How to list the files of a directory in Clean - clean-language

I need to list all files of a directory using the Clean programming language, but I don't know any function to do so. Can someone help me?

You can use the function getDirectoryContents from the Directory module, which is bundled with the Clean distribution.


How can I parse subdirectories in an R package? [duplicate]

When developing packages in R all R source files are put in the subdirectory R/, and all compiled code is put in the subdirectory src/.
I would like to add some organisation to files within these folders, rather than have everything dumped at the top level. For example, lets say I'm hypothetically developing a client-server application. Logically, I would like to organise all my client R source files in R/client/ and all my server R source files in R/server/.
Is it possible to organise code in subfolders when developing a package, and if so, how? The Writing R Extensions manual doesn't offer any guidance, nor does R CMD build detect files stored in subfolders under R/.
You can't use subfolders without additional setup (like defining a custom makefile). The best you can do is to use prefixes: client-a.r, client-b.r, server-a.r, server-b.r, etc.
Expanding the comment to Hadley's IMHO incorrect answer:
Look at the Matrix package (written by R Core members) which has five folders below src/, and two of these contain other subfolders. Other example is the Rsymphony packages (co-)written and maintained by an R Core member.
Doing this is not for the faint of heart. R strongly prefers a src/Makevars fragment over a full src/Makefile in order to be able to construct its own Makefile versions for the different subarchitectures. But if you know a little make and are willing to put the effort in, this is entirely doable -- and being done.
That still does not make it recommended though.
I argued with R core team Allow for sub-folders in "package/R/" directory . They seem not really want improve it. So my workflow is as follows.
1) Create an R project same as other packages but allow sub-directories in folder R/ such as
2) When I need to pack them, I convert all files under R/ as
with my package.flatten() function
3) Then I install the flattened version to R.
I wrote a simple script for Linux to do everything
Recognizing the thread is a bit old, I just thought I'd throw in my solution to this problem. Note that my issue is similar, but I am only concerned with preserving folder hierarchies in development.
In development, I organize my script files in subfolders to my heart's content, but rather than fight R's flat hierarchy in production, I added my own "compile-time constant", so to speak.
That is, in every file located in a subfolder (not in top-level scripts/), I add the following:
if (!exists("script.debug"))
script.debug = FALSE
Then, I load whatever other dependencies are required as follows:
source.list <- c(
if (script.debug)
source.list <- paste("./script_subfolder/", source.list, sep="")
lapply(source.list, source)
The default assumption is that the code is in production, (source.debug = FALSE), so when in development, just ensure that source.debug = TRUE and the project's script/ folder is set as the working directory before loading any script files.
Of course, this example's a bit simple - it assumes that all script file dependencies exist in the same folder, but it seems a simple issue to devise a system that would suit more complicated development folder hierarchies.

Can you package multiple forge mods into a single jar?

When you are using Minecraft forge, it creates an external /mods/ folder that you place your mods in. Is there a way to package all the mods, configuration settings (like splash.propreties) and assets into a single .jar file for ease of distribution?
I am making a custom mod pack, and I don't like the fact that you have to install forge, then download the mod pack, then install the mods in order to run my mod pack. Is there a way to package it into a single jar so that you can just add it as a profile in the launcher and not have to do anything else?
I also need to be able to modify configuration files like splash.propreties, and I would like these to be packaged into the jar as well.
Note: I do not want to use premade launchers like Twitch or Technic.
I'm not aware of a way to package all of your mods into a single jar; there is such thing as a 'fat jar', but it's not what you're after. StackOverflow is intended more for code so you might find some more helpful advice over on the Forge forums.
That being said, you could utilise a Self Extracting Archive (SFX) such as IExpress or 7zip to package all of your mods into one, compressed, file which when executed can extract the mods into the right place. As for having one profile, as I'm sure you're aware, within your /mods directory, you can have another directory for profile-specific mods. So you could have your mods extract to a /mods/modpackname/... directory. Forge doesn't have great documentation but this writeup explains the process step by step.
Hope that helps

Is there any way to convert a "bundled" MeteorJs source code to a normal source code?

I have a .tar.gz file of a MeteorJS application. This file was created using this command "meteor build --architecture=os.linux.x86_64 ./". I don't have original source code of this app because the author dev disappeared totally. Now I want to convert the .tar.gz file to a normal MeteorJS source code to add some changes (add third-party packages ...). So is there any way to do this? If not, is there any way to add new third-party packages to the app? Thank you in advance!
I think you probably can reconstruct it.
Looking at one of my projects, under
This file is a concatenation of my source files. You could probably write a script to unpack this into separate files. I don't know if anyone has done it before, but it might be useful to post the tool when you have built it.

Loop over files in a directory

I'm trying to loop over files in a directory with scss.
Is there a way to provide a directory, like /icons/*.png and then loop over each one, getting the name of the file?
To anyone looking - this is not possible with Sass or compass itself. You would need to write an extension to interface with the files.

Code organisation in R package development

When developing packages in R all R source files are put in the subdirectory R/, and all compiled code is put in the subdirectory src/.
I would like to add some organisation to files within these folders, rather than have everything dumped at the top level. For example, lets say I'm hypothetically developing a client-server application. Logically, I would like to organise all my client R source files in R/client/ and all my server R source files in R/server/.
Is it possible to organise code in subfolders when developing a package, and if so, how? The Writing R Extensions manual doesn't offer any guidance, nor does R CMD build detect files stored in subfolders under R/.
You can't use subfolders without additional setup (like defining a custom makefile). The best you can do is to use prefixes: client-a.r, client-b.r, server-a.r, server-b.r, etc.
Expanding the comment to Hadley's IMHO incorrect answer:
Look at the Matrix package (written by R Core members) which has five folders below src/, and two of these contain other subfolders. Other example is the Rsymphony packages (co-)written and maintained by an R Core member.
Doing this is not for the faint of heart. R strongly prefers a src/Makevars fragment over a full src/Makefile in order to be able to construct its own Makefile versions for the different subarchitectures. But if you know a little make and are willing to put the effort in, this is entirely doable -- and being done.
That still does not make it recommended though.
I argued with R core team Allow for sub-folders in "package/R/" directory . They seem not really want improve it. So my workflow is as follows.
1) Create an R project same as other packages but allow sub-directories in folder R/ such as
2) When I need to pack them, I convert all files under R/ as
with my package.flatten() function
3) Then I install the flattened version to R.
I wrote a simple script for Linux to do everything
Recognizing the thread is a bit old, I just thought I'd throw in my solution to this problem. Note that my issue is similar, but I am only concerned with preserving folder hierarchies in development.
In development, I organize my script files in subfolders to my heart's content, but rather than fight R's flat hierarchy in production, I added my own "compile-time constant", so to speak.
That is, in every file located in a subfolder (not in top-level scripts/), I add the following:
if (!exists("script.debug"))
script.debug = FALSE
Then, I load whatever other dependencies are required as follows:
source.list <- c(
if (script.debug)
source.list <- paste("./script_subfolder/", source.list, sep="")
lapply(source.list, source)
The default assumption is that the code is in production, (source.debug = FALSE), so when in development, just ensure that source.debug = TRUE and the project's script/ folder is set as the working directory before loading any script files.
Of course, this example's a bit simple - it assumes that all script file dependencies exist in the same folder, but it seems a simple issue to devise a system that would suit more complicated development folder hierarchies.
