WCF and ASP.Net Precompile - asp.net

Have a WCF service in a "Services" directory in my asp.net web app. In
Everything works when copying my source code to the virtual directory. We were really hoping to precompile the code for various reasons, but when we do the service breaks. I am assuming becuase now the ".cs" file is precompiled and there no longer is a "MyService.svc.cs" in the "/Services" directory.
The Error
Error: Cannot obtain Metadata from http://myurl.com/services/MyService.svc
My .svc mark up is the standard:
<%# ServiceHost Language="C#" Debug="true" Service="MyNamespace.MyService" CodeBehind="MyNamespace.MyService.svc.cs" %>
Is there something I am doin wrong, or that I can change on the WCF client/service to allow for ASP.net precomilation?

Assuming you're talking about a precompiled site, take a look at this blog post. Basically the site has to be updatable.

One of my coworkers found this and it works. It is not the best solution, but it works.
Even better solution...We use a deployment project and it seems that the project specifies the project name as the virtual directory path unless otherwise specified. We opened up our deployment project file and updated the below node to the appropriate virtual directory name:


How asp.net application works?

I am quite new to .NET development and I am just wondering how does it work?
My undermentioned points are:
While developing ASP.NET application, under the project we have files like:
After adding certain functionality to pagename.aspx page, assuming I have the development required web application (this is not my concern, what is developed)
Now I'm going to deploy this application, I use web deployment MSI which creates the required files in the one folder called folderdelopyed.
This folder contains the files required to support this application but interesting does not contain pagename.aspx.cs and pagename.aspx.designer.cs files.
My question is if folderdelopyed does not contain .cs file, then how does it work to run the segment of code which I have written in this file called PageName.aspx.cs?
The code in your cs files gets compiled into a dll.
For Web Application projects this is one dll
For Web Site projects, this is a dll per page.
All of the code is now in the dll's in the bin folder of the website.
You can use a tool like ILSpy (http://wiki.sharpdevelop.net/ILSpy.ashx) to look inside the dll's and see your code.
In the old days, for classic ASP, the script used to be embedded in your page - a mix of code and HTML, and was interpreted at runtime.
I like the new way more :-)
ASP.NET code is compiled into Dynamic-link library files, also known as DLL files.
The code you write in your code behind, which is the files with .cs extension, is compiled and put into whole new file, with .dll extension - and that file is copied to the server, to the BIN folder of your site.
Depending on what project type you choose, it's possible to have several DLL files for the web application, changing in every build - see dash's answer for more details.
On every .aspx page you have referece to what DLL file to use, as the very first line. For example:
<%# Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="pagename.aspx.cs" Inherits="MyNameSpace.pagename" %>
In this example, the Inherits part determines what DLL to use. How? By the namespace, which is also the name of the DLL file.
When the above .aspx is requested by a browser, the .NET engine will go to the BIN folder, look for MyNameSpace.dll and in there look for class called pagename that inherits from the base Page class - all the rest is typical life cycle of ASP.NET page.
let me to say you something more Amazing.
you can hide your aspx file too.and put their content in to dll as same as your cs file put in dll.
you can make k aspx that just contain an address to the ddl file and no html body :D
that was greate!!! not only you can hide your cs file, you can hide you aspx file too :D

Can i put URL rewriting http module in a folder?

I am trying to make a generic URL rewrite methods, and i want it portable so i checked this article: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2007/02/26/tip-trick-url-rewriting-with-asp-net.aspx which is very nice.
But i want to put all my classes, http modules in one folder, then i can just paste this folder in any asp.net website and edit the web.config to point to this http module, thats it, without the need to add anything in the APP_Code as this article teaching.
My question is is that possible? any conc or better ideas?
The ASP.NET runtime only looks by default in a limited number of folders for code files that it compiles on the fly -- App_Code (and its subfolders) is one of them. If you place code in an arbitrary folder, it won't be found.
The usual approach for what you describe is to build a DLL, and then drop it into the web site's bin folder. You would then have a separate project in Visual Studio for building the DLL. Using a subfolder in App_Code is another possibility.
You could also put your DLL into the GAC, which would make it accessible to all sites on a server.
You always can to compile that code into an assembly (.dll), place it inside your /bin folder and to update your web.config file.

Web Service fails when referencing it in another site in IIS

I've got a C# 3.5 web service that works fine when its accessed at http://domain/foo/bar/WS.asmx
The /foo/bar part could change in the future so I want to give people a more stable URL that I could update without requiring any changes from them. I created a site in IIS and set it's Home Directory to where WS.asmx is. Now when I try to access it from http://domain2/WS.asmx, I get:
Description: An error occurred during
the parsing of a resource required to
service this request. Please review
the following specific parse error
details and modify your source file
Parser Error Message: Could not create
type 'Namespace.WS'.
Source Error: Line 1: <%# WebService
Language="C#" CodeBehind="WS.asmx.cs"
Class="Namespace.WS" %>
The assemblies in both cases are at http://domain/bin but when I come from domain2 it doesn't seem to know where to find the \bin that is 3 folders up in the file system.
The namespace/classes are more descriptive than that, I just made them basic for the purposes of this question.
Sorry, AFAIK you can't pull DLLs from explicit file paths outside the root of your website. You generally have two choices:
1) use the /bin directory of the current app (make a copy of the other app's /bin)
2) put the DLL into the Global Assembly Cache (GAC)
BTW, this has been asked in a few other spots on SO, like here.
One thing you could do, if your /bin DLLs are only used inside /foo/bar/, is to convert into an IIS application, and then move the DLLs into a new /foo/bar/bin directory. Then you'd only have one copy of the DLL's to manage.

Installing a ASP.NET application

Ok, this has got to be a super simple problem. I just can't seem to find the answer anywhere. First - I'm not a web developer of any kind, I'm an old school c programmer - so don't flame me for what's probably something quite trivial :)
I need to write a small proof-of-concept web app using ASP.NET. My first attempt here is to create a "Hello World!" app. So I opened up Visual Studio, and made a new web application. I have my Default.aspx file that calls a C# function that is inside the helloworld.dll created automatically by Visual Studio.
I installed IIS on my local machine and created a virtual directory in the wwwroot subdirectory. I put the Default.aspx and helloworld.dll in that directory. Now when I browse to that page I see the following.
Server Error in '/test' Application.
Parser Error
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.
Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'HelloWorld._Default'.
Source Error:
Line 1: <%# Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="HelloWorld._Default" %>
Line 2:
Line 3: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
Source File: /test/default.aspx Line: 1
Obviously, IIS doesn't know where to look for the .dll or anything like that. I just don't know how to register the .dll with IIS (or whoever manages that stuff in .net) so that it can find the functions it need.
Can someone let me know how to "install" an ASP.NET application on IIS?
Your best bet is to use 'Publish website' from the Visual Studio Solution Explorer.
Chris Lively adds:
Just a minor add: Publish Website can
be found by Right Clicking on the
project name. The command will be
named "Publish..."
You do not need to move the files to the wwwroot directory manually. A virtual directory in IIS points to any folder in the file system to look for the appliction.
Follow these steps if you are using IIS6:
Open IIS
Under "Web Sites", right-click "Default Web Site"
Select "New"
Select "Virtual Directory"
Type in a name for your new app.
Select the path of your application. By default this is usually something like C:\Your Documents\Visual Stuido 2008\Projects\Your Project Name
Leave the acess permissions as they are.
Click Finish
If you browse to "http://localhost/TheNameOfTheVirtualDirectory/Default.aspx" you should be able to view the page.
I would recommend the solution of Rich B. And something else... DLLs are in a folder called "bin". Not at the root of the folder.

How to tell what page a dll refers to in precompiled ASP.NET site

I'm using a pre-compiled ASP.NET 2.0 site (i.e., copied to the server using the "Build->Publish Web Site" feature in Visual Studio 2005). I catch and log all errors which are usually quite detailed, but lately I've been getting the following error with no other information:
Could not load the assembly
'App-Web-rp2eml-j'. Make sure that it
is compiled before accessing the page.
Now, that 'App-Web-rp2eml-j' file should be a dll in my bin folder which was created for the pre-compiled site. My main question is, how do I tell what aspx page is looking for that dll? I've tried re-publishing the site, and even completely wiping out the site and re-publishing, but the problem does not go away.
When Googling the problem, most answers about this error message center around making sure IIS is set up to use ASP.NET 2.0 instead of 1.1. This is not my problem.
NOTE 1: The site all seems to work, but obviously there is (at least) one page that is broken which I cannot find.
NOTE 2: The file name above should have underscores instead of dashes, but SO's markup is changing the text between the underscores to italics.
Does the mentioned dll exist in your bin directory? You italicized that portion so I suspect that it doesn't. That could mean that the error is referring to a dll in the Temporary files folder.
This problem can occur if one or more of the dlls in the ASP.NET Temporary files folder are corrupted. Sometimes ASP.NET does not refresh files here if there are no changes in the dll residing in the virtual directory. It happens every once in a while on my server.
My solution is as follows:
Stop IIS services on the server for a minute or so.
Navigate to the ASP.NET Temporary files folder (usually located at "%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\\Temporary ASP.NET Files\MyApplicationName") and clear all files within the folder.
Publish and upload my site to the configured virtual directory.
Restart IIS and other services.
This simple 4-step process has worked very well for me in the past and may be worth a try for you.
To answer your basic question, however, there are two ways to "reverse engineer" a dll:
Load it up in ILDASM and check the contained classes.
Use Reflector to save all the class files contained within the dll to a folder.
However, I doubt if this will solve your problem because each dll could contain many class files and you would not have a clue as to "which ASPX page is looking for that dll".
Maybe you can catch more detailed information on the error with the Global.asax event Application_OnError, so you can watch the stack Trace.
