Eqatec profiler in ASP.NET 4.0 not reading my web.config - asp.net

Ok, maybe I'm skipping a step here, but I swear I had Eqatec profiling things just fine in ASP.NET 2.0.
We upgraded our solution to ASP.NET 4, it works fine. Then I went through the typical steps:
Built the solution in VS 2010
Ran Eqatec and pointed it at the apps bin folder
pick my 3 DLLs
Click build, I have the output dir set to $(AppData) so it just adds the files to apps bin dir
ran webdev.webserver40.exe with the port and the path
navigate firefox to the website on my local machine
But now it's throwing weird errors saying that things in the machine level web.config can't be found. I dropped a copy of the web.config into the bin directory, and then it just complains about some of the tags in that file.
Is there an extra step I need to take here to make this work?
EDIT: A guy suggested that it may be a 64-bit issue. We run our app in 64 but, Equatec runs in 32 bit. Could that be a factor?

Ok, turns out I'm just an idiot. When you fire up cassini via the WebDev exe, you're not supposed to point it at the bin folder. You point it at the project folder itself, the root of the web app. I guess this had noting to do with eqatec after all.
#Richard Flamsholt thanks for the help anyway!


ASP.NET failing to call a dll

My question may have already been asked but any of the answers match my case.
I need to do a website (ASP.NET MVC 4) with some features of a software. I have finished to developed my website and wanted to test it in a test environment (Windows server 2008 - 64bits).
It works perfectly fine with my dev computer(windows 7 - 64bits). But after I deployed it on IIS, one of my features doesn't work.
This feature is a bit particular. It need a 32 bits COM written in VB6 (this dll can't be change) that call an other dll. When I test the website deployed on IIS, the first ddl is called fine but the 2nd seemed to be not called at all.
This dll are in the installed file of the software. I have the same version of on both computer.
I authorize my app pool to use 32bits application. I tried to give some access to my dll (the COM and interop) like IUSR, IIS_IUSRS. But nothing seems to work.
I have checked both of my dll are registered properly.
I'm a bit lost. Can someone help me ?
PS: Sorry for my English, I can speak but I'm really weak with syntax.
Some suggestion here:
You need to figure out which managed dll, native dll and lib files are referenced by your application (directly or indirectly).
For managed dll, make sure they are in the web's bin folder.
For native dll and .lib files, check out whether those .dll and .lib files are in the PATH. If not, you can either copy them to there; or, you can put them into a folder and add that folder into the PATH. Then restart VS and IIS (command "iisreset") to make sure the setting is picked up.
By the way, putting all of the files in the web's bin folder won't help. The reason is CLR copies the files into a temporary folder under framework directory and run the web there, but CLR only copies away managed dll (not the native ones), so you still get "module not found" error.
I have reproduced this error using the following sample solution
Web1 references a managed c++ project say "MCpp1.dll". The project further references two unmanaged c++ projects with the output say "Lib1.lib" and "Lib2.lib"
If I copy all of those files into web's bin folder, I get the exception of "module not found error".
I create a folder say "C:\Lib" and copy "Lib1.lib" and "Lib2.lib" into it and add this folder into PATH. I restart VS, and also run "IISReset" since I have a IIS web
Open VS and request a page and it works now
I have also contacted the CLR/Fusion team for suggestion of how to get the related module name when this exception happens, which should be very helpful to make diagnosis.
Hope this helps ,

Website is running a cached dll somehow after changing it

The situation is I made a minor bug fix to a class, so they want to just deploy the dll affected. They stopped IIS, replaced the dll in the /bin folder of the iis directory for the web site with the new one I gave them, and started iis again. There are multiple servers, but they just changed it on one to try it out. They are still seeing the same error in the eventlog of the server in question. Looking at the stack trace I can tell it is running the old dll.
They've checked the GAC and don't see it there.
I've checked the dll with reflector to verify I gave them the correct new dll.
This is an asp.net 2.0 website and the server is 2003. I'm not sure how it was deployed originally but it has a copy of the old dll in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\NAME_services#################\assembly\dl3###################\ and in D:\xxxx\Sites\NAME\Services\obj\Release. Could it be using one of these or building the old one or even just caching it in memory?
Nuke your temporary asp.net folder contents. Not sure why the update didn't automatically get compiled, though.
We had same problem but with minor complications, we have many many sites so a "clearing all temp" and restart IIS is not a good option for us. So we needed to be more selective in what to force a refresh on.
On our QA machine, under ... "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files"
I did a file explorer search for the partial file name of what we are trying to release. The file was found in a folder something like:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\4503212x\ad95664x, so I stopped app pool, deleted the folder, restarted and all was deployed then - great!
But .... We had same trouble deploying to production and the above did not work.
Long story short, the QA app pool was set to "enable 32 bit true", but production was set to "False" so the prod temp files resided in:
"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319" instead (\Framework64\ instead of \Framework\ ).
If clearing temp files is not working - double check your frameworks, or look for files to refresh at the C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET folder level and below. you may be surprised.
You don't have to stop IIS to deploy your update, you just copy them over.
Also, if they copied only the DLL but your fix was in the .aspx file, then it won't show up. You should really do a full deployment.
We copied the project source code to a new folder and reopened the solution. This somehow tricked Visual Studio into not using the cached version of the DLL. Wish we knew why this worked, but that resolved it for us.

IIS deletes System.Web.Extensions.dll, why?

I moved a site to another server, it worked fine for a a while, but then crashed. I figured out that System.Web.Extensions.dll was missing, so I copied it again. After a while it was missing again.
Using Process Monitor I figured out that IIS (w3wp.exe) deletes the file soon after I copy it to the bin folder. (CreateFile with "Read Attributes, Delete" access.)
What could cause this behaviour?
This is extremely difficult to diagnose without version or error information, but I can offer a few suggestions.
First of all, it is not recommended to put System.Web.Extensions in the bin folder. If the latest framework is installed, the ajax assemblies are included in the GAC and everything is configured to work properly. By dumping a dll in the bin folder, you are experimenting with version, dependency and trust issues which may cause your application to run slower, different or not at all.
Verify your .net framework installations to ensure the most recent version or service packs are installed on both the server and your development machine. Then double check which versions are actually being referenced by your web project and web.config. There has always been a version problem with ajax between development and deployment (expecially during beta cycles) but as far as why the IIS worker process deletes files in this scenario, you have me stumped.

Could not load type 'XXX.Global'

Migrating a project from ASP.NET 1.1 to ASP.NET 2.0 and I keep hitting this error.
I don't actually need Global because I am not adding anything to it, but after I remove it I get more errors.
The reason I encounter this issue is because I change the build configuration. When I set a web project to x86, it changes the output path to bin\x86\Debug. However, the output path should be bin and the web server won't find the binaries because of this.
The solution thus is to change the output path of the website back to bin after you change the build configuration.
There are a few things you can try with this, seems to happen alot and the solution varies for everyone it seems.
If you are still using the IIS virtual directory make sure its pointed to the correct directory and also check the ASP.NET version it is set to, make sure it is set to ASP.NET 2.0.
Clear out your bin/debug/obj all of them. Do a Clean solution and then a Build Solution.
Check your project file in a text editor and make sure where its looking for the global file is correct, sometimes it doesnt change the directory.
Remove the global from the solution and add it back after saving and closing. make sure all the script tags in the ASPX file point to the correct one after.
You can try running the Convert to Web Application tool, that redoes all of the code and project files.
IIS Express is using the wrong root directory (see answer in VS 2012 launching app based on wrong path)
Make sure you close VS after you try them.
Those are some things I know to try. Hope one of them works for you.
I've found that it happens when the Global.asax.(vb|cs) wasn't converted to a partial class properly.
Quickest solution is to surround the class name 'Global' with [square brackets] like so (in VB.Net):
Public Class [Global]
Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication
Deleting the existing global.asax file and adding a new one, clears out this error. This has worked for me many times.
If your using visual studio 2010 this error can occur when you change the configuration deployment type. The 3 types are x86, x64 and Mixed mode.
Changing to mixed mode setting for all projects in solution should resolve the issue. Don't forget to delete the bin, Lib files and change the tempdirectory output if your an ASP.NET website.
This just happened to me and after trying everything else, I just happened to notice on the error message that the app pool was set to .Net 1.1. I upgraded the app to 2.0, converted to web application, but never changed the app pool:
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.2490; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.2494
This one drove me completely insane and I couldn't find anything helpful to solve it. This is probably not the reason most people have this issue but I just hope that someone else will benefit from this answer.
What caused my problem was a <clear /> statement in the <assemblies> config section. I had added this because in production it had been required because there were multiple unrelated applications on the same hosting plan and I didn't want any of them to be affected by others. The more correct solution would have been to have just used web config transforms on publish.
Hope this helps someone else!
Changing the address's port number (localhost:) worked for me :)
I fixed this error by simply switching from Debug to Release, launch program (It worked on release), then switch back to Debug.
I tried just about everything else, including restarting Visual Studio and nothing worked.
I had this same problem installing my app to a server. It ended up being the installer project, it wasn't installing all the files needed to run the web app. I tried to figure out where it was broken but in the end I had to revert the project to the previous version to fix it. Hope this helps someone...
In my case, a AfterBuild target in the project to compile the web application was the reason for this error.
See here for more info
Removing Language="c#" in global.asax file resolved the issue for me.
In my case, I was duplicating an online site locally and getting this error locally in Utildev Cassini for asp.net 2.0. It turned out that I copied only global.asax locally and didn't copy the App_code conterpart of it. Copying it fixed the problem.
When you try to access the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client, you get the following error.
Could not load type 'System.ServiceModel.Activation.HttpModule' from assembly 'System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
This error can occur when there are multiple versions of the .NET Framework on the computer that is running IIS, and IIS was installed after .NET Framework 4.0 or before the Service Model in Windows Communication Foundation was registered.
For Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008, use the ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool (aspnet_regiis.exe,) to register the correct version of ASP.NET. For more information about the aspnet_regiis.exe, see ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool at Microsoft web site.
try this solution
Ensure compiled dll of your project placed in proper bin folder.
In my case, when i have changed the compiled directory of our subproject to bin folder of our main project, it worked.
Had this error in my case I was renaming the application. I changed the name of the Project and the name of the class but neglected to change the "Assembly Name" or "Root namespace" in the "My Project" or project properties.
Deletin obj, bin folders and rebuilding fixed my issue
I had this problem.
I solved it with this solution, by giving CREATOR OWNER full rights to the Windows Temp folder. For some reason, that user had no rights at all assigned. Maybe because some time ago I ran Combofix on my computer.

ASP.Net Web Site Won't Compile, But Works Anyway?

I have an ASP.Net 2.0 web site, using the DotNetNuke framework (4.09), and it will not compile, but when I hit the site in a browser, it works. Even the parts that don't compile will work. How is IIS able to compile and run this site, when Visual Studio can't? Everything is the same in both places... I copied the entire web site from the remote server on to my local machine, then I set it up in IIS the same way. On my local machine, Visual Studio can't compile the site, but it still runs. How can this be possible?
The specific errors are not important, as there are 189 of them, from every possible part of the site. I'm not trying to fix the errors... what I want to know is how it's possible for the web server to run the site, regardless of the errors. Please pay attention to what I have written - everything is exactly the same in both places. There are no missing DLLs, no different configurations, nothing on the machine itself... remember, the site runs fine on my local machine.
Is this a web site or a web application? If it's a web application, you're probably still running off the last successfully built bits in the bin.
The site is using old dlls, or possibly you have references missing in your local version that the server has just fine.
As Mitchel said, we need to see the error before we can really answer your question.
To give you an answer on this we would need to know what the errors are.
Your local machine cached the 'working' copy and is using that maybe?
The site was compiled successfully at one point as it works on the remote server. Thus, copying it to your local machine and hitting the local site will also work. However, there can be several reason why you can't re-compile it on your local machine including; missing references, web.config entries, third party control licensing, etc..
I realize you are not trying to correct the 189 errors, but there are clues, if not answers, in the error listing that will get you moving in the right direction.
