Modified Bootstrapping - r

I'm interested in developing a modified bootstrap that samples some vector of length x, with replacement, but must meet a number of number of criteria before stopping the sampling. I'm attempting to calculate confidence intervals for lambda of a populations growth rate, 10000 iterations, but in some groupings of individuals, say vector 13, there are very few individuals growing out of the group. Typical bootstrapping would lead to a fair number instances where growth in this vector does not occur and hence the model falls apart. Each vector consists of a certain number of 1's, 2's, and 3's where 1 represents staying within a group, 2 growing out of a group, and 3 death. Here is what I have so far without the modification, it is likely not the best approach time wise, but I am new to R.
st13 <- c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
n <- 10000
stage <- st13
stagestay <- vector()
stagemoved <- vector()
stagedead <- vector()
for(i in 1:n){
index <- sample(stage, replace=T)
stay <- ((length(index[index==1]))/(length(index)))
moved <- ((length(index[index==2]))/(length(index)))
stagestay <- rbind(stagestay,stay)
stagemoved <- rbind(stagemoved,moved)
Currently, this samples
My question is then: In what way can I modify the sample function to continue sampling these numbers until the length of "index" is at least the same as st13 AND until at least 1 instance of a 2 is present in "index"?
Thanks very much,
Kristopher Hennig
Masters Student
University of Mississippi
Oxford, MS, 38677

The answer from #lselzer reminded me that the requirement was for the length of the sample to be at least as long as st13. My code above just keeps sampling until it finds a bootstrap sample that contains a 2. The code of #lselzer grows the sample, 1 new index at a time, until the sample contains a 2. This is quite inefficient as you might have to call sample() many times till you get 2. My code might repeat a long time before a 2 is returned in the sample. So can we do any better?
One way would be to sample a large sample with replacement using a single call to sample(). Check which are 2s and see if there is a 2 within the first length(st13) entries. If there is, return those entries, if not, find the first 2 in the large sample and return all entries up to an including that one. If there are no 2s, add on another large sample and repeat. Here is some code:
n <- 100 #00
stage <- st13
stagedead <- stagemoved <- stagestay <- Size <- vector()
sampSize <- 100 * (len <- length(stage)) ## sample size to try
for(i in seq_len(n)){
## take a large sample
samp <- sample(stage, size = sampSize, replace = TRUE)
## check if there are any `2`s and which they are
## and if no 2s expand the sample
while(length((twos <- which(samp == 2))) < 1) {
samp <- c(samp, sample(stage, size = sampSize, replace = TRUE))
## now we have a sample containing at least one 2
## so set index to the required set of elements
if((min.two <- min(twos)) <= len) {
index <- samp[seq_len(len)]
} else {
index <- samp[seq_len(min.two)]
stay <- length(index[index==1]) / length(index)
moved <- length(index[index==2]) / length(index)
stagestay[i] <- stay
stagemoved[i] <- moved
Size[i] <- length(index)
Here is a really degenerate vector with only a single 2 in 46 entries:
R> st14 <- sample(c(rep(1, 45), 2))
R> st14
[1] 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
[39] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
If I use the above loop on it rather than st13, I get the following for the minimum sample size required to get a 2 on each of the 100 runs:
R> Size
[1] 65 46 46 46 75 46 46 57 46 106 46 46 46 66 46 46 46 46
[19] 46 46 46 46 46 279 52 46 63 70 46 46 90 107 46 46 46 87
[37] 130 46 46 46 46 46 46 60 46 167 46 46 46 71 77 46 46 84
[55] 58 90 112 52 46 53 85 46 59 302 108 46 46 46 46 46 174 46
[73] 165 103 46 110 46 80 46 166 46 46 46 65 46 46 46 286 71 46
[91] 131 61 46 46 141 46 46 53 47 83
So it would suggest that the sampSize I chose (100 * length(stage)) is a bit of overkill here but as all the operators we are using are vectorised we probably don't incur to much penalty for the overly long initial sample size, and we certainly don't incur any extra sample() calls.
If I understand you correctly, the problem is that sample() might not return any 2 indicies at all. If so, we can continue sampling until it does using the repeat control flow construct.
I've altered your code accordingly, and optimised it a bit because you never grow objects in a loop like you were doing. There are other ways this could be improved, but I'll stick with the loop for now. Explanation comes below.
st13 <- c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
n <- 10000
stage <- st13
stagedead <- stagemoved <- stagestay <- vector()
for(i in seq_len(n)){
repeat {
index <- sample(stage, replace = TRUE)
if(any(index == 2)) {
stay <- length(index[index==1]) / length(index)
moved <- length(index[index==2]) / length(index)
stagestay[i] <- stay
stagemoved[i] <- moved
This is the main change related to your Q:
repeat {
index <- sample(stage, replace = TRUE)
if(any(index == 2)) {
what this does is repeat the code contained in the braces until a break is triggered to jump us out of the repeat loop. So what happens is we take a bootstrap sample, then check if any of the sample contains the index 2. If there are any 2s then we break out and carry on with the rest of the current for loop iteration. If the sample doesn't contain any 2s, the break is not triggered and we go round again taking another sample. This will happen until we do get a sample with a 2 in it.

For starters, sample has a size argument which you could use to match the length of st13. The second part of your question could be solved using a while loop.
st13 <- c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
n <- 10000
stage <- st13
stagestay <- vector()
stagemoved <- vector()
stagedead <- vector()
for(i in 1:n){
index <- sample(stage, length(stage), replace=T)
while(!any(index == 2)) {
index <- c(index, sample(stage, 1, replace = T))
stay <- ((length(index[index==1]))/(length(index)))
moved <- ((length(index[index==2]))/(length(index)))
stagestay[i] <- stay
stagemoved[i] <- moved
While I was writing this Gavin posted his answer which is similar to mine, but I added the size argument to be sure index has at least the lenght of st13


Error in application of the Rascola-Wagner model in R

I hope I don't have a big gap in education.
I need to get the final best alpha - learning rate of the model, but I can't manage to get the function right.
I have a data that looks something like this:
ID Turn_no p_mean t_mean
1 1 170 99
1 2 176 93
1 3 138 92
1 4 172 118
1 5 163 96
1 6 170 105
1 7 146 99
1 8 172 94
and so on...
I want to use the equation:
p(turn) = p(turn-1) + alpha[(p(turn-1) - t(turn-1)]
I'm pretty stuck on making a function and log-likelihood based on the Rescorla-Wagner model.
This is the function so far:
RWmodel = function(data, par) {
ll <- NA
alpha <- par[1]
ID <- data$ID
Turn_no <- data$Turn_no
p_mean<- data$p_mean
t_mean<- data$t_mean
num_reps <- length(df$Turn_no)
i <- 2
for (i in 2:num_reps) {
#calculate prediction error
PE <- p_mean[i-1] - t_mean[i-1]
#update p's value
p_mean[i] <- p_mean[i-1] + alpha*PE
#minus maximum log likelihood, use sum and log functions
ll <- -sum(log(??))
#return ll
I know I'm missing an important step in the function, I just can't figure out how to execute the log likelihood right in this situation.

How can I extract a part of a vector to another vector (including positions)

I have a vector with different values (positive and negative), so, I want to select only the 10 lowest odd number values, and the 10 lowest pair values. Help me, please!
This is a way to do it using base R.
vector with odd and even numbers
x <- sample(-100:100, 30)
The modulus operator in R help to get the job done. You can use it this way
# Extract the lowest even numbers
head(sort(x[x %% 2 == 0]), 5),
# Extract the lowest odds numbers
head(sort(x[x %% 2 == 1]), 5)
Given vector vas your input vector, you can obtain the desired output (including positions) via the following code
names(v) <- seq_along(v)
# lowest 10 odd numbers
low_odd <- sort(v[v%%2==1])[1:10]
# positions of those odd numbers in v
low_odd_pos <- as.numeric(names(low_odd))
# lowest 10 even numbers
low_even <- sort(v[v%%2==0])[1:10]
# positions of those even numbers in v
low_even_pos <- as.numeric(names(low_even))
v <- sample(-50:50)
> low_odd
43 101 39 95 85 72 7 73 45 29
-49 -47 -45 -43 -41 -39 -37 -35 -33 -31
> low_odd_pos
[1] 43 101 39 95 85 72 7 73 45 29

Integers that are not divisible by several numbers

I am trying to print a vector with the integers between 1 and 100 that are not divisible by 2, 3 and 7 in R.
I tried seq but I am not sure how to continue.
Another option is to use Filter to, well, filter the sequence for any number that meets your condition:
Filter(function(i) { all(i %% c(2,3,7) != 0) }, seq(100))
## [1] 1 5 11 13 17 19 23 25 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 55 59 61 65 67 71 73 79 83 85 89 95 97
Note that while this may (IMO) be the most readable, it's the worst in terms of performance (so far):
UPDATED to take into account rawr's for loop solution:
filter={ v1 <- seq(100); Filter(function(i) { all(i %% c(2,3,7) != 0) }, v1) },
reduce={ v1 <- seq(100); v1[!Reduce(`|`,lapply(c(2,3,7), function(x) !(v1 %%x)))] },
rowout={ v1 <- seq(100); v1[rowSums(outer(v1, c(2, 3, 7), "%%") == 0) == 0] },
looopy={ v1 <- seq(100); for (ii in c(2,3,7)) v1 <- v1[-which(v1 %% ii == 0)]; v1 },
## Unit: microseconds
## expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
## filter 108.280 118.7000 143.88592 126.2155 136.6290 2349.952 1000 c
## reduce 21.552 23.8095 25.91997 24.8150 25.8580 144.067 1000 ab
## rowout 26.075 28.4920 31.11812 29.5350 31.2125 184.225 1000 b
## looopy 14.149 16.0765 18.11806 16.8995 17.8595 160.485 1000 a
To make it fair I added sequence generation to all of them (and, I was doing this to compare relative performance vs actual speed anyway, so the comparison results still work).
Original statement:
"Unsurprisingly, akrun's is optimal :-)"
is now superseded by:
"Unsurprisingly, rawr's is optimal :-)"
Basically you want to compute each of the numbers in 1:100 modulo 2, 3, and 7. You could use outer to perform all the modulo operations in a single vectorized operation, using rowSums to identify the elements in 1:100 that are not perfectly divided by 2, 3, or 7.
v1 <- 1:100
v1[rowSums(outer(v1, c(2, 3, 7), "%%") == 0) == 0]
# [1] 1 5 11 13 17 19 23 25 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 55 59 61 65 67 71 73 79 83 85 89 95 97
We can do this in a loop using lapply using the modulo operator, convert the 0 to TRUE by negating (!), use Reduce with | to find the corresponding list elements that are either TRUE, negate and subset the 'v1'
v1[!Reduce(`|`,lapply(c(2,3,7), function(x) !(v1 %%x)))]
Or instead of looping, this can be also done in a faster way.
v1[!(!v1%%2) + (!v1%%3) + (!v1%%7)]
v1 <- seq(100)
The other answers are better, but if you really need to use a for loop, as this question suggests, this could be a possibility:
x <- vector()
n <- 1L
for(i in 1:100){if (i%%2!=0 & i%%3!=0 & i%%7!=0) {x[n] <- i; n <- n+1}}
#> x
# [1] 1 5 11 13 17 19 23 25 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 55 59 61 65 67 71 73 79 83 85 89 95 97
As already mentioned, the other answers posted here are better because they exploit the vectorized capabilities of R. The short code shown here is probably slower than any of the other answers and more complicated to maintain. It is the typical syntax of other programming languages, like C or FORTRAN, applied to R. It works, but it is not the way things should be done.
Rather than using modulo arithmetic explicitly, we can generate the negative modulo sequence easily by counting down. Then for each of the three sequences, we can OR them all together, then drop it into which().
which(as.logical(pmin(rep_len(1:0, 100),
rep_len(2:0, 100),
rep_len(6:0, 100))))
If we want to be a bit less hardcoded, we might use with lapply():
which(as.logical(, lapply(c(2,3,7)-1, function(x)rep_len(x:0, 100)))))
Here's one way to do it using logicals:
v1 <- logical(100); for (ii in c(2,3,7) -1) v1 <- v1 | rep_len(rep(c(F,T), c(ii,1)), 100) ; which(!v1)
I had the same problem in my class. I assumed the teacher gave me all the information I needed to find the answer and I was correct. This is week one and all that other silly stuff all you other advanced people used has not came up.
I did this though.
r = c(1:100)
which(r %% 3 == 0 & r %% 7 == 0 & r %% 2 == 0)
Use the which function.

R: applying a function on whole dataset to find points within a circle

I have a difficulty with application of the data frame on my function in R. I have a data.frame with three columns ID of a point, its location on x axis and its location on y axis. All I need to do is to find for a given point IDs of points that lies in its neighborhood. I've made the function that shows whether the point lies within a circle where the center is a location of observed point and returns it's ID if true.
Here is my code:
point_id <- locationdata$point_id
x_loc <- locationdata$x_loc
y_loc <- locationdata$y_loc
locdata <- data.frame(point_id, x_loc, y_loc)
#radius set to1km
incircle3 <- function(x_loc, y_loc, center_x, center_y, pointid, r = 1000000){
dx = (x_loc-center_x)
dy = (y_loc-center_y)
if (b <- dx^2 + dy^2 <= r^2){
print(shopid)} ##else {print('')}
Unfortunately I don't know how to apply this function on the whole data frame. So once I enter the locations of the observed point it would return me IDs of all points that lies in the neighborhood. Ideally I would need to find this relation for all the points automatically. So it would return me the points that lies in the neighborhood of each point from the dataset. Previously I have been inserting the center_x and center_y manually.
Thank you very much for your advices in advance!
You can tackle this with R's dist function:
# set the random seed and create some dummy data
dummy <- data.frame(id=1:100, x=runif(100), y=runif(100))
> head(dummy)
id x y
1 1 0.37219838 0.12501937
2 2 0.04382482 0.02332669
3 3 0.70968402 0.39186128
4 4 0.65769040 0.85959857
5 5 0.24985572 0.71833452
6 6 0.30005483 0.33939503
Call the dist function which returns a dist object. The default distance metric is Euclidean which is what you have coded in your question.
dists <- dist(dummy[,2:3])
Loop over the distance matrix and return the indices for each id that are within some constant distance:
neighbors <- apply(as.matrix(dists), 1, function(x) which(x < 0.33))
> neighbors[[1]]
1 6 7 8 19 23 30 32 33 34 42 44 46 51 55 87 88 91 94 99
Here's a modification to handle volatile ids:
dummy <- data.frame(id=sample(1:100, 100), x=runif(100), y=runif(100))
> head(dummy)
id x y
1 38 0.12501937 0.60567568
2 5 0.02332669 0.56259740
3 70 0.39186128 0.27685556
4 64 0.85959857 0.22614243
5 24 0.71833452 0.98355758
6 29 0.33939503 0.09838715
dists <- dist(dummy[,2:3])
neighbors <- apply(as.matrix(dists), 1, function(x) {
dummy$id[which(x < 0.33)]
names(neighbors) <- dummy$id
> neighbors[['38']]
[1] 38 5 55 80 63 76 17 71 47 11 88 13 41 21 36 31 73 61 99 59 39 89 94 12 18 3

how to do Loop in R

I have a question regarding loop in R.
For example, currently at t=0, there are 100 people alive. Basically, each person will be alive with a probability of exponential (-mu) in which i put the mu=0.1.
I want to generate 10 samples to get the number of people alive at t=1. So i have done and get the following.
alive <- 100
mu <- 0.1
sample <- 10
alive1 <- rbinom(sample,alive,exp(-mu))
# [1] 92 88 91 87 86 95 90 87 90 91
and now, i want to keep continuing doing it until time t=20.
command :
alive2 <- rbinom(10,alive1,exp(-mu))
alive3 <- rbinom(10,alive2,exp(-mu))
alive20 <-rbinom (10,alive19,exp(-mu))
output :
alive2 <- rbinom(10,alive1,exp(-mu))
# [1] 78 80 81 78 81 82 83 83 83 77
alive3 <- rbinom(10,alive2,exp(-mu))
# [1] 67 71 72 63 72 73 75 75 77 72
however, i do not want to keep on repeating the command especially if i want to extend my time to a longer period. how do i do the looping in r for my problem?
alive <- vector("list", 20)
mu <- 0.1
n <- 10
alive[[1]] <- rbinom(n, 100, exp(-mu))
for(i in 2:20)
alive[[i]] <- rbinom(n, alive[[i-1]], exp(-mu))
I renamed the variable sample to n to avoid confusion with the commonly used function sample().
alive <- 100
mu <- 0.1
sample <- 10
alive1 <- rbinom(sample,alive,exp(-mu))
for ( i in 2:20)
Or #Backlin's suggestion of putting it in a list -
alive <- 100
mu <- 0.1
sample <- 10
Aliveset <- vector(mode = "list", length = 20)
Aliveset[[1]] <- rbinom(sample,alive,exp(-mu))
for ( i in 2:20)
Aliveset[[i]] <- rbinom(10,Aliveset[[i-1]],exp(-mu))
