Does a webapplication run faster when Maximum Worker Processes is more than one? - iis-7

for IIS7
Does a webapplication run faster when Maximum Worker Processes is more than one?

By increasing the Maximum Worker Processes over 1 you're creating a Web Garden. So the short answer is: likely no... unless:
To quote Chris Adams an ex IIS PM's article I have flowers... should I get a Web Garden?:
Web gardens was designed for one single reason – Offering applications that are not CPU-bound but execute long running requests the ability to scale and not use up all threads available in the worker process.
The examples might be things like -
Applications that make long running database requests (e.g. high computational database transaction)
Applications that have threads occupied by long-running synchronous and network intensive transactions
The question that you must ask yourself -
What is the current CPU usage of the server?
What is the application’s threads executing and what type of requests are they?
Based on the criteria above, you should understand better when to use Web Gardens. Web Gardens, in the metabase, equals the MaxProcesses metabase property if you are not using the User Interface to configure this feature.
cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/apppools/defaultapppool/maxprocesses 4
I hope that I get some mileage out of having this blog and more importantly I hope it helps you understand this better…
You may want to look at "What is Web Garden?" from Deploying ASP.NET Websites on IIS 7.0 [] which says:
By default each Application Pool runs with a Single Worker Process (W3Wp.exe). We can assign multiple Worker Processes With a Single Application Pool. An Application Pool with multiple Worker process is called "Web Gardens". Many worker processes with the same Application Pool can sometimes provide better throughput performance and application response time. And each worker process should have their own Thread and Own Memory space.

WebGarden is faster than single worker process in case if application contains locks that prevent its parallelization. For example, GDI+ based image processing.
See this and this questions for more info.

Related and IIS Thread pool

I would like to know how will work with IIS and, because creates thread pool for the request/Response .
If the threads are used by Actor system then we are taking some threads out for the Request to be served which will have a negative influence in the scalability.
If is not using the threads how it will create a concurrent work to be done. uses special Dispatcher abstraction to control code execution inside actors. If you want a dedicated thread pool for your actors, you may use ForkJoinDispatcher implementation. Here is a doc for Dispatchers -
Also, because you're running your instance inside and IIS, you need to know that application pool where your application lives, could be started and stopped at any time. So you better not do any heavy-lifting inside IIS-hosted instance -

How to increase IIS processes priority (for both w3wp and iis apppool)?

There is an ASP.NET application with a set of web services, and there is a WinForms application that calls these web services.
The w3wp.exe (which handles asmx calls) run special processes that do a really "hard" jobs (like zipping, xml parsing, etc.). It is a long story why we need it to be done in separate processes and why we don't run this code inside w3wp.exe - this doesn't matter here. It must be like that.
If multiple requests came simulteneously from many users, there can be 30-40 such processes, and they consume CPU. They consume it so much that almost no CPU resources is left for IIS itself.
So, the problem is next: when the following HTTP requests are coming to this IIS, IIS cannot handle them: it cannot even pass them to w3wp.exe because server is "bombed". And, as a result, in peak time 30 users have run their queries, and 31st user is getting a WebException in the WinForms client "timeout expired".
I have found a lot of articles in the internet which explain how to tweak IIS, but noone take into account the fact that OTHER processes and/or applications can run on the same machine. And noone tells what to do to make so that IIS is of higher priority.
So, the question is next: is there a way to "explain" IIS that it should start by default the apppool (svchost.exe) and w3wp.exe with hiher priority?
I faced this issue in Windows Server 2008 r2.
I had a windows service (which used parallel processing) which used to bloat up my CPU a lot & left nothing for IIS & SQL Server.
So I set processor affinity to the windows service to consume only specific processors.
You get in Task Manager->RightClick Process -> Set Affinity.
This left other processors free to use for SQL & IIS.
To an extent, It decreased the productivity of the windows service which was now working with a limited set of processors but it did not matter that much.

WCF Performance Slow for the first call

I have a WCF service installed on IIS7. I noticed that the first call to my service is always very very slow. The subsequent calls are much faster & acceptable.
If there are no calls made to the service for some time, it again goes to sleep mode. After this the next call again takes a long long time.
Any remedies for this problem?
It is because of process management on IIS. When there are no calls for certain period of time IIS release the recourses and stops the process.
This is why you can notice that it is slow for first request and for requests after a long delay. Because while the first request or after long period of silence IIS loads everything from scratch. JIT complier runs and etc...
Also note :
When you are hosting WCF services on IIS, the WCF services enjoy all the features of ASP.NET applications. You have to be aware of these features because they can cause unexpected behavior in the services world. One of the major features is application recycling, including application domain recycling and process recycling. Through the IIS Management Console, you can configure different rules when you want the recycling to happen. You can set certain thresholds on memory, on time, and on the amount of processed requests. When IIS recycles a worker process, all the application domains within the worker process will be recycled as well
If you need automatic starting: The Windows Service Control Manager allows you to set the startup type to automatic, so that as soon as Windows starts, the service will be started, without an interactive logon on the machine. So you can use Windows service as a host.
More details you can check in Hosting and Consuming WCF Services.
There is another approach through which you can make it better. We have some kind of scehduled process which keeps hitting our server like every 5 mins with very light 'fetch' requests to keep all servers "hot" (by loading most of the required dlls etc) so that user experience is far better.
I agree it is not a fool proof way but still is something you can consider apart from increasing the recycling settings in IIS.

ASP.Net increase MaxProcesses (web garden) using state server and caching

I have an ASP.Net website on IIS7 and I am planing to increase the MaxProcesses to match the number of cores on the server (4 cores, 64bit Windows Server 2008).
From what I read, if I increase the MaxProcesses to create a web garden I have to set an out-of-process state server, so I am planing to use the ASPState service to share sessions between worker processes.
But there is something that is not clear to me, is Caching also shared? Or do I have to set a new custom provider for the cache?
In-process cache is never shared in a web garden.
But here's the REAL thing... I question the motivations behind what you're doing. If the object is to use your cores more efficiently, then you can just increase the number of request and/or worker threads you have running your ASP.NET application. Running multiple w3wp processes isn't necessarily the option you want. If you have some constrained resource, like an old in-process COM object that scales poorly with threads, then I can see how you might scale better with multiple processes. But unless you really know what you're doing and why, gently step back from that setting and leave it at 1. ;-)
Caching is not shared. The web garden creates multiple "w3wp" processes. Each process will have its own cache.
If you want to share cache then use something like MemCached Win32 (with the Enyim cache client) or use the new MS product Velocity. This way once you move beyond one server you will already be set up architecturally to handle it.

Webservice Applicationpool

I have two diffrent web services(running on local machine) and pointing to one application pool(1.Can I do that?Is it any performance concern?).I have not much knowledge about how the applicationpool will works.
the other .Net application is using two webservices,but frequently one webservice is not responding which internally calling by ssis package with in the .Net application.
what might be the reason and how to make sure it responds all the time, is there any better way to improve the performance?
if am missing or any further information, Comments Welcome
Yes you can have multiple web applications using to the same application pool.
Is it a performance concern? If it is really high traffic or is faulty code, then perhaps.
Application pools allow pushing sites to different processes, reducing the risk of each affecting the other. If one app pool contains an application/web application that has a memory leak, the leak will only affect that particular process, at least directly. Each process can be recycled either by time or system parameters, which mitigates risks of having something in a bad state.
Performance? Another benefit to app pools is the ability to have multiple instances running simultaneously (a similar thing when putting each app in its own pool). The benefit of this is that more request can be handled at a time. The down-side is that you cannot use in-process session state and your application state will be duplicated for each instance of the process. You would need to consider how much 'stuff' you keep in session and how your caching scheme would be effected, but, it has potential for giving a web application more scalability.
You mention call SSIS... I am assuming that is a long-running service, so you would probably want to push the call to that process to some sort of queue that can process outside of the web service request. MSMQ might work for you. If using a queue as such, you would initiate the running of the code, then have a way of checking on the status of the call to see if it is done.
I agree with Greg Ogle but one more point I think is worth mentioning. Splitting the applications into multiple app pools will also give you an added benefit when it comes to troubleshooting if there are any issues. If you have the various applications split out, you can tell specifically what app pool is related to what w3wp.exe process in the time of need. Like say when that w3wp.exe process is taking 98% of your cpu.
