Can UDP retransmit lost data? - networking

I know the protocol doesn't support this but is it common for clients that require some level of reliability to build into their application a method for requesting retransmission of a packet if found to be corrupt?

It is common for clients to implement reliability on top of UDP if they need reliability (or sometimes just some reliability) but not any of the other things that TCP offers, for example strict in-order delivery, and if they want, at the same time, low latency (or multicast, where it works).
In general, you will only want to use reliable UDP if there are urgent reasons (very low latency and high speed needed, e.g. for a twitch game). In every "normal" case, simply using TCP will serve you equally well or better.
Also note that it is easy to implement your own stack on top of UDP that performs worse than TCP.
See enet for an example of a library that implements reliability (and some other features) on top of UDP (Raknet or HawkNL would be other examples).

You might want to look at the answers to this question: What do you use when you need reliable UDP?

Of course. You can build a reliable protocol (like TCP) on top of UDP.
Imagine you are building a fileserver:
* read the file using blocks of 1024 bytes
* construct an UDP packet with payload: 4 bytes for the "position" in the file, 4 bytes for the "length" of the contents of the packet.
The receiver now receives UDP packets. If he gets following packets:
* 0-1024: DATA
* 1024-2048: DATA
* 3072-4096: DATA
it realises a packet got missing, and asks the sending application to resend the part between 2048 and 3072.
This is a very basic example to explain your application code needs to deal with the packet construction and payload interpretation. Don't use it, it does not take edge cases (last packet, checksums for corrupted packets, ...) into account.

Short answer: No.
Long answer: UDP doesn't care for packet loss. If an UDP packet arrives and has a bad checksum, it is simply dropped. Neither the sender of the packet is informed about this, nor the recipient is informed. It is only dropped, that's all that happens. Also UDP packets are not numbered, so if you send four packets and only three arrive at the recipient, the recipient cannot know that there used to be four and one is missing. Last but not least, packets are not acknowledged, so the sender will never know if a packet it was sending out ever made it to the recipient or not.
Contrary to this, TCP breaks data into segments, each segment is numbered, so the recipient can know if a segment is missing. Also all segments must be acknowledged to the sender. If the sender receives no acknowledgment for a segment after a certain period of time, it will assume the segment was lost and send it again.
Of course, you can add an own frame header on top of every data fragment you sent over UDP, that way your application code can number the sent fragments and you can implement an acknowledgement-resent strategy in your code but the question is: Will this really be better than what TCP is already offering for free? Even if it would be equally good, save yourself the time and just use TCP. A lot of people already thought they can do better than TCP and usually they realize in the end, actually they cannot. TCP has its weaknesses but in general it is pretty good at what it does.


udp vs tcp packet dropping

If I send two packets via the net one is UDP packet and the other is TCP packet, which packet is more likely to reach its destination? I have been told that the TCP protocol is safer but this is because of it's "fail-safe" mechanism. But does it also mean that UDP packets are more likely to fall in the way?
I think it's related to the specific router implementation, because on one hand if a UDP packet disappears then both sides probably know it might happen and can afford to lose a packet or two but on the other hand if a TCP packet disappears then by it's "fail-safe" mechanism it will send another and the problem is solved, and TCP packet is much heavier.
I would like to have more solid answer for that question because i find this subject quite interesting.
If you are making a decision on which protocol to use for your application, you really need to look into both in more detail. Below is just an overview.
TCP is a stream protocol that provides several mechanisms that will deliver: a guaranteed delivery of data, in order. It will control the rate at which the data is sent (it will start transmitting slowly, then upping the speed auntil it reaches a rate that is sustainable by the peer). It will resend any data that was not received on the other side. To do that, you pay a price (for example the slow start, the need for acknowledging all data received etc.)
UDP on the other side is a "data chunk" (datagram) protocol and provides none of the checks of integrity / rate / order. It "compensates" by being (potentially) faster: you pump out data as fast as you can, the other side receives whatever it is able to catch, at full network speed in the extreme case. No guarantee of delivery or order of data arriving at the other side. They either receive the whole datagram or nothing.
Any decision one usually makes has nothing to do with the possibility of data being lost or not but the criticality of losing any of it. Video streaming is done via UDP many times since missing the occasional datagram is less critical than having a smooth image. File transmission cannot afford any data loss or inversions of data chunks, so TCP is the natural choice.
Apart form that question, remeber that the network protocol is only half your problem. The other half is coming up with your application protocol to interprest the bytes you are receiveing...

how transport , network, data link layers functions achieve reliability?

we know that transport layer protocols like tcp control the flow and take care of the reliability by slide window and acknowledges ...etc. the data link layer with LLC sub layer has the same functionality for reliable connections also. the first question : is this means that both layers do the same functions twice? or when we use tcp in transport layer there is no need for LLC reliability functions ?how is it working ?
the second question: since IP layer is unreliable when it sends and receives packets, is this means that routers witch are layer 3 devices with no tcp protocol above it depends on LLC sub layer to takes care about the reliability "I mean between two routers" ?
I dont think you need other reliability, in words of disruption, both IP and Physical protocls (such as Ethernet) have CRC and Checksum in order to prevent disruption, but in terms of packet loss, TCP is what's called a stream protocol - it transfers you a stream of bytes, Sequence / Acknowledgment number server that purpose and help you keep track of bytes sent/read by client, if some weird "jump" in those numbers would be made, an ACK message wont be sent by receiving side, and protocol's sender would re-send lost packets hence I don't think that you need some reliability in terms of packet loss as TCP covers that for all downwards layers.... not sure I fully understood your question though, thats when we use TCP
about using pure IP and physical layer protocols, I honestly have no idea how to prevent packet-loss yet disruption is prevented by as mentioned earlier - checksums

Are there any disadvantgaes of using a part of the datagram in UDP to receive packets sequentially?

The UDP protocol does not guarantee packets being received sequentially, but you could just use part of the datagram for a sequence number.
Compared to the guarantee of TCP, is the above solution for UDP equivalent?
Basically, I've been reading everywhere that UDP does not provide sequential receiving, but this seems like such an obvious fix that I was wondering if it is truly an adequate fix.
The only 'disadvantage' is that you lose a few bytes of data space.
However, by itself, it isn't a solution. You have to add ACK messages into your protocol so that the sender knows what you have and haven't received; you have to buffer sent datagrams at the sender until they are ACK'd in case you have to retransmit then; and you have to either buffer out of sequence datagrams or throw them away so you can reconstruct the sequence correctly. Having come this far, it would also be sensible for the sender to implement some form of flow control or pacing if it notices a lot of retransmission being required.
This is a good way towards implementing TCP. Most people give up at this point and use TCP.
Using UDP in that fashion makes the application need to handle packet reconstruction and sequencing. That creates overhead in the application layer of the network. TCP is probably more efficient at handling that in the transport layer.
As well, UDP does not provide a mechanism for resending lost packets. When your application notices that the sequence numbers skipped one, there is some ambiguity in the meaning. Is there a lost packet or a delay packet? Your application would need to be able to detect that, and be able to request that the packet be sent again via a packet number reference.
In other words, there is a reason for the overhead of TCP when in-order guaranteed delivery is required.
It sounds like you want a form of partial reliability, inbetween TCP and UDP.
An option is to use SCTP-over-UDP (SCTP, portable userspace & kernel source). SCTP lets you set in-order for unreliable UDP-like streams , and also for partially-reliable streams (limited time or number of re-transmits)
Of course you could implement the missing features from TCP in UDP but that would destroy the purpose of UDP. The point is that the TCP implementation in your network stack peforms all the neccessary operations for you. (Involving packet reassembling and packet loss).
If you need TCP than you should use it. UDP is designed for packets where you don't care if they got lost (like VOIP, Gameserver, etc.).

I'm confused on terminology about wifi

I am trying to simulate a wifi video transmission and for that I created a connection using a socket between 2 devices, however I then started to doubt whether this is required or if I was supposed to create a UDP connection.
I think I'm just confused on terms here and I've Googled and I found out that Wifi can has TCP or UDP my question would then be would a Wifi Transmission over TCP be as reliable for a simulation as one with UDP?
I'd suggest you to read Difference between TCP and UDP?.
For streaming like video transmission you would generally want to use UDP. If a packet cannot reach the server in time, it'd better be discarded than pausing the whole transmission in order to wait for one tiny missing packet that just contains the other person blinking.
But obviously it's up to you and how you implement your software.
You may need to read up a bit on the TCP/IP protocol. TCP and UDP are just types of packets/datagrams. The main difference is that TCP packets include extra protocol information, whereas UDP are simpler packets with just a destination, the data itself, and a checksum.
The upshot is that the sender of a UDP packet has no way of knowing whether or not the packet was received at the other end. Often this doesn't matter - because it may be handled in other ways by higher layers in the software, or can be simply lost and ignored without any negative consequences. So UDP can be a more efficient use of the bandwidth, in some scenarios - because there is less protocol information being exchanged, and therefore more actual data. Plus TCP is more complicated because you have to handle the protocol stuff.
So when you create your system, you have a choice - either TCP or UDP packets, depending on what you are trying to achieve and how you want to go about it. But both packet types are really all part of the "tcp/ip" protocol stack, and have similarities.

Just curious what goes into the decision between using UDP and TCP when creating an online game

As the title suggests, I was wondering how one decides which protocol to implement. So far I understand that UDP can make for faster transmission of data but with the order it's sent in neglected and it doesn't monitor if the data is even received. To my knowledge TCP is safer and is used when data has to be precise and the reception time doesn't have to be as swift. But I noticed that different online games use different protocols even though all of them games play quite fluently(which I'm assuming means fast data transfer.) So I'm wondering how can you tell which is used, and why is that protocol used?
Warning: incoming oversimplification. Still, this should help you understand.
TCP is reliable. If you send data, it will either get there in one piece and in perfect order, or it won't get there. This reliability comes at a cost of more traffic overhead, because the receiver has to acknowledge its receipt to the sender, and the sender may send the same data multiple times to ensure correct delivery.
UDP is unreliable, but with no such overhead. The sender tosses packets at the receiver. Packets that do arrive are still guaranteed to arrive in one piece, but not all packets are guaranteed to arrive. UDP is useful when you can afford transmission loss and the overhead of TCP is too great to justify the reliability.
Examples of uses for UDP include real-time content streaming (video/audio) and continuous state updates (e.g., packets notifying the client of the state of various objects in your game universe). In general, these are adequate targets because data becomes irrelevant very quickly as it is replaced with new data. Better to keep throwing bits and chugging along than to worry about intact arrival of past data that may no longer matter.
On the other hand, something like authentication, a content updating system, or in-game chat would strongly benefit from a more reliable TCP connection, as latency is far less important than integrity.
The reliable way to tell which protocol is used is to use a network packet sniffer that records your network traffic, record some of the game related traffic and look at the protocol name. One example of a free and simple network sniffer is Wireshark (formerly Ethereal).
The UDP vs TCP decision will probably (I say probably as I am not a professional game dev, just a hobby dev) boil down to the amount of traffic you expect to send/receive, the networking conditions, the durability of the program in case of packet loss and the expected number of concurrent users.
A turn based strategy game, for example chess, in which each player need not send much more than their moves and occasional chat messages, would benefit from TCP. A first-person shooter with dozens of players in a 3D might generate a lot of traffic over a long time but might not suffer if a few packets now and then are lost, making it an ideal candidate for UDP.
Then again, some games might even use a combination of TCP and UDP for tasks with different requirements in speed and reliability.
Don't think of it as "UDP is faster" and "TCP is slower", because that's just wrong. The big difference is that bad packets are just dropped in UDP. The receiver UDP implementation won't have to wait for the dropped packet to be retransmitted and received before delivering any subsequent ones to the application.
In TCP, even if your machine has the next packet after the dropped one in a buffer, it won't be able to deliver it to the application until the sender retransmits the one that was dropped.
TCP: deliver data to app in order, automatic retransmit
UDP: deliver data to app in any order, no retransmit
UDP mostly makes sense if the packets are self contained. If you have to reassembly multiple UDP packets into one, you should probably use TCP.
