Request.Form "Collection is only readonly" when trying to set text box content -

Saving the values in the Lists & works fine.
abc= (ABC)(Session["xml"]);
string ctrlStr = String.Empty;
foreach (string ctl in Page.Request.Form)
if (ctl.Contains("something"))
ctrlStr = ctl.ToString();
abc.student[0].marks[j].science.something.Value = Convert.ToDecimal(Request.Form[ctrlStr]);
Want to retrieve the values from the saved object when I click on edit button back on the respective dynamic textboxes....
foreach (string ctl in Page.Request.Form)
if (ctl.Contains("studentname"))
ctrlStr = ctl.ToString();
(Request.Form[ctrlStr]) = abc.student[0].marks[x].science.studentname.ToString();---Gives an error stating the collection is only readonly

Request.Form — like the Request object generally — is read-only, reflecting the fact that, by the time you are responding to a request, the request itself cannot be changed. ASP.NET uses the values from the form POST to create server controls on the Page, and these allow you to control the values of the input and other form elements that are written to the Response object.
In your case, the TextBox controls are being generated dynamically, so they are not automatically bound to form values — hence your problem. You will need to keep references to the controls when they are created (or find them afterwards using the FindControl() method) and set their Text property.
(original answer follows)
The Controls collection becomes read-only at a certain point in the construction of the page. You have to do manipulation before that point. I don't remember offhand when it is, but you're safe with OnLoad through OnPreRender.
Where is your code firing from?
Update: Okay, I see what you're trying to do. This will be easiest if you're dealing with server-side controls (that is, controls generated by ASP.NET. That would look like this in your aspx (or ascx):
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="studentname"/>
Then you could update the value like this:
abc = (ABC)(Session["xml"]);
studentname.Text = abc.student[0].marks[j].science.something.Value.ToString();
That will set the value of the studentname text box automatically without needing to search through all of the Request.Form items. (Assuming you set j somewhere... I don't know the context for that.)
I can't tell for sure from your code, but it looks like you may just have a "plan HTML" input, which would look more like this:
<input type="text" name="studentname"/>
In that case, there is no simple way to update the value from your page's code, so I'd start by making sure that you're using server-side controls.

You can set the Request.Form values with reflection:
Request.Form.GetType().BaseType.BaseType.GetField("_readOnly", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
.SetValue(Request.Form, false);
Request.Form["foo"] = "bar";

What you are trying to achieve?
The Form collection retrieves the values of form elements posted to the HTTP request body, with a form using the POST method. -


ASP dynamic usercontrols in a gridview do not update

I have a got Gridview, that gets its data by:
internal void updateGrid()
List<String> data = dt.getAlldata(UserID(), ListID());
gridViewer.DataSource = data;
After a button click the database is updated and the new data is shown. Everything works fine.
Now I have to replace the string with an Usercontrol:
internal void updateGrid()
List<String> data = dt.getAlldata(UserID(), ListID());
gridViewer.DataSource = data;
for (int i = 0; i < gridViewer..Rows.Count; i++)
UCControl dum = (UCControl)LoadControl("~/UCControl.ascx");
dum.SetData(gridViewer.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text, false);
After first Page_Load(), everything is shown correctly. But when I click my buttons, the Usercontrols do not repaint. The data is set correctly inside, but it does not update.
Because this Control reacts by javascript on UserInputs on the client side, every Usercontrol has got his own Id that is set by
this.ID = "UCControl" + data[0];
data[0] is unique, but known during the whole process.
Can somebody tell me why the UserControl does not repaint? Or better: How do I tell the Usercontrols to update?
From your code I would say that once the data is bound then you can't go in immediately after and start to change it. You would need to hook into one of the databinding events.
If you were using a list viem ItemDataBound would be a good candidate to hook into. But the GridView has a more limited set of events and doesn't offer that level of control - so you are a bit stuck on that score.
In my experience using dynamic controls in (LoadControl) is just a bit fraught. I think a better option would be to publicly expose a property in your user control and bind to that.
This question gives a good description of how to achieve this user controls binds inside gridview
Hope that helps dynamic controls values

I am trying to create a poll system that will ask the users for the number of options they would like to add from a dropdownlist.
Then when the user choose a number i would like to add text-boxes for those numbers and finally use to iterate through the text-boxes and add their values in the database.
User chooses to add 5 options.
I use Jquery to to append 5 inputs to the form.
User adds their values.
I iterate through the text-boxes and execute a void based on these
i am able to do the first 3 steps but i am stuck on the 4th step. To solve it i tried to use a loop:
foreach (TextBox tb in form1.Controls)
but that throws an error:
Unable to cast object of type 'System.Web.UI.LiteralControl' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox'.
how can i iterate throw the text-boxes?
Any static content is represented by a LiteralControl, which is why you experience that. A real easy way is to use LINQ:
var ctls = form1.Controls.OfType<TextBox>();
foreach (var ctl in ctls) { .. )
Or check the type as you loop through the controls to make sure it's a textbox first:
foreach (Control tb in form1.Controls)
if (tb is TextBox)
Brian's answer seems a solid one. Another option that comes to mind at first sight is:
Declare a function...
Declare a simple array or even a string in js
Iterate from client side your inputs
And for each iteration you should be saving the value in that array or concatenating the value.
The array then can be saved as a string in some asp hiddenfield in order to do your server-side stuff.
Best regards.

Add properties to every control with a specific name/pattern in the ID - ASP.NET (VB)

I have several controls on a page that contain the word "DATE" in the ID. These are specific text boxes for dates only.
Here is an example of what I need to do for each text box control with "DATE" in the ID:
Birth_Date.Text = fnLib.formatDate(Birth_Date.Text, 1)
Anniversary_Date.Text = fnLib.formatDate(Anniversary_Date.Text, 1)
Rather than do this for every single control, is there a way I could do this in some kind of For Each Loop? I am fairly new to ASP.Net (VB) so I am still learning. Thanks
Technically you could do this with a loop, something pseudocoded like this.
foreach(Control currentControl in this.Controls)
var currentTextbox = currentControl as TextBox;
if(currentTextbox != null && currentTextbox.Id.EndsWith("_Date"))
//DO your stuff here
But honestly I'm not sure that is going to get you much, especially if there are lots of other controls...As this has to attempt to cast the item to the target type first. WHich if you have a lot of failures, could be a big performance hit.

How do I Reset the Values in My ASP.NET Fields?

The current form is here. It is not complete, and only a couple options will work.
Select "Image CD" and then any resolution and click "Add to Order." The order will be recorded on the server-side, but on the client-side I need to reset the product drop-down to "{select}" so that the user will know that they need to select another product. This is consistant with the idea that the sub-selections disappear.
I don't know whether I should be using ASP postback or standard form submittal, and most of the fields need to be reset when the user adds an item to the order.
I'd use Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl) method to reset the form data from the server side.
A little explanation: this is PRG design pattern
Used to help avoid certain duplicate
form submissions and allow user agents
to behave more intuitively with
bookmarks and the refresh button.
A workaround for this question:
necessary data may be stored in Session for example. This means we getting the data with the first POST, putting it to the storage, performing redirect and getting it back.
In the pageload event on the form, you need to add something simalar to this:
if (IsPostBack)
//Proccess the order here
ProductOption.SelectedIndex = 0;
That will allow you to process the order, but then start over the order form.
The simplest means would be a recursive function that forks on the type of control
private void ResetControls( Control control )
if ( control == null)
var textbox = control As TextBox;
if ( textbox != null )
textbox.Text = string.Empty;
var dropdownlist = control as DropDownList;
if ( dropdownlist != null )
dropdownlist.SelectedIndex = 0; // or -1
foreach( var childControl in controlControls )
ResetControls( childControl );
You would this call this function in your Load event by passing this. (This is presuming you want to reset more than a single control or small list of controls).

ICallBackEventHandler does not update controls with form values

I want to use ICallBackEventHandler however when I use it to call back to the server I find that my form control objects don't have the latest form values. Is there a way to force populate the values with the form data?
Have a look at
In short, you have to clear the variable '__theFormPostData', and call the 'WebForm_InitCallback()' before the 'CallbackEventReference' script. This updates the form values with the user input values. Something like this:
// from the above link
string js = String.Format("javascript:{0};{1};{2}; return false;",
"__theFormPostData = ''",
Page.GetCallbackEventReference(this, args, "CallbackValidator_UpdateUI", "null"));
You obviously still dont have the same issue but wha you need to do is recall WebForm_InitCallback() prior to your JavaScript Callback Code. This will get the page to refresh the POST values in your Request.Form object.
When you now do a PostBack the values modified during Callbacks will be available. It goes without saying they will be available during Callbacks.
function SomeCode()
__theFormPostCollection.length = 0;
__theFormPostData = "";
ExecuteMyCallbackMethod("yaday", "yadya");
