Match web site page to smartphones - smartphone

How can i match web site page to smartphones ?
Just playing with the size and px ?
There is some routine ?
Thanks in advance ,

you should have a website that works good in the panorama and normal mode, we worked here with a fluid design so it uses the whole screen, and it also has some fixed elements inside


Understanding changing content with responsive web design

I have been trying to learn how to design web pages using responsive web design. I have come across an interesting example that I do not understand:
On this page on a desktop you will see gifs but when you shrink the browser enough you will see still images.
I thought this type of change in content was not possible with responsive web design because it can only control the style not the content. I was hoping someone could tell me what is actually happening here, and if my conception of the limitations of responsive web design to not change content is correct.
Any responsive design is based on #media CSS queries where you can choose which style should be applied on elements on which screen sizes (CSS approach)
Or using some JS code which monitors window width and shows/hides some elements or does what it should do. (JS approach)
They are actually looping videos and not gif. If the resolution is low the video is hidden, and jpg shown using display:none. Check the end of their stylesheet:
They are using #media to control how it is shown on different devices. Read more about #media here:
Responsive web design is a wide variety of information on the Internet ,and the information is abstract,philosophical,and anecdotal.
Most of the time, in responsive mode we hide or display content.
For example: slideshow can be hidden in 480px less screens. for that we display a banner still banner with large text to explain the section / content.
So content can be changed with CSS. But the content does not change or added. Normally content is already loaded. But the showing will be changed with the responsiveness.
PS. your link does not work.

We don't have all devices available..then how to check responsiveness

how to check whether the site is responsive or not,if We don't have all devices? Is there any perfect tool for that...we fallow or breakpoint of mozilla browser..
Just resize your browser and that will show you how your site looks like on smaller devices. If you want to test your site on specific platforms and browsers you do not have, i'd suggest something like
I would recommend you to read Ethan Marcotte's Responsive Web Design. In this book author explains everything about responsive web development.
use this link u can check responsive site

CSS - Facebook plugin overflows when displayed on mobile devices

I'm just starting out in web design/CSS so my current knowledge is limited.
With that in mind (this may be very easy for pros to fix), does anyone know why the Facebook iframe on this website won't stay within the sidebar on mobile devices?
It looks great on desktop browsers but on the iPhone for example sits out of the sidebar over the margin sticking to the far right of the screen.
i would go for a user-agent to look trough your css and html, its a cross browser look also support phones and tablets it lets you "tell" the browser that your a phone tough your on your desktop
easy to debug while using it, i pref user agent for chrome get it here
Get strings to view from more viewports than the standard amount that are embedded in the program

I want to emulate a mobile browser. How to implement it using Page.ClientTarget?

Based on the MSDN link
Assuming I want to see how my page will look like on safari or mobile firefox, how do I implement it using Page.ClientTarget?
I can't seem to find any good resources for this API.
Thank you.
You could just use responsive design, that way you are not relying on the ClientTarget, but rather on the size of the browser.
Responsive Design basically means your design adapts to the size of the screen ... so tablets and phones can have different views of the same page.
Bootstrap is a decent place to start, but there are other frameworks.

How do I fix my website so that it works on mobile devices?

I am trying to make my website resize on handheld divices but form some reason its not responding to the stylesheet.
If you take a look here: responsive design link and put as the site test, the top lines get cut off and everything looks super big.
Can some one please enlighten me on why is it doing that and what would be the easiest way to fix it?
This is happening because your design is not completely fluid.
Only your container div will adjust with the width (a bit)
To fix this quickly, you could
give your divs percentage widths, so they scale with the screen resolution
float your square boxes at the bottom, so they will stack on smaller screens
consider using media queries or some js device detection to target mobile devices and send them a modified css stylesheet.
Get some ideas here:
As Jason suggests, creating a mobile specific version of your site is usually the best solution. You can then test the user-agent string for phrases like "android" and "iphone" and re-direct the user to your mobile site. There are libraries available for JavaScript as well as many server-side programming environments (PHP, ASPX, etc) which do all sorts of browser detection for you.
When building a mobile site, you'll of course want to make the page lightweight so it'll load quickly over a mobile data connection, and format it appropriately for a smaller screen in portrait orientation.
