Listing contents of subfolders in a Plone folder view - plone

On a Plone site with the structure
| +-page1
| +-page2
I want to have a view for folder root that lists the contents of the subfolders, like:
- page1
- page2
- page3
- page4
with "TOPIC1" and "TOPIC2" as headings and "page1" etc. linking to the actual pages.
Simply using a collection aggregating the pages in the topic1 and topic2 folders is not enough since it doesn't generate the subheadings.
I have searched the Plone products repository as well as the web for an extension providing a view like this, with no success. There are sources saying this can be done with custom Display Views, but since I am new to Plone, I hesitate to dig into hacking these.
Is there a Plone product/extension that can provide such a view on subfolder contents?
Or is there even a built-in solution that I am not aware of?

I figured it out.
Basically, what you want to do is extend the folder_summary_view template to include a content list for folder and collection items.
Create a copy. In the ZMI, go to portal_skins/plone_content/folder_summary_view and hit Customize. Go to the copy at portal_skins/custom/folder_summary_view and rename it to (for example) list_contents.
Activate it as folder view. Go to portal_types/Folder and manually add list_contents to the list in Available view methods.
Make sure the view only shows folders and collections. Wrap the code that generates the entry details in <tal:general_check condition="python: item_type in ('Folder', 'Topic')"> GENERATE ENTRY </tal:general_check>
Add the code for listing the item contents. You can steal it from portal_skins/plone_content/folder_listing since this already does what is needed. Copy the <metal:listingmacro> ... <metal:listingmacro> part, but replace the folderContents definition in <tal:foldercontents> with this line to retrieve the contents:
folderContents folderContents|nothing;
folderContents python:item_object.queryCatalog(**contentFilter) or
item_object.getFolderContents(contentFilter, batch=True, b_size=limit_display or 100);
(all in one line)
Note: item_object is the name given to the item in the outer listing.
If you activate list_contents as a folder view now, it works exactly as demanded in the question.
Warning: This is a copy-paste-hack by a Plone novice that works for me™. Use at your own risk.

You can also achieve this just via the Plone-UI:
Install Products.ContentWellPortlets and assign two collection-portlets below the content to your portal's default-view-item (f.e. 'front-page' as by default).

You could use a Collection here, with the two paths configured as criteria.
And if you want to, you could use this collection as default view for "root". Have a look at the default "news" and "events" folders and collections, located in it.


Plone setuphandler- In a setuphandler, how can I programatically add/create a folderish content type at root of Plonesite?

I have have made a folderish content type called supplier_folder, which displays a list of suppliers that can be added under it, and their information. I can add it through the navigation bar, but I would like to add it programatically during setup.
I have been following the tutorial on custom installer code ( and have looked at creating objects programatically (
Unfortunately, the second article says I need to have a folder created. How can I get around this and add the supplier_folder object at the Plone Site outside of a folder?
IIRC, only users with role Manager or Site Administrator can add content to the root of the site; you can overcome this limitation in two ways:
by using the _constructInstance method as it bypasses the permissions when creating an item
by switching roles inside your code with plone.api.env.adopt_roles
I personally prefer the second one.
you can see an example of a pretty complex in interlegis.portalmodelo.policy package.
When you create a new Plone site, it's also creating some default content types.
Look at how Plone do:
There are a couple of ways to achieve this. The buildin mechanism is to use GenericSetup in combination with "structure" folder as described here:
In short you need the following:
Create a folder "structure" in your Generic Setup profile (in general, under profiles/default)
Create a .objects file with the following content: "suppliers,supplier_folder"
in "structure" create a folder "suppliers" with a .properties file and content:
title = Suppliers
description = Some usefull description text
As far as I remember this is ok for simple structures likes your. If you have complex structures with folders and sub-folders and want more specific control you probably need to write python code. I made some stuff here:
But zettwerk.setup is not yet released, but you should be able to integrate the right into your project. Than you can the handle_structure method into your and passing a structure dict like this:
handle_structure(portal, [{'id': 'suppliers', 'portal_type': 'supplier_folder'}])
The advantage of this method is, that you can also control metadata like workflow state, default page setting, portlets, local roles and some others.

Folder Does Not Support Ordering

I see a message This type of folder does not support ordering when viewing the News or Events folder. My understanding is that items contained in such folder, their position order can not be set arbitrarily. Only alphabetical order for their IDs is applied.
From ZMI, I see News and Events folders are of ATFolder type, everything seems the same with the regular folder I just create. What makes such difference? And what is the rationale behind this?
Edit: My bad that Info message in the above image is enabled by wildcard.foldercontents, which I thought due to Plone 4.3.2. However, the issue remains that position order can not be set arbitrarily. The following image attached to illustrate this.
PS: I ever delete the News folder, create a regular folder named news, this way I can set item position order arbitrarily. However, I find the Calendar Portlet within that folder is not working right. The issue happens when I click to switch months. The URL link will be out of its context, I mean, not staying in the news folder. Maybe this is not related to the folder ordering behavior, anyway, just for your reference.
For some reason Plone is shipping with the news and events folders being unorderable.
>>> news =
>>> news.getOrdering()
<plone.folder.unordered.UnorderedOrdering object at 0x112e434d0>
I consider this a bug in plone's initial site installation.
Plone core actually explicitly sets the folder to unordered:
I don't understand why. I'll change it if there aren't any objections...

How to customize dexterity-through-the-web-content view?

I created a content in my Plone 4.3 site (no grok here) with the very nice Dexterity through-the-web editor. Now I'd like to customize the default view for this content.
I've read Martn Aspelli's book but the problem is that through-the-web content does'nt have a specific interface (so I can't use it to create my specific view).
If you want to do this all through-the-web, then do the following:
Create a template for your view in the "custom" folder of
portal_skins (through the ZMI). You'll probably want to start with a
copy of something like the page template
(portal_skins/plone_content/document_view). Give it a name like
your_content_type_view. Test it by appending /your_content_type_view
to the URL for a sample object.
Edit the Factory Type Information (portal_types/your_content_type/Default
view method) to be your_content_type_view.
What you will have done is create a skin-level view for the type. This is different from the browser views that Martin is discussing, which do indeed require a class. The Dexterity development team is working on a way to provide TTW maintenance of browser views, but that's for a later version of Plone.
Meanwhile, if you later transfer your Dexterity content type to a Python add on, you'll be able to use your template, possibly unmodified for a browser view.

Pasted folder invisible to Plone but not to Zope

I am getting a very weird problem when attempted to cut-and-paste folders from one place to another in our intranet Plone site. The paste operation returned the error "Nothing in the clipboard". However it had gone and removed the folder from where it had originally been, and it looks as though it hasn't been inserted yet into the new location. Showing the Content view of the folder in which the paste happened does not show the pasted folder. However, through the ZMI interface I can see that the paste has happened. Clearly something threw an error before the pasted content was moved successfully, and it is left in a weird state.
For example the site search can find the content in the new pasted location, and the bread-crumbs show that those content pages are beneath the folder which is otherwise invisible to Plone.
Is it possible - maybe through the ZMI - to get this folder to be visible in the Plone world?
That is a weird bug. The quick solution to get the folder to display in Plone is to go to the ZMI, then visit portal_catalog, then locate (in one of the tabs) the button to rebuild the catalog. This ought to regenerate the catalog indexes (which may have failed to be updated when you did the cut/paste, through no fault of your own) and thus all the views (folder listings, etc) in Plone will display the new index (the views use the catalog to know what to display).
The same problem as I copied a folder from one language folder to an other the pasted object was only visible in ZMI
As fRiSi said the problem was the language category in Categorization tab > Language
Because I had many subobjects inside a folder I run the script below to change the language categorization recursively
Based on Convert LinguaPlone sub-language back to language for all content?
path = '/'.join(context.getPhysicalPath())
for brain in context.portal_catalog(path={'query': path, 'depth': 1000}, Language="it"):
obj = brain.getObject()
print brain.getURL()
return printed

Drupal6: View that shows a directory structure

I've built a content type to handle document upload. My content type uses a Book node to handle directories/subdirectories and I would like to show a couple of Views that shows the directories structure. When clicking on a directory I would like to show, in another view, all the documents inserted in that directory.
Do you know any existing examples of Views/Panels? That shows a similar structure, as in the Windows Explorer, using Views2?
You can use this module: views_tree
Also tree-like can be built via argument handlers...
