sqlite is not working - sqlite

i came to know that, when we install php it automatically install sqlite. otherwise we need to enable it. is it correct?
i have installed php in my local server.when i execute the phpinfo it show sqlite enabled. still sqlite is not working. below are the lines came under pdo_sqlite
PECL Module version 1.0.1 $Id: pdo_sqlite.c,v 2006/01/01 12:50:12 sniper Exp $
SQLite Library 3.3.6
apparat from this, anything i have to done. pls reply...

Try to see if you have read/write access to the database you are trying to open. I'm guessing this will solve the problem.



I have a problem with symfony to replace the mysql database with sqlite, and so actually I've already done some research on the subject and so I've already done some things like :
change the database in the .env file
change the drivers to use (pdo_sqlite) in the doctrine file in App/config/packages/doctrine.yaml
clean the cache and try to create the database
but I keep running into these red error lines
finally, the solution was quite simple it was enough to install the appropriate driver for the good version of php I work with php7.3 so it was necessary to do:
sudo apt-get install sqlite3
sudo apt-get install sqlitebrowser
sudo apt-get install php7.3-sqlite3
Did you try the recommendations from the official Symfony documentation for doctrine?
The .env file should be like this:
Also this should help you:
PDO_SQLITE driver not present.. what to do?

phpBB fails after upgrade from MariaDB5 to MariaDB10 - Custom Synology package

My phpBB installation on Synology DSM 6.1 (latest version) fails after the upgrade from MariaDB5 to MariaDB10. I've already put a detailed failure description here: https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=556&t=2441286
I now tried to modify the official Synology package from https://archive.synology.com/download/Package/spk/phpBB/ according to the description on this site: https://amigotechnotes.wordpress.com/2014/05/17/how-to-create-a-spk-for-synology-dsm-to-distribute-your-lamp/
Actually, it didn't work...
I'm getting a "Package is invalid" or something like that in the Synology Package Station when installing from the generated SPK file.
Can anyone look at the repository https://github.com/SeppPenner/PhpBBFixMariaDB5Issue and check where the issue exactly is?
I finally found a solution: https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=556&t=2441286&p=14906311#p14906311
Install both database versions (MariaDB 5 and 10).
Import the whole mysql dump from before.
Add the same users (root) to both database versions.
Install phpBB on Synology package center with the passwords and a user for phpBB with some password.
I got an error: Database already exists" --> Dropped database for phpBB in MariaDB10.
Install was successful.
Uninstalled MariaDB5.
The board works again but posting is not possible. (There are some forum posts on this issue already and I will try to find a solution for this, too.)

Doctrine could not create db named 'Symfony'

Hello console gives this issue while trying create db via console. I am using uniform server under windows 7 and trying to learn Symfony. It says it could not find driver which is pdo_mysql but i'm using pdo already with native php code. How will i fix it? Thank you.
SOLUTION: I activated extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll in cli version of php.ini and restart apache.
SOLUTION: I activated extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll in cli version of php.ini and restart apache.

I failed to install ioncube on godaddy. Any advice?

I got this message
Site error: the file /home/content/xx/xxxxxxxx/html/admin/application/controllers/DashboardController.class.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_lin_5.3.so to be installed by the website operator. If you are the website operator please use the ionCube Loader Wizard to assist with installation."
before and after installing ioncube. I think T've done installation correctly. I use Godaddy with PHP5.3
Any advice?
You will need to install ionCube on your shared hosting account. You can use the Wizard to do so. http://www.ioncube.com/loaders.php
You will need to use the x86 and not the x86_64 versions of the ionCube loader.
Once you have this installed you will need to update your php5.ini file. You will want to use the following format in your php5.ini file:
zend_extension = /var/chroot/home/content/XX/XXXXXXX/html/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.3.so
The "xx" and "xxxxxxx" will be the same as are shown in your error.
After this change is made you will need to allow some time for the current PHP processes to die and restart before this change will register.
ioncube_loader_lin_5.3.so needs to be installed by the server admin. Contact GoDaddy support.

Install PHP Extensions Without Rebuild

I've got a VPS setup with Nginx & PHP5-FPM.
Being fairly new to unix, VPS etc... it took me ages to get the setup I wanted.
However Now I want to be able to install some extensions onto PHP without haveing to rebuild the entire thing. For example. Is there a way to install the php_tidy extension on an existing PHP setup?
You can compile an extensions as a shared library. Then you just have to declare your module in the php.ini.
There is a description at php.net for phpize.
Performance differences between a module and a full compilation are discussed here.
Check out the documentation at http://pecl.php.net/ on how to install PHP extensions.
It's usually as easy as running a command such as
pecl install tidy
