that I can make this subtheme simply with drag n drop??
thank you masters
Use Zeropoint theme it have three regions option and copy paste the page.tpl.php and rename it to page--front.tpl.php and customize it to your requirement. website is very simple, you can easily make a copy of this site.
I'd suggest using regions. It's more flexible and maintainable.
And if these blocks are going to be present ONLY in the front page, it will be better to use a separate template for the front page page--front.tpl.php.

How can i add multiple elements on a single wordpress page

I want to use wordpress as a cms. Is it possible to define standard layout elements which can be combined to edit the layout of a page similar like other cms like "drupal" for example. Ie you could design a row with a picture on the left, one with a picture on the right and one without a picture. Than I combine these templates in any order to built the layout of the pages main content.
Is this possible, maybe with plugins?
Yes of course! You just need to Edit the already made template your way or you can Create your own Wordpress Template. But for that you should be confident with your HTML & CSS skills!
Here are some resources you may refer :
Hope this helps!

How to have a three column home page in Drupal

The home page of this site will have basically a 3 column layout.
I can create these as either content or blocks. I like using content because its easy for the user to understand, they login to the site, they browse to the page they want to edit, they click edit, but with blocks they have to go into Administer > Blocks etc
Any suggestions on this?
I would be managing the actual content as nodes(content) and then looking at blocks(or something like it) to arrange them how you like in your template regions.
If you are looking at creating custom home and/or landing pages, you might also want to look at - it can be a little heavy, but quite powerful for arranging content into columns and whatnot.
Not really sure what you're asking...
Administer > Blocks is for moving the blocks around into regions / disabling them, not really for creating content.
You can use the Node as Block module to easily turn your nodes into blocks, and they would still edit it from the content administration section.
Or, you could create a blank block, and in its associated template file (block-whatever.tpl.php) embed the node (node_embed, pretty much what the Node as Block module does) or query for it with a view and embed that (views_embed_view)
Or, if you're using views, you could create a view that queries for the node(s) you want and create a block display for that.
When you're actually building the Drupal site, you should consider what paradigm you're most comfortable with since there are so many ways to get your content together.
i would say boxes will help you.
Many themes have block edit links/images as a part of them. Fusion is one such example.
I would suggest looking into Panels for layout and block editing, and also to download a version of open atrium. The layout management is uses is much easier than the administer blocks pattern.

Better control of views output markup?

I am developing a website with drupal 6, and using a 960 grid system based theme.
I want to create a dynamic thumbnail gallery with Views, and using this jquery effect:
I have some experience with views, but I am by not means an expert... I am facing two problems here:
How to make the views html output
conform to my 960 grid system theme
(that means that each object in the
views output should have a grid-x
class, at the very least)
How to adapt the views html output to
the DOM required by the jquery effect I want to use.
So what I want is basically more control over the output of Views. Right now I can only get html lists or tables. Is there anyway to use a more customized DOM and put some kind of placeholders for fields in it?
Thank you for reading
You can define your own templates, that Views will use instead of its default ones.
In those template, you can use almost any kind of HTML markup that you possibily can imagine -- which means you'll be having a really great level of control over the output.
For more informations, you can start looking at this question and its answers : Drupal 6: How to quickly theme a view ?.
And a couple more links that might be useful :
Drupal 6 theme guide
Overriding themable output
Views help index
