Close Other tabs in XCode 4? - xcode4

Am I crazy or is it not possible to close other tabs in XCode 4? I have about 7 tabs opened littering my workspace. I right click the one tab I'm interested in to bring up the context menu. I can see options to open a "new tab", "close tab", "close other tabs", and "move tab to new window". However, the only option that is not greyed out is "new tab". Do I have to put XCode in some magical state to enable the other options? Are these options merely eye candy, teasing me with hopes and aspirations of things I might like to do? Is this some weird kind of year long April fools gag? Inquiring minds wanna know.
*Update Uploading a HocusFocus screen capture for clarity...

You should be able to hover over the tab and click on the cross that appears on the left hand side of the tab. However, if you are not seeing this cross for some strange reason - you should be able to close the current tab in XCode (similar to many other OSX applications) by pressing CMD+W on your keyboard.
While the context menu doesn't work when you right click on a tab, you can achieve all of the same results by using keyboard shortcuts (which do seem to work as expected). Each of the 4 options on the context menu maps to the following shortcuts;
New Tab: CMD + T
Close Tab: CMD + W
Close Other Tabs: CMD + ALT + W
Move Tab to Other Window: I couldn't find a keyboard shortcut, but you can click and drag the tab away from the menu bar.
There doesn't appear to be a sensible way to enable the context menu on the tabs at the current time.

Late to the party but are/were you in full screen? Try again after quitting full screen...

Just click: View -> Hide tab bar

I had a similar issue (I say 'similar, because using Cmd+W. Cmd+Alt+W' didn't work for me).
In my case the tab had a cross on the top right, grayed out and nothing happens when clicking on it. If I opened a new tab, I could close either of the extra tabbed editors, but not both(!)
In View > Editor, selecting 'Standard' removes the 'second tabbed editor'.


Can't use arrow keys to navigate in a tab group ONLY when NVDA is launched. Any solutions for this?

The arrow keys navigation works fine when NVDA is off, but as soon as I open NVDA in the background I can't use it to navigate in tab groups.
Did you ever experience this and do you have any suggestions on how to resolve it? Thank you.
The role is set to 'presentation', I tried changing it to tablist and it does not work. Role 'tab' alters the entire navigation behavior of the tab group so I want to avoid that as the expected behavior is to navigate with left/right arrow keys.
It would be helpful to have some code posted, otherwise we're just guessing.
When you tab to the tab navigator does the focus move to the tab that is selected within the group? (When tabbing to it the first time, I presume the first tab is selected.) Once the tab navigator has focus, then you can use the left/right arrow keys to navigate to the other tabs (when NVDA is not running)?
(It's unfortunate that pattern is called a "tab" which is confusing when also talking about the tab key)
I would first start with making sure you're following the "tab navigator" design pattern. If everything works as explained in that design pattern, in particular, the "Keyboard Interaction" section, then it sounds like you don't have the roles set on the right elements.
The behavior you're describing sounds like the left/right arrow keys are going to NVDA instead of to the tab navigator. You didn't say what happens when you press left/right when NVDA is running. Are characters read one by one? That would definitely mean the left/right arrow keyboard events are going to NVDA.
If that's true, then you don't have the role="tablist" set on the right element (and possibly role="tab" is not set on the right elements.) Confirm again you're following the design pattern.
When you have role="tablist", that will automatically switch NVDA from "browse mode" (where keyboard events are sent to NVDA) to "forms mode" (where keyboard events are sent to your application). When keyboard events are sent to your application, the left/right arrow keys should work just like when NVDA is not running.
You can see a list of roles that cause NVDA to switch modes automatically for you at "Fundamental Keyboard Navigation Conventions". The tab pattern is one of those roles.
You should be able to confirm your left/right arrow keys work by tabbing to your tab navigator with NVDA running then pressing INS+space. That will toggle the "browse mode" to "forms mode" and then your arrow keys should work.

How do I rearrange menu bar options in Qt Designer 5?

I have been unable to figure out how to easily rearrange the menu bar selections that I have created in Qt Designer. Older documentation indicates that I can press the left click mouse button on a selection and then drag and drop it into a new location but this feature does not seem to work in this version.
I am trying to move "Load Database" above the "Exit" option. I would imagine I could just delete the "Exit" menu selection and add it again but I was hoping there would be an easier option in case this happens again.
To do so you need to go in the ui editor.
Then click on File. Press and hold on the item you want to move. Move it.
Below you can see the exact same thing done in QT 4.12.3 and Window 10.
Press file
Press and hold on the desired item
Drag the selected item where you want
Now the 'Save as' is above 'Save'
Select your action in Designer
Press Ctrl + Up/Down
Ctrl + Up/Down is working for me (Qt desinger 5.15.0)

QT strange GUI Components: Tabs?

I saw once someone making the GUI in QT and he had something I have never seen until now: They looked like big buttons one after another and when you clicked on them, the buttons below were going down, making space for the dialog or tab. It was like, if you click on the button "Draw", suddenly below the button a tab or a dialog or ??? appeared with all the GUI components (radio buttons, listboxes, ...) that you need for draw. When you clicked on another button, this GUI disappeared to make space for another GUI. Does anybody know what it is?
Qt does support tabs.
They are actually different widgets you can switch from in the same window.
Here you can find an example on how to use then:
Inside a tab it's just like a normal widget.

"Find Selected Text in Workspace..." disabled in Xcode 4 context menu

This has been bugging me for a while. In Xcode 4, sometimes this menu item is enabled, sometimes it is disabled. I cannot figure out why it is ever disabled, and there seems to be nothing at all on Google about this.
I have this same problem. If I click on the "Show assistant editor" button (the middle button in the list of Editor buttons located in the upper-right hand corner) and then back again to "Standard Editor" (the left-most button in the list of Editor buttons) then the "Find selected text in workspace..." function is enabled. But I have to do this often, but only in the projects I created before Xcode 4. So I think some setting in the project was not created properly when Xcode 4 converted it over.
I have found if you just right click on the word, without selecting it prior, then the menu selection will be enabled. This seems to be more prevalent in xCode 4.4.1. I have also noticed that when you select other words will "trigger" the menu to enable also. Hope this helps.

Where did the outline view go in Xcode 4 Documentation viewer?

In the new Xcode 4 Documentation Organizer, I can't find the sidebar outline that lets you navigate through things such as class and instance methods, properties, etc for a given class. Where did it go?
What you can do in any document is left-click the rightmost item in the Jump Bar, i.e. the bar at the top. Move your mouse a little and the outline appears.
There is a keyboard shortcut to do this which you can customize: It's called Standard Editor > Show Document Items and defaults to CTRL-6.
This answer might be too late since the question is asked but hope someone can still get some benefit.
Here we go.
The "outline view" in xcode is actually called "Show Document Items" under menu "View -> Standard Editor"
and the keyboard shortcut is "Ctrl + 6" by default.
Another view you might be interested too is so called "Show Related Items" which also appears under menu "View -> Standard Editor" and it provides the option to see the callers and callees of any function you are viewing. Shortcut is "Ctrl + 1".
Personally, I find Ctrl + 6 is hard to press so I change the key bindings through menu "Xcode -> Preferences" and click "Key Bindings" tab. -- Everyone know this of cause :)
Have fun!!
I think that what pkananen refers to is the 'Navigator' sidebar, where you can see the 'eye', 'magnifier glass' and 'bookmarks' options in the jump bar.
If for any reason that sidebar is not showing, use "Editor > Show Navigator" option to bring it back to sight.
