ASP.NET Backgroundworkers for spreadsheet creation: multiple ones interfering with each other? -

I am writing an ASP.NET application in which i need to create multiple excel reports. the report creation is pretty time-consuming (up to ten seconds for each) so i am using backgroundworkers to create them simultaneously.
My code looks a bit like this:
if (condition1)
excel_file_name = "TRANSFER";
BackgroundWorker worker_t = new BackgroundWorker();
worker_t.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(DoWork);
worker_t.WorkerReportsProgress = false;
worker_t.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
worker_t.RunWorkerCompleted +=
new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(WorkerCompleted);
if (Condition2)
excel_file_name = "NEFT";
BackgroundWorker worker_n = new BackgroundWorker();
worker_n.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(DoWork);
worker_n.WorkerReportsProgress = false;
worker_n.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
worker_n.RunWorkerCompleted +=
new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(WorkerCompleted);
there are more conditions but i haven't written them, since they are all similar. the only difference is the Excel_File_Name
the DoWork even then calls a class to create the excel files with the given name.
When condition1 and condition2 are both true, Here is the issue:
1. if i run this slowly using breakpoints during debugging, both files (TRANSFER and NEFT) are created.
2. if, however, i run it without breakpoints like a normal application, only the last file (NEFT in this example) is created.
What can be the issue?
PS: For further information, here is the important code from the class that creates the excel file:
private static string placeDataInTemplate(string destFilePath, DataRow dr, bool isCoverLetter)
int loop = 0;
ExcelNamespace.Application excelApplication = new ExcelNamespace.Application();
ExcelNamespace.Workbook workbook = excelApplication.Workbooks.Open(destFilePath, 0, false, 5,
"", "", true, ExcelNamespace.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "\t", false, false, 0, true, true, false);
ExcelNamespace.Worksheet workSheet = (ExcelNamespace.Worksheet)workbook.Sheets[sheet_no];
string value;
string replicate;
string replicate_end;
// get data for Place Holders
sDataTable dtPlaceHolderData = getPlaceHolderData(dr);
//make Display Alerts False
excelApplication.DisplayAlerts = false;
if (dtPlaceHolderData != null && dtPlaceHolderData.Rows.Count > 0)
int rowCntDt = 0; //Which row will be used for data?
int i = 1;
Excel.Range Find = (ExcelNamespace.Range)workSheet.Cells.Find("#",
(ExcelNamespace.Range)workSheet.Cells[1, 1],
while (Find != null && loop <= 200)
value = Find.Value2.ToString();
if (condition)
//VERY long if...else if
string approveDirPath = destFilePath.Replace(Path.GetFileName(destFilePath), string.Empty);
workbook.Close(true, destFilePath, Type.Missing);
string filepath = destFilePath.Split('-')[0];
string approval_id = dr[0].ToString();
return destFilePath;
return string.Empty;
catch (Exception ex)
//do something
//release resources
NOTE: I have removed a lot of needless code. I can paste it if needed. Thank you

Most likely cause is some shared state between two threads - shared state may include excel application and workbooks. So you need to inspect your code for the same.
On the side note, instead of using Excel Automation to generate excel files, you may consider using some in-process library which would be perhaps more scalable and void of such issues. Have a look at one such free basic library at code project


I have a "Upload Record" PXAction to load records to grid and release these records

I have a custom PXbutton called UploadRecords, when I click this button I should populate the grid with records and release the records.
Release Action is pressed in the UploadRecords action delegate. The problem I get with this code is, the code here function properly for less records by release action but when passes thousands of records to release, it takes huge time(> 30 min.) and show the error like Execution timeout.
suggest me to avoid more execution time and release the records fastly.
namespace PX.Objects.AR
public class ARPriceWorksheetMaint_Extension : PXGraphExtension<ARPriceWorksheetMaint>
//public class string_R112 : Constant<string>
// public string_R112()
// : base("4E5CCAFC-0957-4DB3-A4DA-2A24EA700047")
// {
// }
public class string_R112 : Constant<string>
public string_R112()
: base("EA")
public PXSelectJoin<InventoryItem, InnerJoin<CSAnswers, On<InventoryItem.noteID, Equal<CSAnswers.refNoteID>>,
LeftJoin<INItemCost, On<InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal<INItemCost.inventoryID>>>>,
Where<InventoryItem.salesUnit, Equal<string_R112>>> records;
public PXAction<ARPriceWorksheet> uploadRecord;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Upload Records", MapEnableRights = PXCacheRights.Select, MapViewRights = PXCacheRights.Select)]
public IEnumerable UploadRecord(PXAdapter adapter)
using (PXTransactionScope ts = new PXTransactionScope())
foreach (PXResult<InventoryItem, CSAnswers, INItemCost> res in records.Select())
InventoryItem invItem = (InventoryItem)res;
INItemCost itemCost = (INItemCost)res;
CSAnswers csAnswer = (CSAnswers)res;
ARPriceWorksheetDetail gridDetail = new ARPriceWorksheetDetail();
gridDetail.PriceType = PriceTypeList.CustomerPriceClass;
gridDetail.PriceCode = csAnswer.AttributeID;
gridDetail.AlternateID = "";
gridDetail.InventoryID = invItem.InventoryID;
gridDetail.Description = invItem.Descr;
gridDetail.UOM = "EA";
gridDetail.SiteID = 6;
InventoryItemExt invExt = PXCache<InventoryItem>.GetExtension<InventoryItemExt>(invItem);
decimal y;
if (decimal.TryParse(csAnswer.Value, out y))
y = decimal.Parse(csAnswer.Value);
y = decimal.Parse(csAnswer.Value.Replace(" ", ""));
gridDetail.CurrentPrice = y; //(invExt.UsrMarketCost ?? 0m) * (Math.Round(y / 100, 2));
gridDetail.PendingPrice = y; // (invExt.UsrMarketCost ?? 0m)* (Math.Round( y/ 100, 2));
gridDetail.TaxID = null;
Base.Document.Current.Hold = false;
using (PXTransactionScope ts = new PXTransactionScope())
List<ARPriceWorksheet> lst = new List<ARPriceWorksheet>
return lst;
protected void ARPriceWorksheet_RowSelected(PXCache cache, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e, PXRowSelected InvokeBaseHandler)
if (InvokeBaseHandler != null)
InvokeBaseHandler(cache, e);
var row = (ARPriceWorksheet)e.Row;
uploadRecord.SetEnabled(row.Status != SPWorksheetStatus.Released);
First, Do you need them all to be in a single transaction scope? This would revert all changes if there is an exception in any. If you need to have them all committed without any errors rather than each record, you would have to perform the updates this way.
I would suggest though moving your process to a custom processing screen. This way you can load the records, select one or many, and use the processing engine built into Acumatica to handle the process, rather than a single button click action. Here is an example:
Based on the feedback that it must be all in a single transaction scope and thousands of records, I can only see two optimizations that may assist. First is increasing the Timeout as explained in this blog post.
Next I would load all records into memory first and then loop through them with a ToList(). That might save you time as it should pull all records at once rather than once for each record.
going from
foreach (PXResult<InventoryItem, CSAnswers, INItemCost> res in records.Select())
var recordList = records.Select().ToList();
foreach (PXResult<InventoryItem, CSAnswers, INItemCost> res in recordList)

Application Cache and Slow Process

I want to create an application wide feed on my 3.5 web site using the application cache. The data that I am using to populate the cache is slow to obtain, maybe up to 10 seconds (from a remote server's data feed). My question/confusion is, what is the best way to structure the cache management.
private const string CacheKey = "MyCachedString";
private static string lockString = "";
public string GetCachedString()
string data = (string)Cache[CacheKey];
string newData = "";
if (data == null)
// A - Should this method call go here?
newData = SlowResourceMethod();
lock (lockString)
data = (string)Cache[CacheKey];
if (data != null)
return data;
// B - Or here, within the lock?
newData = SlowResourceMethod();
Cache[CacheKey] = data = newData;
return data;
The actual method would be presented by and HttpHandler (.ashx).
If I collect the data at point 'A', I keep the lock time short, but might end up calling the external resource many times (from web pages all trying to reference the feed). If I put it at point 'B', the lock time will be long, which I am assuming is a bad thing.
What is the best approach, or is there a better pattern that I could use?
Any advice would be appreciated.
I add the comments on the code.
private const string CacheKey = "MyCachedString";
private static readonly object syncLock = new object();
public string GetCachedString()
string data = (string)Cache[CacheKey];
string newData = "";
// start to check if you have it on cache
if (data == null)
// A - Should this method call go here?
// absolut not here
// newData = SlowResourceMethod();
// we are now here and wait for someone else to make it or not
lock (syncLock)
// now lets see if some one else make it...
data = (string)Cache[CacheKey];
// we have it, send it
if (data != null)
return data;
// not have it, now is the time to look for it.
// B - Or here, within the lock?
newData = SlowResourceMethod();
// set it on cache
Cache[CacheKey] = data = newData;
return data;
Better for me is to use mutex and lock depended on the name CacheKey and not lock all resource and the non relative one. With mutex one basic simple example will be:
private const string CacheKey = "MyCachedString";
public string GetCachedString()
string data = (string)Cache[CacheKey];
string newData = "";
// start to check if you have it on cache
if (data == null)
// lock it base on resource key
// (note that not all chars are valid for name)
var mut = new Mutex(true, CacheKey);
// Wait until it is safe to enter.
// but also add 30 seconds max
// now lets see if some one else make it...
data = (string)Cache[CacheKey];
// we have it, send it
if (data != null)
return data;
// not have it, now is the time to look for it.
// B - Or here, within the lock?
newData = SlowResourceMethod();
// set it on cache
Cache[CacheKey] = data = newData;
// Release the Mutex.
return data;
You can also read
Image caching issue by using files in ASP.NET

How convert stream excel file to datatable C#?

I use Epplus to reading xlsx files from stream.
It has a bug , it cant read some columns in my workbook.How can read xlsx files from stream to datatable without epplus ?
my older code:
public static DataSet ReadExcelFile(Stream stream)
//2. Reading from a OpenXml Excel file (2007 format; *.xlsx)
IExcelDataReader excelReader =
DataSet result = excelReader.AsDataSet();
return result;
catch (Exception x)
throw x;
I didnt report it, but i tried so much combinations.If there are empty columns in worksheet ,epplus reader cant read correctly column values.
"It has a bug , it cant read some columns in my workbook"
Can you describe the bug, have you reported it or is it already known, what version are you using?
Here's a simple approach to load an excel file into a DataTable with EPPlus.
public static DataTable getDataTableFromExcel(string path)
using (var pck = new OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage())
using (var stream = File.OpenRead(path))
var ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.First();
DataTable tbl = new DataTable();
bool hasHeader = true; // adjust it accordingly( i've mentioned that this is a simple approach)
foreach (var firstRowCell in ws.Cells[1, 1, 1, ws.Dimension.End.Column])
tbl.Columns.Add(hasHeader ? firstRowCell.Text : string.Format("Column {0}", firstRowCell.Start.Column));
var startRow = hasHeader ? 2 : 1;
for (var rowNum = startRow; rowNum <= ws.Dimension.End.Row; rowNum++)
var wsRow = ws.Cells[rowNum, 1, rowNum, ws.Dimension.End.Column];
var row = tbl.NewRow();
foreach (var cell in wsRow)
row[cell.Start.Column - 1] = cell.Text;
return tbl;
This is way past, however it could still help someone.
Apparently some columns in my worksheet were merged, so for example, if columns A and B are merged it only recognizes column A as the one with the value, and so it returns column B as empty, when i call on that particular cell's value(B). To get past this, make sure you know which cells are merged and then grab only the first one and regard the rest of the merged cells as null

opening an existing empty spreadsheet and writing data into it

I have a spreadsheet with multiple pages in it.When I click on a button I need to open this spreadsheet and write all the data(dataset/datatable) returned from the database into one of the pages in the spreadsheet.I saw so many articles for exporting dataset to a new excel do i open an existing spreadsheet and write a dataset into it using
Please help..
Basically I have the following code to export a dataset to a new excel sheet.
private void createDataInExcel(DataSet ds)
Application oXL;
_Workbook oWB;
_Worksheet oSheet;
Range oRng;
string strCurrentDir = Server.MapPath(".") + "\\excelreports\\";
oXL = new Application();
oXL.Visible = false;
//Get a new workbook.
oWB = (_Workbook)(oXL.Workbooks.Add(Missing.Value));
oSheet = (_Worksheet)oWB.ActiveSheet;
//System.Data.DataTable dtGridData=ds.Tables[0];
int iRow = 2;
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < ds.Tables[0].Columns.Count; j++)
oSheet.Cells[1, j + 1] = ds.Tables[0].Columns[j].ColumnName;
// For each row, print the values of each column.
for (int rowNo = 0; rowNo < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; rowNo++)
for (int colNo = 0; colNo < ds.Tables[0].Columns.Count; colNo++)
oSheet.Cells[iRow, colNo + 1] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[rowNo][colNo].ToString();
oRng = oSheet.get_Range("A1", "IV1");
oXL.Visible = false;
oXL.UserControl = false;
string strFile = "excelreport" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".xls";//+
oWB.SaveAs(strCurrentDir +strFile, XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal, null, null, false, false, XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlShared, false, false, null,null, null);
// Need all following code to clean up and remove all references!!!
oWB.Close(null, null, null);
catch (Exception theException)
Response.Write("data exported");
Is it possible to improve the above code to write the dataset to an existing sheet?Also with the above code its taking about a minute to write the data into excel sheet..I do not understand why is it taking that long.
not 100% sure where you are with your code, however using the excel com object referenced in your project you can open a workbook using the Workbooks._Open method, then you can get the sheet by name using the sheets collection of the workbook and the get_Item.
if you need to add a sheet to the workbook you can use the add on the sheets collect.
Maybe if you post the code you have we can suggest where to improve it.
this line
oWB = (_Workbook)(oXL.Workbooks.Add(Missing.Value));
is creating a new workbook. use
string workbookPath = "c:/SomeWorkBook.xls";
oWB = Workbooks.Open(workbookPath,
0, false, 5, "", "", false, Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "",
true, false, 0, true, false, false);
now it depends on what you want to do add a new sheet, use an existing sheet etc.
this is a codeproject link that shows more in depth here

DOS based printing through ASP.NET

Well my situation is like this:
I am generating a report as a text file at the server which needs to be printed using DOS mode on a dot matrix printer. I want to avoid Windows printing because it would be too slow. Is there a way in ASP.NET through which I can carry out DOS based printing as it is best suited for Dot matrix printers. I have scoured the net but could not come across any solution or pointers. Does any body have any pointers/solutions which they might have implemented or stumbled across.
This application is a Web based application.
If I understand you right, one option is to execute a batch file that would do the actual printing from ASP.NET. From here: (Obviously, you can omit some of the code writing the output to the page)
// Get the full file path
string strFilePath = “c:\\temp\\test.bat”;
// Create the ProcessInfo object
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo psi = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe");
psi.UseShellExecute = false;
psi.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
psi.RedirectStandardInput = true;
psi.RedirectStandardError = true;
psi.WorkingDirectory = “c:\\temp\\“;
// Start the process
System.Diagnostics.Process proc = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(psi);
// Open the batch file for reading
System.IO.StreamReader strm = System.IO.File.OpenText(strFilePath);
// Attach the output for reading
System.IO.StreamReader sOut = proc.StandardOutput;
// Attach the in for writing
System.IO.StreamWriter sIn = proc.StandardInput;
// Write each line of the batch file to standard input
while(strm.Peek() != -1)
// Exit CMD.EXE
string stEchoFmt = "# {0} run successfully. Exiting";
sIn.WriteLine(String.Format(stEchoFmt, strFilePath));
// Close the process
// Read the sOut to a string.
string results = sOut.ReadToEnd().Trim();
// Close the io Streams;
// Write out the results.
string fmtStdOut = "<font face=courier size=0>{0}</font>";
this.Response.Write(String.Format(fmtStdOut,results.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, "<br>")));
The answer from BobbyShaftoe is correct. Here's a pedantic version of it:
public static void CreateProcess(string strFilePath)
// Create the ProcessInfo object
var psi = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe")
UseShellExecute = false,
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
RedirectStandardInput = true,
RedirectStandardError = true,
WorkingDirectory = "c:\\temp\\"
// Start the process
using (var proc = Process.Start(psi))
// Attach the in for writing
var sIn = proc.StandardInput;
using (var strm = File.OpenText(strFilePath))
// Write each line of the batch file to standard input
while (strm.Peek() != -1)
// Exit CMD.EXE
sIn.WriteLine(String.Format("# {0} run successfully. Exiting", strFilePath));
// Read the sOut to a string.
var results = proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Trim();
// Write out the results.
string fmtStdOut = "<font face=courier size=0>{0}</font>";
this.Response.Write(String.Format(fmtStdOut,results.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, "<br>")));
