app_offline alternative -

I usually place an app_offline.htm in my root directory when I am releasing a website to a production environment. However sometimes if there has been a few big changes to the site, I would like to click around first to make sure it's stable without allowing access to anyone other than me.
As far as I am aware this isn't possible, but I'm hoping someone has a neat solution...
The solution has to include if someone has a deeplink into the site, so using a default.htm/asp page in the root won't do the trick unfortunately.

I agree with the staging environment answer above, but otherwise here's one possible approach: Temporarily block all IP addresses besides your own. This can be achieved through IIS Directory Security configuration, or programmatically in any number of ways
You can redirect all the non-authorized users to an Under Construction page of some sort. Meanwhile, you can happily browse the site from your IP. When the site is vetted, you remove that IP restriction and the site becomes available to the world at large.

It's a difficult thing to achieve. That's why you should have a staging environment where everything should be validated before shipping into production. Then during the deployment process (if it takes long, but it shouldn't) you could use an App_Offline file. This staging environment should be as close as possible to your production environment (in terms of software, patches and configurations installed, not in terms of hardware power of course).

Another quick suggestion that would allow you to control things from the web.config might include a custom module that redirected all requests to a static page except those defined by a filter (i.e. hostname, url sniffing) that could be configured via the web.config.


How to restrict external access to a specific sub-URL IIS7

I've currently got a reasonably large site up that i've been asked to make changes to.
Currently To login to this site you need to go to:
This site is only accessible internally at this time and it is unlikely to ever be accessible externally.
We would like to, however, be able to direct external users to a sub-directory on the site (a 'survey' form) which is located in
This survey writes its results back to the main application and i believe they are integrated tightly.
We initially tried the idea of using an additional IIS7 box as a reverse proxy however it is quite confusing to me, i'm not very familiar with IIS/ARR and the other features required (i'm mostly familiar with networking). I did try and follow a number of tutorials but didn't get very far. I'd like to avoid it if possible.
How can I, using IIS7 (this site is in ASP.NET) restrict external users from accessing anything other than the survey pages (there are a few included files necessary as well)?
Is it possible to make a 'website' in-itself so that i can publish a URL like externally?
I've come across other examples where access is restricted from specific pages but the root of the site is still accessible
ie is allowed but is denied. I'd like to the the reverse in effect, and if possible, hide the 'true' url.
Hope someone can help! If using a reverse proxy is possible i'm happy to do it but i'd need detailed instructions.
Thanks for reading,
Much appreciated!
Edit: Sorry all, I'm new to stackoverflow, indeed I've just realised that there are several other sub-communities. Is it more appropriate to ask this in a different community? If so, which one?

How to make Drupal's multisite algorithm ignore the domain name part

I currently develop Drupal web sites using its multi-site feature that allows me to have a single code base and support multiple distinct settings per each site.
I set up a dev server and I was quite happy with my arrangement of domains like (not that happy because I had to perform a small conversion before entering production, but still quite happy) and the thing used to work well. Too bad I recently started to work at places outside the LAN in which my dev server resides--mostly at clients' places where I need to demo their sites. First of all I set up a account and the server is accessible through the Internet.
Unfortunately the whole domain-based multi-site ungracefully fell down, since I'm now accessing the server via and Drupal's algorithm takes the domain name into account, so I'm forced to use at least the TLD as part of the directory name (namely sites/ So I decided to switch to directory-based multi-site, and now I'm able to access my server from inside the LAN using myservername.local/ (having renamed the sites/ subdirectories accordingly). You should easily see why this is suboptimal, since when I browse to Drupal looks for sites/ I temporarily ended up making a link from sites/ to sites/ but again, this does not scale well If and when I'll have to drop for, say,
Is there any other possibility? I have full access to the server, I can change Apache2's configs, .htaccess and all the stuff.
I would recommend against referencing drupal multisites in folders but instead would set up your server to have a fixed domain name and each site in a subdomain.
So your dev server is at
and then each site could be
If you also at the same time as creating these, you move the files folder from the default to whatever the live site will be i.e.
Then when you have to go live, all the references will be correct (if you are drupal 7 this might not be an issue)

Drupal multi-site to single-site go-live

I have a colleague asking me to provide a single tarball containing an entire Drupal site, which they can drop on their server with no configuration beyond connecting the database.
To my knowledge this is not possible.
To further complicate the issue, the site is currently developed as a multi-site install and the colleague needs it provided as a single-site install. This is a conversion I've done countless times, but I've always completed the process on the destination environment, because Drupal multi-sites need a proper domain pointed at them to function. There's no way for me to confirm that the site will work at the new location without actually testing it on that environment first, so I don't think I can fulfill this request.
Am I missing something? Is this in fact possible to achieve?
I don't see why this isn't possible.
In regards to the drop in install, as long as you include the settings.php file and a copy of the DB that they import, that is all they should need as long as their webserver is configured properly (such as pretty URLs and the like). Certainly their are a few considerations to take when doing this, you need to make sure the DB connection path is done in relation to localhost (or however they have it) and that when you tarball it together, that you have the right permissions set up for the destination machine, otherwise though, moving a drupal install is really not that difficult and can be just that simple.
Depending upon how 'drop in' they want it, you could write a little script to automate and verify the install. Have the script import a copy of the DB, redo the permissions and owner of the files on destination host, and reload apache.
As far as the multi-site to single site is concerned, I would just do the conversion in a sandbox and set up the domain you need in /etc/hosts (as shown here). This will simulate the destination domain well enough that you can make sure the install is working before sending it off.
Hope that helps.

How do I take a .NET site down for maintenance?

I have an ASP.NET site that I'm going to have to take down to make some major structural updates to, and I was wondering how I should go about it from the client-side perspective. I have heard of an App_Offline.htm file or something like that, but I've never really gotten that to successfully work. Does anyone know how to do this?
My app is running ASP.NET 4.0, for what it is worth.
Rather than messing with the app_offline silliness (among other reasons, you can't continue to see the site internally while performing maintenance), I created an additional "down for maintenance" site in IIS, which is normally stopped. It has the same IP, host headers, etc as the main site, but only has a default.aspx, an images folder and a stylesheet. That file contains the "This site will be down for maintenance until xx:xx PM CST" message.
When I'm ready to perform the update, I stop the main site and start the maintenance site, which then processes any requests it receives and, of course, returns the maintenance message.
When the maintenance is complete, stop the maintenance placeholder site, and restart your main site.
If you're using host headers, you can modify this approach so that the site remains internally accessible over your LAN/WAN while the maintenance site is handling external requests. A simple approach is to remove the host headers for <*> from the main site before starting the maintenance site, and ensure that the main site has an additional host header that is internally accessible (added to your local hosts file, for instance). When you start the maintenance site, it'll handle external requests while the primary site will handle requests to the internal-only header.
Alternatively (this seems complex, but saves you the trouble of adding and removing headers), create three sites:
Main site: Configured as in normal operation.
Maintenance site: Has same IP, host headers, etc as main site, but only contains default "down for maintenance" page and any images, css, etc that are required.
Internal test site: Duplicates the configuration of the main site and points to the same folders, but only has host headers,etc for an internal name that is not in the public DNS.
This way, you have only to stop the main site and start the other two in order to funnel external traffic to the "down for maintenance" site, while you can still see and tweak the primary site. This is helpful for that last few minutes of testing/bug fixing that tends to come up during a deployment.
If you don't have access to the server or IIS Manager, you most likely won't be able to use any of that. Assuming that your access is limited to your own folder, your options seem to be either to deploy app_offline.htm to the root of the site (ASP.NET checks for that filename), or to just replace the whole site with a "down for maintenance" app. Perhaps someone else will chime in with alternatives.
The trick for IE is to push over the wire particular count of bytes otherwise IE shows not so friendly 404 error anyway. here is more details:
If you have a good pre-release testing process and careful release procedures you probably won't be down for long.
In that case dropping a file called App_Offline.htm into your site root works fine. IIS will replace your site with it until you remove it. It's a painless way of making sure nothing's updating while you transition.
Mine just has a header with the site logo and a message that we'll be down for maintenance for up to twenty minutes. That's it. It took me about five minutes to write IIRC.
I would definitely recommend this for short sharp down periods of less than half an hour. Anything longer and you're probably looking at a major system change that warrants an approach like David Lively's.

ASP.NET - Basic checklist for putting a site into production

I'm building a static ASP.NET site (using Masterpages and a few forms) and I'm about to release it onto my production server.
I know about changing <compilation debug="true"> to false, but I'm wondering what other things I can do to obtain the highest speed possible. There is no data access in the site, it's all static content.
Does anyone have a checklist they run through or know of a good resource for setting up sites in a production environment, with a focus on performance?
Checklist so far (Feel free to edit this yourself with any worth additions)
Make sure <compilation debug="false" /> is actually set to false in Web.Config
Make sure <trace enabled="false" /> is actually set to false in Web.Config
Set necessary read/write/modify folder permissions for site
Enable GZIP in IIS (reduces size of pages/css/javascript dramatically)
Have you considered OutputCaching for any pages / controls?
Consider setting up Web Tests (Eg WatiN for .NET) to make sure functionality on your site is still working ok
Make sure it isn't Friday afternoon!
If you're writing any log or output files, make sure the proper folder permissions are setup in the production environment. Typically debug/test environments are much more lax on file read/write permissions than production.
Don't deploy on Friday afternoons! This is guaranteed to mess up your head for the weekend.
Also, don't forget to check the gzip settings in IIS. Compressing output will make things travel across the wire much faster.
There is actually a very good checklist on how to perform a security deployment review provided on MSDN.
if its all static content, you'll want to use aggressive Output Caching
If your site use a database and only presenting information, make the database read-only. That takes away all locking handling and speeds upp the access a great deal.
If you have a back-end that updates the data, make it a separate database and have sheduled periods that update the readonly database once a day or what is needed for that application.
If you just present news and other small things on a company web-site that not change so often then this solution is probably for you. Even if its a site with gigabytes of data.. The key word is, how often does we update the data?
From what I see in daily business,noone really thinks about this solution because everything has to be "real time", but there are plenty of cases where this would be a perfect solution.
Review your web.config
Check debug (web.config / *.svc), tracing, ...
Update debug to production values:
email addresses
(web)service addresses
location log files
quick search: link
You should have some sort of test to verify various functions of your site, and the permissions. For instance, once you publish. Walk through a checklist, can I access x if I don't have permission? Does x,y,z work on the application? I do this after every publish because small changes can have a big impact.
You should read this:
It's currently the 9th highest voted question on SO and in the top 3 most favorited. The caveat is that it's platform agnostic, so it's missing some ASP.Net-specific items.
Thoroughly test the site outside of your corporate firewall / proxy after clearing your browser cache. This will help to ensure that all resources are publicly accessible (and are not on a local server or cached). For instance, you might find that you have used absolute URLs to include, say, JavaScript or CSS files. These work fine in your development environment, but as soon as the site goes live they are inaccessible. Or you have a CSS file in your cache that has subsequently been deleted, but you don't notice.
Ensure that any products / applications you use that have keys that are tied to a domain will work on your live site. This includes things like Google Map keys or commercial 3rd party applications. It also includes automatically generated hyper-links sent out in, say, emails. You wouldn't want a user registration to have a link back to http://localhost/comfirm.aspx or the like, would you?
